RE: POpen, opening lots of processes

2004-01-09 Thread Simon Marlow
> > There is an outstanding proposal for a System.Process library:
> >
> >
> >
> > This is currently stalled because we need a non-blocking
> > implementation of getProcessStatus (which is in the
> > pipeline).  Something akin to Tomasz's launch could also
> > be included here.
> How is it different from System.Posix.Process?  Supposed to
> be more portable?  Sounds good.

Yes, it is a portable process library.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: POpen, opening lots of processes

2004-01-09 Thread Ferenc Wagner
"Simon Marlow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> I had a similar problem, and finally I created my own
>>> solution that doesn't leave zombies and doesn't block when
>>> the launched process writes too much to stderr.
>> Pretty neat, I've got an application idea for that code!
>> Couldn't it be include in the standard libraries?  Anyway,
>> thanks for posting it.
> There is an outstanding proposal for a System.Process library:
> This is currently stalled because we need a non-blocking
> implementation of getProcessStatus (which is in the
> pipeline).  Something akin to Tomasz's launch could also
> be included here.

How is it different from System.Posix.Process?  Supposed to
be more portable?  Sounds good.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: POpen, opening lots of processes

2004-01-09 Thread Simon Marlow
> Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I had a similar problem, and finally I created my own
> > solution that doesn't leave zombies and doesn't block when
> > the launched process writes too much to stderr.
> Pretty neat, I've got an application idea for that code!
> Couldn't it be include in the standard libraries?  Anyway,
> thanks for posting it.

There is an outstanding proposal for a System.Process library:

This is currently stalled because we need a non-blocking implementation
of getProcessStatus (which is in the pipeline).  Something akin to
Tomasz's launch could also be included here.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: POpen, opening lots of processes

2004-01-09 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I had a similar problem, and finally I created my own
> solution that doesn't leave zombies and doesn't block when
> the launched process writes too much to stderr.

Pretty neat, I've got an application idea for that code!
Couldn't it be include in the standard libraries?  Anyway,
thanks for posting it.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: POpen, opening lots of processes

2004-01-09 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 09:33:29AM -0800, Hal Daume III wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using POpen to shell out to a command several hundreds or thousands of 
> times per call (none of them simultaneous, though, this is completely 
> serial).  After running my program for a while, I get:
> Fail: resource exhausted
> Action: forkProcess
> Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable
> which basically seems to be telling me that the program hasn't been 
> closing the old processes, even though they're definitely not in use 
> anymore.
> Does anyone have any suggestions how to get around this?

I had a similar problem, and finally I created my own solution that
doesn't leave zombies and doesn't block when the launched process writes
too much to stderr.

I tested it in GHC 6.0. For 6.2 you'd have to change the use of


  launch :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO (ProcessStatus, String, String)

  (status, out, err) <- launch prog args progInput


*Shell> (status, out, err) <- launch "tr" ["a-z", "A-Z"] 
(unlines (replicate 1 "Haskell"))
*Shell> status
Exited ExitSuccess
*Shell> length out
*Shell> mapM_ putStrLn (take 10 (lines out))

Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links

module Shell where

import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import IO

launch :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO (ProcessStatus, String, String)
launch prog args inputStr = do
(childIn, parentIn) <- createPipe
(parentOut, childOut) <- createPipe
(parentErr, childErr) <- createPipe

forkProcess >>= \pid -> case pid of
Nothing -> do -- child
closeFd parentIn
closeFd parentOut
closeFd parentErr
closeFd 0 -- FIXME: What if some of 0,1,2 are already closed?
closeFd 1
closeFd 2
childIn `dupTo` 0
childOut `dupTo` 1
childErr `dupTo` 2
closeFd childIn
closeFd childOut
closeFd childErr
executeFile prog True args Nothing
fail "launch: executeFile failed"

Just child -> do -- parent
closeFd childIn
closeFd childOut
closeFd childErr

input <- fdToHandle parentIn
output <- fdToHandle parentOut
err <- fdToHandle parentErr

outputCS <- hGetContents output
errCS <- hGetContents err

outputMV <- newEmptyMVar
errMV <- newEmptyMVar
inputMV <- newEmptyMVar

forkIO $ hPutStr input inputStr >> hClose input >> putMVar inputMV ()
forkIO $ foldr seq () outputCS `seq` hClose output >> putMVar outputMV ()
forkIO $ foldr seq () errCS `seq` hClose err >> putMVar errMV ()

takeMVar outputMV
takeMVar errMV
takeMVar inputMV

mStatus <- getProcessStatus True False child

case mStatus of
Nothing -> fail "launch: can't get child process status"
Just stat -> return (stat, outputCS, errCS)

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