Re: Set, Map libraries

2005-06-03 Thread Adrian Hey
On Thursday 02 Jun 2005 10:18 am, Jean-Philippe Bernardy wrote:
 The definition of the Set datatype being

 data Set a= Tip

   | Bin {-# UNPACK #-} !Size a !(Set a) !(Set a)

 type Size = Int

 It seems your're out of luck when it comes to very large sets.

 Also, since the structure is strict, it makes little sense to support
 4-million-element sets.

I'd be interested to know why you say that. What would you use instead
if you needed 4-million-element sets?

The AVL trees in my implementation are strict and perfectly capable
of supporting such sets. Same should be true of Data.Set too AFAICS.

Adrian Hey  
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Set, Map libraries

2005-06-03 Thread Adrian Hey
On Saturday 04 Jun 2005 1:33 am, Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:
 Replace 4 million by, say, 2^32 or 2^64 and I think the point stands.
   The set must fit in your addressable memory, and can thus be counted
 by a similar-sized Int.

 Note also that set implementations which cache the size locally will
 have this property in general, whether the rest of the structure is
 strict or not---we'll at least have to compute how many insertions and
 deletions have occurred, and left the thunks kicking around if we
 haven't actually performed them completely yet.

I'm afraid I still don't really understand point we're debating, so
can't comment on whether or not it stands (unless the point is
that you can't deal with sets that won't fit in available memory :-)

Is that all we're discussing here? Or maybe it's a point about word
size used to represent Ints? JPB's remarks about strictness led me
to suspect there might be some unstated algorithmic insight behind
them (like a lazy implementation would not be so limited, or would
offer better performance or space behaviour perhaps). But maybe I
was wrong.

Adrian Hey

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Set, Map libraries

2005-06-02 Thread Jens Fisseler
 1.  elems :: Set a - [a]
 setToList :: Set a - [a]
   These two look like synonyms, but have different comments.
   Am I missing something? 

Both functions compute the same list, and IMHO the comments state the

 2.  size :: Set a - Int-- O(1) ...
   And for large sets, the user needs to program
   genericSize :: Set a - Integer  
   genericSize =  genericLength . Data.Set.elems
   Is this possible to make it O(1) too?

No, 'genericSize' cannot work in O(1) time, but by looking at the source
you will see that a 'Set' contains an element representing its size, so
'size' can work in constant time.


Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Set, Map libraries

2005-06-02 Thread S. Alexander Jacobson

Any reason the libaries don't define:

  class HasNull a where null::a-Bool
  class HasEmpty a where empty::a

I find that I sometimes switch between using lists, sets, or tables as 
my collection type and the forced import qualifification for generic 
collection operations seems annoying.


On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, Robert van Herk wrote:

6. My module applies  Data.Set.null (s :: Set a),
  and null (xs :: [a]).

 Why ghc reports of the clash with  GHC.List.null ?
 Is  GHC.List  same as old  List  library module?
 Should I write
import GHC.List (genericLength, null)
 instead of import List (genericLength)

As the documentation reads:

This module is intended to be imported qualified, to avoid name clashes with 
functions. eg.

import Data.Set as Set

So, you should write:

import qualified Data./x/ as /y/

Now, no name clashes will occur. However, you will have to write /y/.null to 
access null in /x/, for example:

import qualified Data.Set as Set

if (Set.null ...) then ... else ...

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Set, Map libraries

2005-06-02 Thread John Meacham
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 05:03:26PM -0400, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
 Any reason the libaries don't define:
   class HasNull a where null::a-Bool
   class HasEmpty a where empty::a
 I find that I sometimes switch between using lists, sets, or tables as 
 my collection type and the forced import qualifification for generic 
 collection operations seems annoying.

HasEmpty should be a superclass of Monoid. I have wanted that split out
on various occasions.

John Meacham - repetae.netjohn 
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list