Uninstall warning...

2001-10-24 Thread Reuben Thomas

> I had GHC-4.08.1 installed in my computer (which runs under a Windows98
> platform), and then I decided to install GHC-5.00.2 (this was its latest
> version at that time). It is said that GHC-5.00.2 can co-exist with other
> versions of GHC under a Windows platform, because it does not use cygwin
> anymore.

That's true.

> At this point, everything was ok. But when I uninstalled GHC-5.00.2 (in
> order to install GHC-5.02), a lot of DLL files were removed from the "bin"
> directory of GHC-4.08.1 (ex.: HSlang.dll). I don't have any idea why this
> happened, but a lot of my programs that were compiled with GHC-4.08.1 became
> impossible to run. I had to recover the DLLs from a backup...

My guess is that this is because the two installations overlap and
therefore confuse Add/Remove Programs, perhaps because they have the
same name (which is perhaps used as a UID).

> Is this a uninstall bug?
> (ps: installing GHC-5.02 didn't bring my old DLLs back).

Indeed, because 5.x versions of GHC don't come with DLLs.

The fix is to reinstall 4.08.1 (there's a link to old versions on the
GHC download page; actually, you'll get 4.08.2).

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Thread-Safety through FFI

2001-10-24 Thread Simon Marlow

> Is there a way of calling exported 'dynamic export' functions in a 
> thread-safe manner? I have this problem in JVM-Bridge...
> This is what the main thread does, from Haskell:
> 1. starts the Java VM, which starts a bunch of other threads, 
> including 
> the AWT thread;
> 2. creates a pointer to a some IO function 'paint', using a 'dynamic 
> export' callback-maker;
> 3. creates a new Java Frame (i.e. a GUI window) with the 
> function-pointer;
> 4. repeatedly calls the Java Thread.yield function for 20 seconds.
> (the program then ends)
> Now, once the Java Frame has been created, the AWT thread will 
> occasionally call the 'paint' method, which ends up calling the 
> function-pointer. However, it seems GHC 5.02 'dynamic export' 
> calls are 
> not thread-safe, and sooner or later it crashes, either with a seg 
> violation or a complaint about unknown closure types.

If you're talking about OS threads (eg. POSIX threads), then GHC's RTS
certainly isn't thread safe.  It isn't safe to call foreign exported
functions from more that one OS thread simultaneously.  We have some
partially working thread support, but it has been on the back burner for
some time now.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Socket library

2001-10-24 Thread Sven Eric Panitz

I just wanted to play a bit with the Socket library comming
with Haskell. However, whatever I try to do, I get the following
runtime error, eg in ghci:

Socket>  connectTo "pcsep" (PortNumber 80)
*** Exception: does not exist
Action: getProtocolByName
Reason: no such protocol entry

Seems that I am doing something wrong here?

Sven Eric

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: 5.02 MonadError Broke My Code

2001-10-24 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

Sun, 21 Oct 2001 19:38:55 -0700, Ashley Yakeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> MonadError seems to have been redefined in 5.02 to have a fundep:
> 5.00.2:
> class (Monad m) => MonadError e m
> 5.02:
> class (Monad m) => MonadError e m | m -> e
> Why?

It allows some practical functions which would be awkward to write
without the fundep. For example:

data ParseError = ...
class HasParseError e where
inject :: ParseError -> e

parseInteger :: (MonadError m e, HasParseError e) => m Integer
-- This type is ambiguous without the fundep because the main part of
-- the type doesn't mention e.

You could argue that we should write this instead:

parseString :: MonadError m ParseError => String -> m ()

but this style isn't always feasible.

It would force to have a concrete error type in all places where the
error type is not directly visible in the type of the whole function.
I don't want to commit to a particular error type in generic parsing
library for example - the library only specifies properties of the
error type using classes and gives several choices for it; details
of the error type are specific to places where the library is used.

Also a constraint like 'MonadError m ParseError' which mentions
a concrete type can't be put in an instance context without
-fallow-undecidable-instances. I have an example where putting this
in an instance context is useful: there is a large set of constraints
(six) which is used in many functions, so they are packed in a subclass
with no methods which serves as a "class synonym".

> Anyway, because of GHC's naive instance overlapping checking, it broke my 
> code:
> instance (JVMMonad m) => MonadError ThrowableRef m where

Sorry about that. A single MonadError class can't simultaneously
allow both ways of associating error types with monads.

I guess you can move 'MonadError ThrowableRef m' to superclasses of
JVMMonad and make MonadError instances for all types in this class

 __("<  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://qrczak.ids.net.pl/

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Socket library

2001-10-24 Thread Simon Marlow

> I just wanted to play a bit with the Socket library comming
> with Haskell. However, whatever I try to do, I get the following
> runtime error, eg in ghci:
> Socket>  connectTo "pcsep" (PortNumber 80)
> *** Exception: does not exist
> Action: getProtocolByName
> Reason: no such protocol entry
> Seems that I am doing something wrong here?

Which platform are you on?  (there is a bug in 5.02's networking library
which means that Socket.conncetTo might not work - but I haven't seen it
produce the error that you quote above).


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Existential Typing (was Multi-parameter OOP)

2001-10-24 Thread Leon Smith

On Friday 19 October 2001 11:02, George Russell wrote:
> Recently I've been experimenting with a sort of OOP with GHC, [...]

I find your discussion rather intriguing, but I'm not sure I fully understand 
what you are trying to do.

Existential typing allows for what I would call "dynamic dispatch", which 
allows for the dynamic lookup of class members (i.e. methods).  What you 
appear to be trying is something resembling dynamic typing.  Dynamic typing 
can be "emulated" using dynamic dispatch.  

If GHC had true existential typing, as opposed to just existential datatypes, 
you could reasonably code what I think you want like this:

class A a where
basicA :: Bool
nextA  :: a -> (EX a'. A a' => a')
basicA = True
nextA  = id

data WrappedA = forall a. A a => WrappedA a

instance A WrappedA where
basicA = False
nextA (WrappedA a) = a

data A1 = A1

instance A A1

--... similarly for B ...

class AB a b where
   toBool :: a -> b -> Bool

instance (A a, B b) => AB a b where
   toBool a b 
  | (basicA :: a) && (basicB :: b) = True
  | (basicA :: a) || (basicB :: b) = False
  | otherwise = toBool (nextA a) (nextB b)

In this new setting, class AB seems a little silly.  You could simply get rid 
of it.  

Of course, GHC doesn't work this way.  Instead, you have to introduce a 
datatype "StupidA" to wrap your existential type in.   For the benefit of 
this new stupid datatype, you'll also need to change the type of basicA from 
(:: Bool) to (:: a -> Bool).  This datatype also introduces unnecessary 
overhead, as you end up having chains of StupidA constructors that do 
essentially nothing.

You could look at my attached code if you really want to.  It has been beaten 
throughly with an ugly stick. 

>From the purely denotational point of view of semantics,  I love existential 
typing.   I think this example really drives the point across that 
existential datatypes are not nearly as useful as existential typing.   I can 
think of several similar situations in actual code of mine.  However, using 
existential datatypes was overkill for the situation, and thus I opted for a 
different solution altogether.  

I don't understand all the implementation consequences of existential typing. 
Most importantly, how does existential typing effect the operational 
semantics?  Mercury has existential typing,  but then again, Mercury is newer 
and its design philosophy is far more ambitious.


class A a where
   basicA :: a -> Bool
   nextA  :: a -> StupidA
   basicA _ = True 
   nextA  a = StupidA a

data StupidA = forall a . A a => StupidA a

instance A StupidA where
   basicA (StupidA a) = basicA a 
   nextA  (StupidA a) = StupidA (nextA a)

data WrappedA = forall a . A a => WrappedA a 

instance A WrappedA where
   basicA _   = False
   nextA (WrappedA a) = StupidA a 

data A1 = A1

instance A A1 

class B b where
   basicB :: b -> Bool
   nextB  :: b -> StupidB
   basicB _ = True 
   nextB  b = StupidB b

data StupidB = forall b . B b => StupidB b

instance B StupidB where
   basicB (StupidB b) = basicB b
   nextB  (StupidB b) = StupidB (nextB b)

data WrappedB = forall b . B b => WrappedB b

instance B WrappedB where
   basicB _   = False
   nextB (WrappedB b) = StupidB b

data B1 = B1

instance B B1 

toBool :: (A a, B b) => a -> b -> Bool
toBool a b 
  | basicA a && basicB b = True
  | basicA a || basicB b = False
  | otherwise= toBool (nextA a) (nextB b)

main = return ()

RE: Existential Typing (was Multi-parameter OOP)

2001-10-24 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

| If GHC had true existential typing, as opposed to just 
| existential datatypes, 
| you could reasonably code what I think you want like this:
| class A a where
| basicA :: Bool
| nextA  :: a -> (EX a'. A a' => a')
| basicA = True
| nextA  = id

Curiously enough, this thread intersects with the "higher-ranked
types" thread on the Haskell list.  If I do implement the Odersky/Laufer
higher-ranked types inference mechanism, then I'll also allow
in arbitrary positions.   

The elimination of "stupid" existential wrapper constructors
is discussed in a bit more detail in the paper Mark and I wrote

First class modules for Haskell



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Thread-Safety through FFI

2001-10-24 Thread Ashley Yakeley

At 2001-10-24 02:52, Simon Marlow wrote:

>If you're talking about OS threads (eg. POSIX threads), 


>then GHC's RTS certainly isn't thread safe.  

Good. This means I know why it's crashing...

>It isn't safe to call foreign exported
>functions from more that one OS thread simultaneously.

OK, can I call a foreign exported function from some other thread while 
the main thread is in 'foreign import' native code? I could have calls to 
the foreign exported function block until the main thread called a 
special foreign imported 'yield' function.

The alternative is to have all Haskell in one thread, which means other 
threads would have to queue up calls to foreign exported functions, which 
would get executed by the main thread whenever it called 'yield'.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Profiling in GHC-4.08.1

2001-10-24 Thread Andre W B Furtado

I was trying to compile a .hs file with the profiling option enabled
(-prof -auto-all) but I got an error message:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lHSstd_p_imp
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Does anyone know what is this "-lHSstd_p_imp"? I am using GHC-4.08.1 (with
Cygwin) under a Windows 98 platform.

-- Andre

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