RE: GHC 6.0 (Sparc-Solaris) bug

2003-10-20 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
This was a grevious bug in 6.0, fixed in 6.0.1.  I believe


| -Original Message-
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Till Mossakowski
| Sent: 15 October 2003 17:21
| Subject: GHC 6.0 (Sparc-Solaris) bug
| Hi,
| is this still interesting for you?
| (it has been produced with a rather large source tree...)
| Till Mossakowski
| GUI/ConvertDevToAbstractGraph.hs:453:
|  Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped
|   In a case alternative: otherwise - ...
| ghc-6.0: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.0):
|  coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs:1188: Non-exhaustive patterns in
function isCrossDllArg
| Please report it as a compiler bug to
| or
| perl utils/ hetcats-make
| Error: Couldn't create sources!!
| gmake: *** [] Error 7
| --
| Till Mossakowski   Phone +49-421-218-4683
| Dept. of Computer Science  Fax +49-421-218-3054
| University of Bremen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| P.O.Box 330440, D-28334 Bremen
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: ghc 6.0.1 win98 System.system too successful?

2003-10-20 Thread Claus Reinke
 On Windows, Hugs' implementation of System.system always returns ExitSuccess 
 because the Windows routine it calls doesn't return a useful exit status.

Thanks, I hadn't noticed before, but you're right: Hugs suffers from the same bug.

 My very vague memory from looking into this some years back was that DOS 
 programs don't have a consistently interpreted exit status the way Unix 
 programs do and use some kind of out-of-band communication to indicate 
 failure to the caller.

Assuming this is the cause of the bug, shouldn't ghc's/hugs' implementation
of System.system on Windows98 make use of this out-of-band communication
(which would then seem to be the standard usage pattern on this platform), in 
order to provide a more useful exit status in our Haskell programs?


Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

user package blocks standard ones

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Please, what is the matter with the packages in  ghc-6.0.1  ?

   installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla),
   i-386 unknown

It does not find the library items, say  List.sort,
when it `makes' under the  user package  in the user project  
importing standard library.
This package is called  docon,  and it is for a contrived project 
of a single small module.
Similarly,  ghci -package-conf docon.conf
  Loading package docon ... linking ...
  /home/mechvel/test/export/HSdocon.o: unknown symbol `__stginit_List_'
  ghc-6.0.1: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.0.1):
can't load package `docon'
  Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Either it loads the packages of GHC itself, or, if it deals with 
the user package, the packages of GHC are somehow blocked out.

When the user project does not  import List  and the such, then
ghc --make -package-conf docon.conf   
but ghci   -package-conf docon.conf

still does not (probably, it still needs to load some ghc packages).
The user package is 
 Package {name= docon,
  import_dirs = [$e], 
  source_dirs = [], 
  library_dirs= [$e], 
  hs_libraries= [HSdocon],
  extra_libraries = [],
  include_dirs= [],
  c_includes  = [],
  package_deps= [],
  extra_ghc_opts  = [],
  extra_cc_opts   = [],
  extra_ld_opts   = [] 
, $e is the the path to user package .hi, .o, and library directory.

I struggled with it for two days.
Then, occasionally, tried to set   package_deps = [data]

, even though my contrived user package does not use data.
And it started to work, to load everything needed!

Then I try package_deps = [base]

And here   ghci -package-conf docon.conf
reports again the `panic'. 

Here follows the precise data.

The file  Head.hs  in the `root' directory  $(s)  contains

module Head where  import List (sort)
   f = sort [1,2]  :: [Int] 
The file  Makefile  in the same directory is for creating the 
package and `making' the project. So that the command 
  make docon
does the following in succession.

* creates a directory  $(e) = $(s)/export
* makes a project by
  $(ghc) $(HCFlags) --make Head  -package-name docon

* creates the libraries   $(e)/libHSdocon.a  $(e)/HSdocon.o
  with  ar  and  ld
* creates a package  docon  referring to these libraries:
  echo $(pack) | ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -u
where  $(pack)  is a string for the package which Makefile sets 

The command   make clear   is for un-doing of all this.

Here is the precise  Makefile:

ghc = /usr/bin/ghc
#   edit these two  ***
s   = /home/mechvel/test

e   = $(s)/export
RANLIB  = ar -s
HCFlags = -odir $(e) -hidir $(e)

pack = Package {name= \docon\, \
import_dirs = [\$(e)\],\
source_dirs = [],  \
library_dirs= [\$(e)\],\
hs_libraries= [\HSdocon\], \
extra_libraries = [], \
include_dirs= [], \
c_includes  = [], \
package_deps= [], \
extra_ghc_opts  = [], \
extra_cc_opts   = [], \
extra_ld_opts   = [] }

if [ ! -d $(e) ]; then mkdir $(e); fi
$(ghc) $(HCFlags) --make Head  -package-name docon

docon: obj
rm -f  $(e)/libHSdocon.a $(e)/HSdocon.o
ar -qc $(e)/libHSdocon.a $(wildcard $(e)/*.o)
$(RANLIB)  $(e)/libHSdocon.a
ld -r -x --whole-archive $(e)/libHSdocon.a -o $(e)/HSdocon.o
ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -l
echo $(pack) | ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -u
ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -l

ghc-pkg -f $(s)/docon.conf -r docon
rm -f  $(s)/docon.conf.old
rm -rf $(e)
rm -f $(s)/log


To exclude the List library,   comment out the line  `import ..'
and replace the line  `f = ...'  with  `f = True'.

Question on  ghc-pkg -g

User guide for packages does not explain this precisely.
I suspect that   
 ghc-pkg -g
may help to replace the messy line
ld -r -x --whole-archive $(e)/libHSdocon.a -o $(e)/HSdocon.o

in the above Makefile, but cannot guess how to use here this  
ghc-pkg -g.
Is it clear from the guide paragraph 

interactive: internal error: scavenge:

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
Dear GHC team,

  installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla)
  i-386 unknown

runs into the following bug after `making' of my large project and
when running the test
  T_.test log  
from Interpreter:
  finds gs' = Groebner basis gs,
  tests the reduction of  fs by gs, gs' by gs, gs by gs',
  tests the transformation matrix fs - gs
  --- RESULT:
  [True,interactive: internal error: scavenge:
  unimplemented/strange closure type 64 @ 0x4056c418
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

The same test compiled to  Main.main  and --make-ed to  a.out
runs correct.

The project is large, and the bug looks hard to locate.
The archive of the source to install is about   900 Kb.

I could send it to the GHC team on the subject of debugging GHC, 
if you tell me any appropriate personal address.

Serge Mechveliani
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

interactive: internal error: scavenge

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
addition to the previous bug report on 

   interactive: internal error: scavenge

when the project is made under -O, this bug is not revealed
(but it may, for example, appear under different memory options,
who knows).

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

interactive: internal error, ghc-6.0.1

2003-10-20 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
I suspect that may previous bug report on interactive interpreter 
should be replaced with the following one, which is simple to 
This is on

  installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla),
  i-386 unknown.

Probably, you can reduce the example several times more.

  ghci Main +RTS -M1m -RTS

  .. : Main
  .. main
  (interactive: internal error: thread_stack: 
  weird activation record found on stack: 1564
  Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..

Probably, the interpreter manages memory in a wrong way.
Can you reproduce the effect?


Serge Mechveliani

main = let xs = [1..9000]   -- change this number
-- and see the message from ghc
   (x's, s1) = sortE compare xs
   putStr $ shows s1 \n

type CompValue= Ordering
type Comparison a = a - a - CompValue

mergeE :: Comparison a - [a] - [a] - ([a],Char)
  -- Extended merge:
  -- the transposition sign '+' | '-' is also accumulated.

mergeE cp xs ys = m xs ys $ evenL xs
  m [] ys _  = (ys,'+')
  m xs [] _  = (xs,'+')
  m (x:xs) (y:ys) ev = case  cp x y  of

GT - (y:zs, mulSign s ev)  where  (zs,s) = m (x:xs) ys ev
_  - (x:zs, s) where  (zs,s) = m xs (y:ys) (invSign ev)

ortE :: Comparison a - [a] - ([a],Char)
-- Extended sort:
-- the permutation sign '+' | '-'  also accumulates.
sortE _  []  = ([] , '+')
sortE _  [x] = ([x], '+')
sortE cp xs  = let  (ys ,zs) = halve xs
(ys',s1) = sortE cp ys
(zs',s2) = sortE cp zs
(us ,s3) = mergeE cp ys' zs'
   in   (us, mulSign s3 $ mulSign s1 s2)

halve :: [a] - ([a],[a])
halvexs  = h [] xs xs  where
   h ls (x:rs) (_:_:ys) = h (x:ls) rs ys
   h ls rs _= (reverse ls, rs)

mulSign :: Char - Char - Char
mulSignx   y=  if  x==y  then '+'  else '-'

invSign :: Char - Char
invSign'+'  =  '-'
invSign'-'  =  '+'

evenL :: [a] - Char
evenL [] = '+'
evenL (_:xs) = invSign $ evenL xs

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: user package blocks standard ones

2003-10-20 Thread Sven Panne
Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:
[...] /home/mechvel/test/export/HSdocon.o: unknown symbol `__stginit_List_'
[...] Then, occasionally, tried to set   package_deps = [data]
, even though my contrived user package does not use data.
And it started to work, to load everything needed!
Then I try package_deps = [base]

And here   ghci -package-conf docon.conf
reports again the `panic'.  [...]
I don't have your sources at hand, but it looks like they depend on the
haskell98 package. Package data depends on haskell98, BTW.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Wildly inaccurate profiling results

2003-10-20 Thread Kirsten Chevalier
[Sorry if this shows up twice -- I accidentally posted from the wrong address
and left something out.]

I have a program, compiled with cost-center profiling on, that takes about 5
minutes, 30 seconds to run (measured with a stopwatch), but the resulting .prof
file reports the total time as 34 seconds. I know that this number doesn't
include overhead due to profiling, but surely the overhead can't be that much!
(Also, the program runs about as long when run without -P.)  I'm using a copy
of GHC built from sources checked out around July 1. Also, using top I've
observed that the program takes up about 120MB of memory, and I have much more
memory than that, so there's no swapping going on. I'd include the program, but
it's very large and I'm not sure how to minimize it and preserve the same
behavior. Any ideas as to what the problem might be?


Kirsten Chevalier * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Often in error, never in doubt
I always feel I have to take a stand, and there's always someone on hand to
hate me for standing there / I always feel I have to open my mouth, and every
time I do, I offend someone somewhere...--Ani DiFranco
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list