On Thursday, I finally met with Anthony Lobo and Maj Gen B G Shively
(Retd) of the Tata Consultancy Services. I've been following their work
in the field of using computers to battle illiteracy for some time now,
actually since June 2000 when the story first emerged in the technical

In brief, they use a software product of theirs to help just about
anyone teach adult illiterates to get access to 'functional literacy'.
The focus is on reading skills (so that anyone can read a few basic
words, maybe even simple newspaper headlines and signboards... rather
than just being able to sign one's name).

What is interesting is that TCS claims this program is 90% successful,
and can convert an adult into 'functionally literate' in just about 40
hours of teach. What's more, anyone can teach -- since the computer does
most of the work, one doesn't need to be a skilled teacher. Each teacher
can take a number of classes without getting tired.

TCS is a commercial firm. But this is a free-of-cost software, which is
available to anyone without charge willing to implement it for community
benefit. There are no hidden costs. The lessons tie up with the programs
and books of the National Literacy Mission, and Indian attempt to fight
illiteracy nationwide. NLM's books are inexpensively priced, each
costing around five rupees or so...

As far as Goa goes, this is a 'high-literacy' state.

But, we really cannot afford to be complacent. Goa is ranked fourth
highest nationwide in terms of its literacy achievements. But even
regions like Lakshadweep and parts of the North East, and of course,
Kerala too, have done better than Goa. We here have not been able to
touch the target of 100% literacy, despite trying for some time. When
one checked the National Literacy Mission website (http://nlm.nic.in) it
was surprising to see that Goa has no 'state resource centre' listed
against its name.

Goa also needs to fight illiteracy. Every individual in the state has
the right to be able to live life more fully. It only helps Goa if
everyone here is a productive individual, rather than an underperforming
person condemned to a life of poverty and lack of opportunity. We also
owe a responsibility to migrant workers drawn into the state, and
regardless of origins, they deserve a chance to function at higher
efficiency. This helps them; and, of course, this helps Goa too.

In the context of the TCS software, we here have a number of tasks which
deserve to be undertaken. Goa Shipyard Ltd at Vasco is undertaking a
program on this front, thanks to a push from Sumita Pillai
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Of tangential interest, the GSL had also
undertaken a campaign to fight alcoholism, when it was released that
workers from that unit were dying at alarming rates of upto one worker a
week from alcohol-related complications!

But apart from GSL, few others in Goa seem to be aware of the potential
of this software.

In addition, because of obvious constraints over resources, TCS
currently has only the software program in five languages -- Hindi,
Marathi, Telugu, Tamil and Bengali. Gujarati is being worked on. Kannada
remains a huge gap. Konkani, along with other uncovered languages,  too
deserves a program of its own. The many protagonists of this language
could surely come forward to undertake some initiative (as also, another
initiative for making computing in Konkani a reality). Could
institutions like TSKK get involved to make this a reality? Does anyone
know where the Konkani primers brought out by the National Literacy
Mission are available?

Can we call ourselves really independent till we have fought and
conquered illiteracy, poverty, malnutrition, bigotry and similar

If you know of anyone with an interest in education, please pass this on
to her/him. If you want a copy of the software, check out the contacts
below, or contact me.

Some links you might find useful:

         Anthony Lobo, TCS, Air India Bldg, 10th Floor,
         Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 Tel 56689378

         Maj Gen B G Shively, AVSM (Retd)
         Consulting Advisor, Tata Consultancy Services, Pune

         National Literacy Mission (India) site

         Site explaining the TCS idea of promoting
         functional literacy through low-end computers.

If you have any ideas or suggestions on how such initiatives could be
further spread, do get back. FN

Frederick Noronha (FN)        | http://www.fredericknoronha.net
Freelance Journalist          | http://www.bytesforall.org
http://goalinks.pitas.com     | http://joingoanet.shorturl.com
http://linuxinindia.pitas.com | http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
T: 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783 M: 0 9822 122436

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