Hello Gluster folks,

gluster-block [1] release 0.2.1 is tagged, this release is more
focused on bug fixing. All the documents are updated and packages made
available at copr for fedora users [2]

However for other distros one can easily compile it from source, find
the install guide at [3]

The source tar file and community provided packages will be soon made
available at [4]

* Implement LRU cache to hold glfs objects, this makes the cli
commands run fast.
    For example on a single node,
    create command takes ~1 sec now, while it was ~5 sec before.

* Log severity level is configurable now.
    look for --log-level option of daemon and '/etc/sysconfig/gluster-blockd'

Other Notable Fixes:
* betterments in messages on failure
* fix heap-buffer-overflow
* prevent crashes when errMsg is not set
* print human readable time-stamp in log files
* improve logging at server side
* handle SIGPIPE in daemon
* update journal-data/block meta-data synchronously
* reuse port 24006 (SO_REUSEADDR) on bind
* add manual for gluster-blockd
* updated ReadMe
* and many more ...

Read more at about gluster-block [5]

Please report issues using [6]
Also do let us know your feedback and help us get better :-)

[1] https://github.com/gluster/gluster-block
[2] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/pkalever/gluster-block/build/562504/
[3] https://github.com/gluster/gluster-block/blob/master/INSTALL
[4] https://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/gluster-block/
[5] https://github.com/gluster/gluster-block/blob/master/README.md
[6] https://github.com/gluster/gluster-block/issues/new

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