Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-06 Thread Corey O'Connor
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 8:19 PM, Edward Z. Yang  wrote:
> Hello all,


> Ignoring the problems of cleaning up the unceremoniously terminated C
> computation, I'm having difficulty getting the FFI to /stop/ running
> when I get the signal.  I currently have some code like this:

In your test cases that fail are your C computations foreign unsafe imports?

-Corey O'Connor
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-06 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Corey O'Connor's message of Fri Aug 06 16:15:21 -0400 2010:
> In your test cases that fail are your C computations foreign unsafe imports?

First thing I checked. :-) They were safe imports, and the Haskell code
did get called--just the C code kept marching on.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-09 Thread Simon Marlow

On 06/08/2010 21:16, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Excerpts from Corey O'Connor's message of Fri Aug 06 16:15:21 -0400 2010:

In your test cases that fail are your C computations foreign unsafe imports?

First thing I checked. :-) They were safe imports, and the Haskell code
did get called--just the C code kept marching on.

Right, the RTS won't try to interrupt a foreign call even when there's a 
pending throwTo for the thread making the call.  The reason is that, 
well, there's no way to interrupt C calls.  You could try pthread_cancel 
I suppose, but only if the thread making the call is not a bound thread 
(because pthread_cancel kills the thread, it's not an exception 
mechanism).  That might be quite interesting to try, actually.  You'll 
need to modify the RTS: the place where we decide what to do when a 
throwTo is received for a thread involved in a foreign call is around 
line 396 of rts/RaiseAsync.c (in the HEAD):

case BlockedOnCCall:
case BlockedOnCCall_NoUnblockExc:

this is where you would call pthread_cancel (after checking for a bound 
thread).  You should look into pthread_setcancelstate and 
pthread_setcanceltype, and call these appropriately for worker threads.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-25 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Mon Aug 09 11:23:42 -0400 2010:
> That might be quite interesting to try, actually.  You'll need to modify the
> RTS: the place where we decide what to do when a throwTo is received for a
> thread involved in a foreign call is around line 396 of rts/RaiseAsync.c (in
> the HEAD):
>  case BlockedOnCCall:
>  case BlockedOnCCall_NoUnblockExc:
> blockedThrowTo(cap,target,msg);
> this is where you would call pthread_cancel (after checking for a bound 
> thread).  You should look into pthread_setcancelstate and 
> pthread_setcanceltype, and call these appropriately for worker threads.

I spent some time looking at the code, and I've been having a difficult
time finding the thread ID of the worker thread that is performing the
safe FFI call.  The target TSO is the suspended Haskell thread, which
afaict is distinct from the worker thread that is actually doing the FFI
call, so the obvious Tasks from bound/cap seem to be the wrong ones.
Do I have to walk all_tasks to find the one that's running the call I care

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-25 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Thu Aug 26 01:22:22 -0400 2010:
> I spent some time looking at the code, and I've been having a difficult
> time finding the thread ID of the worker thread that is performing the
> safe FFI call.  The target TSO is the suspended Haskell thread, which
> afaict is distinct from the worker thread that is actually doing the FFI
> call, so the obvious Tasks from bound/cap seem to be the wrong ones.
> Do I have to walk all_tasks to find the one that's running the call I care
> about?

Of course, immediately after I send this message, my debug build finishes
and I find target->bound->task is the one I care about. :-)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-26 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Here is a possible implementation:

Task *task = NULL;
if (target->bound) {
// maybe not supposed to kill bound threads, but it
// seems to work ok (as long as they don't want to try
// to recover!)
task = target->bound->task;
} else {
// walk all_tasks to find the correct worker thread
for (task = all_tasks; task != NULL; task = task->all_link) {
if (task->incall->suspended_tso == target) {
if (task != NULL) {
// cargo cult cargo cult...
task->cap = NULL;
task->stopped = rtsTrue;

This is quite good at causing the C computation to terminate,
but not so good at letting the Task that requested the FFI call
that it can wake up now.  In particular, consider the following
code (using the interruptible function defined earlier):

foreign import ccall "foo.h" foo :: CInt -> IO ()

fooHs n = do
putStrLn $ "Arf " ++ show n
threadDelay 100
fooHs n

main = main' 2

main' 0 = putStrLn "Quitting"
main' n = do
tid <- newEmptyMVar
interruptible () $ do
putMVar tid =<< myThreadId
(r :: Either E.AsyncException ()) <- E.try $ foo n
putStrLn "Thread was able to catch exception"
print =<< readMVar tid
print =<< threadStatus =<< readMVar tid
putStrLn ""
main' (pred n)

with foo.h/foo.c something like:

void foo(int d) {
while (1) {
printf("Arf %d\n", d);

Without the RTS patch, the first foo(2) loop continues even after
interrupting (and resuming the primary execution of the program.
With the RTS patch, the first foo(2) loop terminates upon the
signal, but the thread 'tid' continues to be 'BlockedOnOther',
and "Thread was able to catch exception" is never printed.
If we use fooHs instead of foo, we see the expected behavior where
the loop is terminated, the exception caught, and the message
printed (eventually).

Tomorrow, I plan on looking more closely at how we might resume
the thread corresponding to 'tid'; however, it does seem like
something of a dangerous proposition given that the worker thread
was unceremoniously terminated, so none of the thunks actually got


P.S. I can post real diffs if other people are interested in replicating.
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-26 Thread Simon Marlow

On 26/08/2010 06:57, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Excerpts from Edward Z. Yang's message of Thu Aug 26 01:22:22 -0400 2010:

I spent some time looking at the code, and I've been having a difficult
time finding the thread ID of the worker thread that is performing the
safe FFI call.  The target TSO is the suspended Haskell thread, which
afaict is distinct from the worker thread that is actually doing the FFI
call, so the obvious Tasks from bound/cap seem to be the wrong ones.
Do I have to walk all_tasks to find the one that's running the call I care

Of course, immediately after I send this message, my debug build finishes
and I find target->bound->task is the one I care about. :-)

target->bound->task is only present for a bound thread, for an ordinary 
unbound thread I think there is currently no (easy) way to get from the 
TSO to the Task.  The InCall, which points to both the TSO and the Task, 
is stored on the cap->suspended_ccalls list, and you could find the 
right one by walking that list.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-26 Thread Simon Marlow

On 26/08/2010 08:10, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Here is a possible implementation:

 Task *task = NULL;
 if (target->bound) {
 // maybe not supposed to kill bound threads, but it
 // seems to work ok (as long as they don't want to try
 // to recover!)
 task = target->bound->task;
 } else {
 // walk all_tasks to find the correct worker thread
 for (task = all_tasks; task != NULL; task = task->all_link) {
 if (task->incall->suspended_tso == target) {
 if (task != NULL) {
 // cargo cult cargo cult...
 task->cap = NULL;
 task->stopped = rtsTrue;

You don't want to do this for a bound thread (when target->bound != 
NULL), because the OS thread will have interesting things on its C stack 
and pthread_cancel discards the entire stack.  A worker thread on the 
other hand has an uninteresting stack and we can easily make another one.

This is quite good at causing the C computation to terminate,
but not so good at letting the Task that requested the FFI call
that it can wake up now.  In particular, consider the following
code (using the interruptible function defined earlier):

 foreign import ccall "foo.h" foo :: CInt ->  IO ()

 fooHs n = do
 putStrLn $ "Arf " ++ show n
 threadDelay 100
 fooHs n

 main = main' 2

 main' 0 = putStrLn "Quitting"
 main' n = do
 tid<- newEmptyMVar
 interruptible () $ do
 putMVar tid =<<  myThreadId
 (r :: Either E.AsyncException ())<- E.try $ foo n
 putStrLn "Thread was able to catch exception"
 print =<<  readMVar tid
 print =<<  threadStatus =<<  readMVar tid
 putStrLn ""
 main' (pred n)

with foo.h/foo.c something like:

 void foo(int d) {
 while (1) {
 printf("Arf %d\n", d);

Without the RTS patch, the first foo(2) loop continues even after
interrupting (and resuming the primary execution of the program.
With the RTS patch, the first foo(2) loop terminates upon the
signal, but the thread 'tid' continues to be 'BlockedOnOther',
and "Thread was able to catch exception" is never printed.
If we use fooHs instead of foo, we see the expected behavior where
the loop is terminated, the exception caught, and the message
printed (eventually).

Tomorrow, I plan on looking more closely at how we might resume
the thread corresponding to 'tid'; however, it does seem like
something of a dangerous proposition given that the worker thread
was unceremoniously terminated, so none of the thunks actually got

So you don't want to do blockedThrowTo, instead call raiseAsync to raise 
the exception, and that should put the TSO back on the the run queue.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-26 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Thu Aug 26 04:08:06 -0400 2010:
> You don't want to do this for a bound thread (when target->bound != 
> NULL), because the OS thread will have interesting things on its C stack 
> and pthread_cancel discards the entire stack.  A worker thread on the 
> other hand has an uninteresting stack and we can easily make another one.

It seems possible that under certain (limited) circumstances, this would
be desirable behavior: for example, if we truly wanted to destroy the bound
thread-local state and start over from scratch.

> So you don't want to do blockedThrowTo, instead call raiseAsync to raise 
> the exception, and that should put the TSO back on the the run queue.


raiseAsync(cap, target, msg->exception, rtsFalse, NULL)

the thread is successfully able to catch the exception!

case BlockedOnCCall:
case BlockedOnCCall_NoUnblockExc:
Task *task = NULL;
raiseAsync(cap, target, msg->exception, rtsFalse, NULL);
if (!target->bound) {
// walk all_tasks to find the correct worker thread
for (task = all_tasks; task != NULL; task = task->all_link) {
if (task->incall->suspended_tso == target) {
if (task != NULL) {
task->cap = NULL;
task->stopped = rtsTrue;

Here is a new (working) implementation interruptible:

interruptible :: a -> IO a -> IO a
interruptible defaultVal m = do
mresult <- newEmptyMVar -- transfer exception to caller
mtid<- newEmptyMVar
let install = do
installIntHandler (Catch ctrlc)
cleanup oldHandler = do
_ <- installIntHandler oldHandler
return ()
ctrlc = do
hPutStrLn stderr "Caught signal"
tid <- readMVar mtid
throwTo tid E.UserInterrupt
bracket = reportBracket . E.bracket install cleanup . const
reportBracket action = do
putMVar mresult =<< E.catches (liftM Right action)
[ E.Handler (\(e :: E.AsyncException) ->
return $ case e of
E.UserInterrupt -> Right defaultVal
_ -> Left (E.toException e)
, E.Handler (\(e :: E.SomeException) -> return (Left e))
putMVar mtid =<< forkIO (bracket m)
either E.throw return =<< readMVar mresult -- one write only

Do you have any suggestions for stress-testing this code?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-26 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Ahem, the logic in that last iteration was not quite correct.
Here is the more correct version:

case BlockedOnCCall:
case BlockedOnCCall_NoUnblockExc:
Task *task = NULL;
if (!target->bound) {
// walk all_tasks to find the correct worker thread
for (task = all_tasks; task != NULL; task = task->all_link) {
if (task->incall->suspended_tso == target) {
if (task != NULL) {
raiseAsync(cap, target, msg->exception, rtsFalse, NULL);
task->cap = NULL;
task->stopped = rtsTrue;

Is a lock necessary to walk all_tasks?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-27 Thread Simon Marlow

On 26/08/2010 18:20, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Ahem, the logic in that last iteration was not quite correct.
Here is the more correct version:

 case BlockedOnCCall:
 case BlockedOnCCall_NoUnblockExc:
 Task *task = NULL;
 if (!target->bound) {
 // walk all_tasks to find the correct worker thread
 for (task = all_tasks; task != NULL; task = task->all_link) {
 if (task->incall->suspended_tso == target) {
 if (task != NULL) {
 raiseAsync(cap, target, msg->exception, rtsFalse, NULL);
 task->cap = NULL;
 task->stopped = rtsTrue;

Is a lock necessary to walk all_tasks?

You should walk cap->suspended_ccalls instead, no lock is required for that.

For stress testing, you want to construct an example that has lots of 
threads making foreign cals and other threads calling throwTo to 
interrupt them.

So this is a proof of concept, and it seems to work  - great!  If we're 
going to do this for real, then there's a few more things we need:

 - we should probably annotate foreign calls with "interruptible" if
   they can be interrupted.  That entails some changes to GHC, and
   to the way foreign calls get compiled: we'll need to pass an extra
   flag to suspendThread().

 - the Task that has been cancelled needs to clean itself up

 - can we do this on Windows at all?  It woud be even more useful
   on Windows where blocking I/O is done by foreign calls, and is
   currently non-interruptible.

 - bound threads: we can't cancel a bound thread, because then there's
   no way to return to the caller (a bound thread results from a call
   to a Haskell function from C).  This makes the programming model
   slightly unpleasant, because a foreign call will only be
   interruptble when called in certan contexts, but I don't know what
   to do about that.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-27 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Fri Aug 27 04:05:46 -0400 2010:
> You should walk cap->suspended_ccalls instead, no lock is required for that.
> For stress testing, you want to construct an example that has lots of 
> threads making foreign cals and other threads calling throwTo to 
> interrupt them.

Will do.

> So this is a proof of concept, and it seems to work  - great!

This approach of killing threads unceremoniously also seems to have
garnered a lot of bad juju in other contexts (Java, for example, lets
you terminate threads, but the function that does so is deprecated,
since guaranteeing that a thread cleaned up properly in a stateful
environment is really, really hard.)  Maybe we should just use pthread_kill()
to send a signal to the thread.

> If we're going to do this for real, then there's a few more things we need:
>   - we should probably annotate foreign calls with "interruptible" if
> they can be interrupted.  That entails some changes to GHC, and
> to the way foreign calls get compiled: we'll need to pass an extra
> flag to suspendThread().
>   - the Task that has been cancelled needs to clean itself up


>   - can we do this on Windows at all?  It woud be even more useful
> on Windows where blocking I/O is done by foreign calls, and is
> currently non-interruptible.

We can do this on Windows, although the current state-of-the art in
pthreads emulation is basically nicely asking the thead to terminate
with a signal, and then forcibly suspending the thread and scribbling
over %eip to point to some code that exits the thread.  I'm not
sure how this interacts with long-running syscalls...

>   - bound threads: we can't cancel a bound thread, because then there's
> no way to return to the caller (a bound thread results from a call
> to a Haskell function from C).  This makes the programming model
> slightly unpleasant, because a foreign call will only be
> interruptble when called in certan contexts, but I don't know what
> to do about that.

It seems to me that the obvious thing to do is only allow bound FFI calls
to run on bound threads.  What goes wrong with this approach?  Is the
waste of threads too severe?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-31 Thread Simon Marlow

On 28/08/2010 07:45, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Fri Aug 27 04:05:46 -0400 2010:

You should walk cap->suspended_ccalls instead, no lock is required for that.

For stress testing, you want to construct an example that has lots of
threads making foreign cals and other threads calling throwTo to
interrupt them.

Will do.

So this is a proof of concept, and it seems to work  - great!

This approach of killing threads unceremoniously also seems to have
garnered a lot of bad juju in other contexts (Java, for example, lets
you terminate threads, but the function that does so is deprecated,
since guaranteeing that a thread cleaned up properly in a stateful
environment is really, really hard.)  Maybe we should just use pthread_kill()
to send a signal to the thread.

I think the idea of annotating interruptible calls should be good 
enough.  Simple blocking system calls like "read" can all be annotated 
as interruptible without any problems.  Also, pthread_cancel() provides 
ways to control when cancellation can occur - a thread can say whether 
it allows cancels at any time or only at cancel points, so that will 
allow critical sections to be protected, and allow more complicated 
foreign calls to be made interruptible too.

   - bound threads: we can't cancel a bound thread, because then there's
 no way to return to the caller (a bound thread results from a call
 to a Haskell function from C).  This makes the programming model
 slightly unpleasant, because a foreign call will only be
 interruptble when called in certan contexts, but I don't know what
 to do about that.

It seems to me that the obvious thing to do is only allow bound FFI calls
to run on bound threads.  What goes wrong with this approach?  Is the
waste of threads too severe?

Not sure what you mean here: what's a bound FFI call?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-08-31 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Excerpts from Simon Marlow's message of Tue Aug 31 05:02:13 -0400 2010:
> I think the idea of annotating interruptible calls should be good 
> enough.  Simple blocking system calls like "read" can all be annotated 
> as interruptible without any problems.  Also, pthread_cancel() provides 
> ways to control when cancellation can occur - a thread can say whether 
> it allows cancels at any time or only at cancel points, so that will 
> allow critical sections to be protected, and allow more complicated 
> foreign calls to be made interruptible too.


> > It seems to me that the obvious thing to do is only allow bound FFI calls
> > to run on bound threads.  What goes wrong with this approach?  Is the
> > waste of threads too severe?
> Not sure what you mean here: what's a bound FFI call?

Good point: we don’t distinguish between FFI calls that require thread
local state and which ones don’t: this might be a good thing to allow
annotating.  If we did know, then we could simply arrange for calls that
use thread-local state to run on those threads, and we would still be
able to farm out other FFI calls as necessary.

A technical question about cleaning up task: when I run freeTask on the
task, I get the following error:

Foo: internal error: invalid closure, info=0xb76fb418
(GHC version 6.13.20100823 for i386_unknown_linux)

freeTask is only used from freeTaskManager, so I suppose it’s not quite
the right thing to do, however, as far as I can tell GHC doesn’t
have a current story for freeing tasks.  How should I proceed in figuring
out the cause of this error?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-09-01 Thread Simon Marlow

On 01/09/2010 04:22, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

Not sure what you mean here: what's a bound FFI call?

Good point: we don’t distinguish between FFI calls that require thread
local state and which ones don’t: this might be a good thing to allow
annotating.  If we did know, then we could simply arrange for calls that
use thread-local state to run on those threads, and we would still be
able to farm out other FFI calls as necessary.

Alternatively, "interruptible" could mean "does not use thread-local 
state", which makes sense because in order to interrupt a call we have 
to run it with a disposable thread.

I'm not sure about the mechanism for making a call in another OS thread, 
though.  It might be tricky to implement, because you have to arrange to 
communicate the result somehow.

A technical question about cleaning up task: when I run freeTask on the
task, I get the following error:

Foo: internal error: invalid closure, info=0xb76fb418
 (GHC version 6.13.20100823 for i386_unknown_linux)

freeTask is only used from freeTaskManager, so I suppose it’s not quite
the right thing to do, however, as far as I can tell GHC doesn’t
have a current story for freeing tasks.  How should I proceed in figuring
out the cause of this error?

Right, we don't currently free the Task structure until the end, because 
it caches some timing stats.  This might be something we want to clean 
up in the future.  For now, it would be polite to call workerTaskStop() 
at least for the cancelled Task.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: FFI, signals and exceptions

2010-09-01 Thread Edward Z. Yang
I cooked up a Darcs patch implementing the new language keyword 'interruptible'
sans tests, Windows support and avoiding executing interruptible calls on bound
worker threads.  However, being a Darcs newbie I ended up sending the patch to
cvs-ghc, not this list.  Let me know if you'd like me to explicitly repost it

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list