It looks like a bug to me. Can you file an issue in github.


Rafi KC

On 07/05/2017 03:30 PM, Liu, Dan wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a question about using encryption in Gluster FS.
> 1.Created a file (file size is smaller than 1k) in the volume’s mount
> point.
> 2.Read the file, finally got a mess code.
> I found that the content I got is from cache and no decryption is
> operated on the file content, so mess code returns.
> If I set the following property to off, then everything is OK.
> performance.quick-read
> performance.write-behind
> My question is :
>    Is above metioned phenomenon right?
>    Does I have wrong configurations?
> OS : CentOS 7.1
> Gluster FS:  3.10.3
> Configuration
>    According quick start of official website, set features.encryption
> to on and encryption.master-key, then start and mount the volume.
> Looking forward to your answers. Thanks.
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