[gmx-users] x2top hangs up

2008-09-14 Thread Vitaly Chaban

Trying to generate a topology from PDB file my x2top (gromacs 4.0beta) hangs up.
I have the coordinates of carbon nanotube in the PDB file (generated
with MOLEKEL). I also have

ffencadv.n2t with:
C C 1 C ; CNT Carbon with one bond
C C 2 C C ; CNT double bonded Carbon

ffgmxbon.itp with:
[ bondtypes ]
; i j func b0 kb
C C 1 0.14210 478900.
[ angletypes ]
; i j k func th0 cth
C C C 1 120.000 397.480
[ dihedraltypes ]
; i l func q0 cq
C C 1 0.000 167.360

x2top -f cnt.pdb -o cnt.top -ff select
Then I select  "8: Encad all-atom force field, using scaled-down vacuum charges"

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffencadv.rtp
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffencadv.n2t
Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffencadv.n2t
There are 0 name to type translations
Generating bonds from distances...
atom 0

And the programme hangs up. The processor load is 99% all the time
before I terminate the job.

The same data input works with GROMACS 3.3.1 as described by C. Stiles
but not with 3.3.3 and 4.0b however.
If it is not a bug then what should be modified to make a topology?
Has anyone tried to make SWCNT topology in the versions newer that

What essential things have been changed in x2top since 3.3.1?

Thanks a lot for suggestions!

Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq., 4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
skype: vvchaban
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Re: [gmx-users] Extending a run for different number of nodes

2008-09-14 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

DimitryASuplatov wrote:

I have completed a 10ns run. Now I want to extend it to 20ns. The
problem is that the initial tpr was compiled for 8 processors and now
I have only 4 cores.
What I tried to do is used tpbconv to make a 10ns extended tpr, then
used an exactly the same mdp file to grompp it all together with -np 4
to a new tpr file.

What do you mean "grompp it all together?"  It sounds like you are trying to use 
both tpbconv and grompp for some reason.  The only way to change the number of 
processors is to use grompp, not tpbconv, providing it your .trr and .edr files 
with the -t and -e flags.

The problem is that at the beginning of the trajectory the structure
is undergoing a structural change with 0.12 nm from the initial
structure. That means that the structure is actually relaxed and that
is not something I want to see.

How do you know this is not the normal behavior?


I have used this in my mdp
gen-vel  = no
gen-temp = 300

That means that no velocities were generated and I expect to see no
relaxation but the continuation of my run.

What am I doing wrong? How to extend a run without relaxation.
Thank you. I appreciate any help.

My mdp file is the following.
title   = PR "1KLC FREE"; my title
cpp =  cpp; my C prepocessor (whereIsIt)
include = ; dir to include in my topology file
define  = ;

integrator= md;

;TRR outpur
nstxout= 1
nstvout= 1
nstfout= 0

;LOG and EDR output
nstlog = 1
nstenergy  = 1

;XTC output
nstxtcout  = 1000
xtc-precision   =  1000

tinit   =; [ps] starting time for your run (only makes
sense for md, sd, bd integator)
dt  =   0.005 ; [ps] time step for integration (--"--)
nsteps  =   160 ; (0) maximum number of steps to integrate
comm-mode   = ; Linear(Remove center of mass
translation)/Annular(Remove center of mass
;translation and rotation)/No(no restriction)
nstcomm =  1


nstlist   = 5; frequency o update
neighbor list
ns_type   = grid; make a gid in
the box and check only
;neighboring grid cell when constructing a new neighbor list
rlist = 1.0; cut-off distance
for the short-range neighbor list

coulombtype  = Reaction-field  ; reaction field with
coulomb cut-off rcoulomb
; where rcoulomb>rlist. The dielectric constant beyond the cut-off is epsilon_r
rcoulomb  = 1.5 ;distance for the
coulomb cut-off
epsilon_rf = 80;dielectric constant
epsilon_r   = 1;

vdwtype   = cut-off; twin-range
cut-off`s with neighbor list cut-off rlist
;and VdW cut-off rvdw, where rvdw>rlist
rvdw  = 1.0 ; distance for for
the LJ or Buckingam cut-off

emtol= 200 (kJ/mol*nm); minimisation is converged when
the maximum force is smaller then this value
emstep   = 0.01; initial step size

tcoupl   = berendsen
tc-grps  = System
tau-t= 0.1
ref-t= 300

Pcoupl   = no
Pcoupltype   = Isotropic
tau-p= 1
ref_p= 1
compressibility  = 4.5E-5

gen-vel  = no
gen-temp = 300

;- BONDS ---
constraints  = all-bonds
constraint-algorithm = Lincs
unconstrained-start  = yes
Shake-SOR= no
shake-tol= 0.0001
lincs-order  = 8
lincs-warnangle  = 30
lincs-iter   = 8
morse= no

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/klc/MD/free> cat pr_free.extendfrom12to20ns.mdp
title   = PR "1KLC FREE"; my title
cpp =  cpp; my C prepocessor (whereIsIt)
include = ; dir to include in my topology file
define  = ;

integrator= md;

;TRR outpur
nstxout= 1
nstvout= 1
nstfout= 0


Re: [gmx-users] kill some atoms

2008-09-14 Thread Vitaly Chaban

The situation is as follows. I simulate some pore (located at the
center of the box) and solvent is both inside and outside the pore. To
get a "right" density of solvent inside I make a system and let it
relax itself. Then I want to stop migrating solvent inside and
outside (inside an outside is intact!), so the easiest way is to reduce
one side of the box to be equal to the length of my pore (and re-center
the pore of course).

genbox and editconf can change the box parameters but they don't want
to kill the solvent which appears to be already not in the box after the

OM> What is the reason for shrinking the box?
OM> If it is for technical reasons, for example - nicer visualization etc`, 
then perhaps this could be done
OM> manually.

OM> If you plan to use the smaller box later, then maybe you could do some part 
of high pressure simulation,
OM>  to reduce box size while keeping it physical.

It seems that high pressure simulation reduces all side lengths (but I
need to reduce only the selected one). Am I wrong?


Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
skype: vvchaban
tel.: +38-097-8259698

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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Re: [gmx-users] kill some atoms

2008-09-14 Thread Omer Markovitch
What is the reason for shrinking the box?
If it is for technical reasons, for example - nicer visualization etc`, then
perhaps this could be done manually.
If you plan to use the smaller box later, then maybe you could do some part
of high pressure simulation, to reduce box size while keeping it physical.

Koby Levy research group,
Weizmann Institute of Science.
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[gmx-users] Extending a run for different number of nodes

2008-09-14 Thread DimitryASuplatov
I have completed a 10ns run. Now I want to extend it to 20ns. The
problem is that the initial tpr was compiled for 8 processors and now
I have only 4 cores.
What I tried to do is used tpbconv to make a 10ns extended tpr, then
used an exactly the same mdp file to grompp it all together with -np 4
to a new tpr file.
The problem is that at the beginning of the trajectory the structure
is undergoing a structural change with 0.12 nm from the initial
structure. That means that the structure is actually relaxed and that
is not something I want to see.
I have used this in my mdp
gen-vel  = no
gen-temp = 300

That means that no velocities were generated and I expect to see no
relaxation but the continuation of my run.

What am I doing wrong? How to extend a run without relaxation.
Thank you. I appreciate any help.

My mdp file is the following.
title   = PR "1KLC FREE"; my title
cpp =  cpp; my C prepocessor (whereIsIt)
include = ; dir to include in my topology file
define  = ;

integrator= md;

;TRR outpur
nstxout= 1
nstvout= 1
nstfout= 0

;LOG and EDR output
nstlog = 1
nstenergy  = 1

;XTC output
nstxtcout  = 1000
xtc-precision   =  1000

tinit   =; [ps] starting time for your run (only makes
sense for md, sd, bd integator)
dt  =   0.005 ; [ps] time step for integration (--"--)
nsteps  =   160 ; (0) maximum number of steps to integrate
comm-mode   = ; Linear(Remove center of mass
translation)/Annular(Remove center of mass
;translation and rotation)/No(no restriction)
nstcomm =  1


nstlist   = 5; frequency o update
neighbor list
ns_type   = grid; make a gid in
the box and check only
;neighboring grid cell when constructing a new neighbor list
rlist = 1.0; cut-off distance
for the short-range neighbor list

coulombtype  = Reaction-field  ; reaction field with
coulomb cut-off rcoulomb
; where rcoulomb>rlist. The dielectric constant beyond the cut-off is epsilon_r
rcoulomb  = 1.5 ;distance for the
coulomb cut-off
epsilon_rf = 80;dielectric constant
epsilon_r   = 1;

vdwtype   = cut-off; twin-range
cut-off`s with neighbor list cut-off rlist
;and VdW cut-off rvdw, where rvdw>rlist
rvdw  = 1.0 ; distance for for
the LJ or Buckingam cut-off

emtol= 200 (kJ/mol*nm); minimisation is converged when
the maximum force is smaller then this value
emstep   = 0.01; initial step size

tcoupl   = berendsen
tc-grps  = System
tau-t= 0.1
ref-t= 300

Pcoupl   = no
Pcoupltype   = Isotropic
tau-p= 1
ref_p= 1
compressibility  = 4.5E-5

gen-vel  = no
gen-temp = 300

;- BONDS ---
constraints  = all-bonds
constraint-algorithm = Lincs
unconstrained-start  = yes
Shake-SOR= no
shake-tol= 0.0001
lincs-order  = 8
lincs-warnangle  = 30
lincs-iter   = 8
morse= no

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/klc/MD/free> cat pr_free.extendfrom12to20ns.mdp
title   = PR "1KLC FREE"; my title
cpp =  cpp; my C prepocessor (whereIsIt)
include = ; dir to include in my topology file
define  = ;

integrator= md;

;TRR outpur
nstxout= 1
nstvout= 1
nstfout= 0

;LOG and EDR output
nstlog = 1
nstenergy  = 1

;XTC output
nstxtcout  = 1000
xtc-precision   =  1000

tinit   =; [ps] starting time for your run (only makes
sense for md, sd, bd integator)
dt  =   0.005 ; [ps] time step for integration (--"--)
nsteps  =   160 ; 

[gmx-users] kill some atoms

2008-09-14 Thread Vitaly Chaban

Is there a way in gromacs to kill some atoms.

For example, after the run one decreases the box volume using editconf
(or genbox). Evidently then some molecules appear to be outside the MD
box. The task is to kill those molecules.

Please give a hint.


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