Hi all,

We're experimenting with a 3.3 gluster environment with 8 nodes in a
replicated-distributed-stripped structure.
We'd like to try next 3.4 version and we've read that it's backwards
compatible with 3.3.

I've got several questions:

1. Is it possible to add 3.4 version bricks to an existing 3.3 version
2. Is it possible to connect 3.4 native gluster clients to an existing 3.3
3. In case we add a 3.4 volume, would a 3.4 client be able to mount both
existing 3.3 volume and the future 3.4 volume?

We're trying to find the best way to increase both the version and the
nodes in the current system.

Any answer or hint to where to find above information is more than welcome.

Thanks in advance,
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