[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 60, Issue 40

2009-04-07 Thread darrellk

Dear All,
Please see my questions inline below.

Thanks again for your help.


>darre...@ece.ubc.ca wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am resubmitting my question below as I did not receive a response and
>> am thinking that my previous e-mail was not recognized by the system or
>> missed. Could someone please provide me with an answer to my questions
>> below?
>> Many thanks.
>> Darrell Koskinen
>> On 4/2/2009, "" <> wrote:
 Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:38:28 +0200
 From: David van der Spoel 
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] x2top & Encad all-atom force field (vacuum)
not recognizing bonds
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
 Message-ID: <49d3d0c4.4040...@xray.bmc.uu.se>
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 darre...@ece.ubc.ca wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have been trying to determine why I am experiencing problems when I run
> a gromacs file through x2top. I have checked my gromacs file with VMD to
> ensure that the file is correct and VMD validates that my file is
> correct as I see the intended structure. Thus, the atoms are indeed
> located within reasonable distance from each other such that x2top
> should be recognizing the bonds.
> Here is an extract from my gromacs file:
> 2Grph C1   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.  0.  0.
> 2Grph C2   0.071  -0.123   0.000  0.  0.  0.
> 2Grph C3   0.071   0.123   0.000  0.  0.  0.
> 2Grph C4  -0.142   0.000   0.000  0.  0.  0.
> 2Grph C5  -0.000  -0.250   0.000  0.  0.  0.
> 2Grph C6   0.210  -0.120   0.000  0.  0.  0.
> I thought that in order to make x2top work correctly that I would have to
> modify the files as described in Christopher Stiles website
> (http://cs86.com/CNSE/SWNT.htm). I made the specified changes to the
> following files and saved them in my working directory:
> ffencadv.n2t
> ffgmx.n2t
> ffgmxbon.itp
> I also changed the name of ffgmxbon.itp to ffencadvbon.itp as I read in
> one post that this file should be renamed as such.
> After all these changes, I still experience a problem when I run the
> command:
> x2top -ff select -f graphene_nm.gro -o graphene_nm.top
> selecting option  7: Encad all-atom force field, using scaled-down vacuum
> charges
> When I run the above command, I receive output telling me that the atoms
> have 0 bonds. An extract of the output appears below for your reference.
> Can not find forcefield for atom H-266 with 0 bonds
> Can not find forcefield for atom H-267 with 0 bonds
> Can not find forcefield for atom H-268 with 0 bonds
> Can not find forcefield for atom H-269 with 0 bonds
> Can not find forcefield for atom H-270 with 0 bonds

 Could there still be an error in your  gro file, as it seems to contain
 only C, and the error message points to H. x2top might work slightly
 better in 4.0.x. And by the way, this tutorial may be slightly
 confusing. The only thing you need to do is edit the .n2t file
 corresponding to your force field. I don't recall what is supplied in
 3.3, but in 4.0 it is ffoplsaa.n2t.
>>> My gro file does contain H atoms as well. In my extract of the gro file I
>>> only showed the first few lines of the gro file and these lines only
>>> have C atoms. Note that I receive the same message for the C atoms (i.e.
>>> "Can not find forcefield for atom C-1 with 0 bonds").
>>> I actually created the files ffencadv.n2t & ffgmx.n2t in my working
>>> directory since the only n2t file I could find in the gromacs directory
>>> was the ffoplsaa.n2t file and the tutorial did not mention the
>>> ffoplsaa.n2t file. Should I be modifying the ffoplsaa.n2t file instead?
>>> If so, can you please provide me some direction on what needs to be
>>> added to this file so that it recognizes the atoms in my graphene
>>> structure as I looked at this file but do not understand what some of
>>> the columns represent.
>>> Also, I thought that ffoplsaa was to be used for liquids and since my
>>> simulation is in an air environment, I thought that I should be using
>>> the encad force field in a vacuum and should therefore be modifying an
>>> encad n2t file. Please correct me if I am wrong.
>Encad is not made for vacuum. You have to verify your force field
>anyway, for publication purposes. OPLS will work just fine though.
>>> Also, could you also please explain the purpose of the n2t file as I
>>> looked in the gromacs manual and see no description of files with the
>>> n2t extension and their purpose.
>Check archive of the mailing list. This tool will be replaced in the
>near future (5.0), therefore there is no documentation.

As suggested, I searched the mailing list using the keyword "n2t". The
search ret

[gmx-users] the reson for neutralizing the charge

2009-04-07 Thread hazizian

Hi Justin and all
Thak you very much my problem solve.

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

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[gmx-users] Pressure Coupling Problem

2009-04-07 Thread Joe Joe
I am having some pressure coupling issues. I have a fairly large
protein/water system 400K+ atoms. It minimizes just fine (F < 1000). If I
run NVE it conserves energy with appropriate parameter settings. If I run
NVT it is stable. When I turn on Pcoupl (i.e. Berendsen or Parinello
Rahman), the system just continuously expands. My parameters are as follows.
Any ideas?



;   File 'mdout.mdp' was generated
;   By user: relly (508)
;   On host: master.simprota.com
;   At date: Fri Mar  6 20:17:33 2009

; Preprocessor information: use cpp syntax.
; e.g.: -I/home/joe/doe -I/home/mary/hoe
include  =
; e.g.: -DI_Want_Cookies -DMe_Too
define   =

integrator   = md
; Start time and timestep in ps
tinit= 0
dt   = 0.004
;nsteps   = 25
nsteps   = 250
; For exact run continuation or redoing part of a run
; Part index is updated automatically on checkpointing (keeps files
simulation_part  = 1
init_step= 0
; mode for center of mass motion removal
comm_mode= linear
; number of steps for center of mass motion removal
nstcomm  = 1
; group(s) for center of mass motion removal
comm_grps= system

; Output frequency for coords (x), velocities (v) and forces (f)
nstxout  = 0
nstvout  = 0
nstfout  = 0

; Output frequency for energies to log file and energy file
nstlog   = 10
nstenergy= 10
; Output frequency and precision for xtc file
nstxtcout= 250
xtc-precision= 1000
; This selects the subset of atoms for the xtc file. You can
; select multiple groups. By default all atoms will be written.
xtc-grps = protein
; Selection of energy groups
energygrps   =

; nblist update frequency
nstlist  = 5
; ns algorithm (simple or grid)
ns_type  = grid
; Periodic boundary conditions: xyz, no, xy
pbc  = xyz
periodic_molecules   = no
; nblist cut-off
rlist= 1.0

; Method for doing electrostatics
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb-switch  = .9
rcoulomb = 1.0
; Relative dielectric constant for the medium and the reaction field
epsilon-r= 80
epsilon_rf   = 1
; Method for doing Van der Waals
vdw-type = Switch
; cut-off lengths
rvdw-switch  = .9
rvdw = 1.0
; Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure
DispCorr = EnerPres
; Extension of the potential lookup tables beyond the cut-off
table-extension  = 1
; Seperate tables between energy group pairs
energygrp_table  =
; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
fourierspacing   = 0.12
; FFT grid size, when a value is 0 fourierspacing will be used
fourier_nx   = 0
fourier_ny   = 0
fourier_nz   = 0
; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters
pme_order= 4
ewald_rtol   = 1.e-05
ewald_geometry   = 3d
epsilon_surface  = 0
optimize_fft = no
; Temperature coupling
Tcoupl   = V-rescale
; Groups to couple separately
tc-grps  = System
; Time constant (ps) and reference temperature (K)
tau_t= 0.1
ref_t= 298.0
; Pressure coupling
Pcoupl   = Berendsen
Pcoupltype   = Isotropic
; Time constant (ps), compressibility (1/bar) and reference P (bar)
tau_p= 10
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.01325
; Scaling of reference coordinates, No, All or COM
refcoord_scaling = No
; Random seed for Andersen thermostat
andersen_seed= 815131
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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Pressure Coupling Problem

2009-04-07 Thread chris . neale

Hi Ilya,

First thing that comes to mind is that it is strange to couple a  
coulombic switching function with PME. While this could possibly be  
done correctly, I doubt that it is in fact done in the way that you  
expect (i.e. correctly) in gromacs. In fact, I think that grompp/mdrun  
should probably throw an error here -- unless it is actually handled  
in the proper way, and a developer could help you here to figure out  
if you are indeed getting what you desire.

coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb-switch  = .9
rcoulomb = 1.0

However, it is not clear to me that this should cause a system to  
"continuously expand".

Still, you do not give very good information about what you mean by  
"continuously expand". Can you please provide some information on  
that? e.g. amount of time and total volume change.


-- original message --

I am having some pressure coupling issues. I have a fairly large
protein/water system 400K+ atoms. It minimizes just fine (F < 1000). If I
run NVE it conserves energy with appropriate parameter settings. If I run
NVT it is stable. When I turn on Pcoupl (i.e. Berendsen or Parinello
Rahman), the system just continuously expands. My parameters are as follows.
Any ideas?



;   File 'mdout.mdp' was generated
;   By user: relly (508)
;   On host: master.simprota.com
;   At date: Fri Mar  6 20:17:33 2009

; Preprocessor information: use cpp syntax.
; e.g.: -I/home/joe/doe -I/home/mary/hoe
include  =
; e.g.: -DI_Want_Cookies -DMe_Too
define   =

integrator   = md
; Start time and timestep in ps
tinit= 0
dt   = 0.004
;nsteps   = 25
nsteps   = 250
; For exact run continuation or redoing part of a run
; Part index is updated automatically on checkpointing (keeps files
simulation_part  = 1
init_step= 0
; mode for center of mass motion removal
comm_mode= linear
; number of steps for center of mass motion removal
nstcomm  = 1
; group(s) for center of mass motion removal
comm_grps= system

; Output frequency for coords (x), velocities (v) and forces (f)
nstxout  = 0
nstvout  = 0
nstfout  = 0

; Output frequency for energies to log file and energy file
nstlog   = 10
nstenergy= 10
; Output frequency and precision for xtc file
nstxtcout= 250
xtc-precision= 1000
; This selects the subset of atoms for the xtc file. You can
; select multiple groups. By default all atoms will be written.
xtc-grps = protein
; Selection of energy groups
energygrps   =

; nblist update frequency
nstlist  = 5
; ns algorithm (simple or grid)
ns_type  = grid
; Periodic boundary conditions: xyz, no, xy
pbc  = xyz
periodic_molecules   = no
; nblist cut-off
rlist= 1.0

; Method for doing electrostatics
coulombtype  = PME
rcoulomb-switch  = .9
rcoulomb = 1.0
; Relative dielectric constant for the medium and the reaction field
epsilon-r= 80
epsilon_rf   = 1
; Method for doing Van der Waals
vdw-type = Switch
; cut-off lengths
rvdw-switch  = .9
rvdw = 1.0
; Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure
DispCorr = EnerPres
; Extension of the potential lookup tables beyond the cut-off
table-extension  = 1
; Seperate tables between energy group pairs
energygrp_table  =
; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
fourierspacing   = 0.12
; FFT grid size, when a value is 0 fourierspacing will be used
fourier_nx   = 0
fourier_ny   = 0
fourier_nz   = 0
; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters
pme_order= 4
ewald_rtol   = 1.e-05
ewald_geometry   = 3d
epsilon_surface  = 0
optimize_fft = no
; Temperature coupling
Tcoupl   = V-rescale
; Groups to couple separately
tc-grps  = System
; Time constant (ps) and reference temperature (K)
tau_t= 0.1
ref_t= 298.0
; Pressure coupling
Pcoupl   = Berendsen
Pcoupltype   = Isotropic
; Time constant (ps), compressibility (1/bar) and reference P (bar)
tau_p= 10
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.01325
; Scaling of reference coordinates, No, All or COM
refcoord_scaling = No
; Random seed for Andersen thermostat
andersen_seed= 815131

[gmx-users] distance restraints in Gromacs 4.0.4

2009-04-07 Thread Ivan Gladich
Dear users
I have found a problem for the  distance constraint in the version
4.0.4 of gromacs.
I am trying to simulate a water droplet around an ion. To do that I use
a distance restraint armonic potential (pag.66, manual version 4).
During my simulation the shape of my sphere fluctuating too much and
many molecules leave the sphere even if the restoring force is big (I
use for restraint armonic potential a constant k=1e4 KJ mol^-1 nm^-2 ).
The problem disappear if I run the exactly same simulation with gromacs
3.3.3.:the spherical shape is always conserve and no molecules leave the

Furthermore, if I am trying to run droplet larger than 1.0 nm radius
(e.g. 1.6 nm). These  simulation at a certain point stop, giving me the
following error

** glibc detected *** Dmdrun: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer:
0x00a72bd0 ***

The same simulation in the version 3.3.3 runs without any problem.

Do you know what kind of problem could be?
Has the version 4.0.4  some problems with distance restrains?

Thank you in advance for any help or suggestion
 Ivan Gladich
Ivan Gladich

Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Chemistry
Purdue University
560 Oval Drive, box 140
West Lafayette
IN 47906 USA

Room: 265C
e-mail: iglad...@purdue.edu
web page: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~igladich/

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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Membrane protein tutorial

2009-04-07 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Hello all,

Due to the recent influx in questions related to membrane proteins (especially 
with common questions), I decided to put together a step-by-step tutorial for 
membrane protein systems.  It's a work in progress, so I would genuinely 
appreciate feedback from anyone who has a few minutes to take a look.  These 
procedures make sense in my head, so hopefully that comes through in the 
instructions :)

I have posted a link on the wiki site to my tutorial:


I hope that people find this useful.  I have attempted to walk the user through 
most practical concerns that arise regarding topology organization and a few 
analysis questions that show up on the list frequently (g_order, g_density, etc).

If you have comments or questions, please do not hesitate to send me a private 



Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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RE: [gmx-users] g_sdf

2009-04-07 Thread Dallas B. Warren
What exactly your issue with using g_sdf?

You need to supple a trajectory, index, and topology.  Index contains
the three reference atoms for the molecule, plus the atom you are
calculating the sdf to.  Selection of the correct grid size and binwidth
is required to get something that looks as you want it.

Catch ya,

Dr. Dallas Warren
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010
+61 3 9903 9167
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble
a nail. 
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

[gmx-users] missing interactions for the LJ-decoupled molecule during free energy in parallel but not serial

2009-04-07 Thread chris . neale
Thanks Berk, this makes sense to me. You were correct that my starting  
structure is fully Q+LJ coupled and it is only in the structures where  
there is no Q and I then couple LJ to lambda that I get this problem  
(and the extension that you suspect). I can just increase rdd. I was  
actually using couple-intramol=no, which should "leave on the  
intramolecular charge and LJ interactions" from the online manual mdp  
options page.


-- original message --


I think this behavior is "expectable".
The simplest explanation would be that some particles at the ends of  
the molecule

only have LJ and no charge, I guess this is not the case.
The more probable explanation is that your molecule extends when the  
LJ are turned

off, since there are no interactions to hold it together anymore.
There are two possible solutions:
1. increase -rdd (is by default guessed from the initial structure,  
which is probably

compact. Not using domain decomposition completely removed the problem.
2. use couple-intramol to leave on the intramolecular charge and LJ  

this requires an extra (de-)coupling in vacuum to complete the cycle.
Depending on your system removing or leaving on intramolecular interactions
might lead to more efficient sampling.


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 18:21:25 -0400
From: chris.neale at utoronto.ca
To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
Subject: [gmx-users] missing interactions for the LJ-decoupled  
molecule during free energy in parallel but not serial


I am doing free energy calculations with gromacs 4.0.4. For the  
system I am using, I have reliable runs without any crashes when  
running in serial. When I run in parallel, I get stochastic crashes,  
that always have the same form (see below). Note that the "missing  
interactions" always involve the decoupled molecule and do not occur  
when decoupling the coulombics, but when decoupling the LJ  
interactions. I have included error messages below and then the mdp  

I will do some more tests to see if I can get rid of the problem by  
turning off domain decomposition and whatever else I can think of,  
but it strikes me that this may be related to the table  
representation of intramolecular interactions for the decoupled  
molecule not playing nice with domain decomposition. Any ideas here  
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

### From the stderr output


A list of missing interactions:
LJC Pairs NB of182 missing 10
  exclusions of  86858 missing 10

Molecule type 'DPN'
the first 10 missing interactions, except for exclusions:
LJC Pairs NB atoms1   22   global 122
LJC Pairs NB atoms1   23   global 123
LJC Pairs NB atoms2   22   global 222
LJC Pairs NB atoms2   23   global 223
LJC Pairs NB atoms3   22   global 322
LJC Pairs NB atoms3   23   global 323
LJC Pairs NB atoms4   22   global 422
LJC Pairs NB atoms4   23   global 423
LJC Pairs NB atoms5   22   global 522
LJC Pairs NB atoms5   23   global 523

Program mdrun_mpi, VERSION 4.0.4
Source code file: domdec_top.c, line: 341

Fatal error:
20 of the 104681 bonded interactions could not be calculated because  
some atoms involved moved further apart than the multi-body cut-off  
distance (1.4 nm) or the two-body cut-off distance (1.4 nm), see  
option -rdd, for pairs and tabulated bonds also see option -ddcheck

# And in the .log file:


Making 1D domain decomposition grid 2 x 1 x 1, home cell index 0 0 0

Center of mass motion removal mode is Linear
We have the following groups for center of mass motion removal:
  0:  System
There are: 42663 Atoms
There are: 13807 VSites
Charge group distribution at step 0: 7249 7314
Grid: 15 x 13 x 9 cells
Initial temperature: 304.101 K

Started mdrun on node 0 Sat Apr  4 09:49:03 2009

   Step   Time Lambda
  0 2600.00.94000

Long Range LJ corr.:  1.9559e-04
Long Range LJ corr.: Epot   -1071.93, Pres:   -80.1596, Vir:1071.93
   Energies (kJ/mol)
  AngleProper Dih. Ryckaert-Bell.  LJ-14 Coulomb-14
LJ (SR)LJ (LR)  Disper. corr.   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.
1.00381e+05   -3.08323e+03   -1.07193e+03   -6.15814e+05   -1.04726e+05
   COM Pull En.  PotentialKinetic En.   Total EnergyTemperature
8.31361e-02   -6.11694e+051.07966e+05   -5.03728e+053.04185e+02
 Pressure (bar)  dVpot/dlambda  dEkin/dlambda  dG/dl constr.  Cons. rmsd ()
1.99373e+02   -2.95741e+010.0e+000.0e+004.34062e-06
 Cons.2 rmsd ()

[gmx-users] Re: Gromacs QM-MM Tutorial

2009-04-07 Thread Praveen Agrawal

Hi Dr.Groenhof,
Thanks for the reply. I started working on that and than realized don't
have MOPAC plugged up with GROMACS. It took a while to get it running,
your installation comments were really helpful. I am below giving the
exact route to get the things working (little different from your tutorial
because of change in compiler version), might be of help to others.

Best Regards,

Machine pentium dual core with Linux 2.6.24-23-generic 32 bit (i686)

1. downloaded gromacs-4.0.4 & libmopac.a from site
2. libmopac.a goes to /usr/local/lib
3. Created test.c with


 __const unsigned short int **__wrap___ctype_b (void) {
   return __ctype_b_loc();

4. cc -c test.c to creat test.o
5. ar rcv libtest.a test.o; ranlib libtest.a
6. libtest.a also goes to /usr/local/lib (libtest has been created to
avoid __ctype_b errors because
   of mismatch between gcc compiler versions of current & the one which
created libmopac.a
7. ON bash shell:
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--wrap,__ctype_b"
export LIBS="-lmopac -ltest"
8. in gromacs directory:
./configure --with-qmmm-mopac
make -j4
make install

This completes the compilation w/o any error. I am still to run any qmmm,
so cann't yet :( comment on the accuracy of process.


> The trick worked only in gromacs 3.2. You therefore have to use a
> different restrait, such as distance restraints. Hope this helps.
> Concerning the cys-cys dimerization, that depends how you do it. I am
> sorry I can not give a more concise answer to that question. Simplest
> would be to pull the S atoms together at MM level and perform short QM
> simulations with restraints on selected frames of the simulatoins.
> Hope this also helps.
> Gerrit
> On 6 Apr 2009, at 13:04, Praveen Agrawal wrote:
>> Hi Dr.Groenh,
>> Thankyou for sharing the tutorials on QMMM capabilities of Gromacs,
>> I am
>> following the same to be able to study cys-cys dimerization for short
>> membrane peptide. While following the tutorial I am getting errors
>> and am
>> unable to find any other details to overcome it, kindly help:
>> 1. ERROR 1 virtual site CD (Res DAT-1) has non-zero mass 12.011
>>   The 'trick' to create avoid virtual-virtual constraint treats atom
>> 7 as
>> virtual which is 'real' atom and has non zero mass. To overcome it I
>> did->
>> 2. 32 as combination of 7 &1 and 33 as combination of 16 & 14 but that
>> leads to the error: Cannot have constraint (32-33) with virtual site
>> (32)
>> I am using Gromacs 4.0.3 and also attaching the corresponding file for
>> reference. Also, would want to have your opinion on: Is attempting
>> QM/MM
>> for cys-cys dimerization for short membrane peptide (25 amino acids
>> long
>> each) too far fetch idea?
>> Best Regards,
>> Praveen
>> ~
>> http://www.scfbio-iitd.res.in
>> ~
> --
> Gerrit Groenhof
> MPI biophysical chemistry
> Goettingen
> Germany
> http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~ggroenh/

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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Doubt regarding membrane protein in POPC bilayer

2009-04-07 Thread Pawan Kumar
Respected Sir,

Thanks for your mail.
I will work on this.

Thanking you,

On 4/7/09, Mark Abraham  wrote:
> Pawan Kumar wrote:
>> Hello Sir,
>> Can you please tell me how to couple ions with SOL ?
>> Is there any command in gromacs to do that ?
> You need to define a group with SOL and the ions in an index file. This is
> uses as input to grompp so that it can make sense of the same group name
> when used in the .mdp file. See
> http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Index_File
> Mark
> ___
> gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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RE: [gmx-users] md.mdp query

2009-04-07 Thread Antonia V .

At the beginning of your md.mdp file you will see the following:

integrator   = steep

With this command you ask GROMACS to energy minimize your system by steepest 
If you want to run a md simulation you will have to change the intergrator to 
You can read this, and more, in details in the manual.

Good luck

Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 17:16:03 +0530
From: bissoyi.akala...@gmail.com
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Subject: [gmx-users] md.mdp query

hello gromacs,
i want to know the changes to be done in md.mdp files for 10 ns.
i am trying to run it but it's showing the following message.

Steepest Descents:
   Tolerance (Fmax)   =  1.0e+01
   Number of steps= 1000

Step=0, Dmax= 1.0e-02 nm, Epot= -5.01412e+06 Fmax= 3.66197e+03, atom= 4032
Step=2, Dmax= 5.0e-03 nm, Epot= -5.01438e+06 Fmax= 2.17491e+04, atom= 4032
Step=3, Dmax= 6.0e-03 nm, Epot= -5.01456e+06 Fmax= 9.13099e+03, atom= 4032

Step=5, Dmax= 3.6e-03 nm, Epot= -5.01468e+06 Fmax= 9.44298e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   10, Dmax= 2.7e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01470e+06 Fmax= 8.04093e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   11, Dmax= 3.2e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01472e+06 Fmax= 6.36864e+03, atom= 4032

Step=   12, Dmax= 3.9e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01474e+06 Fmax= 4.35105e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   14, Dmax= 2.3e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01476e+06 Fmax= 3.13319e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   16, Dmax= 1.4e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01478e+06 Fmax= 2.39737e+03, atom= 4032

Step=   18, Dmax= 8.4e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01478e+06 Fmax= 1.98224e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   21, Dmax= 2.5e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.88313e+03, atom= 4034
Step=   22, Dmax= 3.0e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.68824e+03, atom= 4032

Step=   23, Dmax= 3.6e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.50693e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   25, Dmax= 2.2e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.39532e+03, atom= 4032
Step=   26, Dmax= 2.6e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01480e+06 Fmax= 1.30313e+03, atom= 4032

Step=   27, Dmax= 3.1e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01481e+06 Fmax= 1.12668e+03, atom= 4034
Step=   28, Dmax= 3.8e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01482e+06 Fmax= 9.41676e+02, atom= 4034
Step=   30, Dmax= 2.3e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01483e+06 Fmax= 8.67996e+02, atom= 4032

Step=   31, Dmax= 2.7e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01483e+06 Fmax= 6.80316e+02, atom= 4034
Step=   32, Dmax= 3.2e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01484e+06 Fmax= 5.66923e+02, atom= 4034
Step=   33, Dmax= 3.9e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01485e+06 Fmax= 3.30411e+02, atom= 1881

Step=   35, Dmax= 2.3e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01487e+06 Fmax= 3.12606e+02, atom= 1881
Step=   37, Dmax= 1.4e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01488e+06 Fmax= 3.86990e+02, atom= 92925
Step=   38, Dmax= 1.7e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01489e+06 Fmax= 3.70596e+02, atom= 286823

Step=   40, Dmax= 1.0e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01489e+06 Fmax= 4.65471e+02, atom= 142601
Step=   41, Dmax= 1.2e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01490e+06 Fmax= 4.51394e+02, atom= 155810
Step=   43, Dmax= 7.3e-06 nm, Epot= -5.01490e+06 Fmax= 6.46500e+02, atom= 167601

Step=   47, Dmax= 1.1e-06 nm, Epot= -5.01490e+06 Fmax= 4.30994e+03, atom= 214498
Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
Converged to machine precision,
but not to the requested precision Fmax < 10

Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.
You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn
off constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)

writing lowest energy coordinates.

Back Off! I just backed up traj.trr to ./#traj.trr.12#

Back Off! I just backed up md.pdb to ./#md.pdb.8#

Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 48 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax < 10.

Potential Energy  = -5.0149030e+06
Maximum force =  6.4650037e+02 on atom 167601
Norm of force =  7.3590344e+04

Kindly help me in this regard.I am attaching md.mdp file in which i have made 
the changes.


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Re: [gmx-users] md.mdp query

2009-04-07 Thread Höfling Martin

Am 07.04.2009 um 13:46 schrieb akalabya bissoyi:

hello gromacs,
i want to know the changes to be done in md.mdp files for 10 ns.
i am trying to run it but it's showing the following message.

... the following message is the output of an energy minimization and  
not a MD run. I suggest to do some reading and/or tutorials to get in  
touch with MD procedures in general. Parameters in mdp file are also  
described in the gromacs manual.

Best wishes
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

[gmx-users] md.mdp query

2009-04-07 Thread akalabya bissoyi
hello gromacs,
i want to know the changes to be done in md.mdp files for 10 ns.
i am trying to run it but it's showing the following message.

Steepest Descents:
   Tolerance (Fmax)   =  1.0e+01
   Number of steps= 1000
Step=0, Dmax= 1.0e-02 nm, Epot= -5.01412e+06 Fmax= 3.66197e+03, atom=
Step=2, Dmax= 5.0e-03 nm, Epot= -5.01438e+06 Fmax= 2.17491e+04, atom=
Step=3, Dmax= 6.0e-03 nm, Epot= -5.01456e+06 Fmax= 9.13099e+03, atom=
Step=5, Dmax= 3.6e-03 nm, Epot= -5.01468e+06 Fmax= 9.44298e+03, atom=
Step=   10, Dmax= 2.7e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01470e+06 Fmax= 8.04093e+03, atom=
Step=   11, Dmax= 3.2e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01472e+06 Fmax= 6.36864e+03, atom=
Step=   12, Dmax= 3.9e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01474e+06 Fmax= 4.35105e+03, atom=
Step=   14, Dmax= 2.3e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01476e+06 Fmax= 3.13319e+03, atom=
Step=   16, Dmax= 1.4e-04 nm, Epot= -5.01478e+06 Fmax= 2.39737e+03, atom=
Step=   18, Dmax= 8.4e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01478e+06 Fmax= 1.98224e+03, atom=
Step=   21, Dmax= 2.5e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.88313e+03, atom=
Step=   22, Dmax= 3.0e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.68824e+03, atom=
Step=   23, Dmax= 3.6e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.50693e+03, atom=
Step=   25, Dmax= 2.2e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01479e+06 Fmax= 1.39532e+03, atom=
Step=   26, Dmax= 2.6e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01480e+06 Fmax= 1.30313e+03, atom=
Step=   27, Dmax= 3.1e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01481e+06 Fmax= 1.12668e+03, atom=
Step=   28, Dmax= 3.8e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01482e+06 Fmax= 9.41676e+02, atom=
Step=   30, Dmax= 2.3e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01483e+06 Fmax= 8.67996e+02, atom=
Step=   31, Dmax= 2.7e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01483e+06 Fmax= 6.80316e+02, atom=
Step=   32, Dmax= 3.2e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01484e+06 Fmax= 5.66923e+02, atom=
Step=   33, Dmax= 3.9e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01485e+06 Fmax= 3.30411e+02, atom=
Step=   35, Dmax= 2.3e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01487e+06 Fmax= 3.12606e+02, atom=
Step=   37, Dmax= 1.4e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01488e+06 Fmax= 3.86990e+02, atom=
Step=   38, Dmax= 1.7e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01489e+06 Fmax= 3.70596e+02, atom=
Step=   40, Dmax= 1.0e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01489e+06 Fmax= 4.65471e+02, atom=
Step=   41, Dmax= 1.2e-05 nm, Epot= -5.01490e+06 Fmax= 4.51394e+02, atom=
Step=   43, Dmax= 7.3e-06 nm, Epot= -5.01490e+06 Fmax= 6.46500e+02, atom=
Step=   47, Dmax= 1.1e-06 nm, Epot= -5.01490e+06 Fmax= 4.30994e+03, atom=
Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
Converged to machine precision,
but not to the requested precision Fmax < 10

Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.
You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn
off constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)

writing lowest energy coordinates.

Back Off! I just backed up traj.trr to ./#traj.trr.12#

Back Off! I just backed up md.pdb to ./#md.pdb.8#

Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 48 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax < 10.
Potential Energy  = -5.0149030e+06
Maximum force =  6.4650037e+02 on atom 167601
Norm of force =  7.3590344e+04

Kindly help me in this regard.I am attaching md.mdp file in which i have
made the changes.


Description: Binary data
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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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Re: [gmx-users] the reson for neutralizing the charge

2009-04-07 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

hazizian wrote:

my ligand is Arginine (so it is not neccessary to use PRODRG )and the OPLS 
forcefield of gromacs make the itp file of it. I check and all the atoms 
present in the ligand itp file.There is no missing atom in the file.

 atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass  typeB
chargeB  massB
 1   opls_287  1ARG  N  1   -0.314.0067   ; qtot 
 2   opls_290  1ARG H1  1   0.33  1.008   ; qtot 
 3   opls_290  1ARG H2  1   0.33  1.008   ; qtot 
 4   opls_290  1ARG H3  1   0.33  1.008   ; qtot 
 5   opls_283  1ARG CA  1   0.04 12.011   ; qtot 
 6   opls_140  1ARG HA  1   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
 7   opls_136  1ARG CB  2  -0.12 12.011   ; qtot 
 8   opls_140  1ARGHB1  2   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
 9   opls_140  1ARGHB2  2   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
10   opls_308  1ARG CG  3  -0.05 12.011   ; qtot 
11   opls_140  1ARGHG1  3   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
12   opls_140  1ARGHG2  3   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
13   opls_307  1ARG CD  4   0.19 12.011   ; qtot 
14   opls_140  1ARGHD1  4   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
15   opls_140  1ARGHD2  4   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
16   opls_303  1ARG NE  5   -0.714.0067   ; qtot 
17   opls_304  1ARG HE  5   0.44  1.008   ; qtot 
18   opls_302  1ARG CZ  5   0.64 12.011   ; qtot 
19   opls_300  1ARGNH1  6   -0.814.0067   ; qtot 
20   opls_301  1ARG   HH11  6   0.46  1.008   ; qtot 
21   opls_301  1ARG   HH12  6   0.46 1.008   ; qtot 
22   opls_300  1ARGNH2  7   -0.814.0067   ; qtot 
23   opls_301  1ARG   HH21  7   0.46  1.008   ; qtot 
24   opls_301  1ARG   HH22  7   0.46  1.008   ; qtot 
25   opls_271  1ARG  C  80.7 12.011   ; qtot 
26   opls_272  1ARG O1  8   -0.815.9994   ; qtot 
27   opls_272  1ARG O2  8   -0.815.9994   ; qtot 

So for neutralizing I break 0.11 charge to 8 number of 0.01 charge and 6 
number of 0.005 cherge and add them to 8+3=11 H atoms. so the total charge 
of my ligand is +1.Is it correct way to solve this problem in the case that 
I could not find any missing atom in ligand topology file?

No.  When using pdb2gmx, how did you specify the N- and C-termini?  Did you just 
indicate NH3+ and COO-?  If so, this is incorrect.  You have to use the 
zwitterionic options (since you are indeed dealing with a zwitterion).

The broken charge comes from this mistake.

If you ever find yourself with a fractional charge, do not get creative about 
how to interpret it.


Tehran University of Medical Sciences


Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

[gmx-users] the reson for neutralizing the charge

2009-04-07 Thread hazizian

my ligand is Arginine (so it is not neccessary to use PRODRG )and the OPLS 
forcefield of gromacs make the itp file of it. I check and all the atoms 
present in the ligand itp file.There is no missing atom in the file.

 atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass  typeB
chargeB  massB
 1   opls_287  1ARG  N  1   -0.314.0067   ; qtot 
 2   opls_290  1ARG H1  1   0.33  1.008   ; qtot 
 3   opls_290  1ARG H2  1   0.33  1.008   ; qtot 
 4   opls_290  1ARG H3  1   0.33  1.008   ; qtot 
 5   opls_283  1ARG CA  1   0.04 12.011   ; qtot 
 6   opls_140  1ARG HA  1   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
 7   opls_136  1ARG CB  2  -0.12 12.011   ; qtot 
 8   opls_140  1ARGHB1  2   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
 9   opls_140  1ARGHB2  2   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
10   opls_308  1ARG CG  3  -0.05 12.011   ; qtot 
11   opls_140  1ARGHG1  3   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
12   opls_140  1ARGHG2  3   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
13   opls_307  1ARG CD  4   0.19 12.011   ; qtot 
14   opls_140  1ARGHD1  4   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
15   opls_140  1ARGHD2  4   0.06  1.008   ; qtot 
16   opls_303  1ARG NE  5   -0.714.0067   ; qtot 
17   opls_304  1ARG HE  5   0.44  1.008   ; qtot 
18   opls_302  1ARG CZ  5   0.64 12.011   ; qtot 
19   opls_300  1ARGNH1  6   -0.814.0067   ; qtot 
20   opls_301  1ARG   HH11  6   0.46  1.008   ; qtot 
21   opls_301  1ARG   HH12  6   0.46 1.008   ; qtot 
22   opls_300  1ARGNH2  7   -0.814.0067   ; qtot 
23   opls_301  1ARG   HH21  7   0.46  1.008   ; qtot 
24   opls_301  1ARG   HH22  7   0.46  1.008   ; qtot 
25   opls_271  1ARG  C  80.7 12.011   ; qtot 
26   opls_272  1ARG O1  8   -0.815.9994   ; qtot 
27   opls_272  1ARG O2  8   -0.815.9994   ; qtot 

So for neutralizing I break 0.11 charge to 8 number of 0.01 charge and 6 
number of 0.005 cherge and add them to 8+3=11 H atoms. so the total charge 
of my ligand is +1.Is it correct way to solve this problem in the case that 
I could not find any missing atom in ligand topology file?

Tehran University of Medical Sciences

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Re: [gmx-users] grompp error in simulation of membrane protein.

2009-04-07 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

nitu sharma wrote:

Hello justin ,

thanks for ur previous suggestion . I am doing simulation of membrene 
protein  , as u suggest in  previous mail to use gromos9653a6 forcefield 
parameters  in topology file of protein+lipid bilayer.

I have made topology accordingly like this-

; Include forcefield parameters
#include "ffG53a6.itp"
#include "lipid.itp"
#include "dmpc.itp"

As I have said, time and time again, the above setup will likely give problems. 
 What you should do is append the relevant directives from lipid.itp into 
ffG53a6nb.itp and ffG53a6bon.itp, removing the section called ";; parameters for 
lipid-GROMOS interactions," as they pertain to ffgmx.

[ molecules ]
; compound  #mols
Na   1

This isn't going to work either, since Na corresponds to an ffgmx NA+ ion; you 
need NA+, which is the correct nomenclature for ffG53a6.

But when I run the grompp command I got the error like this-
Fatal error:
Atomtype CA not found

Again, this is an ffgmx atom type, probably because you're using this hacked 
topology; including lipid.itp as is calls some ffgmx atom types.


I have tried to solve this problem by adding CA atom with its mass  in 
ffG53a6.atp file and atom CA with its all information ffG53a6nb.itp file 
but even after doing this correction I am getting same error .

Please Can u suggest me what should I have to do to solve this problem .

I am a new gromacs user , I have done the simulation of protein and 
lipid bilayer separetly but this type of problem didnot came so I have 
no much idea .

I am waiting for ur reply.


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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Re: [gmx-users] install problem

2009-04-07 Thread Roland Schulz

search in config.log for the compiler error. This should tell you the
problem. If not post the compiler error.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 5:20 AM, Hongyan Xiao  wrote:

>Dear gmx-users,
> When I parallel install gromacs-4.0.4 using my own usr. I encountered the
> problem. The following is my installation steps.
> Step 1: install lam-7.1.4
>   $ cd lam-7.1.4
>   $ ./configure  --prefix=/home/xhy/software/lam-7.1.4 --without-fc
> --with-rsh=ssh-x
>   $ make
>   $ make install
> then adding /home/xhy/software/lam-7.1.4/bin into .bashrc file.
>   $ source .bashrc
> Step 2: install fftw-3.1.2
>   $ cd fftw-3.1.2
>   $ ./configure  --prefix=/home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2
> --enable-float  --enable-threads
>   $ make
>   $ make install
> then  adding /home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2/bin,
> export
> CPPFLAGS==-I/home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2/include and
> export LDFLAGS=-L/home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2/lib into
> .bashrc file.
>   $ source .bashrc
> Step 3: install gromacs-4.0.4
>$ cd gromacs-4.0.4
>$./configure  --prefix=/home/xhy/software/gromacs-4.0.4
> --exec-prefix=/home/xhy/software/gromacs-4.0.4 --enable-mpi --with-fftw3
> --program-suffix=_mpi
> then I encountered the following errors:
> checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
> checking whether build environment is sane... yes
> checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
> checking for gawk... gawk
> checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
> checking how to create a ustar tar archive... gnutar
> checking for cc... cc
> checking for C compiler default output file name...
> configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
> See `config.log' for more details.
> Can you help me? I hope for your answer. Thank you very much!
> H.Y. Xiao
> ___
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> http://www.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
> Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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ORNL/UT Center for Molecular Biophysics cmb.ornl.gov
865-241-1537, ORNL PO BOX 2008 MS6309
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[gmx-users] grompp error in simulation of membrane protein.

2009-04-07 Thread nitu sharma
Hello justin ,

thanks for ur previous suggestion . I am doing simulation of membrene
protein  , as u suggest in  previous mail to use gromos9653a6 forcefield
parameters  in topology file of protein+lipid bilayer.
I have made topology accordingly like this-

; Include forcefield parameters
#include "ffG53a6.itp"
#include "lipid.itp"
#include "dmpc.itp"

; Include chain topologies
#include "rr1_A.itp"
#include "rr1_B.itp"

; Include position restrain protein
;#include "posre_A.itp"
;#include "posre_B.itp"

; Include position restrain lipid
;#include "lip_posre.itp

; Include water topology
#ifdef FLEX_SPC
#include "flexspc.itp"
#include "spc.itp"

;Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
; i funct  fcx  fcy  fcz
  1  1 1000 1000 1000

; Include generic topology for ions
#include "ions.itp"

[ system ]
; Name

[ molecules ]
; compound  #mols
Na   1

But when I run the grompp command I got the error like this-
Fatal error:
Atomtype CA not found

I have tried to solve this problem by adding CA atom with its mass  in
ffG53a6.atp file and atom CA with its all information ffG53a6nb.itp file but
even after doing this correction I am getting same error .
Please Can u suggest me what should I have to do to solve this problem .

I am a new gromacs user , I have done the simulation of protein and lipid
bilayer separetly but this type of problem didnot came so I have no much
idea .
I am waiting for ur reply.

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[gmx-users] install problem

2009-04-07 Thread Hongyan Xiao
Dear gmx-users,
When I parallel install gromacs-4.0.4 using my own usr. I encountered the 
problem. The following is my installation steps.
Step 1: install lam-7.1.4
  $ cd lam-7.1.4
  $ ./configure  --prefix=/home/xhy/software/lam-7.1.4 --without-fc 
  $ make
  $ make install
then adding /home/xhy/software/lam-7.1.4/bin into .bashrc file. 
  $ source .bashrc 
Step 2: install fftw-3.1.2
  $ cd fftw-3.1.2
  $ ./configure  --prefix=/home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2 
--enable-float  --enable-threads
  $ make
  $ make install
then  adding /home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2/bin,
   export CPPFLAGS==-I/home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2/include 
   export LDFLAGS=-L/home/xhy/software/fftw-3.1.2/lib into 
.bashrc file. 
  $ source .bashrc 
Step 3: install gromacs-4.0.4
   $ cd gromacs-4.0.4
   $./configure  --prefix=/home/xhy/software/gromacs-4.0.4 
--exec-prefix=/home/xhy/software/gromacs-4.0.4 --enable-mpi --with-fftw3 
then I encountered the following errors:
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking how to create a ustar tar archive... gnutar
checking for cc... cc
checking for C compiler default output file name... 
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.
Can you help me? I hope for your answer. Thank you very much!

H.Y. Xiao

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RE: [gmx-users] the reson for neutralizing the charge

2009-04-07 Thread Berk Hess


The issue here is not so much net neutrality of the whole system
(although there can be important reasons for wanted this),
but that your system has a small fractional charge.
This indicates that there a probably missing atoms, probably in your ligand.
That is a serious problem which you should fix.
Check if all atoms in your ligand are present in the topology file.


> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 17:16:19 +1000
> From: mark.abra...@anu.edu.au
> To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] the reson for neutralizing the charge
> Homa Azizian wrote:
> > Hi 
> > I have a basic question about the charge. why is it important to neutralize 
> > the charge of ligand-protein complex. Is it true by neutralizing the tatal 
> > charge of ligand-protein complex we prevent the electrostatic intraction of 
> > ligand and protein?
> > Any suggestion would be appreciated.
> Physical systems are normally neutral - cells have to do work to 
> maintain ion and/or charge imbalances.
> Physical models were normally parameterized under neutral conditions - 
> but you should check the literature for your force field.
> Some algorithms might be doubtful under non-neutral conditions - I'm not 
> sure whether Ewald methods are well-formed in such cases. Most 
> derivations I've seen seem to require it.
> Mark
> ___
> gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
> http://www.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
> Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
> Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
> www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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[gmx-users] g_sdf

2009-04-07 Thread Morteza Khabiri
Dear gmax user

I want to use G_SDF command. But the description of this comand is alittle
bit complicate for me.
I want to compute the density of water around protein and I dont know
could I do it or not.
I will be thankful if somebody suggest me by this command.


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Re: [gmx-users] Doubt regarding membrane protein in POPC bilayer

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Abraham

Pawan Kumar wrote:

Hello Sir,

Can you please tell me how to couple ions with SOL ?
Is there any command in gromacs to do that ?

You need to define a group with SOL and the ions in an index file. This 
is uses as input to grompp so that it can make sense of the same group 
name when used in the .mdp file. See 

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Re: [gmx-users] partial charge on protein

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Abraham

Homa Azizian wrote:

Hi Justin and all
when I do this command: pdb2gmx -ignh -f .pdb -o .pdb -water spce 
with OPLS force field.
it seems that the protein has the charge of -3, while the ligand has the 
charge of 0.890 and finally it prints that the final charge is -2.11. I 
neutralized this charge with 2 NA+ so -0.11 charge remain (sorry for my 
mistake this is 0.11 not 0.08).

So you should go and look at this ligand's topology and see where the 
charge is going wrong. The partial charges should at least vaguely 
correlate with chemical intuition.

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Re: [gmx-users] the reson for neutralizing the charge

2009-04-07 Thread Mark Abraham

Homa Azizian wrote:
I have a basic question about the charge. why is it important to neutralize 
the charge of ligand-protein complex. Is it true by neutralizing the tatal 
charge of ligand-protein complex we prevent the electrostatic intraction of 
ligand and protein?

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Physical systems are normally neutral - cells have to do work to 
maintain ion and/or charge imbalances.

Physical models were normally parameterized under neutral conditions - 
but you should check the literature for your force field.

Some algorithms might be doubtful under non-neutral conditions - I'm not 
sure whether Ewald methods are well-formed in such cases. Most 
derivations I've seen seem to require it.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.

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