RE: Profiling trouble

2003-01-30 Thread Bayley, Alistair
 From: Ferenc Wagner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 One more question: is there a way not to truncate the call
 stacks?  Ie in the hp file I see lines like
 (144)showData2/showData/ma...   12
 and I'd like to see showData2/showData/main or so.

hear, hear...

I'm also having some fun with profiling...

The GHC manual might want to mention that running ghc --show-iface
on an interface file won't work if it was compiled with -prof.
You get: mismatched interface file versions: expected 5042, found 5042p
Compiling sans -prof works.

Heap profiling falls over (seg fault) in some cases unless I compile with
Cost-centre profiling works in both cases, and reveals that without -O2, a
lot more heap is used:

Sans -O2:
   queens +RTS -p -RTS

total time  =   28.42 secs   (1421 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 791,617,668 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

Avec -O2:
   queens +RTS -p -hc -RTS

total time  =   21.28 secs   (1064 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 464,256,564 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

I suspect that using a lot of heap causes it to fall over.
(My program is called queens because I'm trying to solve
the Queens and Knights problem on this page:  )

How do I tell if my functions are strict or not?
The manual says:
Look for your function in the interface file, then for the third field in
the pragma; it should say __S string. The string gives the strictness of
the function's arguments. L is lazy (bad), S and E are strict (good), P is
primitive (good), U(...) is strict and unpackable (very good), and A is
absent (very good).

Now, my functions weren't exported, so I've exported some of them, and used
ghc -Wall -ddump-simpl -ddump-hi ...
to compile, and now I get this (I've removed the Core syntax stuff, 'cos
there's a lot of it):

__interface Main Main 1 5042 where
__export  Main addQueens addQueens2 allSquares eightQueens keepBoard
knightsQueens main placeKnight placeQueen showBoard showBoards showRow
showSquare testAndAdd;
import Data.Set :: 1;
import GHC.IOBase :: 1;
import GHC.TopHandler :: 1;
import GHC.Base ! :: 1;
import GHC.Real :: 1;
import GHC.Enum :: 1;
import GHC.Num :: 1;
import GHC.Show :: 1;
import GHC.List :: 1;
import System.IO :: 1;
import Data.Tuple :: 1;
import GHC.Ptr :: 1;
import Foreign.Ptr ! :: 1;
import Data.FiniteMap :: 1;
(Main.$main) :: GHC.IOBase.IO ();
Main.knightsQueens :: [Main.Board];
Main.main :: GHC.IOBase.IO ();
Main.placeQueen :: Main.Board
   - [Main.Coord] - [Main.Board] - [Main.Board];
Main.placeKnight :: Main.Board
- [Main.Coord] - [Main.Board] - [Main.Board];
Main.testAndAdd :: Main.Board - [Main.Board] - [Main.Board];
Main.keepBoard :: Main.Board - GHC.Base.Bool;
Main.allSquares :: [Main.Coord];
Main.eightQueens :: [Main.Board];
Main.addQueens :: Main.Board
  - GHC.Base.Int - [Main.Board] - [Main.Board];
Main.addQueens2 :: Main.Board
   - GHC.Base.Int - GHC.Base.Int - [Main.Board] -
Main.showBoards :: [Main.Board] - GHC.Base.String;
Main.showBoard :: Main.Board - GHC.Base.String;
Main.showRow :: Main.Board - GHC.Base.Int - GHC.Base.String;
Main.showSquare :: Main.Board
   - GHC.Base.Int - GHC.Base.Int - GHC.Base.Char;
type Main.Coord = (GHC.Base.Int, GHC.Base.Int);
type Main.Square = GHC.Base.Int;
type Main.Squares = Data.Set.Set Main.Square;
type Main.Board = (Main.Squares, Main.Squares, Main.Squares);

What should I be looking for? Can/should I inspect the Core syntax too?


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Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: Profiling trouble

2003-01-30 Thread Simon Marlow
 something interesting turned up again.  Setting cut=8 in
 Show2.hs and running it with ./show +RTS -h -i0.01 gives
 show: fatal error: main thread has been GC'd
 It may be silly, since 0.01  1/50, but this error message
 isn't too helpful.  Btw, +RTS -? says:
   -imsec   Time between heap samples (msec, default: 100)
 which is wrong (time is given in seconds really).

Both of these bugs were fixed in 5.04.2.

 One more question: is there a way not to truncate the call
 stacks?  Ie in the hp file I see lines like
 (144)showData2/showData/ma...   12
 and I'd like to see showData2/showData/main or so.

I'm afraid there's no way at the moment, but I'll look into adding a
flag.  The problem is that the longer the stacks get, the less room
there is for the graph - hp2ps tends to squeeze the graph up to make
room for the labels, which is why we truncate them.

Your other problem (misattribution of costs in the profile) seems to be
related to the use of overloaded functions, and the compiler isn't
translating the definition of getStates properly.  I haven't found a fix

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Profiling trouble

2003-01-30 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Both of these bugs were fixed in 5.04.2.


 I'm afraid there's no way at the moment, but I'll look
 into adding a flag.  The problem is that the longer the
 stacks get, the less room there is for the graph - hp2ps
 tends to squeeze the graph up to make room for the labels,
 which is why we truncate them.

It's clear.  The disappointing thing was to find truncated
names in the .hp file, too...  Btw, a wonderful XML tool is
coming, isn't it? :) Till then, a switch would be more than
enough.  The .prof file also helps.  And the letters could
be smaller, and the text could be wrapped, and...  For a
screen view (I've never printed a profile) almost everything
will do.

 Your other problem (misattribution of costs in the
 profile) seems to be related to the use of overloaded
 functions, and the compiler isn't translating the
 definition of getStates properly.  I haven't found a fix

On the other hand, I've already found the problem with my
code (the heap profiler helped much), so I'm coding away
happily!  Thanks for the good work!

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-30 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones

As Simon M says, if you (or anyone else) felt able to write up a
standalone summary
of what the problem is, and what the solution is, I'd love to add it to
the GHC
FAQ or documentation somewhere.  In my experience, simply explaining the
clearly is quite tricky. (E.g. the cygwin vs mingw issues, described in
the Building Guide,
took me ages to understand well enough to write down.)


| -Original Message-
| From: Alex Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
| Sent: 29 January 2003 16:29
| Subject: Re: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.
| Thanks to all for the replies;  Hal's resolution rings a 
| bell, now that I think about it, from Ye Olde Days when 
| cygwin was a ghc pre-req -- just didn't think of it when 
| installing more recently on a new machine.  (Install in 
| haste, repent at leisure.)  Claus' suggestion about relative 
| paths does the ticket, though:  didn't occur to me as the 
| paths were being generated by a configure script, but yes, it 
| was possible to override them, which works as advertised.
| Cheers,
| Alex.
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list 
|| haskell-users
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-30 Thread Claus Reinke
As Simon M says, if you (or anyone else) felt able to write up a
standalone summary of what the problem is, and what the solution is, I'd love 
to add it to the GHC FAQ or documentation somewhere.  

Following the worse-is-better approach, here's some text for others
to fiddle with (I'd recommend to keep the result in the GHC FAQ
proper, possibly with a link from the building guide, if necessary).
I've omitted the build-ghc-with-cygwin option, lest readers in search
or solutions rush of to cause themselves even more problems;-).


Using GHC (and other GHC-compiled executables )with cygwin

The cygwin tools aim to provide a unix-style API on top of the windows 
libraries, to facilitate ports of unix software to windows. To this end, they 
introduce a unix-style directory hierarchy under some root directory
(typically / is C:\cygwin\). Moreover, everything built against the cygwin 
API (including the cygwin tools and programs compiled with cygwin's
ghc) will see / as the root of their file system, happily pretending to work
in a typical unix environment, and finding things like /bin and /usr/include
without ever explicitly bothering with their actual location on the windows
system (probably C:\cygwin\bin and C:\cygwin\usr\include).

[the problem]
GHC, by default, no longer depends on cygwin, but is a native windows
program. It is built using mingw, and it uses mingw's ghc while compiling 
your Haskell sources (even if you call it from cygwin's bash), but what 
matters here is that - just like any other normal windows program - neither 
GHC nor the executables it produces are aware of cygwin's pretended 
unix hierarchy. GHC will happily accept either '/' or '\' as path separators, 
but it won't know where to find /home/joe/Main.hs or /bin/bash or the 
like. This causes all kinds of fun when GHC is used from within cygwin's 
bash, or in make-sessions running under cygwin.

[things to do]
0) don't panic!

1) don't use absolute paths in make, configure  co if there is any chance 
  that those might be passed to GHC (or to GHC-compiled programs). Relative
  paths are fine because cygwin tools are happy with them and GHC accepts 
  '/' as path-separator. And relative paths don't depend on where cygwin's
  root directory is located, or on which partition or network drive your source
  tree happens to reside, as long as you 'cd' there first.

2) if you have to use absolute paths (beware of the innocent-looking
  ROOT=`pwd` in makefile hierarchies or configure scripts), cygwin provides
  a tool called 'cygpath' that can convert cygwin's unix-style paths to their
  actual windows-style counterparts. Many cygwin tools actually accept
  absolute windows-style paths (remember, though, that you either need 
  to escape '\' or convert '\' to '/'), so you should be fine just using those 
  everywhere. If you need to use tools that do some kind of path-mangling 
  that depends on unix-style paths (one fun example is trying to interpret ':' 
  as a separator in path lists..), you can still try to convert paths using 
  cygpath just before they are passed to GHCfriends.
3) if you don't have cygpath, you probably don't have cygwin and hence
  no problems with it.. unless you want to write one build process for several
  platforms. Again, relative paths are your friend, but if you have to use
  absolute paths, and don't want to use different tools on different platforms,
  you can simply write a short Haskell program to print the current directory
   (thanks to George Russell for this idea): compiled with GHC, this will give 
  you the view of the file system that GHC depends on (which will differ 
  depending on whether GHC is compiled with cygwin's gcc or mingw's
  gcc or on a real unix system..) - that little program can also deal with 
  escaping '\' in paths. Apart from the banner and the startup time, 
  something like this would also do:

  $ echo Directory.getCurrentDirectory = putStrLn . init . tail . show  | ghci

4) panic now.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ghc/cygwin filename resolution issue.

2003-01-30 Thread Alex Ferguson
 As Simon M says, if you (or anyone else) felt able to write up a
 standalone summary
 of what the problem is, and what the solution is, I'd love to add it to
 the GHC
 FAQ or documentation somewhere.  In my experience, simply explaining the
 clearly is quite tricky. (E.g. the cygwin vs mingw issues, described in
 the Building Guide,
 took me ages to understand well enough to write down.)

I'll definitely defer to Claus on this one.  I'm still working through
the issues in places, but I don't yet have anything coherent to add.

(This was all motivated, btw, by trying to build HaXml under ghc/cygwin,
which fell for me at the first hurdle of first catch your hmake in the
recipe.  I've now gotten as far as a _build_ of hmake, but it then runs
into similar issues with its own use of the f/s (rc files and what-not).
If anyone has this one down pat already, they might save my tired brain
some pain, otherwise I'll summarise to the list if and when I get some
sort of resolution myself.)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Bug in GHC 5.04.2 for Mac OS X

2003-01-30 Thread Ashley Yakeley
At 2003-01-30 20:27, I wrote:

GPR13 is indeed considered nonvolatile, so it looks like the JVM is 
correct and the function made by createAdjustor is wrong.

See enclosed example.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

Description: Binary data