Re: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-06-16 Thread Sergei Meshveliani
On Tue, 2015-06-16 at 00:03 +0400, Sergei Meshveliani wrote:

 2) At least  ghc-7.8.3  and  ghc-7.10.1  do the same in this example. 
May be, you can change this example a bit to make  ghc-7.8.3 and  
ghc-7.10.1 diverse, so that my example bug becomes visible?
(they diverse on  but this bunch 
 of modules is too complex).

(this is in the end of my last letter).

I am trying now to reduce the report of
into something simple. 
And discover that  Main  yields a different result for  -Onot.
Probably,  DoCon-2.12.1  will run correct under  -Onot.
For me, this is not important, because  -O  is desirable anyway.
But for the GHC developers this effect may present some information.



 On Mon, 2015-06-15 at 09:29 +, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
  |  This is why I think that  ghc-7.8.3  treats the OI notion in a more
  |  natural way than ghc-7.10.1 does.
  |  May be, ghc-7.10.1 has a better technical tool for this, but  ghc-
  |  7.8.3 corresponds to a natural notion of OI.
  |  Can GHC return to a natural OI notion?
  |  Or am I missing something?
  Well it all depends what you mean by natural. To me it is profoundly 
  un-natural to deliberately have the same type-class constraint solved in 
  two different ways in the same program!
  To require this would prevent cross-module specialisation. If I have
  f :: C a = a - a
  in one module, and I specialise it to
  f_spec :: [Int] - [Int]
  in one module, I want to be free to re-use that specialisation in other 
   But under your natural story, I cannot do that, because (C [Int]) might 
  resolved differently there.
 Now, I give a simple (and a very contrived) example illustrating of how
 overlapping instances  (OI)
 are used in DoCon.
 Also this example is made after the sample that Simon has given in his
 recent letter:

 2) At least  ghc-7.8.3  and  ghc-7.10.1  do the same in this example. 
May be, you can change this example a bit to make  ghc-7.8.3 and  
ghc-7.10.1 diverse, so that my example bug becomes visible?
(they diverse on  but this bunch of 
 modules is too complex).

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-06-15 Thread Sergei Meshveliani
On Mon, 2015-06-15 at 09:29 +, Simon Peyton Jones wrote: 
 |  This is why I think that  ghc-7.8.3  treats the OI notion in a more
 |  natural way than ghc-7.10.1 does.
 |  May be, ghc-7.10.1 has a better technical tool for this, but  ghc-
 |  7.8.3 corresponds to a natural notion of OI.
 |  Can GHC return to a natural OI notion?
 |  Or am I missing something?
 Well it all depends what you mean by natural. To me it is profoundly 
 un-natural to deliberately have the same type-class constraint solved in two 
 different ways in the same program!
 To require this would prevent cross-module specialisation. If I have  
   f :: C a = a - a
 in one module, and I specialise it to
   f_spec :: [Int] - [Int]
 in one module, I want to be free to re-use that specialisation in other 
 modules.  But under your natural story, I cannot do that, because (C [Int]) 
 might be resolved differently there.
 I'd be interested in what others think.  I've started
 to collect these points.
 Meanwhile, Sergei, it's clear how to fix docon, so you are no longer stuck.

I hope DoCon is not stuck -- because it relies (so far) on  ghc-7.8.3.

But I need to understand the subject of  overlapping instances  (OI).

I am writing this _here_ because to clicking at

my browser responds   Problem occurred while loading the URL
  SSL handshake failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received.

Then, I start searching from
and cannot find #10526
Also I had earlier a certain difficulty with registering to this bug
tracker, and suspect that registration was not fully successful, so that
I doubt that I can write there.

May I, please, discuss the subject here?

The report of
shows that 7.8.3 and 7.10.1  treat OI differently,
But this report is rather complex.

Instead consider the following simple example.

module A where
class Size a where size :: a - Int

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
 Size [a] where  size = length

f :: Size a = a - Int
f = size

g :: [Maybe Int] - Int
g = size

module Main where
import A

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
 Size [Maybe a] where  size _ = -1

mbs = []  :: [Maybe Int]

main = putStr (shows (f mbs) \n) -- I   -1
   -- putStr (shows (g mbs) \n)  -- II   0

Making and running in  ghc-7.10.1 :

  ghc --make -XFlexibleInstances Main

It prints  -1  for the line (I) for main,
and0   for the line (II).

To compare to  ghc-7.8.3,  comment out the pragma and add
-XOverlappingInstances  to the  ghc  call.

And this yields the same results  -1 and  -0  respectively.

Please, how to change (a bit) the above simple example in order to see
the difference between 7.8.3 and 7.10.1



Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

RE: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-06-15 Thread Sergei Meshveliani
On Mon, 2015-06-15 at 09:29 +, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
 |  This is why I think that  ghc-7.8.3  treats the OI notion in a more
 |  natural way than ghc-7.10.1 does.
 |  May be, ghc-7.10.1 has a better technical tool for this, but  ghc-
 |  7.8.3 corresponds to a natural notion of OI.
 |  Can GHC return to a natural OI notion?
 |  Or am I missing something?
 Well it all depends what you mean by natural. To me it is profoundly 
 un-natural to deliberately have the same type-class constraint solved in 
 two different ways in the same program!
 To require this would prevent cross-module specialisation. If I have  
   f :: C a = a - a
 in one module, and I specialise it to
   f_spec :: [Int] - [Int]
 in one module, I want to be free to re-use that specialisation in other 
  But under your natural story, I cannot do that, because (C [Int]) might be 
 resolved differently there.

Now, I give a simple (and a very contrived) example illustrating of how
overlapping instances  (OI)
are used in DoCon.
Also this example is made after the sample that Simon has given in his
recent letter:

 GHC generally assumes that if it generates   
(the instance) 
 (C T) in one place, then it can use that anywhere in the program that
 (C T) is needed.  That is, there is only one (C T) dictionary.

 But suppose you have overlapping instance in different modules; say

 module A where instance C [a]
 module B where import A; instance C [Maybe a]

 If you use (C [Maybe Int]) in A, then of course we won’t see the 
 instance in B.  So you’ll get a different dictionary than if you 
 compute C [Maybe Int] in module B.
 In short, overlapping instances are OK, but it’s best to put them in 
 the same module as the instances they overlap. 

My example:

module A where
class Att a where att :: a - (Int , Maybe Int)

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
 Att [a] where  att xs = (length (reverse xs) , Nothing)

f :: [Maybe Int] - (Int , Maybe Int)
f = att

module Main where
import A

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
 Att [Maybe a] where  att mbs = (length mbs , Just 1)

mbs = []  :: [Maybe Int]

main = putStr (shows (f mbs) \n)  -- (I)   (0 , Nothing)
   -- putStr (shows (att mbs) \n) -- (II)  (0,  Just 1)

Att  stands for the class C of Simon's letter.
It means  certain attributes of a value, and also of its type.
The value  Nothing  for the second part of (att a) means that the second
component of attributes is not definitely known for this particular
length (reverse xs)  imitates a non-optimal method for computing  att
in the instance for  a = [a].  This instance is very general, so that
the first component of attributes is evaluated in-efficiently (but
correct), the second component has a correct value, but highly
indefinite (few information derived).

The function  f  uses the instance  Att [Maybe Int],  
and it is satisfied with the generic instance given in  A.hs.
Because a) at this stage of the project there is not enough
functionality to implement a better special method  b) for this
particular case in this module the generic instance is sufficient. 

Main.hs  defines a special instance of Att for  [Maybe a].
This instance in more special than the one defined in  A.hs.
And the value  (att mbs)  has the first component evaluated more
efficiently than for the generic  (Att [a])  instance.  But the value is
the same.
The second component even has a different value in the result. But it is
considered as correct
(this is similar to the situation of: 
generally the speed is  2  s  8,  
and in this the special case it is  3).

The call  (att mbs)   in `main' uses a different dictionary for  Att
than the call  A.f (mbs).

Both  ghc-7.8.3  
(with -XFlexibleInstnce -XOverlappingInstances  in the call)
and   ghc-7.10.1  
(with -XFlexibleInstnce  in the call)

give the same results in 'main':
(0, Nothing)  for the line (I)   
(0, Just 1)   for the line (II).

And I thought that everything is set naturally in this program.

Simon, you would state that
  as  A.f and  (Main.att mbs)  use the instances of  Att  for the 
  same type  [Maybe Int],
  overlapping instances are OK, but it’s best to put them in the same 
   module as the instances they overlap. 

I do not understand the grammar of the phrase in quotes, either it has a
typo or this is too difficult English for me.
Anyway: does this mean for this particular example, that it is highly
desirable to set the two above instance declarations in the same module

1) What if they are in different modules, like in the above example.
   What unnatural may happen -- for example?

2) At least  ghc-7.8.3  and  ghc-7.10.1  do the same in this example. 
   May be, you can change this example a bit to make  ghc-7.8.3 and  
   ghc-7.10.1 diverse, so that my 

RE: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-06-14 Thread Sergei Meshveliani
On Sat, 2015-06-13 at 23:07 +, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:

(I reformat this text a bit)

 I finally found time to look into what is happening here.  It’s a good
 illustration of the dangers of overlapping instances.  Here is the

 * Module ResEuc_
   * Contains
 instance (...)= Ring  (ResidueE a)   (A)
 instance (..., Ring (ResidueE a)) = Field (ResidueE a)   (B)

 * Module PFact__

   * Imports Pgcd_, which imports ResEuc_
   * Contains code that needs
(Field (ResidueE (UPol (ResidueE Integer  -- (X)
   * To solve (X) we use instance (B) from ResEuc_
   * And hence we need to solve 
  (Ring (ResidueE (UPol (ResidueE Integer
 which we do using (A) but not (C)
 * Module RsePol_

   * Imports PFact__
   * Contains the specialised instance
   instance (...) = Ring (ResidueE (UPol a)) -- (C)
 which overlaps instance (A)

 * Module Main
   * Needs an instance for
Field (ResidueE (UPol (Residue Integer)))  -- (Y)
   * Although GHC *could* generate this by instance declarations,
 which it would do using (B) and then using (C),
 instead GHC cleverly sees that it has generated it before,
 in module PFact__, and so uses the one from PFact__. 
 And that is what gives rise to your error

 So the real problem is that in PFact__, we make an instance (X) that
 does not see the specialised instance (C).  
 It *cannot* see that instance because RsePol_ imports PFact__.

(is is called  Pfact__).
Yes, I intended this. And this is not a problem. This is because Pfact_
uses somewhat a smaller knowledge library than there may use further
modules which import Pfact_.  

 So whatever code uses (X) is not going to see the specialised


ghc-7.8.3  treats overlapping instances differently.

My intention was (and is) as follows.

Compiling Main, the compiler sees the two solutions for  (Y):
the one imported from  Pfact__  -- which implementation (dictionary?) is
and another that can be generated using (C) from  RsePol_.
By the  meaning of what are overlapping instances,  the compiler must
resolve between these two. And this is resolved by the rule of checking
the substitutional instance between instances.
`Main' imports more knowledge about instances than Pfact_ does, so it is
supposed to use an additional knowledge.  

The fact that one of the overlapping instances is already generated must
not be a sufficient reason to set it in  Main.

This is why I think that  ghc-7.8.3  treats the OI notion in a more
natural way than ghc-7.10.1 does.
May be, ghc-7.10.1 has a better technical tool for this, but  ghc-7.8.3 
corresponds to a natural notion of OI.

Can GHC return to a natural OI notion?
Or am I missing something?

   I bet that this is not what you intend. This may be a latent bug in

If I am not missing anything in my above discourse, then DoCon is all
right at this point.

 I solved the problem by combining PFact__ and RsePol_ into a single 
 module.  Then everything works fine.

I think that this approach will generally lead to great difficulties in
composing an application.

Please, consider my above explanation and tell me whether I am missing



 What are the general lessons here?
GHC generally assumes that if it generates (C T) in one place,
 then it can use that anywhere in the program that (C T) is needed.
 That is, there is only one (C T) dictionary.
 ·   But suppose you have overlapping instance in different
 modules; say
 module A where instance C [a]
 module B where import A; instance C [Maybe a]
 If you use (C [Maybe Int]) in A, then of course we won’t see the
 instance in B.  So you’ll get a different dictionary than if you
 compute C [Maybe Int] in module B.
 In short, overlapping instances are OK, but it’s best to put them in
 the same module as the instances they overlap. 
 Could GHC behave as if all instances were calculated afresh in the
 module being compiled.  Yes, of course it could, but at the cost of
 losing the benefit of cross-module specialisation.  An overloaded
 function specialised at, say, [Int] in one module could not be re-used
 in another in case the instances changed.

 | -Original Message-
 | From: ghc-tickets [] On Behalf
 | Sergei Meshveliani
 | Sent: 23 May 2015 22:08
 | To:
 | Cc:
 | Subject: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

 | Dear GHC developers,
 | This request overrides my previous one of  7.10.1-err...
 | (it is simpler and more precise).
 | The archive

 | presents a question about  ghc-7.10.1.
 | Make it, please, with  ghc-7.10.1  by

 |  ghc 

RE: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-06-13 Thread Simon Peyton Jones

I finally found time to look into what is happening here.  It's a good 
illustration of the dangers of overlapping instances.  Here is the setup:

* Module ResEuc_

  * Contains

instance (...)= Ring  (ResidueE a)   (A)

instance (..., Ring (ResidueE a)) = Field (ResidueE a)   (B)

* Module PFact__

  * Imports Pgcd_, which imports ResEuc_

  * Contains code that needs

   (Field (ResidueE (UPol (ResidueE Integer  -- (X)

  * To solve (X) we use instance (B) from ResEuc_

  * And hence we need to solve (Ring (ResidueE (UPol (ResidueE Integer

which we do using (A) but not (C)

* Module RsePol_

  * Imports PFact__

  * Contains the specialised instance

  instance (...) = Ring (ResidueE (UPol a)) -- (C)

which overlaps instance (A)

* Module Main

  * Needs an instance for

   Field (ResidueE (UPol (Residue Integer)))  -- (Y)

  * Although GHC *could* generate this by instance declarations,

which it would do using (B) and then using (C),

instead GHC cleverly sees that it has generated it before,

in module PFact__, and so uses the one from PFact__. And

that is what gives rise to your error

So the real problem is that in PFact__, we make an instance (X) that does not 
see the specialised instance (C).  It *cannot* see that instance because 
RsePol_ imports PFact__.  So whatever code uses (X) is not going to see the 
specialised instance.  I bet that this is not what you intend. This may be a 
latent bug in DoCon.

I solved the problem by combining PFact__ and RsePol_ into a single module.  
Then everything works fine.

What are the general lessons here?

*GHC generally assumes that if it generates (C T) in one place, then it 
can use that anywhere in the program that (C T) is needed.  That is, there is 
only one (C T) dictionary.

*But suppose you have overlapping instance in different modules; say

module A where instance C [a]

module B where import A; instance C [Maybe a]

If you use (C [Maybe Int]) in A, then of course we won't see the instance in B. 
 So you'll get a different dictionary than if you compute C [Maybe Int] in 
module B.

In short, overlapping instances are OK, but it's best to put them in the same 
module as the instances they overlap.

Could GHC behave as if all instances were calculated afresh in the module being 
compiled.  Yes, of course it could, but at the cost of losing the benefit of 
cross-module specialisation.  An overloaded function specialised at, say, [Int] 
in one module could not be re-used in another in case the instances changed.


| -Original Message-

| From: ghc-tickets [] On Behalf Of

| Sergei Meshveliani

| Sent: 23 May 2015 22:08

| To:

| Cc:

| Subject: overlapping instances in 7.10.1


| Dear GHC developers,


| This request overrides my previous one of  7.10.1-err...

| (it is simpler and more precise).

| The archive





| presents a question about  ghc-7.10.1.


| Make it, please, with  ghc-7.10.1  by


|  ghc $doconCpOpt -O --make Main

| ,

| $doconCpOpt =

|  -fwarn-unused-matches -fwarn-unused-binds -fwarn-unused-imports

|  -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns -XRecordWildCards -XNamedFieldPuns

|  -XFlexibleContexts -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XUndecidableInstances

|  -XTypeSynonymInstances -XFlexibleInstances -fcontext-stack=30



| as it is written there in  README.txt.


| README.txt  explains which two instances are wrongly resolved

| -- as I expect.


| In  ghc-7.8.2  they are resolved in a correct way

| (and there is a different pragma syntax).

| I conclude this from running the test in  docon-2.12.


| Am I missing something?


| Please, advise,


| --

| Sergei





| ___

| ghc-tickets mailing list


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-05-20 Thread Sergei Meshveliani
Now, I delete  `OverlappingInstances'  from  docon.cabal

and also from the   $doconCpOpt  options to call  ghc  on 

And now the test runs correct in ghc-7.10.1 ! 

Only it is 1.5 times slower than in  ghc-7.8.2.
a) The test intends overlapping instances,
b) instance overlaps are not declared for  ghc-7.10.1,
c) this leads to a correct running, but 1.5 times slower.

I do not know of whether this slow down is due to the removed pragma or
due to other features of  ghc-7.10.1.

And there remains my question about how GHC could help to recall the
overlapping instance pairs.



On Wed, 2015-05-20 at 23:52 +0400, Sergei Meshveliani wrote:
 Dear GHC developers,
 Please, test  ghc-7.10.1  on making  docon-2.12
 and running itsdemotest/Main
 (see install.txt).
 docon-2.12  has been tested under  ghc-7.8.2,
 and it has 
  extensions: ... OverlappingInstances 
 in  docon.cabal.
 Making with  ghc-7.10.1  issues a warning and advises to set the related
 pragma individually to each corresponding instance.
 (1) First, I ignored this warning, and surprisingly, the library has
 been made. 
 In the  build/  subdirectory there are  .hi and .o  files,
 and there have newly appeared the  dyn files:
   Matr0_.dyn_hi Matr0_.dyn_o Matr0_.hi Matr0_.o  ...
 (I do not know what does it mean dyn).
  make install
   runghc Setup.hs install --user
   Installing library in
   Registering docon-2.12.1...
 Instead of the  .a  file,  ls  shows there
   docon_99cUeE74HI58Sb9XilYAZ2  docon_JzkSttB1MsX3R5AQ1eIgvC
 Are these names intended?
 Then I command
cd demotest 
ghc $doconCpOpt -O -rtsopts --make Main
 It is built and runs. But breaks in the middle with a certain reasonable
 DoCon error message.
 The DoCon design is so that choosing a different instance among the
 overlapping ones may change the algorithm, and the computation cost, but
 still must produce the same result. It must -- unless DoCon has a bug in
 some of these instances.
 (2) All right, I need to set  {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}  individually to each
 instance which may overlap with some other instance in DoCon.
 There is declared a great number of instances. And it occurs difficult
 for me to recall now: which instance does overlap with something and
 which does not 
 (at least they all worked correct in ghc-7.8.2).
 Well, I can set  {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}  to _each_ instance.
 But such a program does not look nice.
 And I would like to be more definite and to set  {-# OVERLAPPING #-}  to
 all appropriate places.
 Suppose that I forget that some instance overlaps with something and
 skipped this pragma. The above test shows that this can lead to a wrong
 program to run
 (is this feature intended?).
 And what will be the consequence if  {-# OVERLAPPING #-}  is set to an
 instance which does not overlap with anything?
 Can the compiler help to list the overlaps?
 Please, advise,
 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: overlapping instances in 7.10.1

2015-05-20 Thread Sumit Sahrawat, Maths Computing, IIT (BHU)
[Adding to cc]

On 21 May 2015 at 02:12, Sergei Meshveliani wrote:

 Now, I delete  `OverlappingInstances'  from  docon.cabal

 and also from the   $doconCpOpt  options to call  ghc  on

 And now the test runs correct in ghc-7.10.1 !

 Only it is 1.5 times slower than in  ghc-7.8.2.
 a) The test intends overlapping instances,
 b) instance overlaps are not declared for  ghc-7.10.1,
 c) this leads to a correct running, but 1.5 times slower.

 I do not know of whether this slow down is due to the removed pragma or
 due to other features of  ghc-7.10.1.

 And there remains my question about how GHC could help to recall the
 overlapping instance pairs.



 On Wed, 2015-05-20 at 23:52 +0400, Sergei Meshveliani wrote:
  Dear GHC developers,
  Please, test  ghc-7.10.1  on making  docon-2.12
  and running itsdemotest/Main
  (see install.txt).
  docon-2.12  has been tested under  ghc-7.8.2,
  and it has
   extensions: ... OverlappingInstances
  in  docon.cabal.
  Making with  ghc-7.10.1  issues a warning and advises to set the related
  pragma individually to each corresponding instance.
  (1) First, I ignored this warning, and surprisingly, the library has
  been made.
  In the  build/  subdirectory there are  .hi and .o  files,
  and there have newly appeared the  dyn files:
Matr0_.dyn_hi Matr0_.dyn_o Matr0_.hi Matr0_.o  ...
  (I do not know what does it mean dyn).
   make install
runghc Setup.hs install --user
Installing library in
Registering docon-2.12.1...
  Instead of the  .a  file,  ls  shows there
docon_99cUeE74HI58Sb9XilYAZ2  docon_JzkSttB1MsX3R5AQ1eIgvC
  Are these names intended?
  Then I command
 cd demotest
 ghc $doconCpOpt -O -rtsopts --make Main
  It is built and runs. But breaks in the middle with a certain reasonable
  DoCon error message.
  The DoCon design is so that choosing a different instance among the
  overlapping ones may change the algorithm, and the computation cost, but
  still must produce the same result. It must -- unless DoCon has a bug in
  some of these instances.
  (2) All right, I need to set  {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}  individually to each
  instance which may overlap with some other instance in DoCon.
  There is declared a great number of instances. And it occurs difficult
  for me to recall now: which instance does overlap with something and
  which does not
  (at least they all worked correct in ghc-7.8.2).
  Well, I can set  {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}  to _each_ instance.
  But such a program does not look nice.
  And I would like to be more definite and to set  {-# OVERLAPPING #-}  to
  all appropriate places.
  Suppose that I forget that some instance overlaps with something and
  skipped this pragma. The above test shows that this can lead to a wrong
  program to run
  (is this feature intended?).
  And what will be the consequence if  {-# OVERLAPPING #-}  is set to an
  instance which does not overlap with anything?
  Can the compiler help to list the overlaps?
  Please, advise,
  Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

 Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list


Sumit Sahrawat
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list