Conal: great bug report; thanks.  Meanwhile a workaround is
to use qualified names in the export list for Test2:
        module Test2(, module Test2 )
          import Test1 hiding(main)
          main = ...

        Inconvenient, but it should get you rolling.      

Simon, Sigbjorn: I've fixed this and checked in the changes (in rename/..).
        Conal will need a new build in due course.


> I'm getting strange behavior from both GHC and Hugs w.r.t. module
> exportations.  They disagree with each other somewhat and both seem wrong,
> although I'm not certain I understand the report on this matter.
> Here are two test programs.  First Test1.hs:
>     module Test1 (module Test1) where
>     main = putStrLn "Test1's main"
>     foo = "Test1 foo"
> In Test2.hs, I want to modify and extend Test1, keeping "foo" but
> replacing main.
>     module Test2 (module Test1, module Test2) where
>     import Test1 hiding (main)
>     main = putStrLn "Test2's main"
>     bar = foo ++ " plus Test2 bar"

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