Re: default instance for IsString

2012-04-24 Thread Daniel Peebles
Why are potentially partial literals scarier than the fact that every value
in the language could lead to an exception when forced?

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:

 Markus Läll wrote:
  You do know, that you already *can* have safe Text and ByteString from
  an overloaded string literal.

 Yes, the IsString instances for Text and ByteString are safe
 (I hope).

 But in order to use them, I have to turn on OverloadedStrings.
 That could cause other string literals in the same module
 to throw exceptions at run time.


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Re: default instance for IsString

2012-04-24 Thread Daniel Peebles
I think my point was more along the lines that every *value*, regardless of
whether it's a function or not, can be partial (ignoring primitive types
and such). I can hand you a list where the third Int in it will cause you
to crash if you force it.

In that sense, whether every numeric literal expands to fromInteger ... or
every string literal expands to fromString ... doesn't really make it any
different from any other value. Is the concern that because it's
polymorphic, that different uses of the same polymorphic value might or
might not crash? That's the case for any polymorphic value: take e.g., read
(), which will crash or not depending on where it's used. If it's just
the case that the value itself could crash when forced, well, that's true
of any value of any lifted type.

So if every value, when forced, can crash your program, possibly depending
on what type it's instantiated to, why are we so concerned about String
literals behaving like everything else?


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Evan Laforge wrote:

 From what I can see the core of the disagreement is that some people
 believe fromString will tempt misuse (i.e. using *easily* partial
 functions, like XML validation), while others don't think it's that
 likely.  Indeed misusing IsString is worse than your average partial
 function because of the global nature of typeclasses and fromString
 being implicit.  If that is indeed the core of the disagreement, then
 can we at least agree that writing a partial fromString is a bad idea?
  I'd say *easily* partial since someone pointed out the UTF8
 fromString is partial, but it's pretty hard to type bad UTF8
 accidentally so it doesn't seem so bad to me.

 If we agree that 'fromString :: String - XML' is a bad idea, then can
 we just say so don't do that then?  Safety is good but there's a
 point where you have to trust people with the sharp tools.  Suppose a
 library author adding a fromString for regexes that crashes on
 unbalanced parens.  If it's a problem in practice I imagine people
 would complain to them to change their library, or use another

 On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Henrik Nilsson wrote:
  Yitzhack Gale wrote:
  Wouldn't it be ironic if the one thing that every language
  other than Haskell is able to check at compile time,
  namely the static syntax of string literals, could only be
  checked at run time in Haskell?
  I don't really see the irony, I'm afraid, as nothing really
  has changed, and as Simon M. that I don't see what the
  fuss is about.
  Presumably, the syntax of string literals as such is still going to be
  checked by the scanner, as it always was? And the issue, then, is
  whether an overloaded fromString is total in all its overloadings?
  Or did I miss something central, here?
  Well, Haskell is not a total language, so the fact that fromString
  might have non-total overloadings is not surprising. Yes,
  fromString would be implicitly inserted, just like e.g. fromInteger
  for overloaded integer literals, to create the effect of overloaded
  literals, but this is really just a convenience, albeit an important
  The benefit of an approach to overloading of string literals that is
  analogous to the existing method for overloading of numeric literals
  would seem to me to outweigh the benefits of additional static
  checking through an essentially new approach to overloading of literals
  for a specific case.
  Henrik Nilsson
  School of Computer Science
  The University of Nottingham
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Re: default instance for IsString

2012-04-21 Thread Daniel Peebles
I think it'll be hard to do that without putting Text in base, which I'm
not sure anyone wants to do.


On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 8:20 PM, Greg Weber wrote:

 I would like to default IsString to use the Text instance to avoid
 ambiguous type errors.
 I see defaulting capability is available for Num. Is there any way to
 do this for IsString?

 Greg Weber

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Re: behaviour change in getDirectoryContents in GHC 7.2?

2011-11-06 Thread Daniel Peebles
Can't we just have the usual .Internal module convention, where people who
want internals can get at them if they need to, and most people get a
simpler interface? It's amazingly frustrating when you have a library that
does 99% of what you need it to do, except for one tiny internal detail
that the author didn't foresee anyone needing, so didn't export.

2011/11/6 John Lask

 for what it is worth, I would like to see both System.IO and Directory
 export internal functions where the filepath is a Raw Byte

 I have utilities that regularly scan 100,000 of files and hash the path
 the details of which are irrelevant to this discussion, the point being
 that the locale encoding/decoding is not relevant in this situation and
 adds unnecessary overhead that would affect the speed of the file-system

 A  denotation of a filepath as an uninterpreted sequence of bytes is the
 lowest common denominator for all systems that I know of and would be
 worthwhile to export from the system libraries upon which other
 abstractions can be built.

 I agree that for the general user the current behavior is sufficient,
 however exporting the raw interface would be beneficial for some users,
 for instance those that have responded to this thread.

 On 7/11/2011 2:42 AM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
  On 6 November 2011 04:14, John  wrote:
  For what it's worth, on my Ubuntu system, Nautilus ignores the locale
  and just treats all paths as either UTF8 or invalid.
  To me, this seems like the most reasonable option; the concept of
  locale encoding is entirely vestigal, and should only be used in
  certain specialized cases.
  Unfortunately non-UTF8 locale encodings are seen in practice quite
  often. I'm not sure about Linux, but certainly lots of Windows systems
  are configured with a locale encoding like GBK or Big5.
  Paths as text is what *Windows* programmers expect. Paths as bytes is
  what's expected by programmers on non-Windows OSes, including Linux
  and OS X.
  IIRC paths on OS X are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. The only platform
  that uses bytes for paths (that we care about) is Linux.
  I'm not saying one is inherently better than the other, but
  considering that various UNIX  and UNIX-like operating systems have
  been using byte-based paths for near on forty years now, trying to
  abolish them by redefining the type is not a useful action.
  We have to:
1. Provide an API that makes sense on all our supported OSes
2. Have getArgs :: IO [String]
3. Have it such that if you go to your console and write
  (./MyHaskellProgram 你好) then getArgs tells you [你好]
  Given these constraints I don't see any alternative to PEP-383 behaviour.
  If you're going to make all the System.IO stuff use text, at least
  give us an escape hatch. The unix package is ideally suited, as it's
  already inherently OS-specific. Something like this would be perfect:
  You can already do this with the implemented design. We have:
  openFile :: FilePath -  IO Handle
  The FilePath will be encoded in the fileSystemEncoding. On Unix this
  will have PEP383 roundtripping behaviour. So if you want openFile' ::
  [Byte] -  IO Handle you can write something like this:
  escape = map (\b -  if b  128 then chr b else chr (0xEF00 + b))
  openFile = openFile' . escape
  The bytes that reach the API call will be exactly the ones you supply.
  (You can also implement escape by just encoding the [Byte] with the
  Likewise, if you have a String and want to get the [Byte] we decoded
  it from, you just need to encode the String again with the
  If this is not enough for you please let me know, but it seems to me
  that it covers all your use cases, without any need to reimplement the
  FFI bindings.
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Re: foldr oddity

2011-10-11 Thread Daniel Peebles
Yeah, you should absolutely mind the order of the parameters (or more
generally, when the operation isn't commutative), the strictness of the
function's second parameter. In this case, both () and (||) are strict in
their first parameter, but both short circuit if the first parameter is
False/True, and don't evaluate their second parameter. The short-circuiting
(via laziness) terminates foldr's traversal of the entire list structure and
saves the program lots of work. By flipping the arguments, you're basically
forcing testr' to traverse the entire list before saying what it knew from
the beginning.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Frodo Chao wrote:


 I came upon this when playing with foldr and filter. Compare the two

 testr  n = foldr (\x y - x  y) True [t | (_, t) - zip [1 .. n] [True,
 True ..]]
 testr' n = foldr (\x y - y  x) True [t | (_, t) - zip [1 .. n] [True,
 True ..]]

 I tried these functions on ghci (The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation
 System, version 7.0.3), and get the following results (with :set +s):

 testr 100 = True
 (0.01 secs, 7920832 bytes)
 testr' 100 = True
 (8.72 secs, 446585344 bytes)

 This bizarre (at least to me) behavior also applies to ||. Should I mind
 the orderings of the parameters (especially the accumulator) in the function
 passed to foldr?

 Thak you for reading.

 Sincerely yours,
 Frodo Chao

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to install GhC on a Mac without registering?

2011-06-06 Thread Daniel Peebles
Isn't gcc just used for its assembler and object file creation, these days,
now that via-C is deprecated? Or are there other parts of it that are

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wall...@me.comwrote:

 On 6 Jun 2011, at 13:49, Lyndon Maydwell wrote:

  I would be fantastic if XCode wasn't a dependency.  ...
  Not to detract at all from the work of the wonderful GHC and Haskell
  Platform contributors in any way. For me it would just make it that
  much easier to convince mac-using friends to give Haskell a try.

 The ghc team already bundle a copy of gcc in their Windows distribution,
 precisely because it can be fiddly to get a working copy of gcc for that
 platform otherwise.  I wonder if they would consider the possibility of
 shipping gcc on Mac too?  (There may be good reasons not to do that, but
 let's have the discussion.)


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Re: parsing types

2011-04-23 Thread Daniel Peebles
I don't have an answer for you, but you might want to look at what :k does
in ghci, since that needs to parse a type.

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Ranjit Jhala wrote:

 Hi all,

 can someone give me a hint as to the best way to parse a type from a
 Ideally, I'd like a function

stringType :: String - Maybe Type

 or possibly,

stringType :: (GhcMonad m) = String - m (Maybe Type)

 such that,

stringType s == Just t

 if in the current GHC context the string s is the name of the type t. For
 example, I'd like:

stringType Int

 to return a value equal to intTy (from TysWiredIn). My investigations have
 led me to

parseType :: P (LHsType RdrName)

 and I suspect that with some work (mainly creating an appropriate PState,
 and mapping the name back, I can extract what I want, but I was wondering
 if there is some simpler route that I've overlooked.



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Re: Injective type families?

2011-02-14 Thread Daniel Peebles
I think what you want is closed type families, as do I and many others :)
Unfortunately we don't have those.

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:02 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:

 Yes, it's one things that data families do. Another is introducing *new*
 data types rather than reusing existing ones. - Conal

 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 1:41 PM, John Meacham wrote:

 Isn't this what data families (as opposed to type families) do?


 On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:
  Is there a way to declare a type family to be injective?
  I have
  data Z
  data S n
  type family n :+: m
  type instance Z   :+: m = m
  type instance S n :+: m = S (n :+: m)
  My intent is that (:+:) really is injective in each argument (holding
  other as fixed), but I don't know how to persuade GHC, leading to some
  compilation errors like the following:
  Couldn't match expected type `m :+: n'
 against inferred type `m :+: n1'
NB: `:+:' is a type function, and may not be injective
  I realize that someone could add more type instances for (:+:), breaking
  Come to think of it, I don't know how GHC could even figure out that the
  instances above do not overlap on the right-hand sides.
  Since this example is fairly common, I wonder: does anyone have a trick
  avoiding the injectivity issue?
  Thanks,  - Conal
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Re: building ghc-7.1.20110125 under Mac OS X

2011-01-31 Thread Daniel Peebles
The -march=-i686 issue was fixed in the past couple of days, so I'd just
grab a newer version. Not sure about the 64-bit question, though.


On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 6:50 AM, Pavel Perikov wrote:

 hi list.

 i have to build ghc-7.1.20110125 under mac os x, so i grabbed the stable
 snapshot. Everything builds fine but the resulting compiler has problems
  with ld. It passes gcc flags to ld like -march=-i686. Any ideas?

 BTW while still here. Are there any specific docs available on building
 64-bit mac os x compiler?


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Re: RFC: migrating to git

2011-01-10 Thread Daniel Peebles
I fully support this (especially if it lived on github), but we should
probably sort the top contributors to GHC in the past year or so and
consider their opinions on the matter in that order :) I certainly would not
be on that list. A git(hub)-based workflow would however facilitate any
minor contributions I might make (and I'd imagine those of many others).


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 6:19 AM, Simon Marlow wrote:

 It's time to consider again whether we should migrate GHC development from
 darcs to (probably) git.

 From our perspective at GHC HQ, the biggest problem that we would hope to
 solve by switching is that darcs makes branching and merging very difficult
 for us.  We have a few branches of HEAD that are very painful to keep merged
 with HEAD, and we would almost certainly have more branches if the overhead
 were lower.  In some sense the overhead is self-inflicted because we have
 the no-conflict policy in the mainline repository, but that is to avoid
 problems with darcs' merging algorithms (both performance and correctness).
  We are still using darcs v1 patches rather than v2, but there are known
 problems with v2 which are preventing us from upgrading.

 The darcs team have been making great strides with performance, but
 conflict handling remains a serious problem.  The darcs roadmap doesn't show
 this being fixed in the near future

 Rebase support is coming, and it does work, though the workflow is a bit

 Besides the branching/merging/conflict issue, switching to git would give
 us plenty of side benefits, notably via access to a wealth of tool support.
  Making contribution easy is important to us too, and there are a lot of
 people using git.

 The cost of switching is quite high, which is one reason we decided to stay
 with darcs last time.  We have multiple repos that need to be converted, and
 for some of them, where the repo is being shared with other projects, we may
 have to mirror rather than convert in place. We're prepared to put in the
 effort if the gains would be worthwhile though (offers of help are more than

 We're intrested in opinions from both active and potential GHC
 developers/contributors.  Let us know what you think - would this make life
 harder or easier for you?  Would it make you less likely or more likely to


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Re: RFC: migrating to git

2011-01-10 Thread Daniel Peebles
So the basic point seems to be: if you know how to use a tool, you don't
usually curse and swear when you use it. If you don't, you tend to swear a


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Adam Wick wrote:

 On 01/10/2011 08:52 AM, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

 If I were considering contributing minor patches to a project, the use of
 git would probably not deter me too much - I can cope with the simple stuff.
  But if I wanted more major involvement, git would definitely cause me to
 think twice about whether to bother.

 And just to show that you can't make everyone happy ... I'll put in an
 equal-and-opposite vote  from Malcolm. GHC's use of darcs is a blocker for
 me even thinking about doing any work on GHC or the related libraries; my
 limited experience with darcs has been terrible, and the swearing I've heard
 about darcs makes me think my experience was not unique. Switching to git
 would make the chance that I'd do work on GHC nonzero.

 - Adam

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Re: Removing/deprecating -fvia-c

2010-02-14 Thread Daniel Peebles
I thought GHC's own codegen didn't do any instruction reordering for the
pipeline. I guess that ends up not being much of an issue in practice?

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Don Stewart wrote:

  Hi all,
  We are planning to remove the -fvia-c way of compiling code
  (unregisterised compilers will continue to compile via C only, but
  registerised compilers will only use the native code generator).
  We'll probably deprecate -fvia-c in the 6.14 branch, and remove it in
  Simon Marlow has recently fixed FP performance for modern x86 chips in
  the native code generator in the HEAD. That was the last reason we know
  of to prefer via-C to the native code generators. But before we start
  the removal process, does anyone know of any other problems with the
  native code generators that need to be fixed first?

 Do we have the blessing of the DPH team, wrt. tight, numeric inner loops?

 As recently as last year -fvia-C -optc-O3 was still useful for some
 microbenchmarks -- what's changed in that time, or is expected to change?

 -- Don
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Re: Compiling to ANSI C

2009-11-07 Thread Daniel Peebles
You can use -fvia-C and -keep-hc-files but the generated C code is
pretty platform-dependent (at least in terms of word sizes and so
on... it may be possible to port across platforms with the same word
sizes?), and probably won't help you cross-compile. It also doesn't
look much like any c code any human would have written, and I think
there are plans to deprecate the via-C compilation pathway eventually.

If you are looking to add cross-compilation to GHC, the first thing
I'd look at is detaching the choice of native code generator from the
preprocessor and hooking it up to a front-end command-line option
instead :) Someone on IRC (his username is dumael, not sure what his
real name is) has already been working on an ARM native code generator
for GHC recently. The recent LLVM back-end development should also
make it pretty simple to generate code for other platforms (especially
if we have a nice way to pass front-end options to the code


On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 12:08 PM, han wrote:
 I am (in fact we are) working to make Haskell code to run on an ARM
 Linux machine called GP2X Wiz, the open-source based handheld game

 I wish to finally make a Haskell cross-compiler for ARM Linux, and for
 now I am trying to make

 main = putStrLn Hello, World!

 to run on the machine. At first I did

 $ ghc hello.hs -o hello -fvia-C -keep-hc-files

 and tried to use the generated hc file, but figured that the code is
 (or at least some code in the included headers is) x86-dependent.

 I heard that the GHC can compile to ANSI C, and I want to use it as an
 intermediate code to ARM Linux before we can actually port the GHC to

 Is there any specific option I have to give in order to generate an
 ANSI C code from a Haskell source code?
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Re: STM experiment

2009-10-02 Thread Daniel Peebles
Hi Luca,

Just in case you weren't aware of it, your example didn't actually
contain any STM (beyond the import), just regular Haskell IO-based

But the answer to your question is that there's no synchronization on
writing to a file descriptor, so both threads are simultaneously
writing to stdout (hPutStr stdout ...\n === putStrLn ... by the
way) and result in the interleaved results you see. One solution is to
have a thread that effectively owns stdout, and instead of writing to
stdout, you write to a Chan (Control.Concurrent.Chan) to talk to the
stdout owner, who will then write out your messages. This approach
will give you the Hello world or world Hello output that you were

Hope this helps,

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Luca Ciciriello wrote:
 Hi All.
 I'm very new using Concurrency and STM in Haskell. I'm trying some basic
 example using STM like this one:

 module Main

 import IO
 import Control.Concurrent
 import Control.Concurrent.STM

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
                 forkIO (hPutStr stdout Hello)
                 hPutStr stdout  world\n

 Loading this module in GHCi and running main, the result is:


 On MacOs X 10.5.8 and on WindowsXp

 Compiling this module with:

 ghc --make Main.hs -o Main

 and launcing ./Main the result is just:

 Terminal world

 Am I doing something wrong? My expected result was Hello world (or world

 Thanks in advance for any answer.

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Re: Choosing implementation depending on class instances using rewriting rules

2009-06-03 Thread Daniel Peebles
This isn't necessarily correct, is it? An equality-based (n^2) nub
works fine on infinite lists, whereas any O(n log n) sort-based nub
must necessarily evaluate the entire list before being able to return
the value. The original n^2 nub also returns the elements in the order
of their first appearance rather than sorted order.

Of course, you may not care about this and just be experimenting with
rewrite rules, in which case I can't help you :)


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Milan Straka wrote:

 I am interesting in writing a method nub in such a way, that it will
 use O(N^2) trivial algorithm for types with equality only, and O(N log N)
 algorithm for comparable types. I would like to say

  class Nub where nub :: [a] - [a]
  instance Ord a = Nub a where nub = nubOrd
  instance Eq a = Nub a where nub = nubEq

 which is of course not valid Haskell. I tried using GHC rewriting rules
 to achieve this. My first try was

  {-# NOINLINE nub #-}
  nub :: Eq a = [a] - [a]
  nub xs = ...

  nubOrd :: Ord a = [a] - [a]
  nubOrd xs = ...

  {-# RULES nub/nubOrd nub = nubOrd #-}

 which does not work either, because of missing an Ord a context. I was not
 able to write the rule which would fire.

 Is there a way to write such a rewriting rule or there is no way of acquiring
 the Ord dictionary in rewrite rule? Or does anyone know any other way
 of implementing such a nub without explicitly listing all Ord instances?

 I wish you a nice day,
 Milan Straka

 PS: Listing {-# RULES nub/nubOrd Int nub = nubOrd :: [Int]-[Int] #-} for
 all Ord instances would work, but ...
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Re: No last core parallel slowdown on OS X

2009-04-18 Thread Daniel Peebles
That looks great! I wonder what about Mac OS leads to such good performance...

Now if only we could get a nice x86_64-producing GHC for Mac OS too, I
could use all my RAM and the extra registers my Mac Pro gives me :)

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Dave Bayer wrote:
 I'm a huge fan of the recent paper

 which put me over the top to get started writing parallel code in Haskell.
 Parallel code is now integral to my and my Ph.D. students' research. For
 example, we recently checked an assertion for the roughly 69 billion atomic
 lattices on six atoms, in a day rather than a week, using perhaps 6 lines of
 parallel code in otherwise sequential code. When you're anxiously waiting
 for the answer, a day is a lot better than a week. (The enumeration itself
 is down to two hours on 7 cores, which astounds me. I see no reason to ever
 use another language.)

 In that paper, they routinely benchmark N-1 cores on an N core Linux box,
 because of a noticeable falloff using the last core, which can do more harm
 than good. I had confirmed this on my four core Linux box, but was puzzled
 that my two core MacBook showed no such falloff. Hey, two cores isn't
 representative of many cores, cache issues yada yada, so I waited.

 I just got an EFi-X boot processor ( working on a nearly
 identical quad core box that I built, and I tested the same computations
 with OS X. For my test case, there's a mild cost to moving to parallel at
 all, but...

 Compared to 2 cores, using 3, 4 cores on a four core Linux box gives
 speedups of

        1.37x, 1.38x

 Compared to 2 cores, using 3, 4 cores on an equivalent four core box running
 OS X gives speedups of

        1.45x, 1.9x

 Here 1.5x, 2.0x is ideal, so I'm thrilled. If we can't shame Linux into
 fixing this, I'm never looking back. How true is this for other parallel
 languages? Haskell alone is perhaps too fringe to cause a Linux scandal over
 this, even if it should...

 The EFi-X boot processor itself is rather expensive ($240 now), and there's
 sticking to a specific hardware compatibility list, and I needed to update
 my motherboard BIOS and the EFi-X firmware, but no other fiddling for me.
 These boxes are just compute servers for me, I would have been ok returning
 to Linux, but not if it means giving up a core. People worry about
 compatibility, I sensed a softness in the surround sound in game X..., but
 for me the above numbers put all this in perspective.

 Another way to put this, especially for those who don't have a strong
 preference for building their own machines, and can't wait for Linux to get
 its act together:

 If you're serious about parallel Haskell, buy a Mac Pro.
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