Re: Holes in GHC

2012-02-13 Thread Conor McBride

Sorry to pile in late...

On 13 Feb 2012, at 09:09, Thijs Alkemade wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Andres Löh  
> wrote:
>> Hi Thijs.
>> Sorry if this has been discussed before.
>> In my opinion, the main advantage of Agda goals is not that the type
>> of the hole itself is shown, but that you get information about all
>> the locally defined identifiers and their types in the context of the
>> hole.


> Thanks for your feedback. Showing everything in scope that matches or
> can match the type of a hole is certainly something I am interested
> in, but I'm afraid it's out of the scope of this project.

That's not quite what Andres said, although it would also be a useful
piece of functionality.

If I might plug a bit of kit I knocked together recently, if you

  cabal install shplit

(see also )

you'll get the beginnings of an editor-assistant which just works as
a stdin->stdout transducer. I've been able to wire it into emacs quite
neatly and gedit more clunkily. I'm told vi should be no problem.

Shplit turns

  foo :: [x] -> [x]
  foo xs{-?-} =


  foo :: [x] -> [x]
  foo [] =
  foo (x : xs) =

by (i) snarfing the datatype declarations from your file (no import
chasing yet) and adding them to a standard collection, (ii) figuring
out the type of the pattern variables given the type signature
provided. Shplit is still very dumb and makes no use of ghc's
typechecker: shplit's typechecker could be used just as easily to
mark up pattern variables with their types, as to do case analysis.

It is rather tempting to push further and make the thing label holes
with their types. Sometimes, the adoption of primitive technology is
a spur to design. If one adopts the transducer model, the question
then arises "in what format might we insert this data into the file?".
In the case of typed holes, we can go with types in comments, or
(with careful use of ScopedTypeVariables) we can really attach them
in a way that would get checked.

I think it could be quite a lot of fun to build a helpful tool,
splitting cases, supplying type information, perhaps even offering
a menu of possible ways to build a term. I think the transducer
method is a relatively cheap (* major caveat ahead) and editor-neutral
way to go about it. If you fix a text format for the markup (i.e., for
requests to and responses from the transducer-collaborator), at worst
it's usable just by running the thing on the buffer, but with more
programmable editors, you can easily make more convenient triggers
for the requests, and you can parse the responses (e.g. generating
tooltips or lifting out a list of options as a contextual menu). The
adoption of the transducer model effectively separates the choice of
information and functionality from the design of the user interface,
which has certainly helped me to get on and do something.

The caveat is that transducers require not just parsing source code
but the ability to reconstruct it, slightly modified. Currently,
she and shplit have very selective, primitive technology for doing
this. Parsing-for-transduction is surely worth a proper think.

All the best


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: GHC 7.4.1 Release Candidate 1

2011-12-22 Thread Conor McBride

On 22 Dec 2011, at 16:08, Sean Leather wrote:

I've built it from source (ghc- on  
Leopard. I'd be happy to contribute my build if somebody tells me  
what to do.

I had a crack at this and got quite warm, literally and metaphorically.
But, no, I didn't quite get there. And yes, it's some sort of libraries
issue. Here's the barf...

make -r --no-print-directory -f phase=final all
"inplace/bin/ghc-stage1" -fPIC -dynamic  -H32m -O-package-name  
integer-gmp- -hide-all-packages -i -ilibraries/integer-gmp/. - 
ilibraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build -ilibraries/integer-gmp/dist- 
install/build/autogen -Ilibraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build - 
Ilibraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/autogen -Ilibraries/integer- 
gmp/.-optP-include -optPlibraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/ 
autogen/cabal_macros.h -package ghc-prim-  -package-name  
integer-gmp -XHaskell98 -XCPP -XMagicHash -XUnboxedTuples - 
XNoImplicitPrelude -XForeignFunctionInterface -XUnliftedFFITypes -O2  - 
no-user-package-conf -rtsopts -odir libraries/integer-gmp/dist- 
install/build -hidir libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build -stubdir  
libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build -hisuf dyn_hi -osuf  dyn_o - 
hcsuf dyn_hc libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/GHC/ 
Integer.dyn_o libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/GHC/Integer/GMP/ 
Internals.dyn_o libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/GHC/Integer/ 
GMP/Prim.dyn_o libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/GHC/Integer/ 
Logarithms.dyn_o libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/GHC/Integer/ 
Logarithms/Internals.dyn_o libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/ 
GHC/Integer/Type.dyn_o libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/cbits/ 
gmp-wrappers.dyn_o  libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/cbits/ 
cbits.dyn_o   libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/objs/*.o -shared -dynamic - 
dynload deploy -dylib-install-name /usr/local/lib/ghc- 
`basename "libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/libHSinteger- 
gmp-" | sed 's/^libHS//;s/[-]ghc.*//'`/ 
`basename "libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/libHSinteger- 
gmp-"` -no-auto-link-packages -o  
ld: duplicate symbol ___gmpz_abs in libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/objs/ 
add.o and libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/objs/abs.o

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [libraries/integer-gmp/dist-install/build/libHSinteger- 
gmp-] Error 1

make: *** [all] Error 2

...which makes me wonder just what I need to delete.

This sort of issue is beyond my ken, but I'm willing to learn.

I also have no especial attachment to Leopard.

Clues appreciated


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: GHC 7.4.1 Release Candidate 1

2011-12-22 Thread Conor McBride

On 22 Dec 2011, at 16:08, Sean Leather wrote:

I've built it from source (ghc- on  
Leopard. I'd be happy to contribute my build if somebody tells me  
what to do.

I hope somebody who knows does just that.

Meanwhile, that sounds good to try for myself. My flat's a bit
on the chilly side...



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: ANNOUNCE: GHC 7.4.1 Release Candidate 1

2011-12-22 Thread Conor McBride


On 21 Dec 2011, at 22:41, Johan Tibell wrote:

Built a bunch of packages using the 64-bit compiler on OS X Lion.  
Works fine.

I'm a bit of a numpty when it comes to this sort of thing. I tried to  

this version


under Leopard, and got this far

  bash-3.2$ sudo ./configure
  checking for path to top of build tree... dyld: unknown required  
load command 0x8022

  configure: error: cannot determine current directory

I don't really know what this means. I'm kind of expecting that I have
*no chance* of getting this to work on Leopard and should pop out for
some other big cat. Is it worth trying harder just now, or should I
lose the spots?



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Superclass defaults

2011-09-02 Thread Conor McBride

On 2 Sep 2011, at 18:19, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:

I agree. Option 2 FTW :)

The recent discussion concerns whether option 2 should eventually be
shifted to option 1. Everyone seems to agree that option 2 should be
used initially.

A similar warning should perhaps indicate that a "hiding" clause has
nothing to hide, as Jonas suggests.

I'm in favour of Option 2 now and Option 1 later, where "later" has
non-disruptiveness criteria attached. A bit like being in favour of
the pound now and the euro later.

As I've mentioned in another message just now, even Option 2 entails
some disruption, when you make one old class a new superclass-with- 

of another (e.g. Functor for Monad): if old code makes M a Functor in a
later module than its Monad instance, that Functor M instance comes too
late to pre-empt the default and is rejected as a duplicate.

All the best



On 2 September 2011 18:55, Simon Peyton-Jones  
Too many words!  I'm losing track.  What I'm proposing is Option 2  
under "The design of the opt-out mechanism" on

I believe that meets everyone's goals:
 * A warning encourages you to fix the client code
 * But you can turn it off, and it's not fatal.

Does anyone advocate something else?


| -Original Message-
| From: [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
|] On Behalf Of Jonas Almström Duregård
| Sent: 02 September 2011 16:50
| To: Conor McBride
| Cc: GHC users
| Subject: Re: Superclass defaults
| > The question then comes down to whether that warning should  
ever be

| > strengthened to an error.
| Indeed.
| > I agree that such a scenario is possible. The present situation  
| > no choice but to do things badly, but things often get done  
badly the

| > first time around anyway. Perhaps I'm just grumpy, but I think we
| > should aim to make bad practice erroneous where practicable. Once
| > the mistake is no longer forced upon us, it becomes a mistake  
| > deserves its penalty in labour. Silent pre-emption is bad  
practice and
| > code which relies on it should be fixed: it's not good to  

| > an instance declaration because you don't know which instance
| > declarations are somewhere else. Nonmonotonic reasoning is  
always a

| > bit scary.
| >
| > From a library design perspective, we should certainly try to  
get these
| > hierarchical choices right when we add classes. I accept that  
it should

| > be cheap to fix mistakes (especially when the mistake is lack of
| > foresight. Sticking with the warning rather than the error  
reduces the
| > price of this particular legacy fix at the cost of tolerating  
| > code. I agree that the balance of this trade-off is with the  
| > for the moment, but I expect it to shift over time towards the  
| > But if it's clear what the issue is, then we can at least keep  
it under

| > review.
| I agree. Making bad practice erroneous is good, but its not  
really the
| bad practice that raises the error here. You have no serious  
| until you try to change your bad design to a good one. Like you  
say it

| should be cheap to fix mistakes.
| >> Will there be a solution to this dilemma that I have missed?  
| >> the client code be allowed opt-out from the superclass  
| >> before it is given a default? Won't that cause a similar  

| >
| > I don't know what you mean by this. Perhaps you could expand on  

| What I'm trying to ask is if you can write compatible code that  

| work across gradual changes of the compiler and the libraries.
| Suppose we have library with class C. In a newer version of the
| library we add an intrinsic superclass S. Also suppose the compiler
| implements option 1. Now the users of the library want to write  

| that uses both C and S, and that's compatible with both the new and
| the old library. From what I can tell there are three situations  

| needs to be covered:
| 1) Old compiler - Old library
| Here we need to specify both instances, and we cant hide the  
default S
| instance because its not supported by the compiler. This also  
| for other situations where the client must use Haskell 2010  

| code.
| 2) New compiler - Old library
| Here we also need to specify both instances.
| 3) New compiler - New library
| We can either write both instances and hide the default or we can  

| write an instance for C.
| Clearly code that covers situation 1 will never be compatible  
with situation 3.

| The question I was asking was if we are allowed to hide the default
| instance of S in situation 2. In t

Re: Superclass defaults

2011-09-02 Thread Conor McBride


On 2 Sep 2011, at 16:34, Brandon Allbery wrote:

I hope I am misunderstanding this

I wrote:

I agree that such a scenario is possible. The present situation gives
no choice but to do things badly, but things often get done badly the
first time around anyway. Perhaps I'm just grumpy, but I think we
should aim to make bad practice erroneous where practicable. Once
the mistake is no longer forced upon us, it becomes a mistake that
deserves its penalty in labour. Silent pre-emption is bad practice and

with the response:
So, when the whole point is that an unfortunate design years ago  
can't be reasonably fixed without rewriting massive amounts of code,  
the only correct answer is to rewrite massive amounts of code?

I'm not sure what you're asking here. Of course we should compare the
pain of the treatment with that of the symptoms.

 Especially when the original proposal was put forward *specifically  
to avoid* rewriting massive amounts of code?

Which original proposal? How does it avoid rewriting code?

Yes,  we'd love a perfect world.  We don't have one.  That's the  

Recall that Option 2 resolves the duplicate superclass instances in  
of an explicit prior instance, but issues a warning (which should  
offer the

data to choose between explicit resolutions). That deals with a chunk of
the legacy scenario (although it doesn't handle the situation where  
some M
is made a Monad in one module and made Applicative in a later module,  

is possible (common, even?) because Applicative is not currently a
superclass of Monad). If we make one existing class a superclass of  
existing class, some disruption is inevitable: we can try to minimize  
disruption, but we can't eliminate it entirely. For another example,  
if some
F is made Applicative and Traversable in the same module, which  
default Functor

instance pre-empts the other?

We should question whether the disruption of even Option 2/3 makes it  
adding default superclass instances at all. Maybe, depressingly, we've  
the can't-fix-it stage. It would be good to get some data. It's also  
considering tools to support migration, using the diagnostics  
generated by


If it is worth adding default superclass instances, Option 2 looks  
like a
crucial disruption-minimizing expedience, while we have a legacy of  
extraneous instances to deal with. As far as "an unfortunate design  
ago" is concerned, we should be careful to minimize the amount of  

required. If that minimum is still too much, we'd better not go there.

I'm in favour of moving to Option 1 eventually, as somehow the better  

for code comprehension. But I can see reasons to resist the changeover:

  * too much unmigrated code still relying on pre-emption under  
Option 2;

  * new instances of the old problem (an existing S is suddenly made a
  superclass of an existing C, with a default S instance for C)  

  into being,

The former is a real risk, but hopefully with a finite lifespan. It  
would be
too costly to switch from a warning to an error while too much code  
relies on

the deprecated practice. Please don't imagine I'm in favour of that.

The latter, however, requires us to be a bit dim in a way which was  
not in evidence when most of the current motivating examples arose. In  
legacy code (Monad-Applicative-Functor, Traversable-Foldable-Functor),  

had to choose between two bad options, but the candidate
superclass-with-default-implementation has usually been evident. I'm  
we're capable of being that dim. I'm also sure we're capable of  
screwing up
by writing an instance and assuming we get the default superclass  

we expect, without noticing that someone else's chunk of the codebase
pre-empts it. I'd be troubled if someone knackered my applicative- 
style use
of Monad [] by adding a zipping Applicative [], or even an instance  

appeared to have the same functionality but also did some sneaky
unsafePerformIO badness. That's an example of the risk we take by  

pre-emption. We have to balance the risk of going back and resolving
duplicates with the risk of bugs caused by code meaning less than it  

So, are default superclass instances just too disruptive?

All the best


PS We'd love a perfect world. We don't have one. That's why we change  

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Superclass defaults

2011-09-02 Thread Conor McBride


On 2 Sep 2011, at 10:55, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:
On 31 August 2011 12:22, Conor McBride   
I become perplexed very easily. I think we should warn whenever  
pre-emption (rather than explicit) hiding is used to suppress a  

instance, because it is bad --- it makes the meaning of an instance
declaration rather more context dependent. Perhaps a design principle
should be that to understand an instance declaration, you need only
know (in addition) the tower of class declaration s above it: it is
subtle and worrying to make the meaning of one instance declaration
depend on the presence or absence of others.

Those are all good arguments, and you've convinced me that always
warning is better.

The question then comes down to whether that warning should ever be
strengthened to an error.

First of all, I think the design goal is quite clear: "a class C can
be re-factored into a class C with a superclass S, without disturbing
any clients". Requiring client C to opt-out from the default
implementation of S is a clear violation of the design goal. So I
disagree that option 1 can be compatible with the design goal, but
like you say the design goal might be at fault.

Design goal 1 does not explicitly distinguish the scenarios where S
is pre-existing or being introduced afresh. If the former, it's
inaccurate to describe what's happening as refactoring C, for S is
experiencing some fall-out, too. We should clearly seek more precision,
one way or another.

Also, if I understand you correctly, you say the current situation is
exceptional, and suggest option 2 as a temporary solution to it. You
seem convinced that these kind of situations will not appear in the
future, but I'm not as optimistic about that.

Even when superclass defaults are implemented, people will
occasionally implement classes without realizing that there is a
suitable intrinsic superclass (or add the superclass but not the
default instance). People will start using the new class and give
separate instances for the superclass, and eventually someone will
point out that the there should be a default instance for the
superclass. Now if option 1 is implemented, the library maintainers
will be reluctant to add the superclass instance because it will break
a lot of client code.

I agree that such a scenario is possible. The present situation gives
no choice but to do things badly, but things often get done badly the
first time around anyway. Perhaps I'm just grumpy, but I think we
should aim to make bad practice erroneous where practicable. Once
the mistake is no longer forced upon us, it becomes a mistake that
deserves its penalty in labour. Silent pre-emption is bad practice and
code which relies on it should be fixed: it's not good to misconstrue
an instance declaration because you don't know which instance
declarations are somewhere else. Nonmonotonic reasoning is always a
bit scary.

From a library design perspective, we should certainly try to get these
hierarchical choices right when we add classes. I accept that it should
be cheap to fix mistakes (especially when the mistake is lack of
foresight. Sticking with the warning rather than the error reduces the
price of this particular legacy fix at the cost of tolerating misleading
code. I agree that the balance of this trade-off is with the warning,
for the moment, but I expect it to shift over time towards the error.
But if it's clear what the issue is, then we can at least keep it under

Will there be a solution to this dilemma that I have missed? Should
the client code be allowed opt-out from the superclass preemptively
before it is given a default? Won't that cause a similar perplexity?

I don't know what you mean by this. Perhaps you could expand on it?

All the best


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Superclass defaults

2011-08-31 Thread Conor McBride


Sorry to be late again...I'm trying to have what's laughably described
as a holiday, but it seems more like the common cold to me.

On 31 Aug 2011, at 08:52, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:

| > There seems to be a lot of support for Option 3... but what about
Option 2 (ie pre-empt but give a warning)?

At least in the short term, I think Option 2 is a good compromise. It's
true that when I started using default superclass instances (which SHE
supports) in the Epigram codebase, the first thing I had to do was
delete a bunch of dull default instance stacks. That was fun, but it
wasn't nothing.

I think option 2 sounds very good. Possibly with the exception of only
warning when the manual instance is in another module, since you will
never experience the "perplexity" described in option 3 if you have
written the instance yourself.

I become perplexed very easily. I think we should warn whenever silent
pre-emption (rather than explicit) hiding is used to suppress a default
instance, because it is bad --- it makes the meaning of an instance
declaration rather more context dependent. Perhaps a design principle
should be that to understand an instance declaration, you need only
know (in addition) the tower of class declaration s above it: it is
subtle and worrying to make the meaning of one instance declaration
depend on the presence or absence of others.

Arguably, option 1 does not conflict with design goal 1. Design goal 1
supports a methodology for refining a class into a hierarchy without
creating the need for stacks of default instances or breaking code. If
the new superclass is a brand new thing without legacy instances,
there's no problem. If we'd had this mechanism in place, Functor would
always have been made a superclass of Monad, Applicative would have
been easily inserted, and we wouldn't have the stacks of manually added
default instances to worry about.

The main problem with Option 1 is in dealing with the legacy of
classes which currently require a stack of default instances, creating
a hierarchy from parts which already exist. Option 1 would create a  

of instance conflicts and thus demand changes to code. Design goal 1
isn't very explicit (sorry!) about this distinction between introducing
new classes as superclasses and building hierarchies from legacy  

but it was the former I intended. I always expected the latter to cause

If it is also a design goal to minimize damage with respect to the
current unfortunate situation, then Option 1 is problematic. Whatever we
might wish, we are where we are. We should be pragmatic. I think we
should set Option 1 as the direction of travel, but go with Option 2 for
the moment. We should make sure that the warnings generated by Option 2
are sufficiently informative that it is easy to track down the conflicts
and resolve them explicitly, for Option 1 compliance.

Does this sound plausible?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Superclass defaults

2011-08-15 Thread Conor McBride

[resend to GHC users, now I've subscribed!]

Hi Simon

On 15 Aug 2011, at 11:36, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

| Nice. But will it be happening soon, or not? And how soon is
| soon?

Not soon enough to be useful for this mappend question.

But, concerning proposed extensions to GHC about class aliases/ 
superclass defaults etc, the truth is that the biggest reason for  
inertia here at GHC HQ is not so much the implementation effort  
(athough that is always an issue).  Rather, it's uncertainty about

(a) Is there a reasonably large group of users who really want such  
a change?

   Or is it just "nice to have"?

(b) What is the "right" design?

(c) Does it pay its way? (ie do the programming benefits justify the  
cost in terms of
   both language complexity and ongoing maintenance burden of one  
more feature

   to bear in mind when changing anything)

If you care about the issue, maybe you can help resolve the above  
questions. In particular, to give
concrete evidence for (b), working out some case studies would be a  
Good Thing. The examples given in other proposals using the  
extension proposed here would be one starting point.

I can't speak for "typical" users, but I can relay my own experience.
I added this feature to SHE last time there was an outbreak of
Functor/Applicative/Monad, just to focus a bit of concrete thought on
the matter. Hacking on Epigram the other day, I finally got annoyed
enough (with dumb extra instances) to use it, so I wired in default
superclass instances

 Functor for Applicative, Applicative for Monad
 Functor for Traversable, Foldable for Traversable
 Alternative for MonadPlus

and then went on the rampage! Nothing broke. I got rid of a lot of
cruft. I did make essential use of

 hiding instance Functor

for structures which were both Applicative and Traversable. I cut
tens of lines for the cost of one or two hidings.

If someone felt able to act as moderator for the discussion, willing  
to summarise conclusions, open questions, and so on, on the wiki  
page, that would be enormously helpful.

I'm up for that role, if that's appropriate.

I am in too many inner loops.   But I *am* willing to contemplate  
such an extension -- it has the same flavour as default methods  
themselves, which are a very useful part of H98.

One thing that's really noticeable and sad about the status quo is that
we can't refine the structure of a bunch of related classes without
breaking established interfaces. I guess an interesting question might
be what progress is effectively being blocked by our current inability
to engineer around this problem. What are we stuck with just now?

This is a recurring issue, at least as far as mailing list heat is
concerned, but it would be good to have more evidence of substantial
impact. The Monoid vs Semigroup issue is a case in point, perhaps.
Folks, what do you think?



PS Are there any other default superclass instances for standard classes
that SHE could usefully bake in? Sadly, we can't purge redundant methods
from standard classes just yet, but we can at least get rid of
boilerplate instances.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list