I cant post to the devel list so i'll post here - i'm still seeing a memory
leak in rc8.  In my two node server cluster, server1's memory footprint gets
larger as well does the load average, while write performance decreases.
 Server2 (with the identical configuration file) does not have this issue.
 I had this same problem with rc1, rc4, rc7, a git from last week, and now
rc8.  1.3.12 works fine however.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gordan Bobic <gor...@bobich.net>
Date: Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Gluster-devel] rc8
To: gluster-de...@nongnu.org

Gordan Bobic wrote:

> First-access failing bug still seems to be present.
> But other than that, it seems to be distinctly better than rc4. :)
> Good work! :)

And that massive memory leak is gone, too! The process hasn't grown by a KB
after a kernel compile! :D

s/Good work/Awesome work/



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