Re: [gmx-users] acetone parameter

2008-04-18 Thread David van der Spoel

Mark Abraham wrote:

JMandumpal wrote:

  Dear list,

  I would like to simulate aqueous acetone system using UA OPLS
potentials. I chose the following atoms types, given below (TABLE ONE),
for acetone, with united atom  for Methyl groups.

[ atoms ]
;  nrtyperesnr resid  atom  cgnr  chargemass
1opls_0691  ACETCAA10.000  15.0350
2opls_2801  ACETC_210.470  12.0110
3opls_0691  ACETCAD10.000  15.0350
4opls_2811  ACETO_21  -0.470  15.9994

But on the other hand, when I checked the literature,  JPC
94, 1990, p.1683, I found out, the parameters are given in the 
following manner, TABLE TWO :


atom types  charge sigma epsilon
CH3  0.062  3.910 0.160
C0.300  3.750 0.105
O  -0.424  2.960 0.210

For keeping total charge in the system  to zero, I used the opls_069 
for methyl group (zero charge), in my input file, compared to what has 
been published. I would like to know whether the parameters (charge) I 
chose is right, else which atom type I must use for methyl group.

Different models will have different charges. What is correct to use 
depends on how those models were parameterized to interact with which 
other force fields, and for what purpose they were intended. Finding 
this out and making these decisions is your job, not ours.
Apart from that: just test it. Simulate bulk acetone and compare the 
properties to experimental data (densite DHvap etc.)

David van der Spoel, Ph.D.
Molec. Biophys. group, Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205. Fax: +4618511755.
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Re: [gmx-users] dielectric constant

2008-04-18 Thread David van der Spoel

Mark Abraham wrote:



I'm interested in running a simulation in which the box will be 
divided in to two different dielectric constants separated at a plane.

Is it possible to do that in Gromacs?

Possible, yes. However it is not implemented, and it is not a trivial 
change to do so.

If you do that (and implement a position dependent epsilon_r that is not 
1) your system will most likely explode. Using epsilon_r different from 
1 means that the weighting between Coulomb and Van der Waals forces will 
be different. For e.g. water e_r  1 will make the system explode, e_r  
1 will make it implode. Your choice.

David van der Spoel, Ph.D.
Molec. Biophys. group, Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205. Fax: +4618511755.
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Re: [gmx-users] Concatenate TPR files after restart

2008-04-18 Thread Ricardo Soares

There is no need to concatenate .tpr files; they contain structure and parameter
information, and thus is does not make sense to add them together.  To analyze
the whole trajectory, supply g_hbond the starting .tpr file along with your
trajectory file.


Ok Justin, I didn't know that the tpr files contain only structure and 
parameter information. That really wouldn't make sense to merge both. 
Well, thanks!


Ricardo Oliveira dos Santos Soares
Post-graduation Student in Biological Physics
University of Sao Paulo - USP
Faculty of Farmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirao Preto - FCFRP
Phone: 55 (16) 3602-4840
Curriculum Lattes -

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Re: [gmx-users] Conformation search!

2008-04-18 Thread Ran Friedman
Dear Anthony,

You can apply distance restraints to pairs of atoms, e.g. CA atoms in
your domains. Check the manual.


Anthony Cruz wrote:

 On Thursday 17 April 2008 9:13 pm, Mark Abraham wrote:

  Anthony Cruz wrote:

   Hi User:

   We have a protein with two domains. This two domains were connected by

   two linkers of different length. We want to study the different

   conformation that the protein domains can adopt depending the
 length of

   the linkers without loosing the secondary structure feature present. I

   was thinking in use some position restrain in the backbone atoms
 of the

   domains and leave the linkers and all the side chains to move
 freely but

   this aproach will not let the system to change the conformation.

   I'm using GROMACS 3.2.1.

   With a dihedral constraint it will be posible to what I want to do?

   How can I do it?

   There is any other option to do this?


  This didn't get an answer earlier this week, probably because of the way

  you've worded it. It's a bad idea to presuppose things about the

  solution in your description, because if you're right then people wonder

  why you are being lazy and not trying it out, and if you're wrong then

  you're distracting people from identifying the real solution... see


  You seem to want to let your domains move relative to each other, but

  also to deny them much internal freedom. So what you want to do is

  enforce (some of) their internal structure. Thus, use distance



 Thank you for your answer. But probably I don't make my point clear. I
 have a protein with two units (domains). I think that distant
 restraint will restraint the distance between the two domains or
 units... This is done by the linkers between them. I want them to move
 freely but not to change its structure, like freezing the backbone and
 let the rest to move freely.

 How I could do this?

 I think that I explain my problem better this time.

 I presuppose things about the solution because I don't want that the
 people in the mailing list think that I just have the problem and not
 try to resolve it my self. Thank you for your advise Mark I will try
 to change the way I make the questions.



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Ran Friedman
Postdoctoral Fellow
Computational Structural Biology Group (A. Caflisch)
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41-44-6355593
Skype: ran.friedman

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Re: [gmx-users] Conformation search!

2008-04-18 Thread Mark Abraham

Anthony Cruz wrote:

  You seem to want to let your domains move relative to each other, but

  also to deny them much internal freedom. So what you want to do is

  enforce (some of) their internal structure. Thus, use distance 



Thank you for your answer. But probably I don't make my point clear. I 
have a protein with two units (domains). I think that distant restraint 
will restraint the distance between the two domains or units... This is 
done by the linkers between them. I want them to move freely but not to 
change its structure, like freezing the backbone and let the rest to 
move freely.

How I could do this?

Distance restraints to enforce their *internal structure*... So don't 
restrain all the distances, just some cunningly chosen ones inside each 

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Re: [gmx-users] trjconv error

2008-04-18 Thread Mark Abraham

Ragothaman Yennamalli wrote:

I wanted to truncate a trajectory file and when I use
trjconv tool, I get an error:
Fatal error:
is not a trj file, exiting

The file is able to read by gmxcheck...

What could be the problem?

What GROMACS version? What OS? Have you tried copying the file elsewhere 
and reading from there?

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[gmx-users] residual negative charge?

2008-04-18 Thread Victor Manuel Rosas-Garcia
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to use gromacs to model an aza-type macrocycle (17 atoms around the 
ring).  The structure does not include any aminoacids or sugars so, I'm 
building the itp file by hand.  I started with a base topology from the PRODRG 
server and then added all the missing hydrogens (I want to use OPLS/AA). The 
problem is that, after assigning all the atom types as best as I could, I end 
up with a residual charge = -0.034.  The macrocycle itself should be neutral.  
Does this mean I need to develop new parameters? Is there any way to fix this 
without reparametrizing?

Victor M. Rosas García


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Re: [gmx-users] residual negative charge?

2008-04-18 Thread Ran Friedman
Hi Victor,

Assigning the right parameters for a molecule is a difficult task, and a
single run of PRODRG is usually just the beginning. Search the archives
and maybe also the wiki for more information, and read a few papers
where simulations of proteins were done with hetero-molecule if you
haven't done so already.

It's not a good idea to have a residual charge. You can obviously scale
this, but I would start by verifying that the PRODRG charges make sense
in any case.


Victor Manuel Rosas-Garcia wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 I'm trying to use gromacs to model an aza-type macrocycle (17 atoms around 
 the ring).  The structure does not include any aminoacids or sugars so, I'm 
 building the itp file by hand.  I started with a base topology from the 
 PRODRG server and then added all the missing hydrogens (I want to use 
 OPLS/AA). The problem is that, after assigning all the atom types as best as 
 I could, I end up with a residual charge = -0.034.  The macrocycle itself 
 should be neutral.  Does this mean I need to develop new parameters? Is there 
 any way to fix this without reparametrizing?

 Victor M. Rosas García

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Ran Friedman
Postdoctoral Fellow
Computational Structural Biology Group (A. Caflisch)
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41-44-6355593
Skype: ran.friedman

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[gmx-users] Water in graphite plates

2008-04-18 Thread Hero
Dear All,

I want to model water transport sandwitched within two graphite surfaces.

Do you know how to generate the structure file of graphite surface?

Thank you very much!



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[gmx-users] water can't freeze

2008-04-18 Thread Wei, Xiupeng
Hi gmx users,
 I'm a new Gromacs user. Till now, I can get pretty good simulation of 
ice melting to water, but why can't I simulate water freezing to ice?
 The .top and .gro files used for water freezing simulation are 
generated by ice melting to 310K. I changed the temperature in .mdp file to 
230K, but after mdrun, the water was still water, it can't freeze?
 How can I get water freezing to ice?
I paste mdp for your reference.


title= icing at 230 K with cuffoff
cpp  = /lib/cpp
integrator   = md
;Time step
dt   = 0.002
nsteps   = 10
;Output control
nstxout  = 10
nstvout  = 10
nstlog   = 100
nstenergy= 100
nstxtcout= 100
;Neigbour searching
nstlist  = 10
ns_type  = grid
rlist= 0.8
;Non bonded interaction
coulombtype  = pme
optimize_fft = yes
fourierspacing   = 0.2
pme-order= 6
ewald-rtol   = 1e-05
rcoulomb = 0.8
vdw-type = Cut-off
rvdw = 0.8
DispCorr = EnerPres
;Temperature coupling
tcoupl   = berendsen
tc-grps  = System
tau_t= 0.1
ref_t= 230
;Pressure coupling
pcoupl   = berendsen
pcoupltype   = isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility  = 5e-5
ref_p= 1.0

gen_temp = 230.0
constraints  = all-bonds
; generate velocities
gen_vel  = yes
gen_seed = 173529

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