On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 10:20 AM, Amye Scavarda <a...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Notes from our Gluster Developer Summit 2016 in Berlin!
> Videos
> Slides
> Flickr Group
> Public Etherpad
> Bootstrapping Challenge
> All of the videos from Gluster Developer Summit are now live on our
> YouTube channel, and slides are available in our Slideshare accounts. We've
> also created a Flickr group, please add your photos of the event!
> https://www.youtube.com/user/GlusterCommunity
> http://www.slideshare.net/GlusterCommunity
> https://www.flickr.com/groups/glusterdevelopersummit2016/
> We've also got a public etherpad for our comments from the event:
> https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-developer-summit-2016
> Please feel free to add to this and help keep our momentum from this
> event! I'm looking for the community maintainers to take a strong hand in
> here to be able to tell us what they're focusing on this from this event
> over the next three months.
> One thing that we didn't get to that I wanted to was a Community Bootstrap
> Challenge, so let's do this as a hangout after the Community Meeting on
> November 2nd. I'll send out a separate email on this describing the event,
> and we'll all join in at 1pm UTC.
> As we're still working on a 3.9 release, and this would fit perfectly
within a 3.9 release plan, I'll post about this again more directly as we
get there.
Watch for more!

- amye

> Anything I missed?
> Happy to take suggestions and comments about what else we'd want to see in
> a Gluster Developer Summit!
> -- amye
> --
> Amye Scavarda | a...@redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead

Editing to add:
As we're still working on a 3.9 release, and that would be a fantastic
Community Bootstrap Challenge, I'm moving this around a bit.
Rest assured, we'll do a hangout around this.


Amye Scavarda | a...@redhat.com | Gluster Community Lead
Gluster-users mailing list

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