Re: Native Threads in the RTS

2002-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Thaller
Dean Herrington wrote:

[...] Rather, I find it
nonintuitive that calling from Haskell to foreign code and back into 
should create a new Haskell thread, when these two Haskell threads 
are just different portions of a single "thread of computation"
(deliberately vague term).

I agree to that. Creating a new thread for calling back into Haskell 
_only_ makes sense if you look at it from inside the GHC RTS. Before I 
had a look at the relevant parts of the RTS, I would never have thought 
of that.

I don't know if there's any advantage/disadvantage to changing GHC's 
internals. The only _observable_ difference is the thread's ThreadIds, 
and this should at least be clearly documented (or, even better, it 
should be "explicitly undocumented", so that no one will be suprised if 
the behaviour is changed in the future).

Off the top of my head I can think of two
situations in which having separate threads is bothersome.

3. Throwing exceptions to a thread
If I manually translate haskell exceptions to foreign exceptions and 
back, there is no reason why I shouldn't want to raise an exception in 
a thread I have a threadId for, even if that thread called a foreign 
function which in turn called back to haskell.
I think that the behaviour can always be emulated using MVars however, 
so I think there's no immediate action required.


I've tried to rephrase my proposal for native threads, this time 
treating GHC's behaviour in this situation as an implementation detail. 
I think the meaning of the proposal becomes clearer because of this. 
The proposal doesn't comment on ThreadIds, so the non-intuitive (IMHO) 
behaviour in GHC is independent of the "bound threads" proposal.

I think I've understood both my own specification and the current RTS 
well enough to start trying to implement a prototype soon. The intended 
meaning of the specification hasn't changed for the third revision in a 

Does anyone have concrete suggestions for the syntax change to foreign 
export and foreign import "wrapper"?



Bound Threads Proposal, version 5


Since foreign libraries sometimes exploit thread local state, it is
necessary to provide some control over which thread is used to execute
foreign code.  In particular, it is important that it should be
possible for Haskell code to arrange that a sequence of calls to a
given library are performed by the same native thread and that if an
external library calls into Haskell, then any outgoing calls from
Haskell are performed by the same native thread.

This specification is intended to be implementable both by
multithreaded Haskell implementations and by single-threaded
implementations and so it does not comment on which particular OS
thread is used to execute Haskell code.


A native thread is a thread as defined by the operating system.

A "Haskell thread" encapsulates the execution of a Haskell I/O action.
A Haskell thread is created by forkIO, and dies when the I/O action
When a Haskell thread calls a foreign imported function, it is not 
considered to be blocked (in the GHC runtime system, the calling thread 
is blocked; This is considered an implementation detail for the 
purposes of this specification, but be aware that myThreadId might 
return several different values for one "Haskell thread" as defined 
here). If the foreign function calls back to Haskell, the callback is 
said to run in the same Haskell thread.


Haskell threads may be associated at thread creation time with either
zero or one native threads. Each Native thread is associated with at 
most one Haskell thread.

A native thread that is associated with a Haskell thread is called a 
bound Haskell thread. A Haskell thread that is associated with a native 
thread is called a bound native thread.

A Haskell thread is always executed by a native thread. This 
specification places absolutely no restrictions on which native thread 
is used to execute a particular Haskell thread. The Haskell thread need 
not be associated with the native thread used to execute it, and one 
Haskell thread may be executed by more than one native thread during 
its lifetime [but not by several native threads at once].

A bound native thread may not be used for executing any Haskell thread 
except the one it is bound to.

It is implementation dependent whether the main thread, threads created 
using forkIO and threads created for running finalizers or signal 
handlers are bound or not.

When a foreign imported function is invoked [by Haskell code], the 
foreign code is executed in the native thread associated with the 
current Haskell thread, if an association exists. If the current 
Haskell thread is not associated to a native thread, the implementation 
may decide which native thread to run the foreign function in. The 
native thread that is used may not be bound to another Haskell thread.
The existing distinc

RE: :info in ghci

2002-12-03 Thread Hal Daume III
I see your point.  Though, I wouldn't be averse it it printing fixity for
everything.  From my point of view, when I do :info on something, I want
as much information as possible.

...speaking of which :), would you consider printing the entire datatype
when :info is done on a constructor?  For instance ':info Nothing'
currently just prints:

  -- Nothing is a data constructor
  Nothing :: forall a. Maybe a

but this really isn't any more information than I get out of ':t
Nothing'.  It might be nice if it also printed the results of ':info
Maybe', so I could see the other constructors.  I've run into this many
times, most recently when using hSeek, I had code that used hSeek with
AbsoluteSeek, and I wanted order to find this out, I had
to either look in the docs (slow), or do two :infos, first on AbsoluteSeek
and then on SeekMode...

I'm sure opinions differ on this, though...

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Simon Marlow wrote:

> > Ah...but if the fixity is not explicitly specified (and thus 
> > defaults to
> > infixl 9), this isn't printed, which is what was catching 
> > seems it
> > should be (or perhaps say "infixl 9 (default)")?
> But every variable has a fixity, including normal identifiers... should
> we report the default fixity for those too?
> Cheers,
>   Simon

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: :info in ghci

2002-12-03 Thread Simon Marlow
> Ah...but if the fixity is not explicitly specified (and thus 
> defaults to
> infixl 9), this isn't printed, which is what was catching 
> seems it
> should be (or perhaps say "infixl 9 (default)")?

But every variable has a fixity, including normal identifiers... should
we report the default fixity for those too?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: :info in ghci

2002-12-03 Thread Hal Daume III
Ah...but if the fixity is not explicitly specified (and thus defaults to
infixl 9), this isn't printed, which is what was catching seems it
should be (or perhaps say "infixl 9 (default)")?

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Simon Marlow wrote:

> > It already does... but a bug meant it wasn't always reporting it.
> > 
> > Now fixed in the head.
> ... and the bug doesn't exist in 5.04.1.
> Cheers,
>   Simon

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Native Threads in the RTS

2002-12-03 Thread Simon Marlow

> 2. It seems perfectly reasonable to want to have the Haskell 
> called-back code throw an exception that is caught by the Haskell code

> that called out to foreign code.  "Reusing" the Haskell thread is
> necessary  (though not sufficient) to achieve such behavior.

This is a particularly tricky problem, and I prefer to leave it up to
the programmer to handle such things.  Propagating the exception to the
original (Haskell) caller automatically is unlikely to be the right
thing to do, because the foreign code will almost certainly want to do
some clean up.

If the foreign language supports exceptions then it is conceivable that
we could turn a Haskell exception into a foreign exception (and
vice-versa), but for plain C I think we should leave well alone.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: :info in ghci

2002-12-03 Thread Simon Marlow
> It already does... but a bug meant it wasn't always reporting it.
> Now fixed in the head.

... and the bug doesn't exist in 5.04.1.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Request: suppress specific warnings at specific places

2002-12-03 Thread Simon Marlow
> This doesn't seem to work (easily) for me.  I want -Wall applied to
> all my source, so give it on the command line.  Because the OPTIONS
> options get prepended, the -Wall seems to win out.  :(.  I could add
> -Wall at the top of all my source files, but that's unappealing.  If
> GHC provided a way to have a command-line options appear before the
> OPTION options in the final list, that would work.

That's odd - it works here.  OPTIONS pragmas are supposed to override
the command line, and indeed in a small example I just tried I can
override individual warnings in the OPTIONS pragmas with -Wall on the
command line.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Java back end

2002-12-03 Thread Simon Marlow
> I was wondering, what happened to the Java back end that was going to
> produce bytecode - how's it going? Is it now at all 
> available? I'm having
> some difficulty finding it, and it sounded interesting.

There's one in ghc/compiler/javaGen, but it hasn't worked for a long
time (and never really worked, as far as I can tell).  I think Andy Gill
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was responsible for that one, you might want to
contact him.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: 'accept' does not seem to be thread friendly ..

2002-12-03 Thread Simon Marlow
> Below is my sample code ; the Net Cats
> This does not work, because 'accept' fuction of the
> Network module blocks the whole process, unlike
> Haskell Standard IO functions which blocks its thread
> only. How did you work around with complex networked
> applications ? It would be very helpful if you could
> give us more detailed advice from your expierience.
> Network.accept does not seem to be thread friendly.
> Then how am I going to keep my server from being blocked
> by accept?

I'm not sure exactly what your program is supposed to be doing, but as
far as I can tell it's working fine :-)

While the accept is waiting for a connection, the thread doing the
accept has taken the MVar, thus blocking the other thread which is also
trying to take the MVar.  I think this is perhaps not what you had in

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list