Re: haskell xml parsing for larger files?

2014-02-20 Thread Chris Smith
Have you looked at tagsoup?
On Feb 20, 2014 3:30 AM, Christian Maeder


I've got some difficulties parsing large xml files ( 100MB).
A plain SAX parser, as provided by hexpat, is fine. However, constructing a
tree consumes too much memory on a 32bit machine.


I suspect that sharing strings when constructing trees might greatly reduce
memory requirements. What are suitable libraries for string pools?

Before trying to implement something myself, I'ld like to ask who else has
tried to process large xml files (and met similar memory problems)?

I have not yet investigated xml-conduit and hxt for our purpose. (These
look scary.)

In fact, I've basically used the content trees from The (simple) xml
package and switching to another tree type is no fun, in particular if
this gains not much.

Thanks Christian
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: A language extension for dealing with Prelude.foldr vs Foldable.foldr and similar dilemmas

2013-05-28 Thread Chris Smith

While it might work for teaching, it's not reasonable to ask software
developers who want to write useful software to depend on haskell98
instead of base if they want more relevant types.

I'd go one step further and say that we're not just talking about
whether someone is an advanced user either.  I'm probably among the
more advanced of Haskell users, but I'd still rather see specialized
type signatures in cases where one specific instance is far more
common than the others.  Yes, I know that certain combinators like
(***) and () are useful for functions, for example.  It still makes
me less productive to have those things stuffed off in a corner where
they are difficult to get to, and described in needlessly abstract

I honestly can't understand the viewpoint that says that having the
compiler choose the unique most general type for imported symbols (or
give an error if none exists) is too complicated, yet programmers
manually substituting common instances into type signatures is no big
deal.  The first is fairly obvious work done by the compiler, which
the second needs programmers (yes, even experienced ones) to
occasionally get out a pencil and paper to work out the details.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:23 AM, Daniel Gorín wrote:
 It is not only a matter of teaching, I think. After first learning the very 
 basics of a language, browsing the libraries that come included is a more or 
 less standard way of getting more acquainted with it. By including only the 
 abstract versions we are making it much harder to learn the common idioms.

 For instance, at the moment, how likely is that someone will start using 
 (), (***), (+++) or any of the useful combinators in Control.Arrow from 
 reading its haddock? These are very handy functions, easy to understand when 
 specialized to (-), but are usually reserved for advanced users since they 
 are presented only in their most general way. With an extension like this one 
 available, one could propose including specialized versions of them in 
 Data.Function and/or Data.Tuple/Data.Either; today it would be a very bad 
 idea due to the clash with Control.Arrow!


 On May 28, 2013, at 3:27 AM, Edward A Kmett wrote:

 This is basically what you get by default already with the raw proposal 
 we've been talking about -- the Preludes in the haskell98 and haskell2010 
 remain unmodified by this proposal and are available for teaching use.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On May 27, 2013, at 8:53 PM, Andrew Farmer wrote:

 I generally agree with Iavor's points, but if this is such an issue, why 
 not make Prelude more general by default and have a special 'Prelude.Basic' 
 with the more specific type signatures for beginners? The general Prelude 
 would be implicitly imported as now, unless the module imported 
 Prelude.Basic unqualified. Then make Hackage warn/reject packages that use 

 Tutorials/Books would have to tell readers to add a magic import 
 Prelude.Basic at the beginning of their source files, but tutorials for 
 other languages do this (public static void main(..)?) to relatively little 

 Sorry, I'm sure this has been proposed before... but the proposed extension 
 seems complicated to avoid some qualified imports/hidings. If we really 
 want people to use Foldable's foldr by default, then make it the default 
 and let beginners add a magic line once per file to get simpler types.


 On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Daniel Gorín wrote:
 Hi Iavor,

 On May 27, 2013, at 6:18 PM, Iavor Diatchki wrote:

  On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:42 AM, Daniel Gorín wrote:
  On May 24, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
   How about (in Haskell98)
 module Data.List ( foldr, ...)
 import qualified Data.Foldable
 foldr :: (a - b - b) - b - [a] - b
 foldr = Data.Foldable.foldr
  It would not be the same! Using your example one will get that the 
  following fails to compile:
   import Data.List
   import Data.Foldable
   f = foldr
  The problem is that Data.List.foldr and Data.Foldable.foldr are here 
  different symbols with the same name.
  This is precisely why Foldable, Traversable, Category, etc are awkward 
  to use. The proposal is to make Data.List reexport Data.Foldable.foldr 
  (with a more specialized type) so that the module above can be accepted.
  I think that it is perfectly reasonable for this to fail to compile---to 
  me, this sort of implicit shadowing based on what extensions are turned 
  on would be very confusing.  It may seem obvious with a well-known 
  example, such as `foldr`, but I can easily imagine getting a headache 
  trying to figure out a new library that makes uses the proposed feature 
  in anger :)

 I understand your concern, but I don't quite see how a library could abuse 
 this feature. I mean, a library could export the same symbol with different 

Re: A language extension for dealing with Prelude.foldr vs Foldable.foldr and similar dilemmas

2013-05-27 Thread Chris Smith
I agree that it would be unfortunate to complicate the Prelude
definitions of foldr and such by generalizing to type classes like
Foldable.  This proposal seems attractive to me as a way to reconcile
abstraction when it's needed, and simplicity for beginners.  However,
it does seem like a common pattern might be to want to re-export a
more generic symbol alongside a rewrite rule that substitutes a more
efficient implementation for a specific type.  Consider Text,
ByteString, and Vector, for example.  Is that doable with rewrite
rules and this proposal?

I'd also point out that the first of the two (-XMoreSpecificExports)
would be convenient even without the other.  Many people already
routinely list type signatures in comments after each symbol of the
export list.  This would just allow the compiler to check and enforce
the contracts that people are already documenting in comments.  Adding
optional type checking where people are already writing type
signatures anyway seems like an obvious win.

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Daniel Gorín wrote:
 Hi Iavor,

 On May 27, 2013, at 6:18 PM, Iavor Diatchki wrote:


 On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 12:42 AM, Daniel Gorín wrote:
 On May 24, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

  How about (in Haskell98)
module Data.List ( foldr, ...)
import qualified Data.Foldable
foldr :: (a - b - b) - b - [a] - b
foldr = Data.Foldable.foldr

 It would not be the same! Using your example one will get that the 
 following fails to compile:

  import Data.List
  import Data.Foldable
  f = foldr

 The problem is that Data.List.foldr and Data.Foldable.foldr are here 
 different symbols with the same name.
 This is precisely why Foldable, Traversable, Category, etc are awkward to 
 use. The proposal is to make Data.List reexport Data.Foldable.foldr (with a 
 more specialized type) so that the module above can be accepted.

 I think that it is perfectly reasonable for this to fail to compile---to me, 
 this sort of implicit shadowing based on what extensions are turned on would 
 be very confusing.  It may seem obvious with a well-known example, such as 
 `foldr`, but I can easily imagine getting a headache trying to figure out a 
 new library that makes uses the proposed feature in anger :)

 I understand your concern, but I don't quite see how a library could abuse 
 this feature. I mean, a library could export the same symbol with different 
 specialized types in various modules, but you, the user of the library, will 
 see them as different symbols with conflicting name, just like now you see 
 symbols Prelude.foldr and Data.Foldable.foldr exported by base... unless, of 
 course, you specifically activate the extension (the one called 
 MoreSpecificImports in my first mail). That is, it would be an opt-in feature.

 Also, using module-level language extensions does not seem like the right 
 tool for this task: what if I wanted to use the most general version of one 
 symbol, but the most specific version of another?

 Do you have a particular example in mind? The more general version of every 
 symbol can be used wherever the more specialized one fits, and in the 
 (seemingly rare?) case where the extra polymorphism may harm you and that 
 adding a type annotation is not convenient enough, you could just hide the 
 import of more the general  version. Do you anticipate this to be a common 

  One needs a more fine grained tool, and I think that current module system 
 already provides enough features to do so (e.g., explicit export lists, 
 `hiding` clauses`, and qualified imports).  For example, it really does not 
 seem that inconvenient (and, in fact, I find it helpful!) to write the 

 import Data.List hiding (foldr)
 import Data.Foldable

 But this doesn't scale that well, IMO. In real code even restricted to the 
 the base package the hiding clauses can get quite long and qualifying basic 
 polymorphic functions starts to feel like polymorphism done wrong.

 This can very well be just a matter of taste, but apparently so many people 
 have strong feelings about this issue that it is seriously being proposed to 
 move Foldable and Traversable to the Prelude, removing all the monomorphic 
 counterparts (that is, make Prelude export the unspecialized versions). While 
 this would be certainly convenient for me, I think it would be an unfortunate 
 move: removing concrete (monomorphic) functions in favor of abstract versions 
 will make a language that is already hard to learn, even harder (but there 
 was a long enough thread in the libraries mailing list about this already!). 
 In any case this proposal is an attempt to resolve this tension without 
 penalizing any of the sides.

 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Dynamic libraries by default and GHC 7.8

2012-12-04 Thread Chris Smith
I'm curious how much of the compile twice situation for static and
dynamic libraries could actually be shared.  Even if it's not likely to be
implemented in the next year or two, IMO it would make a big difference if
it were feasible to generate both static and dynamic libraries at the same
time and share some large percent of the compile time.

It seems to me that making GHCi always dynamic but GHC static by default,
with the default being for Cabal to build both static and dynamic
libraries, is the right answer.  After all, static binaries are the right
answer for binaries on everything but a few resource-limited mobile
platforms anyway.  Doubling the compile times is harsh, but I think it's
particularly justifiable if it were something that eventually, if it annoys
someone enough, they will pound out the code to fix it.

Or... how hard would it be to make GHCi fall back to interpreting modules
from any packages that don't have dynamic libraries?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Call to arms: lambda-case is stuck and needs your help

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Smith
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 5:53 AM, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
 If we use \case for functions, we should use proc case for arrows;
 if we use \of for functions, we should use proc of for arrows.

 By the way, is proc a layout herald already?

No, proc is not a layout herald.  The normal pattern is to use a do in
the command part of the proc syntax, so it's do that introduces the
layout.  So proc of would fit in cleanly as a way to do proc with
multiple patterns.  Or proc case, but again that's just a really
ugly language wart, IMO uglier than just writing out the longhand
version of proc x - case x of.

Chris Smith

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Call to arms: lambda-case is stuck and needs your help

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Smith
Right, it seems to me that there are basically three reasonable proposals here:

1. \ of with multiple arguments.  This is consistent with existing
layout, and seems like a nice generalization of lambda syntax.
2. case of with a single argument.  This is consistent with existing
layout, and seems like a nice generalization of sections.
3. \ introducing layout, possibly with changes to layout rules.  A
much more intrusive change, but it does have a nice efficiency to it.

Either of the first two would be fine.  For that matter, they could
even *both* be done -- with #2 being a shorthand to avoid parentheses
-- without seeming too redundant to me.  I tend to see the third
option as too intrusive and dangerous, but I can see the argument for
doing it.  Given that we have these three options, I really don't see
the benefit to \ case or similar ideas, which complicate layout
rules for little reason, and mix syntax in such a way that it's
difficult for me at least to even predict whether parentheses are

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Twan van Laarhoven wrote:
 On 09/07/12 14:44, Simon Marlow wrote:

 I now think '\' is too quiet to introduce a new layout context.  The
 need is really for a combination of '\' and 'case', that is
 single-argument so
 that we don't have to write parentheses.  I think '\case' does the job
 perfectly.  If you want a multi-clause multi-argument function, then give
 it a

 There is an advantage here for \of in favor of \case, namely that of
 already introduces layout, while case does not.


 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Call to arms: lambda-case is stuck and needs your help

2012-07-06 Thread Chris Smith
Whoops, my earlier answer forgot to copy mailing lists... I would love to
see \of, but I really don't think this is important enough to make case
sometimes introduce layout and other times not.  If it's going to obfuscate
the lexical syntax like that, I'd rather just stick with \x-case x of.
On Jul 6, 2012 3:15 PM, Strake wrote:

 On 05/07/2012, Mikhail Vorozhtsov wrote:
  After 21 months of occasional arguing the lambda-case proposal(s) is in
  danger of being buried under its own trac ticket comments. We need fresh
  blood to finally reach an agreement on the syntax. Read the wiki
  page[1], take a look at the ticket[2], vote and comment on the proposals!

 +1 for \ of multi-clause lambdas

 It looks like binding of to me, which it ain't, but it is nicely brief...

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: thoughts on the record update problem

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Smith
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Greg Weber wrote:
 This discussion has largely centered around trying to come up with a
 hack that desugars to Haskell's existing language constructs.

 There is an alternative to a desugaring hack: add a real record
 construct to the language.

I am not sure what distinction you are making between real record
construct and desugaring hack.  As far as I can see, all major
proposals currently desugar to type classes... not as a hack but
because type classes *are* how Haskell does type-directed resolution.
I don't think there are any ground rules set against proposing a
system that doesn't use type classes.  If you wanted, you could
certainly propose a system that defines brand new and potentially very
different semantics for a desired record system from scratch, and has
nothing to do with type classes.  I tend to think it would be a poor
idea, both because it would be a large amount of work to be sure the
semantics are even nailed down well, and because then the progress of
abstraction over that new construct would happen independently from
the existing progress of abstraction over type classes, and we'd end
up with a more complex and warty language as a result.

In any case, I'm in agreement that stop arguing about semantics and
just implement something is a very bad idea.  We aren't arguing about
implementation choices here; we're arguing about pretty fundamental
questions of semantics of records and labels, and the way to settle
fundamental questions about the record system we hope to be using in
10 years time is not based on who has time after work for GHC hacking
this month.

Chris Smith

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: thoughts on the record update problem

2012-03-08 Thread Chris Smith
On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Greg Weber wrote:
 The semantics that will be exposed to users have already been largely
 decide upon.

Admittedly I haven't had time to carefully read some parts of this
thread, and if that claim is true, then of course implementation
should be the major concern.  But it seems unlikely that claim is
true, since in the very same email you express what looks like a
pretty serious concern about the semantics that will be exposed to
users (namely, the need for a new kind of type annotation).

Chris Smith

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Records in Haskell

2011-12-20 Thread Chris Smith
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:
 Another thought:
 Perhaps bang as record selection operator. It would avoid further
 corner cases of dot, and it's not unprecedented in Haskell (e.g.

We already have weird syntax rules for dot, and the proposed change
(i.e., dot is an identifier when surrounded with spaces, else it's
reserved syntax) actually makes the rules *simpler* in some ways
rather than more complex... so why wouldn't we do it that way?

The more difficult bit isn't about quirks of syntax, but rather about
some significant semantic issues and differing design goals should
we have a built-in notion of lenses... if so, which formulation...
what kinds of punning do we want to preserve, and how deeply should
punning go in the semantics, versus be a shallow kind of sugar... how
does that interact with the type system... and so on.  These are the
significant problems.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

2011-10-06 Thread Chris Smith
Simon, thank you!  That makes sense then.

I'd missed the fact that including the entire top-level scope requires
the module to be interpreted.  I suppose the right thing to do would
be to not do that; but sadly, that seems to also mean that modules
without a 'module Foo where' only export the single symbol 'main', and I
liked the idea of students in my class not having to write out the
module bit explicitly.

So I've been actually using interpreted code the whole time?  If so, I
suppose there's no loss in taking out HscAsm entirely, then!


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Smith
Here's a test case: the complete source code is in the following.  I
compile it with:

ghc -package ghc --make Test.hs

The GHC version is

cdsmith@godel:~$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.2.1

Then run the application several times in a row.  If you count to 3
between runs, it's fine.  If you run it multiple times in a row rapidly,
you get intermittent errors, as so:

cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Just 42
cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Just 42
cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Test: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main
cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Just 42
cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Test: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main
cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Just 42
cdsmith@godel:~$ ./Test
Test: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

Note this isn't even in the same process!  But it's definitely caused by
running the test multiple times in a quick sequence.

Here's the complete source code for Test.hs

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}

import System.IO.Unsafe
import GHC.Exts  (unsafeCoerce#)
import GHC.Paths (libdir)

import qualified GHC  as GHC
import qualified DynFlags as GHC

compile :: IO (Maybe Int)
compile = GHC.runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags - GHC.getSessionDynFlags
let dflags' = dflags {
GHC.ghcMode = GHC.CompManager,
GHC.ghcLink = GHC.LinkInMemory,
GHC.hscTarget = GHC.HscAsm,
GHC.optLevel = 2,
GHC.safeHaskell = GHC.Sf_Safe
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags'
target - GHC.guessTarget A.hs Nothing
GHC.setTargets [target]
r - fmap GHC.succeeded (GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets)
case r of
True - do
mods - GHC.getModuleGraph
let mainMod = GHC.ms_mod (head mods)
GHC.setContext [ mainMod ] [ ]
v - GHC.compileExpr a :: Integer
return (Just (unsafeCoerce# v))
False - return Nothing

main = do
writeFile A.hs a = 42
print = compile

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Smith
Here's a version with fewer flags/features, that acts the same.

I tried removing the loading of an external module, and that did *not*
exhibit the problem.  It also does *not* fail when the file name is
different each time, so the fact that it's the same file, A.hs, each
time is somehow part of the issue.

I'm getting to the point where I can't imagine what this could possibly
be about.

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}

import System.IO.Unsafe
import GHC.Exts  (unsafeCoerce#)
import GHC.Paths (libdir)

import qualified GHC  as GHC
import qualified DynFlags as GHC

compile :: IO (Maybe Int)
compile = GHC.runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags - GHC.getSessionDynFlags
let dflags' = dflags { GHC.ghcLink = GHC.LinkInMemory }
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags'
target - GHC.guessTarget A.hs Nothing
GHC.setTargets [target]
r - fmap GHC.succeeded (GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets)
case r of
True - do
mods - GHC.getModuleGraph
let mainMod = GHC.ms_mod (head mods)
GHC.setContext [ mainMod ] [ ]
v - GHC.compileExpr a :: Integer
return (Just (unsafeCoerce# v))
False - return Nothing

main = do
writeFile A.hs a = 42
print = compile

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Smith
Thanks everyone for the help!

I'm working now on reproducing this with HEAD, and if I do, I'll write a
ticket.  On the other hand, it only seems to be an issue when one is
recompiling a file within one second of the first attempt, and Felipe's
workaround of deleting the .hi and .o files fixes it even then.  I can't
imagine recompiling a file multiple times per second is a common use
case, so this is probably low priority!


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

2011-10-03 Thread Chris Smith
Thanks, Simon.

I will work on building a smaller complete test case that reproduces the
issue, and I could have done a better job of at least pointing out the
relevant code for you.  Sorry about that.

I'm definitely not building my own IIModule.  The use of the GHC API is
as follows.  (I'm fairly sure you can ignore doWithErrors, so I haven't
included it; it just sets up some log actions and exception and signal
handlers, runs its argument in the Ghc monad, and converts the result
from a Maybe to an Either that reports errors).

doWithErrors :: GHC.Ghc (Maybe a) - IO (Either [String] a)

compile :: String - String - FilePath - IO (Either [String] t)
compile vname tname fn = doWithErrors $ do
dflags - GHC.getSessionDynFlags
let dflags' = dflags {
GHC.ghcMode = GHC.CompManager,
GHC.ghcLink = GHC.LinkInMemory,
GHC.hscTarget = GHC.HscAsm,
GHC.optLevel = 2,
GHC.safeHaskell = GHC.Sf_Safe,
GHC.packageFlags = [GHC.TrustPackage gloss,
GHC.ExposePackage gloss-web-adapters ]
GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags'
target - GHC.guessTarget fn Nothing
GHC.setTargets [target]
r - fmap GHC.succeeded (GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets)
case r of
True - do
mods - GHC.getModuleGraph
let mainMod = GHC.ms_mod (head mods)
GHC.setContext [ mainMod ]
   [ GHC.simpleImportDecl
   (GHC.mkModuleName Graphics.Gloss),
   (GHC.mkModuleName GlossAdapters) ]
v - GHC.compileExpr $ vname ++  ::  ++ tname
return (Just (unsafeCoerce# v))
False - return Nothing


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:Main

2011-10-01 Thread Chris Smith
So I'm trying to fix a bug in a web application that's using the GHC API
with GHC 7.2.  If it helps, the application is gloss-web, source code at and the relevant module is

The error I'm getting is

no location info: mkTopLevEnv: not interpreted main:MyModule

I get this occasionally when two pieces of source code happen to get
compiled at approximately the same time, but most of the time everything
works fine.  The module name there is whichever one I've defined in the
source code I'm compiling.  It's correct that the module is not
interpreted; I'm specifying options

hscTarget = HscAsm
ghcLink = LinkInMemory

But it's unclear to me why GHC occasionally decides to require that it
be interpreted and complain, when compiling the code works fine in any
other circumstance.  Anyone else seen anything like this, or know what
the cause is?

A few notes:

1. It doesn't appear to be a straight-forward reentrancy issue, as
wrapping uses of the GHC API with an MVar lock doesn't affect it at all.
However, it definitely *is* correlated with multiple compiles at
approximately the same time.  Very odd there.

2. On a whim, I tried adding a performGC before and after each use of
the compiler to try to isolate the uses of the GHC API more completely.
Oddly enough, a performGC before the compile makes the problem much
WORSE.  I found that interesting; maybe it's a hint.

3. If you want to build my code and reproduce it, the easiest way is to
comment out line 110 (keepAlive cmap digest 30) of src/Source.hs.  Doing
so will break the bit that caches recently compiled source code, making
it much easier to actually call the GHC API several times in rapid
succession just by rapidly clicking the Run button in the web app.

If there's anything I can do to get more information, I'm happy to do so
as well.  I'm not terribly familiar with the flags or options for GHC,
as I've never done this before.

Chris Smith

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHCi, version 6.10.1 crashes without message

2009-01-13 Thread Chris Smith
I reproduced the error on my setup (GHC 6.10.1 on WS2003), and received SEH
exception 0xC0FD, which is STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW A new guard page for
the stack cannot be created. It looks like something is overflowing the OS
stack or improperly bumping the guard page at the end of the allocated stack
(which is used to extend the stack on demand).

I could not get the crash to occur in GHC 6.8.3 via GHCi on the same system.
Instead, evaluation blocks forever with 0% CPU, interruptable with CTRL+C.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Heiko Studt st...@fmi.uni-passau.dewrote:

 Hi (and hello everybody),

 I read the FAQ, I searched down till Nov 2008, but did not find anything.
 I hope I didn't miss a FAQ or somewhat. (If so, please apologize!)

 My (freshly installed) GHCi 6.10.1 runs on Windows XP on Intel Dual Core.
 I used the .msi of the Webpage some two weeks ago.

 I got some strange program as example and tried out - and my ghci died
 quitly without any helping message.

 Here is the original programm:
 | f x y z = a + b*c + b + fun c
 |   where a = x * y + z
 | b = c * fun x
 | c = a * b
 | fun x = x * x + 1

 For testing out in previous of this posting, the following is the very
 same and had the same problem:
 | let f x y z = a + b*c + b + fun c where {a = x * y + z; b = c * fun x; c
 = a * b; fun x = x * x + 1}

 The query to die was f 1 2 3.

 I tried with verbose ghci:

 | C:\...\ghc-6.10.1\binghci -v
 | GHCi, version 6.10.1:  :? for help
 | Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 6.10.1, for Haskell 98, stage 2 booted
 by GHC
 | version 6.8.3
 | Using package config file: C:\...\GHC-61~1.1\package.conf
 | hiding package base- to avoid conflict with later version
 | wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-
 | wired-in package integer mapped to integer-
 | wired-in package base mapped to base-
 | wired-in package rts mapped to rts-1.0
 | wired-in package haskell98 mapped to haskell98-
 | wired-in package syb mapped to syb-
 | wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
 | wired-in package dph-seq mapped to dph-seq-0.3
 | wired-in package dph-par mapped to dph-par-0.3
 | Hsc static flags: -static
 | Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
 | Loading package integer ... linking ... done.
 | Loading package base ... linking ... done.
 | Prelude let f x y z = a + b*c + b + fun c where {a = x * y + z; b = c *
 fun x;
 | c = a * b; fun x = x * x + 1}
 | *** Parser:
 | *** Desugar:
 | *** Simplify:
 | *** CorePrep:
 | *** ByteCodeGen:
 | Prelude f 1 2 3
 | *** Parser:
 | *** Desugar:
 | *** Simplify:
 | *** CorePrep:
 | *** ByteCodeGen:
 | C:\...\ghc-6.10.1\bin

 I hope I could help finding some strange bug, killing 99% of your
 problems with Haskell, life and love, although I am very sure
 this one is only minor... ;-)

 MFG (With friendly regards)

 Heiko Studt

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