Re: [GHC] #4879: Deprecate exports

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4879: Deprecate exports
Reporter:  basvandijk|Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.2.1   
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by simonpj):

 Ah, now I see.  It's a bit like deprecating the definition of `lines` in
 `Data.List`, where in this case the definition is the import from

 But there are questions of course.  What if I now say
 module Foo( lines ) where
   import Data.List( lines )
 Do I get a deprecation message from the mention of `lines` in the export
 list?  What if there was no export list was `moudle Foo( module Data.List

 What if something is in scope more than one way, one deprecated and one
 module Bar where
   import Data.List( lines )
   import Data.String( lines )
   f = lines
 Do I get a deprecation warning?  Or does the use pick the best import

 What if something is imported two ways, and ''both'' are separately
 deprectated. Does it accumulate two deprecation warnings?

 What if a moudule M imports `Data.List(lines)`, and re-exports `lines`?
 Is an import from M deprecated?  That is, are deprecations transitive?

 Thinking about it, a possible view is this:
  * The existing deprecating mechanism attaches a deprecation to a
 ''definition'', and complains at a ''use'', but not at imports.
  * The new mechanism attaches a deprecation to an ''export'' (from module
 M, say), and complains at ''import'' (of module M only), but but not at
 Under this interpretation it's not clear whether plain `import module M`
 should do.

 But regardless, there are lots of details to be worked out. Whether the
 pain is worth the gain is not clear to me.


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types
Reporter:  Stef Joosten  |Owner:  simonpj
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.2.1  
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  6.12.3 
Keywords:| Testcase: 
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty: 
  Os:  Windows   | Blocking: 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  Other  

Comment(by simonpj):

 Yes, I was on a plane so I started working on this. Patch coming.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4856: Performance regression in the type checker regression for GADTs and type families

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4856: Performance regression in the type checker regression for GADTs and type
Reporter:  chak |Owner: 
Type:  bug  |   Status:  new
Priority:  high |Milestone:  7.0.3  
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |  Version:  7.0.1  
Keywords:   | Testcase: 
   Blockedby:   |   Difficulty: 
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple | Blocking: 
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple |  Failure:  Compile-time 
performance bug

Comment(by simonpj):

 I'm working on it.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4370: Bring back monad comprehensions

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4370: Bring back monad comprehensions
Reporter:  simonpj   |Owner:  nsch
Type:  feature request   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.2.1   
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  6.12.3  
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by simonpj):

 I didn't highlight enough above, but my suggestion is to add a new `Stmt`
 constructor, namely `ReturnStmt` to use as the last `Stmt` of a block.
 Rather than using `ExprStmt` which, as you say, isn't really right.   Oh,
 if you prefer to call it `BodyStmt` that's fine too.

 Re second point, yes, the whole idea would be to remove the `body`
 argument from `tcExpr` and instead have it deal only with a `[Stmt]`.

 Make sense?

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #3472: Porting through .hc files broken

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#3472: Porting through .hc files broken
Reporter:  pumpkin   | Type:  bug 
  Status:  new   | Priority:  high
   Milestone:  7.2.1 |Component:  Build System
 Version:  6.12.1 RC1|   Resolution:  
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  Unknown 
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by simonmar):

  * milestone:  7.0.2 = 7.2.1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4163: Make cross-compilation work

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4163: Make cross-compilation work
Reporter:  simonmar  |Owner:  
Type:  task  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |Milestone:  7.2.1   
   Component:  Build System  |  Version:  6.12.3  
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  Difficult (2-5 days)
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by simonmar):

  * milestone:  7.0.2 = 7.2.1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4839: RTS assertion failure when heap profiling threaded programs.

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4839: RTS assertion failure when heap profiling threaded programs.
Reporter:  benl  |Owner:  igloo
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new  
Priority:  high  |Milestone:  7.0.3
   Component:  Runtime System|  Version:  7.0.1
Keywords:| Testcase:   
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:   
  Os:  MacOS X   | Blocking:   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  Runtime crash
Changes (by simonmar):

  * owner:  simonmar = igloo


 Igloo is going to try reproducing it on OS X.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #2722: loop when compiling with -O option with ghc-

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#2722: loop when compiling with -O option with ghc-
  Reporter:  uwe|  Owner:  simonpj   
  Type:  bug| Status:  new   
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone:  7.0.3 
 Component:  libraries (other)  |Version:  7.0.1 
Resolution: |   Keywords:  arrows
  Testcase: |  Blockedby:
Difficulty:  Unknown| Os:  Linux 
  Blocking: |   Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)
   Failure:  Runtime crash  |  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * owner:  = simonpj

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4831: Infinite loop in SpecConstr

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4831: Infinite loop in SpecConstr
Reporter:  simonpj   |Owner:  simonpj 
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.0.3   
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by simonmar):

  * owner:  = simonpj

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4849: object code size fairly large for ghc-7.0.1 with optimization

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4849: object code size fairly large for ghc-7.0.1 with optimization
Reporter:  maeder|Owner:  igloo   
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.0.3   
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  Compile-time performance bug
Changes (by igloo):

  * owner:  = igloo

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4874: Unnecessary reboxing when using INLINABLE

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4874: Unnecessary reboxing when using INLINABLE
Reporter:  tibbe |Owner:  simonpj 
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.0.3   
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords:| Testcase:  
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by simonmar):

  * owner:  = simonpj

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4877: Template Haskell panic when splicing an infix expression with a non-variable middle bit

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4877: Template Haskell panic when splicing an infix expression with a non-
variable middle bit
Reporter:  benmachine|Owner:  simonpj   
Type:  bug   |   Status:  new   
Priority:  normal|Milestone:  7.0.3 
   Component:  Template Haskell  |  Version:  7.0.1 
Keywords:| Testcase:
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  Compile-time crash
Changes (by simonmar):

  * owner:  = simonpj

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types
  Reporter:  Stef Joosten |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug  | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  7.2.1   
 Component:  Compiler |Version:  6.12.3  
Resolution:  fixed|   Keywords:  
  Testcase:  typecheck/should_fail/T4875  |  Blockedby:  
Difficulty:   | Os:  Windows 
  Blocking:   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  Other|  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * status:  new = closed
  * testcase:  = typecheck/should_fail/T4875
  * resolution:  = fixed


 Fixed by
 Try not to push this to the 7.0 branch because it'll (correctly) reject a
 few programs that 7.0 accepts.


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types
  Reporter:  Stef Joosten |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug  | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  7.2.1   
 Component:  Compiler |Version:  6.12.3  
Resolution:  fixed|   Keywords:  
  Testcase:  typecheck/should_fail/T4875  |  Blockedby:  
Difficulty:   | Os:  Windows 
  Blocking:   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  Other|  

Comment(by simonpj):

 Oops I missed out the commit message:
 Mon Jan 10 11:03:51 GMT 2011
   * Do dependency analysis when kind-checking type declarations

   This patch fixes Trac #4875.  The main point is to do dependency
   analysis on type and class declarations, and kind-check them in
   dependency order, so as to improve error messages.

   This patch means that a few programs that would typecheck before won't
   typecheck any more; but before we were (naughtily) going beyond
   Haskell 98 without any language-extension flags, and Trac #4875
   convinces me that doing so is a Bad Idea.

   Here's an example that won't typecheck any more
  data T a b = MkT (a b)
  type F k = T k Maybe

   If you look at T on its own you'd default 'a' to kind *-*;
   and then kind-checking would fail on F.

   But GHC currently accepts this program beause it looks at
   the *occurrences* of T.

 M ./compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs -1 +1
 M ./compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs -2 +8
 M ./compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs -3 +4
 M ./compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs -1 +1
 M ./compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs -11 +52
 M ./compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs -1 +1
 M ./compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.lhs -5 +5
 M ./compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs -224 +139
 M ./compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs +37
 M ./utils/ghctags/Main.hs -1 +1

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4870: Compiler panic with SPECIALIZE pragma on function from imported module

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4870: Compiler panic with SPECIALIZE pragma on function from imported module
Reporter:  dreixel   |Owner:  
Type:  bug   |   Status:  merge   
Priority:  high  |Milestone:  7.0.3   
   Component:  Compiler  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords:| Testcase:  deSugar/should_compile/T4870
   Blockedby:|   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple  | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Changes (by simonpj):

  * status:  new = merge
  * testcase:  = deSugar/should_compile/T4870


 Thanks for the example.  Fixed by
 Wed Jan  5 00:27:12 GMT 2011
   * Fix Trac #4870: get the inlining for an imported INLINABLE Id

   We need the unfolding even for a *recursive* function (indeed
   that's the point) and I was using the wrong function to get it
   (idUnfolding rather than realIdUnfolding).

 M ./compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs -6 +7
 Please merge to 7.0 branch


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4875: ghc misdiagnoses a compile time error concerning parameterized types
  Reporter:  Stef Joosten |  Owner:  simonpj 
  Type:  bug  | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  7.2.1   
 Component:  Compiler |Version:  6.12.3  
Resolution:  fixed|   Keywords:  
  Testcase:  typecheck/should_fail/T4875  |  Blockedby:  
Difficulty:   | Os:  Windows 
  Blocking:   |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  Other|  

Comment(by Stef Joosten):

 Simon, thank you for this.
 Stef Joosten

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4884: registerPackage fails with multiple command line --package-conf= flags

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4884: registerPackage fails with multiple command line --package-conf= flags
  Reporter:  r6   |  Owner:
  Type:  bug  | Status:  closed
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  7.2.1 
 Component:  ghc-pkg  |Version:  6.12.3
Resolution:  invalid  |   Keywords:
  Testcase:   |  Blockedby:
Difficulty:   | Os:  Linux 
  Blocking:   |   Architecture:  x86   
   Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |  
Changes (by simonmar):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = invalid


 This is the documented behaviour of `ghc-pkg`.  In the output of `ghc-pkg

   When asked to modify a database (register, unregister, update,
   hide, expose, and also check), ghc-pkg modifies the global database by
   default.  Specifying --user causes it to act on the user database,
   or --package-conf can be used to act on another database
   entirely. When multiple of these options are given, the rightmost
   one is used as the database to act upon.

 So in your command line:

 ghc-pkg --package-conf=myPkg1 --package-conf=myPkg2 --package-conf=myPkg3
 --global --user update newPkg.conf

 Since `--user` is the rightmost option, that is the DB to act on.  The
 user DB can only depend on the global DB, so you get the stack

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4385: Type-level natural numbers

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4385: Type-level natural numbers
Reporter:  diatchki |Owner:  diatchki
Type:  feature request  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal   |Milestone:  7.2.1   
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |  Version:  
Keywords:   | Testcase:  
   Blockedby:   |   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by simonpj):

 Iavor: what's your plan for this?  I'd like to have it in the HEAD, but we
 need to resolve the design issues first.  Also I'm unsure about whether
 you are actively developing or whether you've moved on to other things.

 Oh, one other thing that isn't clear to me is how all this fits in FC.  If
 a Pressburger solver shows that (a*b = b*a), say how is that expressed as
 a FC proof term?


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4884: registerPackage fails with multiple command line --package-conf= flags

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4884: registerPackage fails with multiple command line --package-conf= flags
  Reporter:  r6   |  Owner:
  Type:  bug  | Status:  closed
  Priority:  normal   |  Milestone:  7.2.1 
 Component:  ghc-pkg  |Version:  6.12.3
Resolution:  invalid  |   Keywords:
  Testcase:   |  Blockedby:
Difficulty:   | Os:  Linux 
  Blocking:   |   Architecture:  x86   
   Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |  

Comment(by r6):

 Where is it documented that user databases cannot depend on package-conf

 Also, what is the motivation for such a restriction?

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4868: deepseq should not depend on containers

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4868: deepseq should not depend on containers
Reporter:  tibbe  |Owner:  
Type:  proposal   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal |Milestone:  Not GHC 
   Component:  libraries (other)  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords: | Testcase:  
   Blockedby: |   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by tibbe):

 Supported by Henning Thielemann, Milan Straka, Malcolm Wallace, Iavor
 Diatchki, and Daniel Peebles. Christian Maeder suggested using packages
 containing only orphaned instances instead. Ian Lynagh raised some
 concerns about adding another boot package.

 Henning Thielemann pointed out that the array package should also be
 included in the proposal.

 Should you wish to see the whole thread, it begins with

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4868: deepseq should not depend on containers

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4868: deepseq should not depend on containers
Reporter:  tibbe  |Owner:  
Type:  proposal   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal |Milestone:  Not GHC 
   Component:  libraries (other)  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords: | Testcase:  
   Blockedby: |   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by tibbe):

 Christian Maeder has clarified that he's neither for or against the

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4868: deepseq should not depend on containers

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4868: deepseq should not depend on containers
Reporter:  tibbe  |Owner:  
Type:  proposal   |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal |Milestone:  Not GHC 
   Component:  libraries (other)  |  Version:  7.0.1   
Keywords: | Testcase:  
   Blockedby: |   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by tibbe):

 Ian Lynagh has clarified that he's against the proposal.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4868: deepseq should not depend on containers

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4868: deepseq should not depend on containers
  Reporter:  tibbe  |  Owner:  
  Type:  proposal   | Status:  closed  
  Priority:  normal |  Milestone:  Not GHC 
 Component:  libraries (other)  |Version:  7.0.1   
Resolution:  wontfix|   Keywords:  
  Testcase: |  Blockedby:  
Difficulty: | Os:  Unknown/Multiple
  Blocking: |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
   Failure:  None/Unknown   |  
Changes (by tibbe):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Since consensus wasn't reached and I don't have time to pursue it I'm
 closing this ticket.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #4385: Type-level natural numbers

2011-01-10 Thread GHC
#4385: Type-level natural numbers
Reporter:  diatchki |Owner:  diatchki
Type:  feature request  |   Status:  new 
Priority:  normal   |Milestone:  7.2.1   
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |  Version:  
Keywords:   | Testcase:  
   Blockedby:   |   Difficulty:  
  Os:  Unknown/Multiple | Blocking:  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple |  Failure:  None/Unknown

Comment(by diatchki):


 I am certainly still working on it, and I think that it'd be great to
 merge it with HEAD.   What would be the best way to work on the design
 issues---I feel that these ticket comments do not have enough space to
 discuss things properly. Perhaps I will make a page on the wiki where we
 (meaning whoever is interested in this feature) can list all the issues
 and see how to solve them best?  I'll update the ticket when I get a
 chance to do this.

 Briefly, my current status is:

   - I've added the syntactic change to treat all symbols as type
 constructors, and the associated change to the module system.  In the
 process I noticed that GHC does not really use the precedence machinery
 for infix predicates (classes, ~).  Adding support for this is on my TODO
 list, so that we can write things like `(a + b ~ c)`, rather then `((a +
 b) ~ c)`.

   - I've implemented the numeric type literals, which are of a new kind
 (currently called) Nat.  I've added a new form of type `LiteralTy TyLit`,
 where `TyLit` is a type for type-level literals.  Currently, it has only
 numbers in it but later we could add other things too, if we deemed it

   - I've added a set of operations on the type numbers, currently:
 comparison `(=)`, addition `(+)`, multiplication `(*)`, and
 exponentiation `(^)`.  By using equality constraints, we also get their
 inverses: subtraction, division, logarithms, and roots.  My solver is by
 no means complete although it seems to work for a number of practical
 examples.  I am sure that we can continue to improve it for a long time

 The current implementation cheats on the proofs for the equalities and
 (=) because it uses unsafeCoercions.  At first I had it generate proofs
 but then you mentioned that you were redoing the evidence mechanism based
 on Brent's work, and the proofs were getting quite large and difficult to
 read so I removed them.  It would not be hard to re-add them but we should
 decide on the granularity of the primitive axioms (coercions) to use. The
 trade-off is basically RISC vs CISC, a smaller set of simpler axioms tends
 to result in larger proofs.

 There is also an issue about what evidence to pass for (=).  (=) is
 similar to (~) (and any other class with no methods) in that it does not
 really need any runtime evidence.  I could not see how to adopt the (~)
 mechanism to account for (=) so, currently, the evidence for (=) is
 basically a hack (the run-time evidence calls error if it is ever
 evaluated).  It might be nice if we had a unified way to treat things
 without evidence (e.g., by having a special form of argument that does not
 emit any run-time code) but I have not looked into how hard would be to do
 this.  Can anyone think of a better way to do this?

   - In the support library, I made the `DynNat` change that Simon
 described above. This worked out really nice because this type is
 basically the type of natural numbers at the value level, so I added all
 the usual instances for it and called it `Natural`, which mirrors

 I think that that's all.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list