RE: (Stupid?) newbie question

1999-09-01 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

not a stupid question, just a stupid bug in 4.03 ;-)
This has been fixed in the patch available from the
ghc-win32 web page, 

-Original Message-
From: felix [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 00:45
To: glasgow-haskell-users
Subject: (Stupid?) newbie question

Hi, folks!
I have recently downloaded ghc-4.03 (under win32/cygwin) and everything
seems to work great, but somehow the following code snippet does not
work as intended:
import System
main = do argv - getArg
   print argv
This does print "[]" - no arguments!
Since the same thing fails in Hugs too, I must have made some mistake.
please enlighted me.

RE: CCallable Integers

1999-07-27 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

I think you're asking whether POSIX types should
be given a type/synonym on the Haskell side. The
Posix library does define some of them, but not
all - e.g., size_t isn't.

I'm sure patches which extended that library so as
to have these would be welcomed by the GHC developers.


George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 For historical reasons (I suppose), the text in the Users Guide
 section 5.4 on calling foreign functions from C seems to assume that
 you only need C integers (represented by Int).  This means 
 it's not clear what to do if, for example, you need size_t.
 At the moment I suppose most people are still using computers
 which are basically 32 bit throughout, so at the moment this
 is something of a non-issue, but in the next few years
 I expect this to change, and I think the way GHC is tied to a 
 particular correspondence C types - Haskell types is dangerous.
 So what I suggest is that we have a new structure which
 contains type synonyms corresponding to the C numeric types
 (for example CInt, CInt#, CSizeT, CSizeT#, and so on).  Also
 the manual should be changed to encourage people writing new
 code to use CInt rather that Int as the type name for when 
 they want to call a C function expecting an Int.

RE: redirecting *.hi

1999-07-27 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  One small correction:
  The sed script should be:
  sed -e 's/.*\/\([^\/][^\/]*\)\.hs/$(E)\/\1.o, $(E)\/\1.hi/'
  Of course:
  :g/.*\/\([^\/][^\/]*\)\.hs/s//$(E)\/\1.o, $(E)\/\1.hi/
  in vi should also work.
 -odir blah  is supposed to work, I think.

Not for the gen'ed interface file. If you're using GNU make
I'd simply add

SRC_HC_OPTS += -ohi $(E)/$*.hi

and avoid having to supply them on a case-by-case basis.


RE: Please could the Concurrency library have a yield action!

1999-05-10 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
 "Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)" wrote:
  Is it worth adding something like `yield' to the Concurrent
  API? I'm unconvinced, but don't feel strongly about it. If
  there are others that also think that it should be supported,
  let me know, and I'll change my mind :-)
 Here are two reasons:
 (1) Pre-emptive scheduling is hard to implement (is Hugs 
 really going to support it and still be as portable as it
 is now??).  Presumably this is why Java is not guaranteed
 to have it.

That's the plan - it's usually not that hard to find enough OS
support to make the implementation of this possible.

 (2) Even when you have pre-emptive scheduling, yield() could 
 still provide a hint to the scheduler that this might be
 a good time to do something else.

The scheduler will pretty soon get around to context switching
anyway, but ok.

There's no persuasive reasons for not supporting it, so
we'll add it.


RE: Q: Threads in GHC's RTS

1999-04-09 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Sven Panne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
 Aaaah! *lights going on*   But then I suggest that foreign export
 dynamic should be changed to return a stable pointer instead 
 of an Addr. This shouldn't break too much code, because both
 are CCallable.

I don't see the need, since (deep breath) freeHaskellFunctionPtr()
drops the stable pointer for you when passed the Addr that f.e.d.
returns. That RTS entry point doesn't have a Haskell wrapper at
the moment, so you'll have to  'foreign import' to use it (or
_ccall_ it, as we did in the olden days ;)


RE: Xlib IDL for H/Direct?

1999-03-29 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

 Sven Panne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes: 
 "Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)" wrote:
  Sven Panne wrote:
   What's wrong with using Green Card? Its %enum generates 
   the desired mappings automatically and consistently. AFAIK,
   this type safety is something even IDL compilers don't do
   for you.
  Use whatever works best for you, but I'm not sure I agree with this
  statement re: enums. Care to expand? :)
 OK, my mail was a little bit terse, so I'll try again with a hopefully
 self-explaining example. First in IDL:
 -- Foo.idl --
 module Foo {
 const int EXIT_FAILURE = 1;
 const int EXIT_SUCCESS = 0;
 typedef int status_t;
 void exit ([in]status_t status);
 const int SEEK_SET = 0;
 const int SEEK_CUR = 1;
 const int SEEK_END = 2;
 typedef int whence_t;
 typedef unsigned long off_t;
 typedef int fd_t;
 off_t lseek([in]fd_t fd, [in]off_t offset, [in]whence_t whence);
 And here in Green Card:
 -- Bar.gc ---
 module Bar where
 import StdDIS
 import Word
 %enum Status Int [ EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS ]
 %fun exit :: Status - IO ()
 %enum Whence Int [ SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END ]
 newtype Offset = Offset Word32;
 %dis offset x = Offset (word32 x)
 newtype Fd = Fd Int;
 %dis fd x = Fd (int x)
 %fun lseek :: Fd - Offset - Whence - IO Offset

You could use 'const's for this, but I'd suggest using an
'enum' decl in IDL instead. IDL 'enum' declarations are just
like in C, but HDirect extends 'em a little by supporting
the custom 'deriving()' attribute. For example,

 typedef [deriving("Eq")]
   enum { EXIT_FAILURE = 0, EXIT_SUCCESS } Status;



 instance Eq   Status where {...}
 instance Enum Status where {...}

which should be equal in power to %enum. (HDirect doesn't
currently allow you to map enums to newtypes of Int (say),
but it could. No big deal).


Mutable array ops (was: file operations)

1999-03-05 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Martin Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
 Yes, I tried to use them but missed some functions to handle 
 ByteArrays, particularly
 1. How can I get a ByteArray? (freezing a MutableByteArray 
 seems to be a little strange)

Strange as it might be, but that's the way :)If you want to
hide the use of MutableByteArrays, you can without too much

  -- untested code.
  doubleByteArray :: [Double] - ByteArray Int
  doubleByteArray dbls = runST $ do
  marr - newDoubleArray (0,len)
  zipWithM_ (writeDoubleArray marr) [0..] dlbs
  unsafeFreezeByteArray marr
  len = max 0 (length dbls - 1)

 2. How can I thaw a ByteArray to get a MutableByteArray?

By manually copying over the bytes - here's the version that I'll
probably add to the MutableArray interface:

thawByteArray :: Ix ix = ByteArray ix - ST s (MutableByteArray s ix)
thawByteArray (ByteArray ixs barr#) =
The implementation is made more complex by the
fact that the indexes are in units of whatever
base types that's stored in the byte array.
   case (sizeofByteArray# barr#) of 
 i# - do
   marr - newCharArray (0,I# i#)
   mapM_ (\ idx@(I# idx#) - 
 writeCharArray marr idx (C# (indexCharArray# barr# idx#)))
   let (MutableByteArray _ arr#) = marr
   return (MutableByteArray ixs arr#) 

The unsafe version of this and thawArray should be supported in the
next release too. 


RE: `sort'

1999-02-16 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Have a look at the Util module in '-syslib misc', it provides
a variety of sorting algorithms, including said merge sort.

If you want others, check out Ralf Hinze's pages at


 Carl R. Witty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes
  The merge sorting costs  O( n*log(n) ), so it is good in any case.
  Why not implement it?
  Sergey gave a suggestion (backed by numbers) for a better algorithm.
  I would say (and I think Sergey would too) that the standard library
  should provide an O(n log(n)) sorting algorithm, rather than an
  algorithm which is O(n log(n)) for some applications and O(n^2) for
  others (even if the first algorithm is a constant factor of two or
  three slower than the best case of the second).  Sometimes
  applications do need to sort lists which are nearly sorted, or which
  may be already sorted...
 Indeed, i voice for the merge sort - exactly for the reasons you give
 - adding that the merge sort fits well functional programming, 
 expresses in small and clear program.
 But i cannot justify the whole solution rigorousely, neither would 
 like to get into long discussion on this not so vital subject. 
 My protest expresses simply in the form of
   import Listhiding (sort   )
   import Prelude hiding (minimum,maximum,sum,product) 
   import DPrelude   (sort,minimum,maximum,sum,product ...)
 QuickSort - it is desirable to be provided too (in the List standard 
 library).  Only - if it is really true that, like people say, its 
 *average* expense is considerably lower than of the merge sort. 
 But i propose for the  Haskell-2 Standard Library 
   sortBy :: Char - (a-a-Bool) - [a] - [a]
 --mode  p   xs
   -- sort list by ordering predicate p
 For example, 
  sortBy 'm' () [2,1,3,1] -- [1,1,2,3]
  sortBy 'm' () [2,1,3,1] -- [3,2,1,1]
  sortBy 'q' () [2,1,3,1] -- [3,2,1,1]
 The mode 'm' reserves for the merge sort, 'q' for quick sort.
 Sergey Mechveliani

RE: sortings

1999-02-16 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

 To my
  Indeed, i voice for the merge sort ...
 Sigbjorn Finne  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes
  Have a look at the Util module in '-syslib misc', it provides
  a variety of sorting algorithms, including said merge sort.
  If you want others, check out Ralf Hinze's pages at
 No, no. 
 The question was not on the accessible variety of sorting programs. 
 It was only
   which implementation ghc has to relate to the standard name `sort'.

Right, but I don't think there's much hope of changing its implementation
sometime this week (or the next..) just to accommodate the data sets
you're sorting. Just trying to be helpful.


RE: Uncompiling internal names...

1999-02-11 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Alex Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  Here's our convention for splitting up the interface file 
 name space:
  d...dictionary identifiers
  (local variables, so no name-clash worries)
 Hrm.  So, whence the trailing 0's?  They all seem to be 0, so 
 admittedly this won't help me much anyway...

This is to ensure uniqueness, consider

  class A a where {...}
  data BC = ...
  instance A BC where { ... }

  class AB a where { ... }
  data C = ...
  instance AB C where { ... }

mapping both dicts to $dABC is a bad idea.


RE: 2 questions: CVS Win32

1999-02-03 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Frank A. Christoph  writes: 
 I tried "cvs diff" from the fptools/ghc, but it doesn't seem 
 to work for me. I get a series of messages:
 cvs server: Diffing .
 cvs server: Diffing compiler
 cvs server: Diffing compiler/absCSyn
 but no diffs. Having done that, I wondered if maybe there had 
 been no recent changes, but when I do "cvs update" I see a 
 few changes:
 What am I doing wrong?

'cvs diff -r HEAD' is your friend.

 Sigbjorn Finne wrote:
 Assuming you know the date at which you checked out a copy,
 something like the following should do the trick:
   cvs diff -D 01/30/99 -r HEAD
 This requires you to have two copies of your CVS tree
 though, the off-line one and one you can use to invoke
 'cvs diff's from.
 Hm, OK, but what happens if there were multiple updates to 
 the tree at Glasgow on that date, and my copy of it was not 
 the last one? (Say there were updates at 4pm and 7pm, and I 
 checked out my tree at 5pm.) 

The date can also include the time of day (see CVS docs)...
anyway, this is not a problem for you since you're using anoncvs,
which is only updated once every 24 hours (each 'night' at 22:00
GMT or so.)

 In fact, I don't see why I need a local copy of the tree at 
 all. If I haven't changed the tree, then it should be equal 
 to an old version of the one at Glasgow, so shouldn't I be 
 able to generate a patch file just by supplying two version 
 identifiers, and having the CVS server compute the 
 differences locally at Glasgow? The thing I don't understand, 
 I guess, is how to determine the version identifier for my 
 tree. (Here's my situation: I have a GHC snapshot on my 
 computer at home, but I typically access the Glasgow CVS 
 server from work. I want to generate a patch file every few 
 days so that I can fit the changes onto a floppy, carry it 
 home and apply them manually to keep the tree up to date.)

afaik, cvs doesn't let you do that - you need to be within
a CVS tree in order to issue these commands.


RE: 2 questions: CVS Win32

1999-02-01 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

 Frank A. Christoph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes: 
 First, a CVS question.  I am a real CVS novice so bear with me.
 I finally managed to use CVS to get the current 4.02 GHC 
 distribution (and to compile it! :). Now, I understand how 
 one can create recursive diffs between versions, but if I 
 understand correctly, not every change counts as a "release 
 version change", i.e., for the whole tree, not just a file. 
 Is it possible to create a diff between my local tree and the 
 current state of the tree in the repository? (I copied the 
 tree elsewhere, somewhere I can't use CVS, and so I want to 
 make a diff so that I don't have to copy the whole thing 
 every time there is a change.)

Assuming you know the date at which you checked out a copy,
something like the following should do the trick:

  cvs diff -D 01/30/99 -r HEAD

This requires you to have two copies of your CVS tree
though, the off-line one and one you can use to invoke
'cvs diff's from.

 Second, I know that you need the Cygnus distribution to run 
 GHC on Win32. My question is, do you also need it to run 
 GHC-produced executables?

Yes, afraid so. However, I'm currently testing some changes I've
made to drop that DLL dependency. Included in that batch of
changes is the support for generating  using DLLs too.
(prepare for ghc compiled binaries of less than 10k in size :-)


RE: getChar without pressing return?

1999-01-30 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)


have a look at the documentation for the IO library and
its Handle buffering operations. To turn off the buffering
of input, try doing something like the following,

main =
   hSetBuffering stdin Nobuffering  getChar = putChar

Strictly speaking, Hugs is in the wrong here, but there's
good reasons for it choosing to be so.


Jan Laitenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
 Does anyone know how I can get a character without the
 need of pressing the return key afterwards?
 main = do c - getChar 
   putStr (c:"")
 Hugs returns the control back to the program as soon as
 a character was read - but ghc waits for a whole line
 to be finished...
 |  __,   _  _  EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | /  |  / |/ | WWWeb:
 |/\_/|_/  |  |_/
/| Laitenberger 

RE: Is there anybody who can help me with this

1999-01-08 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Marc van Dongen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  Dear all,
  Hopefully somebody can help me out with this.
  I am looking for the file where the low level primops
 for operations on Integers are defined. I've had a look
 in Primops.h but that only includes cmpInteger# and a few
 friends. Where can I find the remaining ones?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This has probably been replied to by others off-line, but
just in case it hasn't,


contains the other (non-inlinable ones.)

Follow-ups to glasgow-haskell-bugs?


RE: Green Card and calling Haskell from C

1998-12-03 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

Graeme E Moss [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
 In the on-line documentation for Green Card at:
 there is the following option for invoking green-card:
 Generates code that can use callbacks to Haskell (GHC 
 only.) This makes the generated code slower.
 Does this allow C to call Haskell?

No, this just generates code that is prepared for
this to happen (using old GHC FFI lingo, the stub code
calls out via _ccall_GC_ )

See the new FFI for mechanisms for calling Haskell functions
from C. (HaskellDirect will provide tool support for the
creation of C interfaces to Haskell libraries in the near

The HaskellDirect home page has got more info,


RE: instance..= L a a

1998-10-19 Thread Sigbjorn Finne (Intl Vendor)

 ghc-4  does not allow what  ghc-3.02  did:
 instance Ring a = LeftModule a a  where  cMul = mul
 ghc-4  says
   Illegal instance declaration for `LeftModule a a'
(There must be at least one non-type-variable in the instance head)
 If Haskell-2 is going to be this way, then this is somehow against the
 needs of algebra.

I think this is a case of options vertigo - try compiling
your source with '-fallow-overlapping-instances
-optC-fallow-undecidable-instances' added to the command line.
