Re: Associativity of the generic representation of sum types

2011-09-22 Thread Bas van Dijk
2011/9/22 Bas van Dijk :
> I will make an official ticket for this.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Associativity of the generic representation of sum types

2011-09-22 Thread Bas van Dijk
2011/9/22 Bas van Dijk :
> I just discovered the predicate:
>  -- | Marks if this constructor is a record
>  conIsRecord :: t c (f :: * -> *) a -> Bool
> I think this can solve my problem.

I think I have solved the bug now using conIsRecord. This is the new

However, I would still very much like to have the information, whether
a constructor is a record or not, statically available. This has two

* More efficient: programs can make a static instead of a dynamic choice.

* No more ugly undefined instances: because the information is not
statically available I need to add several "undefined" instances like:

instance GFromRecord (a :+: b)  where gParseRecord = undefined
instance GFromRecord U1 where gParseRecord = undefined
instance GFromRecord (K1 i c)   where gParseRecord = undefined
instance GFromRecord (M1 i c f) where gParseRecord = undefined

These instances will never be evaluated at runtime. They only exist to
satisfy the type-checker.

So I propose making the following changes to GHC.Generics:

Add a phantom type to C that specifies whether it's a record or not
using the (empty) datatypes:

data Record
data Product

Maybe it's also nice to have the type synonyms:

type R1 = M1 (C Record)
type P1 = M1 (C Product)

I will make an official ticket for this.



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Associativity of the generic representation of sum types

2011-09-22 Thread Bas van Dijk
2011/9/22 Bas van Dijk :
> What would make all this much easier is if the meta-information of
> constructors had a flag which indicated if it was a record or not.
> Could this be added?

I just discovered the predicate:

  -- | Marks if this constructor is a record
  conIsRecord :: t c (f :: * -> *) a -> Bool

I think this can solve my problem.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Associativity of the generic representation of sum types

2011-09-22 Thread Bas van Dijk
Hi José,

I have another related question: (Excuse me for the big email, I had
trouble making it smaller)

I discovered a bug in my code that converts a product into a JSON
value. I would like to convert products without field selectors into
Arrays (type Array = Vector Value) and products with field selectors
(records) into Objects (type Object = Map Text Value). Currently my
code makes the wrong assumption that product types are build in a
right associative way so that I can simply do this:

-- Products without field selectors:
instance (GToJSON a, Flatten b) => GToJSON (S1 NoSelector a :*: b) where
gToJSON = toJSON . flatten

-- Other products, so products with field selectors (records):
instance (GObject a, GObject b) => GToJSON (a :*: b) where
gToJSON = Object . gObject

Note that flatten converts the product into a list of Values:

class Flatten f where
flatten :: f a -> [Value]

instance (GToJSON a, Flatten b) => Flatten (S1 NoSelector a :*: b) where
flatten (m1 :*: r) = gToJSON m1 : flatten r

instance (GToJSON a) => Flatten (S1 NoSelector a) where
flatten m1 = [gToJSON $ unM1 m1]

and gObject convert the product into an Object:

class GObject f where
gObject :: f a -> Object

instance (GObject a, GObject b) => GObject (a :*: b) where
gObject (a :*: b) = gObject a `M.union` gObject b

instance (Selector s, GToJSON a) => GObject (S1 s a) where
gObject = M.singleton (pack (selName m1)) (gToJSON (unM1 m1))

The problem of course is that products have a tree-shape (as in: (a
:*: b) :*: (c :*: d)) which causes the wrong instance to be selected.

I tried to solve it in the following way:

There's only one GToJSON instance for products:

instance (ToValue (ProdRes (a :*: b)), GProductToJSON a, GProductToJSON b)
 => GToJSON (a :*: b) where
gToJSON = toValue . gProductToJSON

It uses the overloaded helper function gProductToJSON which converts a
product into a ProdRes. A ProdRes is an associated type family which
for products without field selectors equals a difference list of
Values and for records equals an Object:

class GProductToJSON f where
type ProdRes f :: *
gProductToJSON :: f a -> ProdRes f

instance GToJSON a => GProductToJSON (S1 NoSelector a) where
type ProdRes (S1 NoSelector a) = DList Value
gProductToJSON = singleton . gToJSON

instance (Selector s, GToJSON a) => GProductToJSON (S1 s a) where
type ProdRes (S1 s a) = Object
gProductToJSON m1 = M.singleton (pack (selName m1)) (gToJSON (unM1 m1))

The gProductToJSON for products recursively converts the left and
right branches to a ProdRes and unifies them using 'union':

instance (GProductToJSON a, GProductToJSON b, ProdRes a ~ ProdRes b)
=> GProductToJSON (a :*: b) where
type ProdRes (a :*: b) = ProdRes a -- or b
gProductToJSON (a :*: b) = gProductToJSON a `union` gProductToJSON b

class Union r where
  union :: r -> r -> r

instance Union (DList Value) where
  union = append

instance Union Object where
  union = M.union

Finally, the overloaded toValue turns the ProdRes into a JSON value.

class ToValue r where
toValue :: r -> Value

instance ToValue (DList Value) where toValue = toJSON . toList
instance ToValue Objectwhere toValue = Object

Difference lists are simply:

type DList a = [a] -> [a]

toList :: DList a -> [a]
toList = ($ [])

singleton :: a -> DList a
singleton = (:)

append :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a
append = (.)

The problem with this code is that I get the following error:

Conflicting family instance declarations:
  type ProdRes (S1 NoSelector a)
  type ProdRes (S1 s a)

I was under the impression that GHC would be able to resolve this
simply by choosing the most specific type (just as it does with type
classes). Unfortunately it doesn't.

So I'm a bit stuck now. How would you solve it?

What would make all this much easier is 

Re: Associativity of the generic representation of sum types

2011-09-22 Thread Bas van Dijk
2011/9/22 José Pedro Magalhães :
> Hi Bas,
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 03:55, Bas van Dijk  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just used the new GHC generics together with the DefaultSignatures
>> extension to provide a default generic implementation for toJSON and
>> parseJSON in the aeson package:
>> It appears that the generic representation of a sum type has a tree shape
>> as in:
>> (a :+: b) :+: (c :+: d)
> That is correct.
>> In my case this tree-shaped representation is problematic when parsing
>> a JSON value to this type. My overloaded parsing function is
>> parameterized with a key which specifies which of the a, b, c or d
>> constructors to parse. When it encounters a constructor it checks if
>> it matches the key, if so it is parsed, if not parsing will fail.
>> Because of the tree-shaped representation of sum types I have to
>> recursively parse the left and right branch and join them using <|>:
>> I don't know for sure but I suspect that this can cause memory leaks
>> since the <|> has to keep the right value in memory when it is parsing
>> the left.
> It is not immediately clear to me why this would cause memory leaks...
>> Ideally the generic representation of sum types is right associative as
>> in:
>> a :+: (b :+: (c :+: d))
>> This way I only have to check if 'a' matches, if it does the right
>> branch can be forgotten.
>> Is there a good reason for not having it right associative?
> The reason is performance. In particular for large datatypes with many
> constructors, a balanced sum-of-products performs better than a right-nested
> one. Also, it makes things like writing generic space-efficient
> encoders/decoders easier.
> But I would be very interested in understanding if/how the balanced view
> leads to a space leak, so please let me know if you can provide some more
> information.
> Thanks,
> Pedro
>> Regards,
>> Bas
>> ___
>> Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Hi José,

After thinking about this some more, I don't think I need to worry
about space leaks.

The only worry I have is that in the following code:

class GFromSum f where
gParseSum :: Pair -> Parser (f a)

instance (GFromSum a, GFromSum b) => GFromSum (a :+: b) where
gParseSum keyVal = fmap L1 (gParseSum keyVal) <|> fmap R1 (gParseSum keyVal)

instance (Constructor c, GFromJSON a) => GFromSum (C1 c a) where
gParseSum (key, value)
| key == pack (conName (undefined :: t c a p)) = gParseJSON value
| otherwise = notFound $ unpack key

notFound :: String -> Parser a
notFound key = fail $ "The key \"" ++ key ++ "\" was not found"

when gParseSum determines that the key equals the name of the
constructor, it is going to parse the value. However what happens when
the parsing of the value fails? Ideally it would immediately
terminate. However because of the <|> it will try all other branches.
This is unnecessary computation. Fortunately parsing those other
branches will immediately fail because non will have a constructor
that equals the key. So maybe I'm just worrying to much :-)



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