[gmx-users] Question about NVT

2006-12-01 Thread Justin Lemkul
Hello all,

I have a quick question regarding an MD simulation I am attempting to run
(again, the membrane protein which I had problems with previously).  Thanks to
the helpful suggestions; my system is now well-minimized!  The last step before
I would like to take before running full-out MD on my system is to equilibrate
my solvent and ions over a short timeframe (100ps).  My initial attempts have
been unsuccessful; the equilibration proceeds nicely for 960 steps (1.920 ps)
before I get a screen full of LINCS warnings.  Apparently one of my DPPC
molecules is being blown apart.  I have placed position restraints on both my
protein and my bilayer, in order to allow the solvent and ions (Na+) to move
around them.  I have attached my equil.mdp file below, in case I am making any
obvious mistakes.  I am piecing my .mdp file together from several examples and

My value for nstlog is set very small so I could monitor energies, etc after the
first failure...in case anyone was wondering :)

Thanks in advance for your kind advice in helping out a newbie.


PS - I'm running Gromacs v3.3 on Mac OSX v10.4.8, in case any of that matters.

title= MD  equilibration of solvent and ions
cpp  = /usr/bin/cpp
include  = -I./
integrator   = md
nsteps   = 5
nstlist  = 10
nstxout  = 1000
nstvout  = 1000
nstlog   = 10
nstenergy= 1000
nstxtcout= 1000
dt   = 0.002
ns_type  = simple
coulombtype  = cut-off
rlist= 0.9
rvdw = 0.9
rcoulomb = 0.9
fourierspacing   = 0.12
; Temperature coupling is on in four groups
tcoupl   = berendsen
tc_grps  = Protein DPPC SOL NA+
tau_t= 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
ref_t= 323 323 323 323
; Pressure coupling is not on
Pcoupl   = no
ref_p= 1.0
gen_vel  = no
gen_temp = 323
constraints   = all-bonds
constraint_algorithm = lincs
optimize_fft = yes
DispCorr = EnerPres
pbc  = full

Justin A. Lemkul
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
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[gmx-users] Segmentaion fault error- installing gromacs-3.3.1 on MacOSX

2006-12-01 Thread Ibrahim M. Moustafa

Hi gmx-users,

   I have a little problem with gromacs-3.3.1 installed on a Mac-OSX.
After installation (either building the package myself as instructed, 
or using a binary form GROMACS web site) I could not run any program 
with just typing the name on the xterm!
for example, issuing "pdb2gmx" command line gives an error message 
"segmentation fault". However, typing the whole path name 
"$GMXBIN/pdb2gmx or any other modules " works fine.
The variables for GROMACS are configured after the installation. My 
.cshrc sources from the GMXRC.csh and the variables are defined; the 
PATH includes the $GMXBIN also.
For the moment, I'm using alias to define the whole path for GROMACS 
programs to run; though, this a bit annoying.

   I posted this problem in CCL and M.L. Dodson, replied with some 
explanation for this weird problem:

 " Ahh... Think I have it.  Looking at the source code on my BSD Unix
box, I see in src/gmxlib/copyrite.c the following:

void CopyRight(FILE *out,char *szProgram)
  /* Dont change szProgram arbitrarily - it must be argv[0], i.e. the
   * name of a file. Otherwise, we won't be able to find the library dir.
#define NCR (int)asize(CopyrightText)
#define NGPL (int)asize(GPLText)

  char buf[256],tmpstr[1024];

  char *ptr;

  int i;


So I was right, it does use argv[0] for something: finding its
library directory."

  I wonder if there is a quick fix for this in the code, so I can 
run the programs by just typing the name without need for the whole path!

  A question here: if Dodson is right, why the programer wrote the 
code this way! is there any advantage?

P.S. I have no previous experience with GROMACS


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[gmx-users] opls parameters

2006-12-01 Thread Komath Damodaran
Hi All,

I am trying to build the itp file for a molecule. I would like to use
the opls force field. The ffoplsaa.atp contains the atom types as
opls_xxx. But the ffoplsbon.itp which contains the bond-angle-dihedral
parameters does not use the opls_xxx convention. Is there a way to
identify the bond/angle/torsion parameters of a set of opls_xxx atoms?


Thanks very much!



Komath Damodaran

Scientist, Computational Chemistry

Telik, Inc.

3165 Porter Drive

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Tel: (650) 845-7838, Fax: 650-845-7800


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[gmx-users] Surface Tension of a lipid bilayer

2006-12-01 Thread toma0052
 I have a question about calculating the surface tension for the
water-lipid interface of a lipid bilayer.  After an MD run, I can use my .edr
file and g_energy to calculate the surface tension.  I believe that the
surface tension is calculated something like gamma = (Pzz-(Pxx+Pyy)/2)/L.  I
was wondering though, is the pressure tensor and hence surface tension
calculated over the entire simulation box?  I would assume so, since I did
not specify any molecules.  To find the water-lipid surface tension, would I
not need to sum over only the molecules at the surface?  Would this be
do-able in Gromacs?  Would I have to write something separate to do this?
 In my coordinate file, I have DPPC atoms, solvent atoms, and other atoms
(those that make up the head group ie O,N etc.).  Could I just make an index
group that is not DPPC and not Solvent, and sum over those atoms?

Mike Tomasini

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Re: [gmx-users] editing HDB file ???

2006-12-01 Thread Yang Ye
You may study it by comparing the structure of h-added peptide or single 
amino acid.

On 12/2/2006 12:31 AM, Karthikeyan Pasupathy wrote:

How do i edit .hdb file ?
what is the format .?
i could not find it in the gromacs manual.


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Re: [gmx-users] editing HDB file ???

2006-12-01 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar


Chapter 5.5.2



On 12/1/06, Karthikeyan Pasupathy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How do i edit .hdb file ?
what is the format .?

i could not find it in the gromacs manual.

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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
Junior UD (post-doc)
Biomolecular NMR, Bijvoet Center
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
P: +31-30-2539931
F: +31-30-2537623
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[gmx-users] editing HDB file ???

2006-12-01 Thread Karthikeyan Pasupathy

How do i edit .hdb file ?
what is the format .?

i could not find it in the gromacs manual.

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Re: [gmx-users] I need 256 lipids ...

2006-12-01 Thread David van der Spoel

Stéphane Téletchéa wrote:

David van der Spoel a écrit :

Stéphane Téletchéa wrote:

editconf -f dppc64.pdb -o dppc64_pbc.pdb -pbc

But unfortunately, some lipids are not imaged (at least 18, 25 and 
53). I tried using trjconv but it needs a topol.tpr that i don't have 

Any hint ?


It requires some manual work, but with editconf you can translate a 
subset of atoms, so you have to find out which atoms they are, and 
then write an index file, and then translate them by one box.

It works now !

Just for the record, here are the steps i did to obtain a usable file:

1 - editconf -f dppc64.pdb -o dppc64_pbc.pdb -pbc

At this step, 4 lipids are not correctly imaged (18, 23, 25 and 53). The 
problem is the same for all of them, one palmitoyl tail is not imaged to 
its counterpart. I presume this comes form the way the algorithm tries 
to guess the tail to image.
3 DPPC (18,25 and 53) need to get their tail back via a -x translation, 
DPPC 23 needs a -y translation. To perform this:

2 - editconf -f dppc64_pbc1.pdb -o dppc64_pbcx.pdb -n grouptomove_x.ndx 
 -translate -4.7245 0 0

3 - editconf -f dppc64_pbc1.pdb -o dppc64_pbcy.pdb -n grouptomove_y.ndx 
-translate 0 -4.2319 0

4 - edit manually the files to correct the coordinates.

If there's a need, i can do a better explanation and provide files on my 
website, feel free to ask.

Thanks for the help,


maybe you can forward your "corrected" files to Peter Tieleman, since 
this is where people look for these files.


David van der Spoel, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biophysics group,
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,  75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:  46 18 471 4205  fax: 46 18 511 755
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Re: [gmx-users] indexing atoms *Altering code

2006-12-01 Thread David van der Spoel

toma0052 wrote:

 Thank you for the response.  Being that Fortran is much more my
language of choice than C, I was wondering if someone could point me in the
right direction as far as modifying the C code to do what I want.  It is my
understanding that an mdrun begins by making a neighbor list, computing the
forces, globally summing the forces, and then updating the positions and
velocities.  So I am assuming that, just after globally summing the forces,
I can run an if statement  over all of the solvent molecules testing
whether their z-coordinate is within certain bounds, and if so, simply add
Fsum = Fsum + Fext.  My question is, where do I do this?  Do I have to do
it in multiple files?  Where are those files stored in Gromacs?  Is it the
mdrun.h and force.h files that I need to modify?  Sorry if this should be
obvious, but again, my C skills are not the best.

Go to src/mdlib/sim_util.c
Look at the code in function efield (electric field).
If your external force is just a function of the Z coord you can make a 
similar function that you call straight after the electric field 
function is called.


David van der Spoel, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biophysics group,
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,  75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:  46 18 471 4205  fax: 46 18 511 755
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: Official charmm support

2006-12-01 Thread Pär Bjelkmar
I appreciate your suggestion! It shouldn't be hard; a quick look tells
me there are only some unconventional "tags" (compared to the standard
charmm ff defs) in this ff definition the porting script has to cope
with. I'll address the matter as soon as we're done with the port
supporting cmap. It probably won't be tested though...

Par Bjelkmar

> I would like to suggest that you include the
> carbohydrate force field of J Brady (CSFF).  Here are
> some references and download sites
> Journal of computational chemistry 2002, vol. 23,
> no13, pp. 1236-1243
> http://people.cs.uct.ac.za/~mkuttel/downloads.html
> Thanks
> Gil Claudio
> > Dear gromacs users,
> > 
> > I'm a new PhD student in Erik Lindahl's group and we
> > are currently
> > working on an "official" implementation of the
> > charmm ff in gromacs
> > which also supports CMAP. There's still some more
> > work needed on the
> > CMAP part but we intend to have a (thoroughly)
> > tested version of the
> > protein lipid charmm force field completed New
> > Yearish. The problem with
> > the multiple entries (see thread "CHARMM force field
> > implementation in
> > Gromacs" in gmx-users) of certain (proper) dihedrals
> > where at least one
> > has a multiplicity > 5 is also supported by adding a
> > new dihedral
> > type. 
> > 
> > The testing of other system types is something we
> > would like to
> > outsource on the gromacs users interested in them
> > since we don't
> > normally study other systems than protein-lipid ones
> > in the group. If
> > you have a specific system you would like to test in
> > our new gromacs
> > version and cannot wait until it's released, please
> > contact me and we
> > could arrange something.
> > 
> > Yours,
> > Pär
> > -- 
> >
> *
> > Pär BjelkmarStockholm Center for
> > Biomembrane Research
> > Tel: +46-8-16 2746  Dep of Biochemistry and
> > Biophysics
> > Fax: +46-8-15 3679  Stockholm University
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]  10691 Stockholm, Sweden
> > *
> Want to start your own business?
> Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.
> http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/r-index
> ___
> gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
> http://www.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
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Pär BjelkmarStockholm Center for Biomembrane Research
Tel: +46-8-16 2746  Dep of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Fax: +46-8-15 3679  Stockholm University
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  10691 Stockholm, Sweden

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Re: [gmx-users] strange NTP trajectory

2006-12-01 Thread Yang Ye

Do you have anything like -DPOSRE... for define in your mdp file?

Yang Ye

On 12/1/2006 8:18 PM, Qiao Baofu wrote:

Hi all,

I run NTV firstly for 100ps, then change to NTP for 1ns. The mdrun 
finished with the common informations. But when I use vmd (or ngmx) to 
look at the trajectory, I found that during the NTP stage, starting 
from 100ps, all the molecules don't move except only one molecules. 
The output file .gro of NTP seems ok.

Who knows the reason?

Sincerely yours,
Baofu Qiao

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[gmx-users] strange NTP trajectory

2006-12-01 Thread Qiao Baofu

Hi all,

I run NTV firstly for 100ps, then change to NTP for 1ns. The mdrun finished
with the common informations. But when I use vmd (or ngmx) to look at the
trajectory, I found that during the NTP stage, starting from 100ps, all the
molecules don't move except only one molecules. The output file .gro of NTP
seems ok.

Who knows the reason?

Sincerely yours,
Baofu Qiao
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[gmx-users] About g_cluster

2006-12-01 Thread Cesar Araujo


Can anybody give some reference about a good explanation on how to use 
g_cluster in order to analyze a set of simulations on complexes differing 
one each other in their starting point conformation?

Thanks in adavance,

Cesar Araujo, Lic. of Chemistry
Research Center for Molecular Endocrinology
P.O. Box 5000, FIN-90014 University of Oulu

phone: +358 8 3155632

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Re: [gmx-users] I got error in gromacs-3.2.1 installation time

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Abraham

ankit ashwinbhai patel wrote:

Hello Friends,

I am new to gromacs. I configure the gromacs than it did not give me 
error but when i run make command that it gave me following error.

mpicc -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -Wall -Wno-unused 
-funroll-all-loops -I/usr/include/libxml2 -o grompp topio.o toppush.o 
topcat.o topshake.o convparm.o tomorse.o sorting.o splitter.o dum_parm.o 
readir.o add_par.o topexcl.o toputil.o topdirs.o grompp.o  
../mdlib/.libs/libmd_mpi.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib ../gmxlib/.libs/libgmx_mpi.a 
/home/sgeadmin/gromacs/gromacs-test/gromacs-3.2/fftw/lib/libfftw.a -lX11 
-lxml2 -lz -lpthread -lm
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so when 
searching for -lX11
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.a when 
searching for -lX11

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
mpicc: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [grompp] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 

make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 

make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory 

make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

I think it gave me error for mpicc command but it's there in the path. 
So please help me in this problem.

Thanks in advance

You'll need to tell us some useful information, like the architecture, 
the OS, the compiler version, the MPI distribution, your configure 
command line (it's in config.log).

Oh, and start with the latest version of gromacs, not 3.2.1, especially 
if I psychically guess that this machine is a Mac.

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