Re: [GHC] #7120: Markdown literate programming proposal

2012-09-21 Thread GHC
#7120: Markdown literate programming proposal
Reporter:  holzensp  |Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |   Status:  closed  
Priority:  normal|Component:  Compiler
 Version:  7.5   |   Resolution:  invalid 
Keywords:|   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Blocking:|  Related:  #4836   

Comment(by Syzygies):

 I've been thinking about this for a while; I've been using my own literate
 preprocessor for years, which supports here documents and HTML markup, and
 I'm getting ready to upload it to Hackage. And I have experience with
 multiple HTML markup processors.

 Markup processors do local work translating to HTML, but generally still
 require an external script which adds headers and footers; this is in any
 case the more flexible approach. And any HTML markup processor worth
 considering will preserve existing HTML. So what one wants here is a first
 pass that formats the Haskell code, and exposes bare literate comments to
 a subsequent markup processor. There is absolutely no reason to impose a
 choice of markup processors. Modular design says don't!

 I don't like bird tracks (they look depressingly like 1980s email
 messages, and I'm old enough to have a backlog of unanswered messages from
 that era), so I use identation: Flush is comments, indented is code.
 However, GHC supports external literate preprocessors, so one can do
 anything one likes here. Whatever one does, the literate preprocessor
 should be able to output markup-ready HTML source.

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7120: Markdown literate programming proposal

2012-08-22 Thread GHC
#7120: Markdown literate programming proposal
Reporter:  holzensp  |Owner:  
Type:  feature request   |   Status:  closed  
Priority:  normal|Component:  Compiler
 Version:  7.5   |   Resolution:  invalid 
Keywords:|   Os:  Unknown/Multiple
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |  Failure:  None/Unknown
Blocking:|  Related:  #4836   
Changes (by holzensp):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = invalid

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7120: Markdown literate programming proposal

2012-08-09 Thread GHC
#7120: Markdown literate programming proposal
 Reporter:  holzensp  |  Owner:  
 Type:  feature request   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.5   |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  
  Related:  #4836 |  

Comment(by holzensp):

 For some reason the trac/wiki markup pruned some markup, I meant to say
 that the strings to look for in file analysis would be {{{```hs}}} or

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7120: Markdown literate programming proposal

2012-08-09 Thread GHC
#7120: Markdown literate programming proposal
 Reporter:  holzensp  |  Owner:  
 Type:  feature request   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.5   |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  
  Related:  #4836 |  
Changes (by nicolast):

 * cc: ikke+ghc@… (added)


 This [1] might be somewhat related... It's using Sphinx and
 ReStructuredText (which I prefer), encoding Haskell code in the document
 as literal code blocks using the standard ReST syntax, and a custom
 preprocessor script. I guess a similar approach could be used for Markdown


Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: [GHC] #7120: Markdown literate programming proposal

2012-08-09 Thread GHC
#7120: Markdown literate programming proposal
 Reporter:  holzensp  |  Owner:  
 Type:  feature request   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.5   |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  
  Related:  #4836 |  

Comment(by holzensp):

 I would be more than happy to take reStructuredText on-board as an
 alternative as well. If we're going to be looking at multiple different
 markdown options, though, we should specifically see how we should
 determine the content type. Does reStructuredText also have meta-data
 definitions at the start of a file? I haven't yet played around with the
 python script on the page you linked, but does GHCi know to also search
 for .rst-files when doing an import somewhere?

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

[GHC] #7120: Markdown literate programming proposal

2012-08-05 Thread GHC
#7120: Markdown literate programming proposal
 Reporter:  holzensp  |  Owner:  
 Type:  feature request   | Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal|  Component:  Compiler
  Version:  7.5   |   Keywords:  
   Os:  Unknown/Multiple  |   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
  Failure:  None/Unknown  |   Testcase:  
Blockedby:|   Blocking:  
  Related:  #4836 |  
 Markdown has become quite popular for its unobstructive readability. Also,
 its lightweight rendering has made previewers possible that update as-you-
 type or as-you-save. There have been comments by GHC developers about not
 liking the LaTeX markup for it being too much in the way. Many notes in
 the GHC source are now in a markdown-like style, which doesn't help in
 converting the code to readable documentation (which was the point of lhs
 to begin with).

 The proposal is to extend unlitting with markdown-style code fencing. Pure
 markdown does not specify code blocks, but the popular
 [ GitHub
 extensions] do (and so do many others). They even allow for syntax
 highlighting if the language's [
 (short) name] is specified on the opening line of a code block.

 Unfortunately, markdown is incompatible with Bird-style literate
 programming (lines starting with '' are considered block quotes in
 markdown) or LaTeX-style literate programming. It seems, therefore, that a
 file should either be interpreted as markdown-lhs, or as classic-lhs. One
 way of doing this is introducing a new extension mhs (or mdhs; and
 then, of course, mhs-boot or mdhs-boot). This seems a rather heavy way
 of going about it.

 Two other ways of doing it: The first is to not analyse the file line by
 line, but as a whole, to see whether it contains e.g. ```hs or
 ```haskell strings. This option seems the least demanding of the
 programmer, but it may sometimes produce unexpected results. The
 alternative is to demand a markdown file starts with
 [ markdown meta-
 data]. As an aside, for Cabal-developers, this looks a *lot* like cabal
 metadata; maybe there's room for future design here ;)

 A good way of implementing this, could be to use (a somewhat modified
 version of) cpphs. The ability to do markdown unlitting with cpphs is
 being discussed separately with the maintainers of that package. An
 additional benefit could be that GHC no longer requires multiple states of
 temporary files to do unlit and cpp if we decide to use cpphs internally.
 This will simplify these stages for the GHC API also. It also seems to
 help solve #4836; CPP-things would only be preserved inside fenced code

 I am more than willing to implement this and my preference is for the last
 solution, but before I start, I though I would gage public opinion.


 Is there a special reason why unlit.c and cpp are still used as external
 calls from DriverPipeline?

 Is it an acceptable side-effect of this proposal to internalise the
 unlit and cpp stages of the pipeline?

 Any further ideas / suggestions / restrictions / recommendations?

Ticket URL:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list