Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-10-24 Thread Michael Marte
I am still using ghc 6.4.2 for creating my DLL and, as long as the DLL 
does not open a file, releasing the DLL works fine. I have not yet tried 
ghc 6.5.


SevenThunders wrote:

Michael Marte wrote:

Hello *,

before filing a bug report, I want others to comment on my problem. 
Maybe it's my fault, not ghc's.

I wrapped up some Haskell modules in a Win32 DLL.
Loading the DLL dynamically (with LoadLibrary) works fine. However, 
whether I actually use the library or not, the program (an application 
with MFC GUI) crashes upon termination.

I was wondering if there has been any recent progress on this issue.
I have a binary windows distribution of GHC 6.5. from May  02 2006.

I created a Haskell DLL that is called from a C stub, which ultimately gets
called from Matlab.
I'm not sure if Matlab loads and unloads the DLL everytime it's called, but
it definately crashes Matlab if one tries to unload the DLL from inside
Matlab (using Matlab's clear command).  The crash occurs even if no Haskell
code is actually called from Matlab.  It suffices to simply load the Haskell
DLL and then unload it.

If you do call the DLL it will work for the first few times and then
eventually crash.  Presumably there is some kind of memory leak as alluded
to elsewhere in this thread.  I'm looking for usable workarounds here.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-10-24 Thread SevenThunders

Michael Marte wrote:
 I am still using ghc 6.4.2 for creating my DLL and, as long as the DLL 
 does not open a file, releasing the DLL works fine. I have not yet tried 
 ghc 6.5.

I just tried it under GHC 6.6 with the same results. If the DLL is loaded it
crashes when it's unloaded even if no Haskell code is actually executed. 
Again I am calling this from Matlab 6.5 so I have no idea how Matlab is
handling the loading and unloading of the DLL or what it is doing to the
environment.  All that is clear is that if the code needs to be linked to
the Haskell DLL, the phenomenon occurs.

  My DLL main program was lifted from the documentation and looks like this.

#include windows.h
#include Rts.h

extern void __stginit_ExternLib(void);

static char* args[] = { ghcDll, NULL };
   /* N.B. argv arrays must end with NULL */
   ( HANDLE hModule
   , DWORD reason
   , void* reserved
  if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
  /* By now, the RTS DLL should have been hoisted in, but we need to
start it up. */
  startupHaskell(1, args, __stginit_ExternLib);
  return TRUE;
  return TRUE;

ExternLib.hs is the external Haskell program that I link to but I don't
actually call.  I could probably generate a simple example of the problem,
which perhaps I shall do and post shortly.

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Sent from the Haskell - Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list archive at

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-10-24 Thread SevenThunders

SevenThunders wrote:
 I just tried it under GHC 6.6 with the same results. If the DLL is loaded
 it crashes when it's unloaded even if no Haskell code is actually

Here is the promised simple example.  This example will cause an exception
when the DLL is unloaded, but it doesn't seem to cause the run time
exception that a more complicated example might cause.  This could be
because of the very small amount of memory it actually uses.

  dllNet.c -

#include windows.h
#include Rts.h

extern void __stginit_ExternLib(void);

static char* args[] = { ghcDll, NULL };
   /* N.B. argv arrays must end with NULL */
   ( HANDLE hModule
   , DWORD reason
   , void* reserved
  if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
  /* By now, the RTS DLL should have been hoisted in, but we need to
start it up. */
  startupHaskell(1, args, __stginit_ExternLib);
  return TRUE;
  return TRUE;

 ExternLib.hs -

module ExternLib where

foreign export stdcall hinc :: Double - Double

hinc :: Double - Double
hinc dval = dval + 1.0

- matlabinterf.c -

#include stdlib.h
#include string.h
#include assert.h
#include stdio.h
#include mex.h

#ifndef FFI_H
#define FFI_H

typedef unsigned int HsChar;  // on 32 bit machine
typedef int HsInt;
typedef unsigned int HsWord;

typedef void *HsPtr;
typedef void (*HsFunPtr)(void);
typedef void *HsForeignPtr;
typedef void *HsStablePtr;

typedef double HsDouble ;

#define HS_BOOL_FALSE 0
#define HS_BOOL_TRUE 1
#endif // FFI_H

__declspec(dllimport) HsDouble  __stdcall hinc(HsDouble ival) ;

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
HsDouble  *ival, *oval ;
mxArray *mret ;
/* We check the number of input and output arguments*/
if (nrhs != 1) 
  mexErrMsgTxt(Error: this needs 1 input argument) ;
ival = mxGetPr(prhs[0]) ;
/* create a 1 x 1 real matrix for the output */
mret = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1, mxREAL) ;
plhs[0] = mret ;
oval = mxGetPr(plhs[0]) ;
*oval = hinc(*ival) ;


Here is the batch file I use to create the Haskell DLL.  It assumes MS VC
tools are in the
search path.

--- ghcdll.bat --
ghc -O2 -c ExternLib.hs -fglasgow-exts
ghc -c dllNet.c
ghc --mk-dll -fglasgow-exts -o interf.dll ExternLib.o ExternLib_stub.o
dllNet.o -L. -optdll--def -optdllinterf.def 
lib /def:interf.def /MACHINE:X86

-- interf.def 


Run the following commands in Matlab to load and unload the Haskell DLL

mex matlabinterf.c interf.lib 
y = matlabinterf(0)
clear matlabinterf

Matlab will crash with an unhandled exception after calling a floating point
division operation.  It is possible to actually make it so that the haskell
code is not called at all but merely linked and thus loaded when the dll is
loaded.  The crash still occurs.  I suspect Matlab must be accessing some
kind of resource used by the DLL that is not shut down properly when the DLL
is unloaded.  However in more complicated examples Matlab will eventually
crash after multiple calls to perfectly good Haskell code, whether or not
the DLL is unloaded.  Next I will try to see if I can duplicate this outside
of a Matlab environment.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Haskell - Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list archive at

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-10-24 Thread skaller
On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 13:16 -0700, SevenThunders wrote:

 Here is the promised simple example.  This example will cause an exception
 when the DLL is unloaded, but it doesn't seem to cause the run time
 exception that a more complicated example might cause.  This could be
 because of the very small amount of memory it actually uses.

I know nothing of Matlab or Haskell linkage .. so do you know 
which C library they're linked against? It has to be the same one, 
and it must be dynamic linkage. (Felix build was inconsistent
and we got similar random behaviour).

John Skaller skaller at users dot sf dot net
Felix, successor to C++:

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-10-24 Thread Matthew Bromberg
I'm not sure exactly how to determine which runtime libraries Matlab 6.5 
uses.  However since I am compiling the mex code via Microsoft VC++ 
6.0,  I suspect  that the  Haskell  DLL s   are loaded using the MS VC 
6.0  runtime libraries.   The DLL that contains the interface code 
however is probably loaded using whatever libraries Matlab links to.  
Ultimately they both should just be calling the operating system load 
and unload routines.  How did you resolve your problems?

skaller wrote:

On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 13:16 -0700, SevenThunders wrote:


Here is the promised simple example.  This example will cause an exception
when the DLL is unloaded, but it doesn't seem to cause the run time
exception that a more complicated example might cause.  This could be
because of the very small amount of memory it actually uses.

I know nothing of Matlab or Haskell linkage .. so do you know 
which C library they're linked against? It has to be the same one, 
and it must be dynamic linkage. (Felix build was inconsistent

and we got similar random behaviour).


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-10 Thread Simon Marlow
On 09 March 2006 18:19, Michael Marte wrote:

 Simon Marlow wrote:
 Michael Marte wrote:
 Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 I'm not implying anything, except that I've plugged the space
 leak of 256M every time a DLL is loadedunloaded.
 -- Lennart
 Michael Marte wrote:
 do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
 May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash
 upon being freed?
 I wanted to test the fix for ticket #711 but I am stuck because
 there is no current snapshot of ghc 6.5 for mingw. (The last one is
 dated end of February, the patch was commited on  March, 2nd.)
 The patch hasn't been committed at all, AFAIK.
 Ok, it am new to Darcs, so this patch is only a proposal contained in
 the ticket?
 I saw that the patch is scheduled for milestone 6.4.2 but has been
 commited only for 6.5. When will it be available for 6.4.2?
 I started learning to compile ghc and I have succeeded with the
 current head of the 6.4 branch on Debian Linux/testing. Next step is
 to compile the head on this system. My current problem is a missing
 symbol when linking stage1/ghc-6.5, namely u_gencat  referenced by
 stage1/parser/Lexer.o. Am I missing some library?
 (I think my sources are up to date, I pulled only half an hour ago.)
 When compiling with 6.4.1 or later, u_gencat should come from
 libHSbase_cbits.a in your 6.4.1 installation.  Is it there?
 No, I am compiling with plain 6.4 (a newer Debain package is not
 available) and it does not have u_gencat in this library.
 However I can compile the head of the 6.4 branch which in turn should
 be able to compile the head, shouldn't it?

Yes, I think a plain 6.4 can't compile the HEAD right now.  We'll try to
fix this, but for now you should use a 6.4.1 or later.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-09 Thread Lennart Augustsson


I've found more bugs.  There are several race conditions when a DLL
is unloaded.  The extra threads that the GHC runtime system starts
(at least one is always started to generate timer ticks) are not
shut down in a synchronized way.  This means that they might be
scheduled to run after the DLL has been unloaded.  Which gives you
an access violation.
I don't have a proper fix for this yet.

-- Lennart

Michael Marte wrote:


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash upon 
being freed?

I played around a little bit more and found two configurations that do 
not crash, at least not when freeing the DLL in the course of quitting 
the application:

- compilation with -O, execution with standard heap size
- compilation with -O, execution with -M128m.
With 64m initial heap space, the problems described earlier occur again :-(


Lennart Augustsson wrote:

The memory allocated by the runtime system is never freed.
I've submitted a fix fir this.

-- Lennart

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-09 Thread Simon Marlow

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I've found more bugs.  There are several race conditions when a DLL
is unloaded.  The extra threads that the GHC runtime system starts
(at least one is always started to generate timer ticks) are not
shut down in a synchronized way.  This means that they might be
scheduled to run after the DLL has been unloaded.  Which gives you
an access violation.
I don't have a proper fix for this yet.

Is this with -threaded?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-09 Thread Simon Marlow

Michael Marte wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I'm not implying anything, except that I've plugged the space
leak of 256M every time a DLL is loadedunloaded.

-- Lennart

Michael Marte wrote:


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash 
upon being freed?

I wanted to test the fix for ticket #711 but I am stuck because there is 
no current snapshot of ghc 6.5 for mingw. (The last one is dated end of 
February, the patch was commited on  March, 2nd.)

The patch hasn't been committed at all, AFAIK.

I saw that the patch is scheduled for milestone 6.4.2 but has been 
commited only for 6.5. When will it be available for 6.4.2?

I started learning to compile ghc and I have succeeded with the current 
head of the 6.4 branch on Debian Linux/testing. Next step is to compile 
the head on this system. My current problem is a missing symbol when 
linking stage1/ghc-6.5, namely u_gencat  referenced by 
stage1/parser/Lexer.o. Am I missing some library?

(I think my sources are up to date, I pulled only half an hour ago.)

When compiling with 6.4.1 or later, u_gencat should come from 
libHSbase_cbits.a in your 6.4.1 installation.  Is it there?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-09 Thread lennart

No, the timer thread starts even without -threaded.
If you use -threaded it gets worse because then you have
a bunch of other threads that don't exit properly.

 -- Lennart

Quoting Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I've found more bugs.  There are several race conditions when a DLL
is unloaded.  The extra threads that the GHC runtime system starts
(at least one is always started to generate timer ticks) are not
shut down in a synchronized way.  This means that they might be
scheduled to run after the DLL has been unloaded.  Which gives you
an access violation.
I don't have a proper fix for this yet.

Is this with -threaded?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-09 Thread Michael Marte

Simon Marlow wrote:

Michael Marte wrote:

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I'm not implying anything, except that I've plugged the space
leak of 256M every time a DLL is loadedunloaded.

-- Lennart

Michael Marte wrote:


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash 
upon being freed?

I wanted to test the fix for ticket #711 but I am stuck because there 
is no current snapshot of ghc 6.5 for mingw. (The last one is dated 
end of February, the patch was commited on  March, 2nd.)

The patch hasn't been committed at all, AFAIK.

Ok, it am new to Darcs, so this patch is only a proposal contained in 
the ticket?

I saw that the patch is scheduled for milestone 6.4.2 but has been 
commited only for 6.5. When will it be available for 6.4.2?

I started learning to compile ghc and I have succeeded with the 
current head of the 6.4 branch on Debian Linux/testing. Next step is 
to compile the head on this system. My current problem is a missing 
symbol when linking stage1/ghc-6.5, namely u_gencat  referenced by 
stage1/parser/Lexer.o. Am I missing some library?

(I think my sources are up to date, I pulled only half an hour ago.)

When compiling with 6.4.1 or later, u_gencat should come from 
libHSbase_cbits.a in your 6.4.1 installation.  Is it there?

No, I am compiling with plain 6.4 (a newer Debain package is not 
available) and it does not have u_gencat in this library.
However I can compile the head of the 6.4 branch which in turn should be 
able to compile the head, shouldn't it?


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-08 Thread Michael Marte

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I'm not implying anything, except that I've plugged the space
leak of 256M every time a DLL is loadedunloaded.

-- Lennart

Michael Marte wrote:


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash 
upon being freed?

I wanted to test the fix for ticket #711 but I am stuck because there is 
no current snapshot of ghc 6.5 for mingw. (The last one is dated end of 
February, the patch was commited on  March, 2nd.)

I saw that the patch is scheduled for milestone 6.4.2 but has been 
commited only for 6.5. When will it be available for 6.4.2?

I started learning to compile ghc and I have succeeded with the current 
head of the 6.4 branch on Debian Linux/testing. Next step is to compile 
the head on this system. My current problem is a missing symbol when 
linking stage1/ghc-6.5, namely u_gencat  referenced by 
stage1/parser/Lexer.o. Am I missing some library?

(I think my sources are up to date, I pulled only half an hour ago.)


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-05 Thread Lennart Augustsson

I'm not implying anything, except that I've plugged the space
leak of 256M every time a DLL is loadedunloaded.

-- Lennart

Michael Marte wrote:


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash upon 
being freed?

I played around a little bit more and found two configurations that do 
not crash, at least not when freeing the DLL in the course of quitting 
the application:

- compilation with -O, execution with standard heap size
- compilation with -O, execution with -M128m.
With 64m initial heap space, the problems described earlier occur again :-(


Lennart Augustsson wrote:

The memory allocated by the runtime system is never freed.
I've submitted a fix fir this.

-- Lennart

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Marte


- How to generate an import library at all? Section 11.5.1 of the ghc 
manual says that the --mk-dll option will cause ghc to create such a 
library, but ghc 6.4.1 does not do this, at least not on Windows. Or did 
you use the Microsoft lib.exe? (lib.exe /def Foo.def generates an import 
library from the DLL but I have no idea how use it. After all, lib.exe 
does not have any type information on the symbols exported by the DLL, 
so how is this is supposed to work?)

- Assuming I have obtained an import library, how to use in the 
Microsoft world, i.e.

how to bridge the gap from .a to .lib?

- Is Visual Studio 7 able to process the header files included from the 
stub header files generated by ghc? Visual Studio 6 has a lot of 
problems, e.g. it knows nothing about the type long long.

- Didn't you have problems with mangled names?

- What is the principal difference between using the import library and 
writing one on my own? Does the import library do anything else than 
loading the library and delegating the calls?

It would be great if you could give me a recipe (in terms of a 
shell-command sequence) that demonstrates how you achieved your goal!


BTW. If I learn anything from this thread that is not yet contained in 
the Haskell Wiki page pointed to by Simon, I will add it.

Cyril Schmidt wrote:

Did you try to link the DLL statically (i.e. via import library) and
remove the call to shutdownHaskell() ?

It worked for me (I am using Visual Studio 7, though).



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-03 Thread Cyril Schmidt

 - How to generate an import library at all?
Check this out:

 - Assuming I have obtained an import library, how to use in the
 Microsoft world, i.e.
 how to bridge the gap from .a to .lib?
See above.

 - Is Visual Studio 7 able to process the header files included from the
 stub header files generated by ghc? Visual Studio 6 has a lot of
 problems, e.g. it knows nothing about the type long long.
I could not make Visual Studio 7 understand those, but I didn't try really

 - Didn't you have problems with mangled names?
Haskell would not understand mangled names.
You have to declare the Haskell functions
as extern C in the C++ code.

This, of course, does not count for functions that are passed to/from
Haskell via a function pointer.

 - What is the principal difference between using the import library and
 writing one on my own? Does the import library do anything else than
 loading the library and delegating the calls?
I don't know :(

Just one more piece of advice: if you can compile your C++ code with gcc,
you probably can link it statically to the Haskell code, thus avoiding this
DLL nightmare.

Hope this helps.



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-03 Thread Lennart Augustsson

The memory allocated by the runtime system is never freed.
I've submitted a fix fir this.

-- Lennart

Michael Marte wrote:

Hello *,

before filing a bug report, I want others to comment on my problem. 
Maybe it's my fault, not ghc's.

I wrapped up some Haskell modules in a Win32 DLL.
Loading the DLL dynamically (with LoadLibrary) works fine. However, 
whether I actually use the library or not, the program (an application 
with MFC GUI) crashes upon termination.
To find the reason for the crash, I added a new function for unloading 
the DLL using FreeLibrary. FreeLibrary works fine, however the program 
crashes when it returns to the main event loop. Interestingly, when I 
reload the library (FreeLibrary followed by LoadLibrary) the program 
continues working. However, every reload cycle causes the virtual size 
of the process to increase by about 300K and the fourth reload fails 
with the error message getMBlock: VirtualAlloc failed with: 8 (appears 
in a message window) accompanied by many repetitions of the message 
Timer proc: wait failed -- error code: 6 (appears on stderr) and 
followed by the message getMBlocks: misaligned block returned (again 
in a message window). Then the programm crashes.

Development takes place on Windows XP Professional using MS Visual 
Studio 6.0 SP 5 and ghc 6.4.1. There are no references from the C++ side 
to the Haskell heap. I build the DLL using the command

ghc --mk-dll -optdll--def -optdllFoo.def -o Foo.dll Foo.o Foo_stub.o 

dllMain.c looks as follows:

#include windows.h
#include Rts.h

extern void __stginit_EUzu3820zu85(void);

static char* args[] = { ghcDll, NULL };
  /* N.B. argv arrays must end with NULL */
DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD reason, void* reserved) {
   if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
   /* By now, the RTS DLL should have been hoisted in, but we need 
to start it up. */

   startupHaskell(1, args, __stginit_Foo);
   return TRUE;
   } else if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {
   return TRUE;

I played around with hs_exit instead of shutdownHaskell, I moved 
initialization and clean-up from DllMain to my library loader, nothing 
helps. Even doing no clean-up whatsoever does not change the behaviour.

Any ideas?

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Marte


do you imply that you have fixed the problem causing the crashes?
May I safely assume that DLLs produced by ghc 6.4.2 will not crash upon 
being freed?

I played around a little bit more and found two configurations that do 
not crash, at least not when freeing the DLL in the course of quitting 
the application:

- compilation with -O, execution with standard heap size
- compilation with -O, execution with -M128m.
With 64m initial heap space, the problems described earlier occur again :-(


Lennart Augustsson wrote:

The memory allocated by the runtime system is never freed.
I've submitted a fix fir this.

-- Lennart

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Marte


I know the Haskell Wiki page you pointed to; it does not answer my 
specific questions.

The decision which compiler to use is not up to me and, as the Wiki page 
points out, there is no other way to use Haskell modules from within a 
Visual Studio C++ compiled application than via a DLL:

The Windows distribution of GHC comes bundled with the GCC compiler, 
which is used as backend. That's why linking Haskell with Visual C++ is 
no different from linking GCC-generated code with the code generated by 
Visual C++.

One cannot statically link together object files produced by those two 
compilers, but they can be linked dynamically: an executable produced by 
Visual C++ can invoke a DLL produced by GCC, and vice versa.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-03 Thread Cyril Schmidt

Sorry, I might have had wrong assumptions about what you want to do.

I presume you have a C++ application compiled via Visual Studio 6
that invokes a Haskell DLL. If that's correct, read on; if not,
please tell me again what your setting is.

To link your Haskell DLL with the C++ application:

1. Create a .def file for your DLL.  Say, your Haskell library
   is HaskellLib.dll, so your .def file will be HaskelLib.def.
   Suppose the Haskell finction that you want to call from C++ is
   myHaskellFunc, then the .def file might look like


2. Create an import library using Visual Studio's lib.exe:

lib /DEF:HaskellLib.def /OUT:HaskellLib.lib

3. Add HaskellLib.lib to your Visual Studio project and link.




 I know the Haskell Wiki page you pointed to; it does not answer my
 specific questions.

 The decision which compiler to use is not up to me and, as the Wiki page
 points out, there is no other way to use Haskell modules from within a
 Visual Studio C++ compiled application than via a DLL:

 The Windows distribution of GHC comes bundled with the GCC compiler,
 which is used as backend. That's why linking Haskell with Visual C++ is
 no different from linking GCC-generated code with the code generated by
 Visual C++.

 One cannot statically link together object files produced by those two
 compilers, but they can be linked dynamically: an executable produced by
 Visual C++ can invoke a DLL produced by GCC, and vice versa.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: GHC 6.4.1 and Win32 DLLs: Bug in shutdownHaskell?

2006-03-02 Thread Cyril Schmidt

Did you try to link the DLL statically (i.e. via import library) and
remove the call to shutdownHaskell() ?

It worked for me (I am using Visual Studio 7, though).



I wrapped up some Haskell modules in a Win32 DLL.
Loading the DLL dynamically (with LoadLibrary) works fine. However, 
whether I actually use the library or not, the program (an application 
with MFC GUI) crashes upon termination.
To find the reason for the crash, I added a new function for unloading 
the DLL using FreeLibrary. FreeLibrary works fine, however the program 
crashes when it returns to the main event loop. Interestingly, when I 
reload the library (FreeLibrary followed by LoadLibrary) the program 
continues working. However, every reload cycle causes the virtual size 
of the process to increase by about 300K and the fourth reload fails 
with the error message getMBlock: VirtualAlloc failed with: 8 (appears 
in a message window) accompanied by many repetitions of the message 
Timer proc: wait failed -- error code: 6 (appears on stderr) and 
followed by the message getMBlocks: misaligned block returned (again 
in a message window). Then the programm crashes.

Development takes place on Windows XP Professional using MS Visual 
Studio 6.0 SP 5 and ghc 6.4.1. There are no references from the C++ side 
to the Haskell heap. I build the DLL using the command

ghc --mk-dll -optdll--def -optdllFoo.def -o Foo.dll Foo.o Foo_stub.o 

dllMain.c looks as follows:

#include windows.h
#include Rts.h

extern void __stginit_EUzu3820zu85(void);

static char* args[] = { ghcDll, NULL };
  /* N.B. argv arrays must end with NULL */
DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD reason, void* reserved) {
   if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
   /* By now, the RTS DLL should have been hoisted in, but we need 
to start it up. */

   startupHaskell(1, args, __stginit_Foo);
   return TRUE;
   } else if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {
   return TRUE;

I played around with hs_exit instead of shutdownHaskell, I moved 
initialization and clean-up from DllMain to my library loader, nothing 
helps. Even doing no clean-up whatsoever does not change the behaviour.

Any ideas?


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 12:06:27 -0800
From: Ashley Yakeley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Missing Folder in ghc?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Simon Marlow wrote:

The configure script has mis-detected your GHC version somehow.  Could 
you look through the output of configure, and see what it says about 

Nothing special:

checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
Canonicalised to: i386-unknown-linux
checking for path to top of build tree... 

checking for ghc... /usr/bin/ghc
checking version of ghc... 6.4
checking for nhc... no
checking for nhc98... no
checking for hbc... no

Also look in mk/, at the value of GhcCanonVersion.

GHC = /usr/bin/ghc
GhcDir  = $(dir $(GHC))
GhcVersion  = 6.4
GhcMajVersion   = 6
GhcMinVersion   = 4
GhcPatchLevel   = 0

# Canonicalised ghc version number, used for easy (integer) version
# comparisons.  We must expand $(GhcMinVersion) to two digits by
# adding a leading zero if necessary:
ifneq $(findstring $(GhcMinVersion), 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) 
GhcCanonVersion = $(GhcMajVersion)0$(GhcMinVersion)
GhcCanonVersion = $(GhcMajVersion)$(GhcMinVersion)

Maybe you switched GHC versions but didn't reconfigure?

I think the problem is that I called autoconf etc. before I called 
darcs-all get, but not after. Calling autoreconf fixed the problem.

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