
So looking at this, and Andy's email with what he sees, it looks like his British Gas emails are coming from a different place to yours. His are coming from SalesForce, and yours are coming from Mail Jet, so I don't think we can draw much from that.

I think the next thing to look at is maybe this is an SSL issue, so I found thse:

That would indicate a possible issue within some Intel Goldmont processors, and can be fixed with telling OpenSSL not to use the hardware for this

Maybe that is worth looking in to.



On 12/01/2024 18:28, Henrik Morsing via GLLUG wrote:
On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 04:20:34PM +0000, Marco van Beek via GLLUG wrote:

I suggest grepping your logs for "2F7612233E" as that should pull up all the the info related to that email from the point Postfix accepts the connection until it closes, and see if that tells you some more.



Hi Marco,

This is what I see:

Dec 22 12:37:12 emil postfix/smtpd[3996527]: 2F7612233E: client=o94.p12.mailjet.com[] Dec 22 12:37:12 emil postfix/cleanup[3996586]: 2F7612233E: message-id=<296f63a1.caaabphwdncaaaaaaaaaakg7asyaaycquv4aaaaaabbdggblh...@mailjet.com> Dec 22 12:37:12 emil opendkim[768]: 2F7612233E: o94.p12.mailjet.com [] not internal
Dec 22 12:37:12 emil opendkim[768]: 2F7612233E: not authenticated
Dec 22 12:37:12 emil opendkim[768]: 2F7612233E: s=mailjet d=britishgas.co.uk a=rsa-sha256 SSL error:04091068:rsa routines:int_rsa_verify:bad signature
Dec 22 12:37:12 emil opendkim[768]: 2F7612233E: bad signature data
Dec 22 12:37:13 emil opendmarc[3858740]: 2F7612233E: britishgas.co.uk fail Dec 22 12:37:13 emil postfix/cleanup[3996586]: 2F7612233E: milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from o94.p12.mailjet.com[]: 5.7.1 rejected by DMARC policy for britishgas.co.uk; from=<296f63a1.caaabphwdncaaaaaaaaaakg7asyaaycquv4aaaaaabbdggblh...@a1065858.bnc3.mailjet.com> to=<mors...@morsing.cc> proto=ESMTP helo=<o94.p12.mailjet.com>

Henrik Morsing

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