Re: Type operators in GHC

2012-09-19 Thread Conal Elliott
Indeed -- lovely notational tricks, Iavor  Edward! I think I'd be happy
with one of these variations. At least worth experimenting with.

-- Conal

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Carter Schonwald wrote:

 1) kudos to iavor and edward on the slick notation invention!

 2)   the key point is that ghc 7.6 does not have support for infix type
  variable notation, and how to encode infix arrow notations nicely subject
 that design choice, right?

 i'm likely just being a tad redundant in this conversation, but it never
 hurts to sanity check :)


 On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Edward Kmett wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Sjoerd Visscher sjo...@w3future.comwrote:


 Note that nobody was suggesting two pragmas with incompatible behaviors,
 only to have just one symbol reserved to still be able to have type
 operator variables.

 An issue with reserving a symbol for type operator variables is it
 doesn't help you today.

 7.6.1 is already released.

 This means that any change in behavior would have to be in 7.6.2 at the
 earliest. Assuming the bikeshedding could complete and Simon et al.
 frantically patched the code tomorrow, rushing to release a 7.6.2 before
 the platform release.

 Failing that, you'd have a whole release cycle to wait through, probably
 a platform, before you could go back to your old behavior, and then your
 code would have some strange gap of GHC version numbers over which it
 didn't work.

 Everyone would have to pretend 7.6.1 never happened, or  and break
 anyone's code that was already written for 7.6, so instead of one breaking
 change, we'd now have two.

 For instance, I'm already using ~ in ''
 for natural transformations and I am loving it, and would be sad to lose it
 to the choice of ~ as a herald, similarly it would make the ~c~ trick
 more verbose, and ~ is particularly terrible for operators like ~+~.

 Other herald choices lead to different issues, '.' is slightly better for
 the other operators, but makes kind of ugly arrows, plus some day i'd
 _really_ like to be able to use . as a type constructor for functor
 composition! It is currently reserved at the type level as an almost
 accidental consequence of the way forall gets parsed today.

 I really like Iavor's entirely-in-language way of addressing the issue,
 due in part to it providing even better associativity than the existing
 approach, and honestly, even if GHC HQ was somehow convinced to set aside
 an ad hoc herald for type variables, I'd probably start using it in my
 code. (probably sandwiching between something like :- and : for old GHC
 compatibility). I really like that I can just call the Category c, and just
 get ~c~  or something similar as its arrows. This feels more notationally
 accurate to me.

 It also has two major benefits compared to any proposal for adding
 different heralds:

 1.) It is compatible with old code, code written with 7.6.1 and I suppose
 future code, since (:) is such a remarkably awkward choice of herald for
 the reasons already documented that it seems an unlikely choice.

 2.) I can program with it today.

 I just realized if you don't want to worry about collisions with the type
 naturals from GHC.TypeLits, and didn't care about pre-7.6 compatibility,
 you could strip the notation down all the way to

 cmap :: CFunctor f c d = (x -c y) - f x -d f y

 This is even shorter than the conventional

 cmap :: CFunctor f (~) (~~) = (x ~ y) - f x ~~ f y

 Which turns the but it is longer argument against it on its head. ;)


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Re: PolyKind issue in GHC 7.6.1rc1: How to make a kind a functional dependency?

2012-09-19 Thread Andrea Vezzosi
On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 Type inference
 I'm a little unclear about the implications for inference.  One route
 might be this.   Suppose we are trying to solve a constraint
  [W]  (a:'(k1,ks)) ~ '( t1, t2 )
 where a is an untouchable type variable.  (if it was touchable we'd
 simply unify it.)  Then we can replace it with a constraint
 [W]   '(Fst a, Snd a) ~ '( t1, t2)

 Is that it?  Or do we need more?  I'm a bit concerned about constraints like
 F a ~ e
 where a:'(k1,k2), and we have a type instance like  F '(a,b) = ...

F a ~ F '(Fst a, Snd a) has to hold, so one does need to expand a for
constraints like F a ~ e in this case. One way to think of it is that
patterns like '(a,b) are the same as value-level ~(a,b) ones.

-- Andrea

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: PolyKind issue in GHC 7.6.1rc1: How to make a kind a functional dependency?

2012-09-19 Thread Richard Eisenberg
Please see my responses inline.

On Sep 16, 2012, at 11:49 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

 Eta rules
 *   We want to add eta-rules to FC.  Sticking to pairs for now, that would 
 amount to
 adding two new type functions (Fst, Snd), and three new, built-in axioms
   axPair k1 k2 (a:'(k1,k2)) : a ~ '(Fst a, Snd a)
   axFst k1 k2 (a:k1) (b:k2) : Fst '(a,b) ~ a
   axSnd k1 k2 (a:k1) (b:k2) : Snd '(a,b) ~ a
 Generalising to arbitrary products looks feasible.

The last two axioms are the straightforward compilations of the type families 
Fst and Snd -- nothing new is needed to create these. The first is the 
challenge and will require some type inference magic.

 *  Adding these axioms would make FC inconsistent, because 
   axPair * * (Any '(*,*) ) : Any '(*,*) ~ (Fst .., Snd ..)
 and that has two different type constructors on each side.
 However, I think is readily solved: see below under Fixing Any
 * Even in the absence of Any, it's not 100% obvious that adding the above
   eta axioms retains consistency of FC.  I believe that Richard is 
   to check this out.  Right, Richard?

I'll be going through the consistency proof shortly for some other work I'm 
doing, so I'll throw this into the mix while it's all paged in. This might be 
tricky, though.

 Type inference
 I'm a little unclear about the implications for inference.  One route
 might be this.   Suppose we are trying to solve a constraint
 [W]  (a:'(k1,ks)) ~ '( t1, t2 )
 where a is an untouchable type variable.  (if it was touchable we'd
 simply unify it.)  Then we can replace it with a constraint
[W]   '(Fst a, Snd a) ~ '( t1, t2)

I don't think that's the right replacement. The next natural step would be 
decomposition, leading to (Fst a ~ t1) and (Snd a ~ t2), which would then get 
stuck, because Fst and Snd  aren't injective. So, I would say we need

  a1, a2 fresh
  [G] a ~ '(a1, a2)
  [W] '(a1, a2) ~ '(t1, t2)

which would then decompose correctly. As I write this, I'm worried about that 
freshness condition… what if 'a' appears multiple times in the type? We would 
either need to guarantee that a1 and a2 are the same each time, or create new 
[W] constraints that a1 ~ a1', etc. But, maybe this is easier in practice than 
it seems. Type inference experts?

 Is that it?  Or do we need more?  I'm a bit concerned about constraints like
F a ~ e
 where a:'(k1,k2), and we have a type instance like  F '(a,b) = …

Here, the proper eta-expansion (a ~ '(Fst a, Snd a)) works great, no?

 Anything else?
 I don't really want to eagerly eta-expand every type variable, because (a) 
 we'll bloat the constraints and (b) we might get silly error messages.  For 
 (b) consider the insoluble constraint
[W]  a~b
 where a and b are both skolems of kind '(k1,k2). If we eta-expand both we'll 
 get two insoluble constraints (Fst a ~ Fst b) and (Snd a ~ Snd b), and we 
 DEFINITELY don't want to report that as a type error!

Could this be handled using mechanisms already in place to report errors about 
unexpanded type synonyms? If so, we could eagerly expand, and I think that 
would ease the implementation. However, I defer to those more expert than I in 
such issues.

 Fixing Any
 * I think we can fix the Any problem readily by making Any into a type 
 that has no instances.   We certainly allow equalities with a type
 *family* application on the left and a type constructor on the right.
 I have implemented this change already... it seems like a good plan.
 * Several people have asked why we need Any at all.  Consider this source 
 reverse []
 At what type should we instantiate 'reverse' and the empty list []?  Any 
 will do, but we must choose one; FC doesn't have unbound type variables.
 So I instantiate it at (Any *):
 reverse (Any *) ([] (Any *))
 Why is Any poly-kinded?  Because the above ambiguity situation sometimes 
 arises at other kinds.
 *   I'm betting that making Any into a family will mess up Richard's 
 (entirely separate)
 use of (Any k) as a proxy for a kind argument k; because now (Any k1 ~ 
 Any k2)
 does not entail (k1~k2).   We need Any to be an *injective* type family.  
 We want
 injective type families anyway, so I guess I should add the internal 
 (which is easy).

I don't think injectivity is the key here. As I understand it, any equality t1 
~ t2 entails k1 ~ k2, where t1:k1 and t2:k2. When trying to unify Any k1 ~ Any 
k2, GHC will already (I think) unify k1 and k2, just based on the kinds, not on 
injectivity. Is there something here I'm missing?

 I believe that injective type families are fully decomposable, just like 
 data type families,

No, I don't think so. Data families are generative, which is a stronger 
condition than injective. Consider (D a ~ b c), where D is a data family (or a 
constructor, for 

Re: PolyKind issue in GHC 7.6.1rc1: How to make a kind a functional dependency?

2012-09-19 Thread Dan Doel
On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 I don't really want to eagerly eta-expand every type variable, because (a) 
 we'll bloat the constraints and (b) we might get silly error messages.  For 
 (b) consider the insoluble constraint
 [W]  a~b
 where a and b are both skolems of kind '(k1,k2). If we eta-expand both we'll 
 get two insoluble constraints (Fst a ~ Fst b) and (Snd a ~ Snd b), and we 
 DEFINITELY don't want to report that as a type error!

I almost forgot to mention this, but...

You should perhaps talk to the agda implementors. They've done a lot
of work to avoid eta expanding as much as possible, because it was
killing performance (but it does also make for some nicer display). So
they probably know some tricks.

-- Dan

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