[GHC] #7295: bad code for Double literals

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7295: bad code for Double literals
 Reporter:  jwlato|  Owner:  
 Type:  bug   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.6.1 |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  
 For this program

 module Foo where

 foo :: [Double] - [Double]
 foo = map f
   where f x = x*(-0.5)

 GHC generates the following core:

 Foo.foo5 :: GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
  Unf=Unf{Src=vanilla, TopLvl=True, Arity=0, Value=True,
  ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 100 0}]
 Foo.foo5 = __integer 1

 Foo.foo4 :: GHC.Integer.Type.Integer
  Unf=Unf{Src=vanilla, TopLvl=True, Arity=0, Value=True,
  ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 100 0}]
 Foo.foo4 = __integer 2

 Foo.foo3 :: GHC.Types.Double
  Unf=Unf{Src=vanilla, TopLvl=True, Arity=0, Value=False,
  ConLike=False, WorkFree=False, Expandable=False,
  Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 51 20}]
 Foo.foo3 =
   case GHC.Float.$w$cfromRational Foo.foo5 Foo.foo4
   of _ { GHC.Types.D# x_agI -
   GHC.Types.D# (GHC.Prim.negateDouble# x_agI)

 Foo.foo1 :: GHC.Types.Double - GHC.Types.Double
  Str=DmdType U(L)m,
  Unf=Unf{Src=InlineStable, TopLvl=True, Arity=1, Value=True,
  ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  Tmpl= \ (eta_B1 [Occ=Once] :: GHC.Types.Double) -
  GHC.Float.timesDouble eta_B1 Foo.foo3}]
 Foo.foo1 =
   \ (eta_B1 :: GHC.Types.Double) -
 GHC.Float.timesDouble eta_B1 Foo.foo3

 Foo.foo :: [GHC.Types.Double] - [GHC.Types.Double]
  Unf=Unf{Src=vanilla, TopLvl=True, Arity=0, Value=True,
  ConLike=True, WorkFree=True, Expandable=True,
  Guidance=IF_ARGS [] 20 60}]
 Foo.foo =
   GHC.Base.map @ GHC.Types.Double @ GHC.Types.Double Foo.foo1

 which looks pretty bad to me.

 This may be related to #5731, especially as 'foo2 = map (* (-0.5))'
 results in much better code.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7295
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7292: Optimization works for Word but not Word32 or Word64

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7292: Optimization works for Word but not Word32 or Word64
Reporter:  zuserm|   Owner:  igloo  
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.8.1  
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.6.1  
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  Runtime performance bug
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase: 
Changes (by simonpj):

  * owner:  = igloo
  * difficulty:  = Unknown
  * priority:  normal = high
  * milestone:  = 7.8.1

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7292#comment:2
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language `IncoherentInstances`

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language
 Reporter:  maeder   |  Owner:  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.6.1|   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  GHC accepts invalid program  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  
 the attached examples works with ghc-7 and returns

 *Main a
 [Spec1 Spec2]
 *Main b

 (One may wish that b also returned [Spec1 Spec2])

 ghc-6 complains with

 Overlapping instances for Test a Spec2
   arising from a use of `test' at Splittable.hs:16:36-43
 Matching instances:
   instance [overlap ok] Test a Spec2
 -- Defined at Splittable.hs:20:13-24
   instance [overlap ok] Test Bool Spec2
 -- Defined at Splittable.hs:25:13-27
 (The choice depends on the instantiation of `a'
  To pick the first instance above, use -XIncoherentInstances
  when compiling the other instance declarations)
 In the second argument of `($)', namely `test a b'
 In the expression: map Spec1 $ test a b
 In the definition of `test':
 test a (Spec1 b) = map Spec1 $ test a b
 Failed, modules loaded: none.

 After adding `IncoherentInstances` the file also goes through ghc-6 with
 the same results.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7296
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language `IncoherentInstances`

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language
 Reporter:  maeder   |  Owner:  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.6.1|   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  GHC accepts invalid program  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  

Comment(by maeder):

 I meant, one may wish that a and b returned equal results, namely that a
 returned [] by using the more special instance of Spec2 in the instance
 definition of Spec1.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7296#comment:1
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7295: bad code for Double literals

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7295: bad code for Double literals
Reporter:  jwlato|   Owner:  igloo   
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.6.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * owner:  = igloo
  * difficulty:  = Unknown


 Good point. Here's what is happening.
  * In `map (* (-0.5)) xs :: [Double]`, the typechecker and/or desugarer
 can see a totally mono-typed use of the literal `0.5` at `Double` and so
 genreates exactly that literal.
  * But in your main example, you define a polymorphic function `f`, whose
 type is
 f :: Fractional a = a - a
  Sure, `f` has only one call site but the typechecker/desugarer don't know
 that, so they generate `fromRational d (negate d (1 % 2))`, where `d` is
 the fractional dictionary.

 So, good as the typechecker/desugarer short-cut is for literals, your
 example points out that we should do better constant folding for literals
 that start life overloaded, but become specialised. This will also happen
 when we have a top-level overloaded function that gets specialised.

 My solution.  In `GHC.Float` we see
 instance Fractional Float where
   fromRational = blah blah blah
 Instead we want
 instance Fractioal Float where
   {-# INLINE fromRational #-}
   fromRational (a :% b) = rationalToFloat a b

 rationalToFloat :: Integer - Integer - Float
 {-# NOINLINE [1] rationalToFloat
 rationalToFloat = blah blah blah   -- As before
 AND we want a constant-folding rule in `PrelRules` for `rationalToFloat`
 that spots two `Integer`-literal arguments and produces the right float;
 just like `TcHsSyn.shortCutLit` does.

 Same for `fromRational` at `Double`.

 We already have similar mechanisms for `fromInteger`, so I think that's
 all right.


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7295#comment:1
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7295: bad code for Double literals

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7295: bad code for Double literals
Reporter:  jwlato|   Owner:  igloo   
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.8.1   
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.6.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * priority:  normal = high
  * milestone:  = 7.8.1

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7295#comment:2
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language `IncoherentInstances`

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language
Reporter:  maeder|   Owner: 
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new
Priority:  normal|   Milestone: 
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.6.1  
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  GHC accepts invalid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase: 
Changes (by simonpj):

  * difficulty:  = Unknown


 You are right, and this is tricky. The real error is that in the recursive
 call to `test` on line 16 of `Splittable.hs`, rather than rejecting the
 code (which is arguably right) GHC picks the `Test a Spec2` instance on
 line 20.

 But that's actually deliberate.  Here the note from `TcInstDcls`:
 Note [Subtle interaction of recursion and overlap]
 Consider this
   class C a where { op1,op2 :: a - a }
   instance C a = C [a] where
 op1 x = op2 x ++ op2 x
 op2 x = ...
   instance C [Int] where

 When type-checking the C [a] instance, we need a C [a] dictionary (for
 the call of op2).  If we look up in the instance environment, we find
 an overlap.  And in *general* the right thing is to complain (see Note
 [Overlapping instances] in InstEnv).  But in *this* case it's wrong to
 complain, because we just want to delegate to the op2 of this same

 Why is this justified?  Because we generate a (C [a]) constraint in
 a context in which 'a' cannot be instantiated to anything that matches
 other overlapping instances, or else we would not be excecuting this
 version of op1 in the first place.

 It might even be a bit disguised:

   nullFail :: C [a] = [a] - [a]
   nullFail x = op2 x ++ op2 x

   instance C a = C [a] where
 op1 x = nullFail x

 Precisely this is used in package 'regex-base', module Context.hs.
 See the overlapping instances for RegexContext, and the fact that they
 call 'nullFail' just like the example above.  The DoCon package also
 does the same thing; it shows up in module Fraction.hs

 Conclusion: when typechecking the methods in a C [a] instance, we want to
 treat the 'a' as an *existential* type variable, in the sense described
 by Note [Binding when looking up instances].  That is why
 responds True to an InstSkol, which is the kind of skolem we use in
 But your example points out that my reasoning is flawed. I'm not sure
 exactly what to do, and I'm too swamped to think about it right now.  I
 hope it's not a show stopper for you.

 You can work around thus:
 instance Test a Spec2 = Test a Spec1 where
  test a (MkSpec1 b) = map MkSpec1 $ test a b
 which defers the choice to later, which is what we want.  Then you get
 `[]` for both tests.  Sadly you need `FlexibleContexts` and
 `UndecidableInstances` to persuade GHC to accept this instance.


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7296#comment:2
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language `IncoherentInstances`

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7296: ghc-7 assumes incoherent instances without requiring language
Reporter:  maeder|   Owner: 
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new
Priority:  normal|   Milestone: 
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.6.1  
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple   
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  GHC accepts invalid program
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase: 

Comment(by maeder):

 Thanks for this analysis, it is no show stopper for us.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7296#comment:3
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #6018: Injective type families

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#6018: Injective type families
Reporter:  lunaris  |   Owner:  
Type:  feature request  |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  
   Component:  Compiler | Version:  7.4.1   
Keywords:  TypeFamilies, Injective  |  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown  |Testcase:  
   Blockedby:   |Blocking:  
 Related:   |  
Changes (by nfrisby):

 * cc: nfrisby (added)

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/6018#comment:8
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7050: stage 1 compiler crashes when the quickest build flavour is chosen

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7050: stage 1 compiler crashes when the quickest build flavour is chosen
Reporter:  ilya|   Owner: 
Type:  bug |  Status:  merge  
Priority:  normal  |   Milestone: 
   Component:  Compiler| Version:  7.5
Keywords:  |  Os:  MacOS X
Architecture:  x86_64 (amd64)  | Failure:  Building GHC failed
  Difficulty:  Unknown |Testcase: 
   Blockedby:  |Blocking: 
 Related:  |  
Changes (by simonpj):

  * status:  new = merge


 OK, the commit that broke this was
 commit 792449f555bb4dfa8e718079f6d42dc9babe938a
 Author: Simon Peyton Jones simo...@microsoft.com
 Date:   Sat Jun 11 14:26:34 2011 +0100

 Ignore UNPACK pragmas with OmitInterfacePragmas is on (fixes Trac

 The point here is that if a data type chooses a representation that
 unpacks an argument field, the representation of the argument field
 must be visible to clients.  And it may not be if OmitInterfacePragmas
 is on.

  compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs |   44
  1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 However, it was fixed on the HEAD by
 commit ba8fd081ba9b222dd5f93604d7deeaca372e4511
 Author: Simon Peyton Jones simo...@microsoft.com
 Date:   Mon Sep 17 18:22:10 2012 +0100

 Make the call to chooseBoxingStrategy lazy again
 (Confusingly the latter patch attributes the introduction of the bug to
 the wrong patch.)

 The basic solution is to apply the fix on the branch too.  It may not
 apply cleanly because there are some intermediate patches on HEAD, but I
 think it should be obvious what to do.  The important thing is that in
 `tcConArg` we should see
 ; let strict_mark = chooseBoxingStrategy dflags arg_ty
 (getBangStrictness bty)
 or something like that, NOT `strict_mark - chooseBoxingStrategy...`.

 Ian, can you fix this up please?  I'll add a test for HEAD.


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7050#comment:2
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7293: Wrong location reported for inaccessible code with GADTs

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7293: Wrong location reported for inaccessible code with GADTs
 Reporter:  goldfire  |  Owner:  
 Type:  bug   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.6.1 |   Keywords:  GADTs   
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  

Comment(by simonpj@…):

 commit 629d1f48b513be3cc662ea79376737dbcdb6b18f
 Author: Simon Peyton Jones simo...@microsoft.com
 Date:   Thu Oct 4 17:54:38 2012 +0100

 Improve erorr location for Given errors

 Note [Inaccessible code].
 Fixes Trac #7293.

  compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs  |   91
  compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs |5 ++-
  2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7293#comment:1
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7204: Use a class to control FFI marshalling

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7204: Use a class to control FFI marshalling
Reporter:  simonpj   |   Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.4.2   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  

Comment(by simonpj):

 You're right.  And arguably `newtype deriving` should work with at
 suitably-simple AT.  Given
   class C a where
 type F a :: kind

   newtype T a b c = MkT reptype deriving( C )
 we should generate an instance looking like
   instance C reptype = C (T a b c) where
 F (T a b c) = F reptype
 That's another new extension to the (already complex) `newtype deriving`,
 but people will surely be asking for it before long!

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7204#comment:3
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads
 Reporter:  dterei   |  Owner:  dterei  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler (LLVM) 
  Version:  7.7  |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |   Testcase:  367_letnoescape 
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  
 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

 * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
 * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
 * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7297
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads
 Reporter:  dterei   |  Owner:  dterei  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler (LLVM) 
  Version:  7.7  |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |   Testcase:  367_letnoescape 
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  
Description changed by dterei:

Old description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

 * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
 * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
 * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.

New description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

 * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
 * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
 * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7297#comment:1
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads
 Reporter:  dterei   |  Owner:  dterei  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler (LLVM) 
  Version:  7.7  |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |   Testcase:  367_letnoescape 
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  
Description changed by dterei:

Old description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

 * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
 * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
 * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.

New description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

   * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
   * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
   * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7297#comment:2
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads
 Reporter:  dterei   |  Owner:  dterei  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler (LLVM) 
  Version:  7.7  |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |   Testcase:  367_letnoescape 
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  
Description changed by dterei:

Old description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

   * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
   * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
   * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.

New description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

   * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
   * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
   * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 And what semantics do we need to communicate? I think we are fine other
 than the STG registers...

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7297#comment:3
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7297: LLVM incorrectly hoisting loads
 Reporter:  dterei   |  Owner:  dterei  
 Type:  bug  | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal   |  Component:  Compiler (LLVM) 
  Version:  7.7  |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  Incorrect result at runtime  |   Testcase:  367_letnoescape 
Blockedby:   |   Blocking:  
  Related:   |  
Description changed by dterei:

Old description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

   * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
   * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
   * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 And what semantics do we need to communicate? I think we are fine other
 than the STG registers...

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.

New description:

 test 367_letnoescape fails under LLVM as a load of the !HpLim register is
 hoisted out of the loop. So yielding is never done.

 What I am not sure about right now is the best way to fix. Loads in LLVM
 can be annotated in a few different ways to fix this and not sure which
 one is the most 'correct'.

 All the following work:

   * mark the load as volatile. (seems to give nicest code as well)
   * mark the load as atomic with either monotonic or seq_cst ordering.
   * mark the load as both volatile and atomic.

 This bug while only affecting a single test case seems very serious and
 potentially indicative of a large problem. How well are we communicating
 the load/store threaded semantics to LLVM?

 And what semantics do we need to communicate? I think we are fine other
 than the STG registers...

 So making a bug for now as I don't know yet the best way to proceed
 without dedicating some time to reading LLVM docs and probably talking to
 the LLVM devs as the docs on the memory model are fairly confusing.

 e.g., Code in question:

 Bad version (LBB0_1 loops forever as load hoisted out):

 r1Uf_info:  # @r1Uf_info
 # BB#0: # %c1Vy
 movq144(%r13), %rax
 .align  16, 0x90
 .LBB0_1:# %tailrecurse
 # =This Inner Loop Header:
 testq   %rax, %rax
 jne .LBB0_1
 # BB#2: # %c1VD
 movq-8(%r13), %rax
 movl$r1Uf_closure, %ebx
 jmpq*%rax  # TAILCALL

 Code when marked with atomic (either monatonic or seq_cst) or both atomic
 and volatile:
 r1Uf_info:  # @r1Uf_info
 # BB#0: # %c1Vy
 .align  16, 0x90
 .LBB0_1:# %tailrecurse
 # =This Inner Loop Header:
 movq144(%r13), %rax
 testq   %rax, %rax
 jne .LBB0_1
 # BB#2: # %c1VD
 movq-8(%r13), %rax
 movl$r1Uf_closure, %ebx
 jmpq*%rax  # TAILCALL

 Code when marked volatile:
 r1Uf_info:  # @r1Uf_info
 # BB#0: # %c1Vy
 .align  16, 0x90
 .LBB0_1:# %tailrecurse
 # =This Inner Loop Header:
 cmpq$0, 144(%r13)
 jne .LBB0_1
 # BB#2: # %c1VD
 movq-8(%r13), %rax
 movl$r1Uf_closure, %ebx
 jmpq*%rax  # TAILCALL


Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7297#comment:4
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7162: RULES that never fire (automatically)

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7162: RULES that never fire (automatically)
Reporter:  andygill  |   Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |  Status:  patch   
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.4.2   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by afarmer):

  * status:  new = patch


 Here is a patch that implements this functionality (with [~] meaning never
 automatically fire), as well as a patch to the testsuite to verify the
 parser works.

 I've built HERMIT against head (with this patch applied) and verified that
 we can still use RULES that are marked to never fire (at both ends of the
 optimization pipeline). As an aside, all the packages required by HERMIT
 compiled fine, so it doesn't seem to break any existing code. I've also
 run the ghc validate script, with no extra unexpected errors.

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7162#comment:2
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7162: RULES that never fire (automatically)

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7162: RULES that never fire (automatically)
Reporter:  andygill  |   Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |  Status:  patch   
Priority:  normal|   Milestone:  
   Component:  Compiler  | Version:  7.7 
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
Changes (by afarmer):

  * version:  7.4.2 = 7.7

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7162#comment:3
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #7298: Test 2228 fails with dynamic-by-default

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7298: Test 2228 fails with dynamic-by-default
Reporter:  igloo |   Owner:  igloo   
Type:  bug   |  Status:  new 
Priority:  high  |   Milestone:  7.8.1   
   Component:  GHCi  | Version:  7.6.1   
Keywords:|  Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  | Failure:  None/Unknown
  Difficulty:  Unknown   |Testcase:  
 = 2228(normal) 6 of 8 [0, 0, 0]
 cd .  $MAKE --no-print-directory -s 2228/dev/null 2228.run.stdout
 Actual stdout output differs from expected:
 --- ./2228.stdout   2011-07-21 12:03:54.0 +0100
 +++ ./2228.run.stdout   2012-10-05 02:07:04.0 +0100
 @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  BlockBuffering Nothing
 -BlockBuffering Nothing
 *** unexpected failure for 2228(normal)

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7298
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #7299: threadDelay broken in ghci, Mac OS X

2012-10-04 Thread GHC
#7299: threadDelay broken in ghci, Mac OS X
 Reporter:  tmcdonell   |  Owner:  
 Type:  bug | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal  |  Component:  GHCi
  Version:  7.6.1   |   Keywords:  
   Os:  MacOS X |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  GHCi crash  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:  |   Blocking:  
  Related:  |  
 `Control.Concurrent.threadDelay` fails in ghci on Mac OS X. Behaviour is
 correct in compiled code. To reproduce, it is enough to just execute
 `threadDelay` at the prompt.

 Depending on the architecture, I get different behaviour:

   * i386: 7.6.1 and 7.7.20121003: segmentation fault (11)

   * x86_64: 7.6.1 and 7.7.20121003: executes without segfault, but there
 is no actual delay.

 This is on Mac OS X 10.7.5 and 10.8.2.

 Correct behaviour for ghci-7.6.1-x86_64 on Ubuntu 12.04. Also fine on Mac
 in the 7.4 series.

 Example output:

 Nightfall $ ghci
 GHCi, version 7.6.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
 Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
 Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
 Loading package base ... linking ... done.

 Prelude  Foreign.Storable.sizeOf (undefined :: Int)

 Prelude  Control.Concurrent.threadDelay (1000 * 1000)
 Segmentation fault: 11

 Sample program for the second case:


 import Control.Concurrent

 count :: Int - IO ()
 count n
   | n = 0  = return ()
   | otherwise   = do
   putStrLn $ shows n -ah-ha-ha
   threadDelay (1000 * 1000) -- 1 second
   count (n-1)

 main :: IO ()
 main = count 10

Ticket URL: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7299
GHC http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list