Hello folks,

Would please someone advice, after volume creation glusterfs shows volume less than created. Example below:

Status of volume: vol_17ec47c44ae6bd45d0db4627683b4f15
Brick                : Brick glusterfs-sas-server29.sds.default.svc.kubernetes.local:/var/lib/heketi/mounts/vg_946dbd5ccbf78dddcca3857a32f32535/brick_0af81ba1b5d4e9ddb8deb57796912106/brick
TCP Port             : 49159
RDMA Port            : 0
Online               : Y
Pid                  : 6376
File System          : xfs
Device               : /dev/mapper/vg_946dbd5ccbf78dddcca3857a32f32535-brick_0af81ba1b5d4e9ddb8deb57796912106 Mount Options        : rw,seclabel,noatime,nouuid,attr2,inode64,logbsize=256k,sunit=512,swidth=512,noquota
Inode Size           : 512
Disk Space Free      : 999.5GB
Total Disk Space     : 999.5GB
Inode Count          : 524283904
Free Inodes          : 524283877

But on LVM i can see the following:

  brick_0af81ba1b5d4e9ddb8deb57796912106 vg_946dbd5ccbf78dddcca3857a32f32535 Vwi-aotz-- 1000.00g tp_0af81ba1b5d4e9ddb8deb57796912106        0.05   tp_0af81ba1b5d4e9ddb8deb57796912106 vg_946dbd5ccbf78dddcca3857a32f32535 twi-aotz-- 1000.00g                                            0.05   0.03

Best regards
Pavel Kutishchev
DevOPS Engineer at
Self employed.

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