#857: Patch to porting documentation
    Reporter:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |        Owner:         
        Type:  bug                 |       Status:  new    
    Priority:  normal              |    Milestone:         
   Component:  Documentation       |      Version:  6.4.2  
    Severity:  normal              |     Keywords:         
          Os:  Unknown             |   Difficulty:  Unknown
Architecture:  Unknown             |  
Some of the necessary HC files aren't built when following the directions
 given in the GHC porting guide for cross-compiling.  The directions in the
 following patch to docs/building/building.xml will build the files.

 In the lib/compat directory, "make boot" initiates a "make all".  The
 subsequent run of make doesn't do anything, because all the files have
 been built.  To build hc files in this directory, the extra compile flags
 need to be passed to "make boot".

 --- building.xml.old    Wed Aug  9 11:55:06 2006
 +++ building.xml        Wed Aug  9 11:56:05 2006
 @@ -3087,7 +3087,7 @@
  <screen>$ cd <replaceable>H</replaceable>/ghc/lib/compat
  $ make clean
  $ rm .depend
 -$ make boot UseStage1=YES
 +$ make boot UseStage1=YES EXTRA_HC_OPTS='-O -fvia-C -keep-hc-files'
  $ make -k UseStage1=YES EXTRA_HC_OPTS='-O -fvia-C -keep-hc-files'
  $ cd <replaceable>H</replaceable>/ghc/utils
  $ make clean

Ticket URL: <http://cvs.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/857>
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