Re: [gmx-users] Pressure very high with chloroform and gromacs-4.5.5

2011-10-12 Thread Nuno Azoia
Thank you Mark for your answer!

I agree with you when you say that the high pressure is not itself a
problem. To avoid that problem I change my system from 1000 molecules
to 27000 molecules, and the pressure change from several thousands to
several hundreds bar.
What I found very strange was the increasing volume (and pressure). My
system is very unstable, I know, because the density is very low, and
not the opposite, so I was expecting to see the box getting smaller.
Looking to the trajectory I can see a box almost empty (with empty I
mean empty space, with chloroform molecules aggregating in small
droplets), and that's why I found the system behavior very strange.

I will follow your suggestion concerning nsttcouple and nstpcouple and
the other initial conditions.

Nuno Azoia

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Mark Abraham wrote:
 On 12/10/2011 2:22 AM, Nuno Azoia wrote:


 I found something very strange while making a CHCl3 box using
 A look the mailing list, the manual and some release notes for
 gromacs-4.5 and I couldn't found the answer for my problem. It's
 possible that I'm doing something wrong, but I can not find what, so
 I'm describe my problem.

 I start a chloroform box from scratch, using genconf, and I get o
 chloroform box with 1000 molecules. I get energy minimization without
 Then I've run some equilibration steps in a NVT ensemble and in the
 end I get pressure in the order of hundreds of bar.

 The high pressure is not itself a problem - small numbers of molecules and
 short simulation times lead to doubtful statistics for pressure.

  Then I change to
 NPT conditions and both the pressure and the volume keep increasing
 with time.

 Be sure to visualize your trajectory to confirm its behaviour matches what
 you expect from the trends in P and V.

 To discard the possibility of a size problem, I repeat everything with
 a box of 27000 molecules, with a volume of ~13800 nm^3. The problem
 was the same. Very high pressures (150-200 bar) and very low densities
 (  200 g/L) after 750 ps simulation time. And both volume and pressure
 increasing with time.

 I'm doing now the same procedure, but using gromacs-4.0.7 and I'm
 getting very different (and better) results. After energy minimization
 I run 5 steps in a nvt ensemble and I got pressure around -30 bar
 (Ok for me). After that I start to run the simulations in npt ensemble
 and the pressure start to increase slowly, with negative values
 because the system have very low densities (~400 g/L), and the volume
 is decreasing. So I'm getting the normal reaction from the system.

 Where is the problem? There are some different parameters to set in
 the mdp file and I didn't realize that, or is this a problem in

 It seems you are generating some numerical instability with your choice of
 initial and simulation conditions, and that gromacs-4.0 was luckier in
 avoiding the problem. If this is a parallel simulation, then the way
 communication is managed in order to organize T and P coupling changed going
 up to 4.5. For equilibration, I would encourage setting nsttcouple and
 nstpcouple to 1. Using a shorter time step can help with numerical
 instability. Berendsen T coupling or a larger coupling time constant might
 also help. After gentler NVT, then switch to NPT, let the box size
 stabilize, and finally move to larger coupling periods, time steps and
 v-rescale T coupling.


 In both cases I used this parameters:
 integrator          =  md
 dt                    =  0.002
 nsteps              =  5
 nstcomm          =  1
 nstxtcout           =  500
 xtc-precision      =  1000
 nstxout             =  0
 nstvout             =  0
 nstfout             =  0
 nstlog              =  500
 nstenergy           =  500

 nstlist               =  5
 ns_type             =  grid

 ;Reaction field
 rlist               = 0.8
 coulombtype         = Reaction-field
 rcoulomb            = 1.4
 epsilon_r           = 1.0
 epsilon_rf          = 4.8
 vdwtype             = cut-off
 rvdw                = 1.4

 ; temperature coupling
 Tcoupl              =  v-rescale
 tc-grps             =  CHCL3
 tau_t               =  0.05
 ld_seed             =  -1
 ref_t               =  300

 ; Energy monitoring
 energygrps          =  CHCl3

 ; Isotropic pressure
 Pcoupl              =  no
 Pcoupltype          =  isotropic
 tau_p               =  0.5
 compressibility     =  4.5e-5
 ref_p               =  1.0

 ; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
 gen_vel             =  yes
 gen_temp            =  300
 gen_seed            =  -1

 lincs_order         =  4
 lincs-warnangle     = 90
 constraints         =  all-bonds

 and of course, for the npt ensemble I just change

[gmx-users] R: Re: H-bond lifetime with g_hbond

2011-10-12 Thread Anna Marabotti
Dear all,
any other suggestions on how to operate with g_hbond in order to allow
convergence of the autocorrelation function (see message below)? 

Moreover, I have another question. On the same trajectories, I'm using
g_hbonds also to infer the contacts between the protein and the ligand (and
possibly infer van der Waals interactions). This is the command I used:

g_hbond -f protein-GLA_mdC.xtc -s protein-GLA_md.tpr -g
protein-GLA_md_vdw.log -contact -r 1.4 -num protein-GLA_md_vdwnum.xvg

The printout of the command is:
Select a group: 1
Selected 1: 'Protein'
Select a group: 15
Selected 15: 'GLA'
Checking for overlap in atoms between Protein and GLA
Calculating contacts between Protein (5935 atoms) and GLA (24 atoms)
Found 24 donors and 5935 acceptors
Making hbmap structure...done.
Reading frame   0 time0.000   
Will do grid-seach on 6x6x4 grid, rcut=1.4
Last frame   3000 time 3.000   
Found 38017 different contacts in trajectory
Found 0 different atom-pairs within hydrogen bonding distance
Average number of contacts per timeframe 0.000 out of 71220 possible

However, the .log file gives me a list of interactions such as:
#  Donor  Hydrogen  Acceptor
  GLA395O4   PRO35O
  GLA395O4   GLY36N
  GLA395O4   GLY36CA
  GLA395O4   GLY36HA1
  GLA395O4   GLY36HA2
  GLA395O4   GLY36C
  GLA395O4   GLY36O
  GLA395O4   ARG37N
  GLA395O4   ARG37H

Moreover, I found previously several hBonds in this trajectory, therefore, I
don't understand why the printout tells Found 0 different atom-pairs within
hydrogen bonding distance and Average number of contacts per timeframe
0.000 out of 71220 possible. I also used flag -r2 instead of -r, but the
result is the same. Maybe this is a trivial question, but...what is the
correct way to use the flags -contact and -r (or -r2) within g_hbond

Thanks a lot

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 10:25:32 -0400
From: Justin A. Lemkul
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] H-bond lifetime with g_hbond
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Anna Marabotti wrote:
 Dear gmx-users,
 I have a protein with 5 different ligands. For each system I made 30ns 
 simulation and I calculated the lifetime of the H-bonds between protein 
 and ligand with the command:
 g_hbond -f traj.xtc -s topol.tpr -hbm hbmap.xpm -hbn hbond.ndx -ac 
 hbac.xvg -life hblife.xvg
 During all calculations, the printout of the command gave the same
 WARNING: Correlation function is probably not long enough
 because the standard deviation in the tail of C(t)  0.001
 and as a matter of fact, the tail of C(t) (average C(t) over second half 
 of acf) reported below this warning was always  0.001, generally 
 comprised between 0.45 and 0.74 with two exceptions: a value of 
 0.02+/-0.03 and a value of 0.04+/-0.01.

The warning doesn't complain about the value of C(t), it is telling you that
standard deviation in the value is unacceptable.

 Therefore, I'm asking if the forward values considered as lifetimes are 
 reliable or not, and in case, what can I do to avoid this warning.

I can't directly comment on this, but it would seems as if the values are
adequately converged.


 Thank you very much and best regards
 Anna Marabotti, Ph.D.
 Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
 Institute of Food Science, CNR
 Via Roma, 64
 83100 Avellino (Italy)
 Phone: +39 0825 299651
 Fax: +39 0825 781585
 Skype account: annam1972
 Web page:
 When a man with a gun meets a man with a pen, the man with a gun is a 
 dead man
 (Roberto Benigni, about Roberto Saviano)


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Pressure very high with chloroform and gromacs-4.5.5

2011-10-12 Thread Mark Abraham

On 12/10/2011 8:04 PM, Nuno Azoia wrote:

Thank you Mark for your answer!

I agree with you when you say that the high pressure is not itself a
problem. To avoid that problem I change my system from 1000 molecules
to 27000 molecules, and the pressure change from several thousands to
several hundreds bar.
What I found very strange was the increasing volume (and pressure). My
system is very unstable, I know, because the density is very low, and
not the opposite, so I was expecting to see the box getting smaller.
Looking to the trajectory I can see a box almost empty (with empty I
mean empty space, with chloroform molecules aggregating in small
droplets), and that's why I found the system behavior very strange.

Sounds like your initial density might be far too low. grompp reports 
it, so do check.


I will follow your suggestion concerning nsttcouple and nstpcouple and
the other initial conditions.

Nuno Azoia

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Mark  wrote:

On 12/10/2011 2:22 AM, Nuno Azoia wrote:


I found something very strange while making a CHCl3 box using
A look the mailing list, the manual and some release notes for
gromacs-4.5 and I couldn't found the answer for my problem. It's
possible that I'm doing something wrong, but I can not find what, so
I'm describe my problem.

I start a chloroform box from scratch, using genconf, and I get o
chloroform box with 1000 molecules. I get energy minimization without
Then I've run some equilibration steps in a NVT ensemble and in the
end I get pressure in the order of hundreds of bar.

The high pressure is not itself a problem - small numbers of molecules and
short simulation times lead to doubtful statistics for pressure.

  Then I change to
NPT conditions and both the pressure and the volume keep increasing
with time.

Be sure to visualize your trajectory to confirm its behaviour matches what
you expect from the trends in P and V.

To discard the possibility of a size problem, I repeat everything with
a box of 27000 molecules, with a volume of ~13800 nm^3. The problem
was the same. Very high pressures (150-200 bar) and very low densities
(200 g/L) after 750 ps simulation time. And both volume and pressure
increasing with time.

I'm doing now the same procedure, but using gromacs-4.0.7 and I'm
getting very different (and better) results. After energy minimization
I run 5 steps in a nvt ensemble and I got pressure around -30 bar
(Ok for me). After that I start to run the simulations in npt ensemble
and the pressure start to increase slowly, with negative values
because the system have very low densities (~400 g/L), and the volume
is decreasing. So I'm getting the normal reaction from the system.

Where is the problem? There are some different parameters to set in
the mdp file and I didn't realize that, or is this a problem in

It seems you are generating some numerical instability with your choice of
initial and simulation conditions, and that gromacs-4.0 was luckier in
avoiding the problem. If this is a parallel simulation, then the way
communication is managed in order to organize T and P coupling changed going
up to 4.5. For equilibration, I would encourage setting nsttcouple and
nstpcouple to 1. Using a shorter time step can help with numerical
instability. Berendsen T coupling or a larger coupling time constant might
also help. After gentler NVT, then switch to NPT, let the box size
stabilize, and finally move to larger coupling periods, time steps and
v-rescale T coupling.


In both cases I used this parameters:
integrator  =  md
dt=  0.002
nsteps  =  5
nstcomm  =  1
nstxtcout   =  500
xtc-precision  =  1000
nstxout =  0
nstvout =  0
nstfout =  0
nstlog  =  500
nstenergy   =  500

nstlist   =  5
ns_type =  grid

;Reaction field
rlist   = 0.8
coulombtype = Reaction-field
rcoulomb= 1.4
epsilon_r   = 1.0
epsilon_rf  = 4.8
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw= 1.4

; temperature coupling
Tcoupl  =  v-rescale
tc-grps =  CHCL3
tau_t   =  0.05
ld_seed =  -1
ref_t   =  300

; Energy monitoring
energygrps  =  CHCl3

; Isotropic pressure
Pcoupl  =  no
Pcoupltype  =  isotropic
tau_p   =  0.5
compressibility =  4.5e-5
ref_p   =  1.0

; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel =  yes
gen_temp=  300
gen_seed=  -1

lincs_order =  4
lincs-warnangle = 90
constraints =  all-bonds

and of course, for the npt ensemble I just 

[gmx-users] Umbrella sampling COM distance

2011-10-12 Thread nahren manuel
Dear Gromacs Users,

I am trying to study the free energy of binding in a protein-ligand complex. 

I use the following pull input in my mdp file:
; Pull code
pull    = umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  
pull_dim    = N Y N
pull_start  = yes   
pull_ngroups    = 1
pull_group0 = Protein
pull_group1 = GLC
pull_rate1  = 0.005  
pull_k1 = 1000 

if I am pulling in 'Y' direction, is it necessary to make sure that the 
distance between the COM (of the protein and ligand) = distance between the Y 
coordinates,  i.eY(pro)-Y(lig),  ?

 VMD commands 

set pro [atomselect top protein]

set glc [atomselect top resname GLC]

set A [measure center $pro weight mass]
40.33518600463867 35.01163101196289 38.7291374206543

set B [measure center $glc weight mass]
40.591331481933594 39.440189361572266 38.494876861572266

vecdist $A $B

Y(pro)-Y(lig) = 4.42855835

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Re: [gmx-users] Pressure very high with chloroform and gromacs-4.5.5

2011-10-12 Thread Nuno Azoia
I know that from the beginning. That's why I found very strange the
increasing on the system volume. My initial setup have a density of
~400g/L, and for liquid chloroform is ~1400g/L.
Using gromacs-4.5 I get densities of about 200 after 750ps simulation
time, and using 4.0 I get almost 500 after 1ns.

And I was using such low densities because I build the box using
genconf with the options -nbox and -dist, starting with one molecule
of chloroform. If I used small distance values I get LINCS warnings in
the energy minimization step. Using genbox to solvate one empty box
with chloroform, I get very strange behaviors, with a very large
amount of molecule overlap.

But as you said before, I now think that this should be also a
paralelization problem, not to mention the numerical instability
caused by this very low density.
And I think this is a paralelization problem associated with this
numerical instability judging from the system behavior.
In 4.5, using the option -nt in mdrun, I get some small droplets of
liquid chloroform, and in 4.0, using mpi, I get one large droplet of
chloroform. It looks like if 4.5 is treating the system like
independent small systems, while 4.0 is able to divide the system into
small, but interdependent systems.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
 On 12/10/2011 8:04 PM, Nuno Azoia wrote:

 Thank you Mark for your answer!

 I agree with you when you say that the high pressure is not itself a
 problem. To avoid that problem I change my system from 1000 molecules
 to 27000 molecules, and the pressure change from several thousands to
 several hundreds bar.
 What I found very strange was the increasing volume (and pressure). My
 system is very unstable, I know, because the density is very low, and
 not the opposite, so I was expecting to see the box getting smaller.
 Looking to the trajectory I can see a box almost empty (with empty I
 mean empty space, with chloroform molecules aggregating in small
 droplets), and that's why I found the system behavior very strange.

 Sounds like your initial density might be far too low. grompp reports it, so
 do check.


 I will follow your suggestion concerning nsttcouple and nstpcouple and
 the other initial conditions.

 Nuno Azoia

 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Mark

 On 12/10/2011 2:22 AM, Nuno Azoia wrote:


 I found something very strange while making a CHCl3 box using
 A look the mailing list, the manual and some release notes for
 gromacs-4.5 and I couldn't found the answer for my problem. It's
 possible that I'm doing something wrong, but I can not find what, so
 I'm describe my problem.

 I start a chloroform box from scratch, using genconf, and I get o
 chloroform box with 1000 molecules. I get energy minimization without
 Then I've run some equilibration steps in a NVT ensemble and in the
 end I get pressure in the order of hundreds of bar.

 The high pressure is not itself a problem - small numbers of molecules
 short simulation times lead to doubtful statistics for pressure.

  Then I change to
 NPT conditions and both the pressure and the volume keep increasing
 with time.

 Be sure to visualize your trajectory to confirm its behaviour matches
 you expect from the trends in P and V.

 To discard the possibility of a size problem, I repeat everything with
 a box of 27000 molecules, with a volume of ~13800 nm^3. The problem
 was the same. Very high pressures (150-200 bar) and very low densities
 (    200 g/L) after 750 ps simulation time. And both volume and
 increasing with time.

 I'm doing now the same procedure, but using gromacs-4.0.7 and I'm
 getting very different (and better) results. After energy minimization
 I run 5 steps in a nvt ensemble and I got pressure around -30 bar
 (Ok for me). After that I start to run the simulations in npt ensemble
 and the pressure start to increase slowly, with negative values
 because the system have very low densities (~400 g/L), and the volume
 is decreasing. So I'm getting the normal reaction from the system.

 Where is the problem? There are some different parameters to set in
 the mdp file and I didn't realize that, or is this a problem in

 It seems you are generating some numerical instability with your choice
 initial and simulation conditions, and that gromacs-4.0 was luckier in
 avoiding the problem. If this is a parallel simulation, then the way
 communication is managed in order to organize T and P coupling changed
 up to 4.5. For equilibration, I would encourage setting nsttcouple and
 nstpcouple to 1. Using a shorter time step can help with numerical
 instability. Berendsen T coupling or a larger coupling time constant
 also help. After gentler NVT, then switch to NPT, let the box size
 stabilize, and finally move to larger coupling periods, time steps and
 v-rescale T coupling.



Re: [gmx-users] Gromacs: Cloud Vs. Boinc Server?

2011-10-12 Thread Szilárd Páll
Dear Stephan,

 Radeons work as well.  You can put a 3-4 GPU board together with the highest 
 end AMD or Intel chip for 3K, plus 16G RAM if you look around for a day or 
 two, but the cooling is the main problem (with 1/4 the price radeons Vs. GTI 
 cards), so one has to take cooling into account (h20 cost another 800$, or 
 investing in 4-6 good fans/cooling an additional 2-300$).  If you have a 
 slightly higher budget you can get multi CPU boards with 4 GPU slots, ie 4 or 
 8 CPU's (direct via mail from Taiwan), but the CPU's and GPU's is where the 
 money is spent.

No, Radeons don't work and won't work in the near future - Gromacs
doesn't support OpenCL. Cooling needs attention, but in reality it's
nowhere near $2-300 extra - unless you want the fans with funky leds.

Btw, what software is the above hardware description targeting? To me
it sounds more like a gaming rig and not something specifically aiming
at maximum performance with Gromacs 4.5 (nor 4.6 which is yet to be

 As far as I have seen GPU Gromacs runs at around 1 Teraflop per Radeon 5900 
 series (double percission, single is supposed to run around 4 tera flops per 
 GPU, so depends on your needs, desires as far as simulations), and the latest 
 Intel 970's are around 400-500 Gflops/chip.

Again, I might be missing something, but how exactly does Gromacs run
on Radeons? I assume when referring to the i7 970 (?) above you meant
40-50 GFlops/chip - the i7 970 should have 70 GFlops peak. Also note
that Flops are not every useful, what matters is time to solution for
the specific problem one wants to solve.


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[gmx-users] Uniform Distribution of drug molecules inside water spc216

2011-10-12 Thread meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh
Dear GMX users
Good day to you
I have some drug molecules (cisplatin) added manually and randomly inside a
system which is going to be solvated in spc216 water.  I used genbox command
to add the correct number of water molecules needed to solvate the box. The
drug molecules are located very closed to each other. Kindly, would you
please let me know how I can distribute drug molecules uniformly among the
water molecoules to obtain a certain concentration of the drug? May I know
if there is any specific tool or script which can help me to do it?
Thank you very much
Kind regards
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[gmx-users] Potential Energy Landscape

2011-10-12 Thread Natalie Stephenson
I was recently told in passing that it would be possible to construct a 
'potential energy landscape' from the simulations I have performed.  This way I 
could remove any loading rate differences between simulations and experimental 
force experiments I've been performing ... however I cannot find anywhere in 
which this is mentioned.

The only thing close I could find that was close was the free energy landscape 
using g_anaeig under the Dihedral PCA 
 however, I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for.

Does anyone know where I would be able to find out / read more about how to 
create potential energy landscapes from my simulation outputs?


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[gmx-users] Re: FEP

2011-10-12 Thread Fabian Casteblanco
Hello Michael or others,

It seems I'm still getting errors when doing a FEP on a molecule (a
-CH3 to a -H).  This below is for when I was charging things from a -H
uncharged to -H charged, although it also happens when I'm actually
converting the -CH3 to -H (at Lambdas greater than 85%).  I made sure
to keep the charges balanced at 0 while mutating and I did it at 3
steps like Michael Shirts suggested.

Set 1: turn R-CH3 charges off in a way that preserves the total charge.
Set 2: change CH3 LJ to H LJ
Set 3: Turn R-H charges on in a way that preserves the total charge.

In the portion of the error below atom 9 is -C9-(H67,H68,H66) which in
this specific case H67 is already a dummy molecule with no mass or
charge.  From what I can see, it seems that the atoms do not know how
to treat the dummy molecules in terms of angles.  How should I treat
the dummy molecules? Should I be treating them like hollow spheres
with no charge so I would assign them angle constraints?

I think it can also be that I'm peturbing the dihedral angles
incorrectly.  I received errors at first saying that dihedral
multiplicities can't be peturbed so I had to equal the multiplicities
just to get it to run.  Does anybody have any experience with this?

Thank you for your help.

-Fabian Casteblanco

Portion of Error Output:
Reading file nvt0.5.tpr, VERSION 4.5.3 (single precision)
starting mdrun 'SIMVASTATIN'
15 steps,300.0 ps.

Step 7, time 0.014 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.006111, max 0.139443 (between atoms 9 and 67)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

Step 8, time 0.016 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.007341, max 0.167622 (between atoms 9 and 67)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

Step 8, time 0.016 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.008771, max 0.201182 (between atoms 9 and 67)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Fabian Casteblanco wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have an additional question related to what Steven Neumann was
 mentioning.  I actually have to do a molecule mutation.  I'm trying to
 use Michael Shirts method  1) making small
 changes 'alchemical' changes in the molecules and computing the free
 energies by any method (BAR, TI, etc).  I'm specifically want to try
 to use BAR at the end once I collect all the data.  This helped a lot
 on clarification since it seemed that Justin's tutorial is essentially
 a FEP except its using the BAR mathematical method for computing the
 complete decoupling of the molecule rather than using the old FEP
 mathematics of the exponential averaging formula.  So BAR is only
 referring to the mathematical code used to calculate the overall free
 energy for the FEP, correct?

 My question is, for a mutation of a -CH3 group to a -H group, is it
 better to simply run:
 [+ from (Lambda=0 ,  R-CH3, full charges and interactions -STATE A)
 -- (Lambda=1, R-CH, full charges and interactions -STATE B)]


 [1) from (Lambda=0 ,  R-CH3, STATE A : Charges and LJ Interactions: ON)
 2)  (Lambda=?, -CH3 Charges: OFF ,LJ Interactions: ON and unmutated)
 3)  (Lambda=?, R-CH3, -CH3 Charges: OFF ,LJ Interactions: OFF)
 4)  (Lambda=?, R-CH3, -CH3 Charges: OFF ,LJ interactions: ON and Mutated to 
 5)  (Lambda=1, R-CH3, -CH3  STATE B : Charges and LJ Interactions: ON)

 Reason I'm asking is because when I try the first choice to do it
 STATE A to STATE B in one step, when I reach Lambda=0.85 and above on
 the NVT equilibration right after EM, I receive errors saying that
 bonds are moving way to far off their constraints which leads me to
 believe that the system is moving too far from where it was energy
 minimized.  Errors such as:

 Step 188, time 0.376 (ps)
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.17, max 0.000636 (between atoms 9 and 68)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      9     68   31.2    0.   0.1110      0.

 Step 188, time 0.376 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.15, max 0.000531 (between atoms 9 and 68)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      9     68   31.0    0.   0.1110      0.

 **Please, if anybody can help, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks.
 Best regards,

 Fabian F. Casteblanco
 Rutgers University --
 Chemical Engineering
 C: +908 917 0723

Best regards,

Fabian F. Casteblanco
Rutgers University --
Chemical Engineering PhD Student
C: +908 917 0723

Re: [gmx-users] Uniform Distribution of drug molecules inside water spc216

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh wrote:

Dear GMX users
Good day to you
I have some drug molecules (cisplatin) added manually and 
randomly inside a system which is going to be solvated in spc216 water. 
 I used genbox command to add the correct number of water molecules 
needed to solvate the box. The drug molecules are located very closed to 
each other. Kindly, would you please let me know how I can distribute 
drug molecules uniformly among the water molecoules to obtain a 
certain concentration of the drug? May I know if there is any specific 
tool or script which can help me to do it?

I don't know how you did the initial insertion, but genbox -ci -nmol will add 
molecules randomly, after which you can solvate with water.  Don't combine these 
steps.  Do the insertion, then add the water.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Gromacs: Cloud Vs. Boinc Server?

2011-10-12 Thread Matt Larson
From the Gromacs on GPU page

These are the compatible GPU cards (Basically buy NVidia for now):

Compatible NVIDIA CUDA versions (also see OpenMM version compatibility above):

Compatible hardware (for details consult the NVIDIA CUDA GPUs list):

GeForce 9800 GX2/GTX/GTX+/GT
GeForce 9800M GT
GeForce GTS 150, 250
GeForce GTX 280M, 285M
Quadro FX 4700
Quadro Plex 2100 D4
GeForce GTX 260, 270, 280, 285, 295
Tesla C1060, S1070, M1060
Quadro FX 4800, 5800
Quadro CX
Quadro Plex 2200 D2, 2200 S4
GF1xx (Fermi)
GeForce GTX 460, 465, 470, 480, 570, 580
Tesla C2050, C2070, M2050, M2070


 I got an EVGA Geforce GTX 580, which is about $450 for trying out GPU
based MD, and has 512 GPU cores and a high clock rate, 1.5 gigs of
memory.  Having more cores and more memory are both important things
for the GPU side of molecular dynamics (cores = more parallel, memory
= more atoms and less memory transferring).  I think you have some
limitations with the GPU sims, like atoms  100,000.  It is amazing
that with implicit solvent you can really see a huge benefit and
perhaps that might open some new doors.

-Matt Larson

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Szilárd Páll wrote:
 Dear Stephan,

 Radeons work as well.  You can put a 3-4 GPU board together with the highest 
 end AMD or Intel chip for 3K, plus 16G RAM if you look around for a day or 
 two, but the cooling is the main problem (with 1/4 the price radeons Vs. GTI 
 cards), so one has to take cooling into account (h20 cost another 800$, or 
 investing in 4-6 good fans/cooling an additional 2-300$).  If you have a 
 slightly higher budget you can get multi CPU boards with 4 GPU slots, ie 4 
 or 8 CPU's (direct via mail from Taiwan), but the CPU's and GPU's is where 
 the money is spent.

 No, Radeons don't work and won't work in the near future - Gromacs
 doesn't support OpenCL. Cooling needs attention, but in reality it's
 nowhere near $2-300 extra - unless you want the fans with funky leds.

 Btw, what software is the above hardware description targeting? To me
 it sounds more like a gaming rig and not something specifically aiming
 at maximum performance with Gromacs 4.5 (nor 4.6 which is yet to be

 As far as I have seen GPU Gromacs runs at around 1 Teraflop per Radeon 5900 
 series (double percission, single is supposed to run around 4 tera flops per 
 GPU, so depends on your needs, desires as far as simulations), and the 
 latest Intel 970's are around 400-500 Gflops/chip.

 Again, I might be missing something, but how exactly does Gromacs run
 on Radeons? I assume when referring to the i7 970 (?) above you meant
 40-50 GFlops/chip - the i7 970 should have 70 GFlops peak. Also note
 that Flops are not every useful, what matters is time to solution for
 the specific problem one wants to solve.


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[gmx-users] protein-water distance restraints

2011-10-12 Thread Markus Weingarth
Dear Gromacs-users,I would like to force an arbitrary water molcule from the box into an occluded cavity of a membrane-channel. It do not want this water molcule within the cavity at the beginning of the simulation.I though that I could implement intermolecular distance restraints between a water residue an the protein, but I did not manage that and all the suggestions I found here to implement intermolecular distance restraints seem not to work out for water - protein contacts. Does anybody has a suggestion how to implement such restraints ? Would the pull-code an option for my problem ?Thank you very muchMarkusSMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell undkostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen!

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Re: [gmx-users] protein-water distance restraints

2011-10-12 Thread Francesco Oteri

Dear Markus,
If you know the residues composing the cavity (and I think you know it), 
you can simply change the coordinates

of the water molecule in the .gro file to move the water in the cavity.


Il 12/10/2011 18:17, Markus Weingarth ha scritto:

Dear Gromacs-users,

I would like to force an arbitrary water molcule from the box into an 
occluded cavity of a membrane-channel. It do not want this water 
molcule within the cavity at the beginning of the simulation.

I though that I could implement intermolecular distance restraints 
between a water residue an the protein, but I did not manage that and 
all the suggestions I found here to implement intermolecular distance 
restraints seem not to work out for water - protein contacts. Does 
anybody has a suggestion how to implement such restraints ? Would the 
pull-code an option for my problem ?

Thank you very much

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kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! **

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Re: [gmx-users] protein-water distance restraints

2011-10-12 Thread Markus Weingarth
Hi Francesco,Thanks for your answer, but that's not an option for me. I really would like to force the penetreation of a water-molecule into this cavity over the couse of the trajectory.CheersMarkusVon: Francesco Oteri francesco.ot...@gmail.comGesendet: Oct 12, 2011 6:41:05 PMAn: gmx-users@gromacs.orgBetreff: Re: [gmx-users] protein-water distance restraintsDear Markus,If you know the residues composing the cavity (and I think you know it), you can simply change the coordinatesof the water molecule in the .gro file to move the water in the cavity.FrancescoIl 12/10/2011 18:17, Markus Weingarth ha scritto:Dear Gromacs-users,I would like to force an arbitrary water molcule from the box into an occluded cavity of a membrane-channel. It do not want this water molcule within the cavity at the beginning of the simulation.I though that I could implement intermolecular distance restraints between a water residue an the protein, but I did not manage that and all the suggestions I found here to implement intermolecular distance restraints seem not to work out for water - protein contacts. Does anybody has a suggestion how to implement such restraints ? Would the pull-code an option for my problem ?Thank you very muchMarkusSMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell undkostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell undkostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen!

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Re: [gmx-users] protein-water distance restraints

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Markus Weingarth wrote:

Hi Francesco,

Thanks for your answer, but that's not an option for me. I really would 
like to force the penetreation of a water-molecule into this cavity over 
the couse of the trajectory.

Use the pull code.



*Von:* Francesco Oteri
*Gesendet:* Oct 12, 2011 6:41:05 PM
*Betreff:* Re: [gmx-users] protein-water distance restraints

Dear Markus,
If you know the residues composing the cavity (and I think you know
it), you can simply change the coordinates
of the water molecule in the .gro file to move the water in the cavity.


Il 12/10/2011 18:17, Markus Weingarth ha scritto:

Dear Gromacs-users,

I would like to force an arbitrary water molcule from the box
into an occluded cavity of a membrane-channel. It do not want
this water molcule within the cavity at the beginning of the

I though that I could implement intermolecular distance
restraints between a water residue an the protein, but I did not
manage that and all the suggestions I found here to implement
intermolecular distance restraints seem not to work out for
water - protein contacts. Does anybody has a suggestion how to
implement such restraints ? Would the pull-code an option for my
problem ?

Thank you very much


SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell und   
kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen!




SMS schreiben mit WEB.DE FreeMail - einfach, schnell und   
kostenguenstig. Jetzt gleich testen! **


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Potential Energy Landscape

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Natalie Stephenson wrote:
I was recently told in passing that it would be possible to construct a 
'potential energy landscape' from the simulations I have performed.  
This way I could remove any loading rate differences between simulations 
and experimental force experiments I've been performing ... however I 
cannot find anywhere in which this is mentioned.

The only thing close I could find that was close was the free energy 
landscape using g_anaeig under the Dihedral PCA 
however, I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for. 

Does anyone know where I would be able to find out / read more about how 
to create potential energy landscapes from my simulation outputs?

g_sham produces free energy landscapes for any variables plotted against one 



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread ram bio
Dear Gromacs Users,

I am using opls FF for my protein-ligand simulations in lipid bilayer. I
have  generated the topologies for the ligand using MKtop. The output from
the MKTOP gives the top file, but not the coordinate/structure file. Please
let me know if any tutorial is available for merging the output of mktop
into gromacs MD simulation.


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Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

ram bio wrote:

Dear Gromacs Users,

I am using opls FF for my protein-ligand simulations in lipid bilayer. I 
have  generated the topologies for the ligand using MKtop. The output 
from the MKTOP gives the top file, but not the coordinate/structure 
file. Please let me know if any tutorial is available for merging the 
output of mktop into gromacs MD simulation.

You can #include any molecule topology in a system .top, provided you have the 
right format:

There is no tutorial for using mktop with a protein-ligand/membrane system, but 
there are tutorials for protein-ligand complexes:

and membrane protein systems:



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Fwd: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread ram bio
Dear Justin,

Thanks for the information.

Initially, i just wanted to run a simulation of protein-ligand in water
solvent . I renamed the generated from mktop to ligand.itp; and
included the ligand.itp line in the file generated from the
pdb2gmx. During the pdb2gmx command, i used opls FF.  The coordinates of
ligand used as input for mktop were added to the output of pdb2gmx
(process.pdb - only protein coordinates), so that the structure file along
with ligand coordinates (processlig.pdb) can be used for further steps.  I
doubt whether the procedure followed by me is correct, as when i execute
grompp command to add ions i am getting errors :

grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

ERROR 1 [file ligand.itp, line 291]:
  No default Ryckaert-Bell. types


Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.4
Source code file: toppush.c, line: 1526

Fatal error:
[ file ligand.itp, line 397 ]:
Atom index (0) in dihedrals out of bounds (1-53).
This probably means that you have inserted topology section dihedrals
in a part belonging to a different molecule than you intended to.
In that case move the dihedrals section to the right molecule.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at

The commands executed to reach the grompp step are as follows:

pdb2gmx -f jhcdyinteractionposea.pdb -ignh -o process.pdb
editconf -f processlig.pdb -o procent.pdb -princ
editconf -f procent.pdb -o procent.gro -c -d 1.0 -bt cubic
genbox -cp procent.gro -cs spc216.gro -o procentsolv.gro -p
grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

I have attached the, ligand.itp  files for your information,
Please let me know your suggestions to fix this error.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

 ram bio wrote:

 Dear Gromacs Users,

 I am using opls FF for my protein-ligand simulations in lipid bilayer. I
 have  generated the topologies for the ligand using MKtop. The output from
 the MKTOP gives the top file, but not the coordinate/structure file. Please
 let me know if any tutorial is available for merging the output of mktop
 into gromacs MD simulation.

 You can #include any molecule topology in a system .top, provided you have
 the right format:**Documentation/File_Formats/.**itp_File

 There is no tutorial for using mktop with a protein-ligand/membrane system,
 but there are tutorials for protein-ligand complexes:


 and membrane protein systems:




 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 90, Issue 48

2011-10-12 Thread meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh
Dear Justin
Thank you very much for your always prompt reply. Actually, I added many of
drug molecules by copying and pasting a single molecule in discovery studio
software. I could even move the drug molecules to any desired locations by
select and dragging them.  Finally I used the output pdb file from discovery
studio as initial structure in Gromacs, but I could not find any option for
the molecule uniform distribution.
1) May I know if I should use the drug resname or molecule name infront of
2) As you mention the method suggested by you would add the drug molecules
randomly. then, May I also Know if they can be uniformly distributed in the
water after solvation?
Thank you very much
Best regards

 meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh wrote:
  Dear GMX users
  Good day to you
  I have some drug molecules (cisplatin) added manually and
  randomly inside a system which is going to be solvated in spc216 water.
   I used genbox command to add the correct number of water molecules
  needed to solvate the box. The drug molecules are located very closed to
  each other. Kindly, would you please let me know how I can distribute
  drug molecules uniformly among the water molecoules to obtain a
  certain concentration of the drug? May I know if there is any specific
  tool or script which can help me to do it?

 I don't know how you did the initial insertion, but genbox -ci -nmol will
 molecules randomly, after which you can solvate with water.  Don't combine
 steps.  Do the insertion, then add the water.



 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080


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Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

ram bio wrote:

Dear Justin,

Thanks for the information.

Initially, i just wanted to run a simulation of protein-ligand in water 
solvent . I renamed the generated from mktop to ligand.itp; 
and included the ligand.itp line in the file generated from 
the pdb2gmx. During the pdb2gmx command, i used opls FF.  The 
coordinates of ligand used as input for mktop were added to the output 
of pdb2gmx (process.pdb - only protein coordinates), so that the 
structure file along with ligand coordinates (processlig.pdb) can be 
used for further steps.  I doubt whether the procedure followed by me is 
correct, as when i execute grompp command to add ions i am getting errors :

grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

ERROR 1 [file ligand.itp, line 291]:
  No default Ryckaert-Bell. types


Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.4
Source code file: toppush.c, line: 1526

Fatal error:
[ file ligand.itp, line 397 ]:
Atom index (0) in dihedrals out of bounds (1-53).
This probably means that you have inserted topology section dihedrals
in a part belonging to a different molecule than you intended to.
In that case move the dihedrals section to the right molecule.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at

The commands executed to reach the grompp step are as follows:

pdb2gmx -f jhcdyinteractionposea.pdb -ignh -o process.pdb
editconf -f processlig.pdb -o procent.pdb -princ
editconf -f procent.pdb -o procent.gro -c -d 1.0 -bt cubic
genbox -cp procent.gro -cs spc216.gro -o procentsolv.gro -p
grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

I have attached the, ligand.itp and procentsolv.gro files for 
your information, Please let me know your suggestions to fix this error.

The ligand.itp file is trash.  Most of your atoms have zero charge (except for a 
few that have +/- 1...yikes!) and on line 397 (as cited in the error message) 
atom 0 is referenced, which of course does not exist, since numbering starts 
with 1.  You also have some exotic atom types present, and thus bonded 
parameters cannot be assigned, as grompp complained earlier.

You need a better quality topology, and perhaps a different force field that 
might be suited for doing these simulations.



On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

ram bio wrote:

Dear Gromacs Users,

I am using opls FF for my protein-ligand simulations in lipid
bilayer. I have  generated the topologies for the ligand using
MKtop. The output from the MKTOP gives the top file, but not the
coordinate/structure file. Please let me know if any tutorial is
available for merging the output of mktop into gromacs MD

You can #include any molecule topology in a system .top, provided
you have the right format:

There is no tutorial for using mktop with a protein-ligand/membrane
system, but there are tutorials for protein-ligand complexes:

and membrane protein systems:



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Uniform Distribution of drug molecules inside water spc216

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh wrote:

Dear Justin
Thank you very much for your always prompt reply. Actually, I added many 
of drug molecules by copying and pasting a single molecule in discovery 
studio software. I could even move the drug molecules to any desired 
locations by select and dragging them.  Finally I used the output pdb 
file from discovery studio as initial structure in Gromacs, but I could 
not find any option for the molecule uniform distribution.
1) May I know if I should use the drug resname or molecule name infront 
of -nmol?

The -nmol option takes an integer argument.  Please see genbox -h.

2) As you mention the method suggested by you would add the drug 
molecules randomly. then, May I also Know if they can 
be uniformly distributed in the water after solvation?

You can only build a random configuration with genbox -ci -nmol.  If you want an 
artificially crystalline system, use genconf -nbox to replicate your existing 
drug molecule as many times as you'd like in whatever dimensions you want. 
Either way, you'll have to do sufficient equilibration to get a homogeneous 
system, if it's even possible.  I'd think the latter approach would be worse 
since you're starting from a very highly ordered system.


Thank you very much
Best regards

meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh wrote:
  Dear GMX users
  Good day to you
  I have some drug molecules (cisplatin) added manually and
  randomly inside a system which is going to be solvated in spc216
   I used genbox command to add the correct number of water molecules
  needed to solvate the box. The drug molecules are located very
closed to
  each other. Kindly, would you please let me know how I can distribute
  drug molecules uniformly among the water molecoules to obtain a
  certain concentration of the drug? May I know if there is any
  tool or script which can help me to do it?

I don't know how you did the initial insertion, but genbox -ci -nmol
will add
molecules randomly, after which you can solvate with water.  Don't
combine these
steps.  Do the insertion, then add the water.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread ram bio
Dear Justin,

As i generated the protein-ligand docked complex using opls FF, for the
consistency, i am trying to use opls ff generated ligand parameters during
md simulations in lipid bi layer. I found that MKTOP can generate topology
files using opls ff for small molecules.

 I have also tried  swiss param to generate the ligand parameters to be used
in protein ligand simulation using gromacs. The force field i am using for
simulations is OPLS. My ligand contains an azido group and a tropane ring
with protonated nitrogen. SwissParam force field has been designed to be
compatible with the Charmm force field, but they are not tested on
opls.Using the ligand topologies from  swissparam, i was able to run the MD
simulations using gromacs with opls without errors (swissparam - gromacs
tutorial), only issues being the charges on the ligand, so i generated
various input files (mol2 files) for swissparam with charges generated
using ambcc1, gastergier and MMFF. But the itp files obtained from
swissparam had same charges for the ligand atoms irrespective of the input
provided i.e. charged or uncharged mol2 files, and

As per Gromacs website:

Note that an .itp
be specific to a given force field, and will only function when
included by a .top
has previously included the .itp
files for that
force field. Appropriate use of the #define and #ifdef mechanisms can permit
the same .itp 
work with multiple force fields, e.g.

so, i think even though the swissparam generated topologies based on MMFF
fit to charmm (based on testing), they could also be used with opls. It was
informed by swiss param team  that the ligand parameters generated by
swissparam could also be used with opls FF in principle as they are based on
So, in order to cross check or validate my results i was trying to use mktop
to generate the ligand topologies for MD simulations.

Please let me know your comments and suggestions on the procedure ,
regarding the compatibility of MMFF generated topologies to be used by OPLS
and other methods to validate my results.



On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

 ram bio wrote:

 Dear Justin,

 Thanks for the information.

 Initially, i just wanted to run a simulation of protein-ligand in water
 solvent . I renamed the generated from mktop to ligand.itp; and
 included the ligand.itp line in the file generated from the
 pdb2gmx. During the pdb2gmx command, i used opls FF.  The coordinates of
 ligand used as input for mktop were added to the output of pdb2gmx
 (process.pdb - only protein coordinates), so that the structure file along
 with ligand coordinates (processlig.pdb) can be used for further steps.  I
 doubt whether the procedure followed by me is correct, as when i execute
 grompp command to add ions i am getting errors :

 grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

 ERROR 1 [file ligand.itp, line 291]:
  No default Ryckaert-Bell. types


 Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.4
 Source code file: toppush.c, line: 1526

 Fatal error:
 [ file ligand.itp, line 397 ]:
 Atom index (0) in dihedrals out of bounds (1-53).
 This probably means that you have inserted topology section dihedrals
 in a part belonging to a different molecule than you intended to.
 In that case move the dihedrals section to the right molecule.
 For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
 website at**Documentation/Errors

 The commands executed to reach the grompp step are as follows:

 pdb2gmx -f jhcdyinteractionposea.pdb -ignh -o process.pdb
 editconf -f processlig.pdb -o procent.pdb -princ
 editconf -f procent.pdb -o procent.gro -c -d 1.0 -bt cubic
 genbox -cp procent.gro -cs spc216.gro -o procentsolv.gro -p
 grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

 I have attached the, ligand.itp and procentsolv.gro files for
 your information, Please let me know your suggestions to fix this error.

 The ligand.itp file is trash.  Most of your atoms have zero charge (except
 for a few that have +/- 1...yikes!) and on line 397 (as cited in the error
 message) atom 0 is referenced, which of course does not exist, since
 numbering starts with 1.  You also have some exotic atom types present, and
 thus bonded parameters cannot be assigned, as grompp complained earlier.

 You need a better quality topology, and perhaps a different force field
 that might be suited for doing these simulations.



Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

ram bio wrote:

Dear Justin,

As i generated the protein-ligand docked complex using opls FF, for the 
consistency, i am trying to use opls ff generated ligand parameters 
during md simulations in lipid bi layer. I found that MKTOP can generate 
topology files using opls ff for small molecules.

I understand that.  The program did a poor job, per the reasons I cited before. 
 I do not know anything about mktop (other than what it does), so I cannot 
analyze its suitability here, but due to missing parameters and bogus charges, 
you should not use that topology for anything.

 I have also tried  swiss param to generate the ligand parameters to be 
used in protein ligand simulation using gromacs. The force field i am 
using for simulations is OPLS. My ligand contains an azido group and a 
tropane ring with protonated nitrogen. SwissParam force field has been 
designed to be compatible with the Charmm force field, but they are not 
tested on opls.Using the ligand topologies from  swissparam, i was able 
to run the MD simulations using gromacs with opls without errors 
(swissparam - gromacs tutorial), only issues being the charges on the 
ligand, so i generated various input files (mol2 files) for swissparam 
with charges generated  using ambcc1, gastergier and MMFF. But the itp 
files obtained from swissparam had same charges for the ligand atoms 
irrespective of the input provided i.e. charged or uncharged mol2 files, and

If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive next step 
is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?  I understand the point about trying to 
keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, but it may not be 
feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for the bizarre 
functional groups you're dealing with).

As per Gromacs website:

Note that an .itp file will be 
specific to a given force field, and will only function when included by 
a .top file that has 
previously included the .itp files for that 
force field. Appropriate use of the |#define| and |#ifdef| mechanisms 
can permit the same .itp file to work 
with multiple force fields, e.g. |share/top/water.itp|.

Note the key caveat here - through the use of #define and #ifdef you can make 
use of different force fields.  That means you can control which parameters are 
applied based on different conditions.  I could write an .itp file for any 
molecule that has force field parameters for any force field, and all I'd have 
to do is enclose all relevant directives within #ifdef blocks and it would work. 
 This note does *not* indicate that you can mix and match force fields.  Doing 
so is generally a very bad idea, if it even works syntactically.

so, i think even though the swissparam generated topologies based on 
MMFF fit to charmm (based on testing), they could also be used with 
opls. It was informed by swiss param team  that the ligand parameters 
generated by swissparam could also be used with opls FF in principle as 
they are based on MMFF
So, in order to cross check or validate my results i was trying to use 
mktop to generate the ligand topologies for MD simulations.

Maybe the SwissParam-generated topology will work.  There are commonalities 
underlying these force fields, to be sure.  Still, the methodology for properly 
deriving OPLS parameters is quite well described in the literature, right down 
to the QM basis sets required to run the geometry optimizations and charge 


Please let me know your comments and suggestions on the procedure , 
regarding the compatibility of MMFF generated topologies to be used by 
OPLS and other methods to validate my results.



On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

ram bio wrote:

Dear Justin,

Thanks for the information.

Initially, i just wanted to run a simulation of protein-ligand
in water solvent . I renamed the generated from
mktop to ligand.itp; and included the ligand.itp line in the file generated from the pdb2gmx. During the pdb2gmx
command, i used opls FF.  The coordinates of ligand used as
input for mktop were added to the output of pdb2gmx (process.pdb
- only protein coordinates), so that the structure file along
with ligand coordinates (processlig.pdb) can be used for further
steps.  I doubt whether the procedure followed by me is correct,
as when i execute grompp command to add ions i am getting errors :

grompp -f ions.mdp -c procentsolv.gro -p -o ions.tpr

ERROR 1 [file ligand.itp, line 291]:
 No default 

[gmx-users] Peturbing a Dihedral for FEP

2011-10-12 Thread Fabian Casteblanco
Hello all,

 It seems I'm still getting errors when doing a FEP on a molecule (a
 -CH3 to a -H).  This below is for when I was charging things from a -H
 uncharged to -H charged, although it also happens when I'm actually
 converting the -CH3 to -H (at Lambdas greater than 85%).  I made sure
 to keep the charges balanced at 0 while mutating and I did it at 3
 steps like Michael Shirts suggested.

 Set 1: turn R-CH3 charges off in a way that preserves the total charge.
 Set 2: change CH3 LJ to H LJ
 Set 3: Turn R-H charges on in a way that preserves the total charge.

 In the portion of the error below atom 9 is -C9-(H67,H68,H66) which in
 this specific case H67 is already a dummy molecule with no mass or
 charge.  From what I can see, it seems that the atoms do not know how
 to treat the dummy molecules in terms of angles.  How should I treat
 the dummy molecules? Should I be treating them like hollow spheres
 with no charge so I would assign them angle constraints?

 I think it can also be that I'm peturbing the dihedral angles
 incorrectly.  I received errors at first saying that dihedral
 multiplicities can't be peturbed so I had to equal the multiplicities
 just to get it to run.  Does anybody have any experience with this?

 Thank you for your help.

 -Fabian Casteblanco

 Portion of Error Output:
 Reading file nvt0.5.tpr, VERSION 4.5.3 (single precision)
 starting mdrun 'SIMVASTATIN'
 15 steps,    300.0 ps.

 Step 7, time 0.014 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.006111, max 0.139443 (between atoms 9 and 67)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

 Step 8, time 0.016 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.007341, max 0.167622 (between atoms 9 and 67)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

 Step 8, time 0.016 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.008771, max 0.201182 (between atoms 9 and 67)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length

 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Fabian Casteblanco wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have an additional question related to what Steven Neumann was
 mentioning.  I actually have to do a molecule mutation.  I'm trying to
 use Michael Shirts method  1) making small
 changes 'alchemical' changes in the molecules and computing the free
 energies by any method (BAR, TI, etc).  I'm specifically want to try
 to use BAR at the end once I collect all the data.  This helped a lot
 on clarification since it seemed that Justin's tutorial is essentially
 a FEP except its using the BAR mathematical method for computing the
 complete decoupling of the molecule rather than using the old FEP
 mathematics of the exponential averaging formula.  So BAR is only
 referring to the mathematical code used to calculate the overall free
 energy for the FEP, correct?

 My question is, for a mutation of a -CH3 group to a -H group, is it
 better to simply run:
 [+ from (Lambda=0 ,  R-CH3, full charges and interactions -STATE A)
 -- (Lambda=1, R-CH, full charges and interactions -STATE B)]


 [1) from (Lambda=0 ,  R-CH3, STATE A : Charges and LJ Interactions: ON)
 2)  (Lambda=?, -CH3 Charges: OFF ,LJ Interactions: ON and unmutated)
 3)  (Lambda=?, R-CH3, -CH3 Charges: OFF ,LJ Interactions: OFF)
 4)  (Lambda=?, R-CH3, -CH3 Charges: OFF ,LJ interactions: ON and Mutated to 
 5)  (Lambda=1, R-CH3, -CH3  STATE B : Charges and LJ Interactions: ON)

 Reason I'm asking is because when I try the first choice to do it
 STATE A to STATE B in one step, when I reach Lambda=0.85 and above on
 the NVT equilibration right after EM, I receive errors saying that
 bonds are moving way to far off their constraints which leads me to
 believe that the system is moving too far from where it was energy
 minimized.  Errors such as:

 Step 188, time 0.376 (ps)
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.17, max 0.000636 (between atoms 9 and 68)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      9     68   31.2    0.   0.1110      0.

 Step 188, time 0.376 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
 relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
 rms 0.15, max 0.000531 (between atoms 9 and 68)
 bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
      9     68   31.0    0.   0.1110      0.

 **Please, if anybody can help, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks.
 Best regards,

 Fabian F. Casteblanco
 Rutgers University --
 Chemical Engineering
 C: +908 917 0723

 Best regards,

 Fabian F. Casteblanco
 Rutgers University --
 Chemical Engineering PhD Student
 C: +908 917 

Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread ram bio
Dear Justin,

Thanks, and I accept your suggestions;

If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive next
step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?I understand the point about
trying to keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, but it
may not be feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for
the bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

Yes, I also tried CHARMM FF to generate the topology file of the protein
using pdb2gmx (without ligand), and as per the swissparam and gromacs
tutorial i could build the protein-ligand-lipid bilayer and minimize it
using mdrun and and i am at the NPT equilibration step, everything is ok
with this procedure and without errors, but my lipid bilayer is made up of
POPC and the POPC itp file has OPLS FF topologies. So, i was wondering
whether the POPC itp file i am using for MD simulations can be used with the
protein and ligand topology file generated by CHARMM.

and as per the swissparam tutorial the command to generate topology file for
protein is:

 pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -ff charmm27 -water tip3p -ignh -o conf.pdb -nochargegrp

in the gromacs 4.5.4 version the option to select Charmm FF from the pdb2gmx
command is available, but i could not understand the usage of -nochargegp
flag as per the tutorial, is this flag still valid while generating

Please let me  know your comments and suggestions regarding the procedure
followed and the itp files usage for gromacs MD simulations.

Thanks in advance,


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

 ram bio wrote:

 Dear Justin,

 As i generated the protein-ligand docked complex using opls FF, for the
 consistency, i am trying to use opls ff generated ligand parameters during
 md simulations in lipid bi layer. I found that MKTOP can generate topology
 files using opls ff for small molecules.

 I understand that.  The program did a poor job, per the reasons I cited
 before.  I do not know anything about mktop (other than what it does), so I
 cannot analyze its suitability here, but due to missing parameters and bogus
 charges, you should not use that topology for anything.

   I have also tried  swiss param to generate the ligand parameters to be
 used in protein ligand simulation using gromacs. The force field i am using
 for simulations is OPLS. My ligand contains an azido group and a tropane
 ring with protonated nitrogen. SwissParam force field has been designed to
 be compatible with the Charmm force field, but they are not tested on
 opls.Using the ligand topologies from  swissparam, i was able to run the MD
 simulations using gromacs with opls without errors (swissparam - gromacs
 tutorial), only issues being the charges on the ligand, so i generated
 various input files (mol2 files) for swissparam with charges generated
  using ambcc1, gastergier and MMFF. But the itp files obtained from
 swissparam had same charges for the ligand atoms irrespective of the input
 provided i.e. charged or uncharged mol2 files, and

 If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive next
 step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?  I understand the point about
 trying to keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, but it
 may not be feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for
 the bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

  As per Gromacs website:

 Note that an .itp file**
 will be specific to a given force field, and will only function when
 included by a .top file**
 that has previously included the .itp files**
 for that force field. Appropriate use of the |#define| and |#ifdef|
 mechanisms can permit the same .itp file**
 to work with multiple force fields, e.g. |share/top/water.itp|.

 Note the key caveat here - through the use of #define and #ifdef you can
 make use of different force fields.  That means you can control which
 parameters are applied based on different conditions.  I could write an .itp
 file for any molecule that has force field parameters for any force field,
 and all I'd have to do is enclose all relevant directives within #ifdef
 blocks and it would work.  This note does *not* indicate that you can mix
 and match force fields.  Doing so is generally a very bad idea, if it even
 works syntactically.

  so, i think even though the swissparam generated topologies based on MMFF
 fit to charmm (based on testing), they could also be used with opls. It was

Re: [gmx-users] mktop/swissparam

2011-10-12 Thread ram bio
 Thanks, and I accept your suggestions;

 If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive next
 step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?I understand the point about
 trying to keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, but it
 may not be feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for
 the bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

 Yes, I also tried CHARMM FF to generate the topology file of the protein
 using pdb2gmx (without ligand), and as per the swissparam and gromacs
 tutorial i could build the protein-ligand-lipid bilayer and minimize it
 using mdrun and and i am at the NPT equilibration step, everything is ok
 with this procedure and without errors, but my lipid bilayer is made up of
 POPC and the POPC itp file has OPLS FF topologies. So, i was wondering
 whether the POPC itp file i am using for MD simulations can be used with the
 protein and ligand topology file generated by CHARMM.

 and as per the swissparam tutorial the command to generate topology file
 for protein is:

  pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -ff charmm27 -water tip3p -ignh -o conf.pdb 

 in the gromacs 4.5.4 version the option to select Charmm FF from the
 pdb2gmx command is available, but i could not understand the usage of
 -nochargegp flag as per the tutorial, is this flag still valid while
 generating toplogies.

 Please let me  know your comments and suggestions regarding the procedure
 followed and the itp files usage for gromacs MD simulations.

 Thanks in advance,


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

 ram bio wrote:

 Dear Justin,

 As i generated the protein-ligand docked complex using opls FF, for the
 consistency, i am trying to use opls ff generated ligand parameters during
 md simulations in lipid bi layer. I found that MKTOP can generate topology
 files using opls ff for small molecules.

 I understand that.  The program did a poor job, per the reasons I cited
 before.  I do not know anything about mktop (other than what it does), so I
 cannot analyze its suitability here, but due to missing parameters and bogus
 charges, you should not use that topology for anything.

   I have also tried  swiss param to generate the ligand parameters to be
 used in protein ligand simulation using gromacs. The force field i am using
 for simulations is OPLS. My ligand contains an azido group and a tropane
 ring with protonated nitrogen. SwissParam force field has been designed to
 be compatible with the Charmm force field, but they are not tested on
 opls.Using the ligand topologies from  swissparam, i was able to run the MD
 simulations using gromacs with opls without errors (swissparam - gromacs
 tutorial), only issues being the charges on the ligand, so i generated
 various input files (mol2 files) for swissparam with charges generated
  using ambcc1, gastergier and MMFF. But the itp files obtained from
 swissparam had same charges for the ligand atoms irrespective of the input
 provided i.e. charged or uncharged mol2 files, and

 If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive next
 step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?  I understand the point about
 trying to keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, but it
 may not be feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for
 the bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

  As per Gromacs website:

 Note that an .itp file**
 will be specific to a given force field, and will only function when
 included by a .top file**
 that has previously included the .itp files**
 for that force field. Appropriate use of the |#define| and |#ifdef|
 mechanisms can permit the same .itp file**
 to work with multiple force fields, e.g. |share/top/water.itp|.

 Note the key caveat here - through the use of #define and #ifdef you can
 make use of different force fields.  That means you can control which
 parameters are applied based on different conditions.  I could write an .itp
 file for any molecule that has force field parameters for any force field,
 and all I'd have to do is enclose all relevant directives within #ifdef
 blocks and it would work.  This note does *not* indicate that you can mix
 and match force fields.  Doing so is generally a very bad idea, if it even
 works syntactically.

  so, i think even though the swissparam generated topologies based on MMFF
 fit to charmm (based on testing), they could also be used 

RE: [gmx-users] Implicit solvent problems

2011-10-12 Thread Dallas Warren
Did you look at atom 2073?

Catch ya,

Dr. Dallas Warren
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Action
Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010
+61 3 9903 9304
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of liaoxyi
Sent: Wednesday, 12 October 2011 3:59 PM
Subject: [gmx-users] Implicit solvent problems

Hi, dear all,
I'm doing the simulation involved in protein and some surface.
I encounter this problem when trying to use implicit solvent model with 

First, minimize. When doing this I got the result as below:
Step=0, Dmax= 1.0e-02 nm, Epot= -1.91727e+06 Fmax= 6.19542e+06, atom= 2073
Step=1, Dmax= 1.0e-02 nm, Epot= -1.99260e+06 Fmax= 1.05712e+06, atom= 2073
Step=2, Dmax= 1.2e-02 nm, Epot= -2.09734e+06 Fmax= 1.79058e+05, atom= 2073
Step=4, Dmax= 7.2e-03 nm, Epot= -2.17474e+06 Fmax= 7.22113e+04, atom= 2073
Step=6, Dmax= 4.3e-03 nm, Epot= -2.17724e+06 Fmax= 4.33926e+04, atom= 2073
Step=8, Dmax= 2.6e-03 nm, Epot= -2.18069e+06 Fmax= 3.24778e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   10, Dmax= 1.6e-03 nm, Epot= -2.18404e+06 Fmax= 2.76114e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   13, Dmax= 4.7e-04 nm, Epot= -2.18500e+06 Fmax= 2.63803e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   17, Dmax= 7.0e-05 nm, Epot= -2.18514e+06 Fmax= 2.62045e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   19, Dmax= 4.2e-05 nm, Epot= -2.18522e+06 Fmax= 2.61000e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   22, Dmax= 1.3e-05 nm, Epot= -2.18524e+06 Fmax= 2.60689e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   23, Dmax= 1.5e-05 nm, Epot= -2.18527e+06 Fmax= 2.60315e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   27, Dmax= 2.3e-06 nm, Epot= -2.18527e+06 Fmax= 2.60258e+04, atom= 2073
Step=   29, Dmax= 1.4e-06 nm, Epot= -2.18488e+06 Fmax= 2.60222e+04, atom= 2073
Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
Converged to machine precision,
but not to the requested precision Fmax  1000

Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.
writing lowest energy coordinates.

Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 30 steps,
but did not reach the requested Fmax  1000.
Potential Energy  = -2.1852700e+06
Maximum force =  2.6025840e+04 on atom 2073
Norm of force =  2.2667976e+03
From above, the force is extremely large. And I don't know why.

the minim.mdp is as below:
; minim.mdp - used as input into grompp to generate em.tpr
; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator   = steep ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent 
emtol = 1000.0  ; Stop minimization when the maximum force 
 1000.0 kJ/mol/nm
emstep  = 0.01  ; Energy step size
nsteps= 5   ; Maximum number of 
(minimization) steps to perform

; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to 
calculate the interactions
nstlist = 1   ; Frequency to update the neighbor 
list and long range forces
ns_type  = grid  ; Method to determine neighbor 
list (simple, grid)
rlist= 1.0; Cut-off for making neighbor list 
(short range forces)
coulombtype  = Cut-off ; for Implicit solvent long-range electrostatics
rcoulomb   = 1.0; Short-range electrostatic cut-off
rvdw  = 1.0; Short-range Van der Waals cut-off
pbc = xyz   ; Periodic Boundary Conditions (yes/no)
; implicit_solvent
implicit_solvent = GBSA
gb_algorithm   = OBC
nstgbradii   = 1
rgbradii = 1.0
gb_epsilon_solvent   = 78.3
gb_obc_alpha = 1  ; OBC(II)
gb_obc_beta  = 0.8 ; OBC(II)
gb_obc_gamma = 4.85 ; OBC(II)
gb_dielectric_offset = 0.09
Is there any item that's not proper or needed to add?

Is the minimization necessary for implicit solvent?
Thank you again for your reading.


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Re: [gmx-users] Pressure very high with chloroform and gromacs-4.5.5

2011-10-12 Thread Mark Abraham

On 13/10/2011 12:35 AM, Nuno Azoia wrote:

I know that from the beginning. That's why I found very strange the
increasing on the system volume. My initial setup have a density of
~400g/L, and for liquid chloroform is ~1400g/L.
Using gromacs-4.5 I get densities of about 200 after 750ps simulation
time, and using 4.0 I get almost 500 after 1ns.

Your chloroform parameters are probably only valid for a condensed 
phase, and your initial density is nowhere near that. Please follow the 
approach here

And I was using such low densities because I build the box using
genconf with the options -nbox and -dist, starting with one molecule
of chloroform. If I used small distance values I get LINCS warnings in
the energy minimization step. Using genbox to solvate one empty box
with chloroform, I get very strange behaviors, with a very large
amount of molecule overlap.

Shrug. Without command lines and descriptions of what is in your input, 
we are helpless. Please follow the above advice.

But as you said before, I now think that this should be also a
paralelization problem, not to mention the numerical instability
caused by this very low density.
And I think this is a paralelization problem associated with this
numerical instability judging from the system behavior.
In 4.5, using the option -nt in mdrun, I get some small droplets of
liquid chloroform, and in 4.0, using mpi, I get one large droplet of
chloroform. It looks like if 4.5 is treating the system like
independent small systems, while 4.0 is able to divide the system into
small, but interdependent systems.

No, the implementation of parallelization might have an effect here if 
you were starting from a reasonable approximation of a condensed phase. 
These two observations are just two of the possible things that could 
happen to a liquid at extremely low density.


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Mark  wrote:

On 12/10/2011 8:04 PM, Nuno Azoia wrote:

Thank you Mark for your answer!

I agree with you when you say that the high pressure is not itself a
problem. To avoid that problem I change my system from 1000 molecules
to 27000 molecules, and the pressure change from several thousands to
several hundreds bar.
What I found very strange was the increasing volume (and pressure). My
system is very unstable, I know, because the density is very low, and
not the opposite, so I was expecting to see the box getting smaller.
Looking to the trajectory I can see a box almost empty (with empty I
mean empty space, with chloroform molecules aggregating in small
droplets), and that's why I found the system behavior very strange.

Sounds like your initial density might be far too low. grompp reports it, so
do check.


I will follow your suggestion concerning nsttcouple and nstpcouple and
the other initial conditions.

Nuno Azoia

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Mark

On 12/10/2011 2:22 AM, Nuno Azoia wrote:


I found something very strange while making a CHCl3 box using
A look the mailing list, the manual and some release notes for
gromacs-4.5 and I couldn't found the answer for my problem. It's
possible that I'm doing something wrong, but I can not find what, so
I'm describe my problem.

I start a chloroform box from scratch, using genconf, and I get o
chloroform box with 1000 molecules. I get energy minimization without
Then I've run some equilibration steps in a NVT ensemble and in the
end I get pressure in the order of hundreds of bar.

The high pressure is not itself a problem - small numbers of molecules
short simulation times lead to doubtful statistics for pressure.

  Then I change to
NPT conditions and both the pressure and the volume keep increasing
with time.

Be sure to visualize your trajectory to confirm its behaviour matches
you expect from the trends in P and V.

To discard the possibility of a size problem, I repeat everything with
a box of 27000 molecules, with a volume of ~13800 nm^3. The problem
was the same. Very high pressures (150-200 bar) and very low densities
(  200 g/L) after 750 ps simulation time. And both volume and
increasing with time.

I'm doing now the same procedure, but using gromacs-4.0.7 and I'm
getting very different (and better) results. After energy minimization
I run 5 steps in a nvt ensemble and I got pressure around -30 bar
(Ok for me). After that I start to run the simulations in npt ensemble
and the pressure start to increase slowly, with negative values
because the system have very low densities (~400 g/L), and the volume
is decreasing. So I'm getting the normal reaction from the system.

Where is the problem? There are some different parameters to set in
the mdp file and I didn't realize that, or is this a problem in

It seems you are generating some numerical instability with your choice

Re: [gmx-users] Uniform Distribution of drug molecules inside water spc216

2011-10-12 Thread Mark Abraham

On 13/10/2011 2:13 AM, meisam valizadeh kiamahalleh wrote:

Dear GMX users
Good day to you
I have some drug molecules (cisplatin) added manually and 
randomly inside a system which is going to be solvated in spc216 
water.  I used genbox command to add the correct number of water 
molecules needed to solvate the box. The drug molecules are located 
very closed to each other. Kindly, would you please let me know how I 
can distribute drug molecules uniformly among the water molecoules to 
obtain a certain concentration of the drug? May I know if there is any 
specific tool or script which can help me to do it?

Decide how many drug molecules you want in a box of a given size, and 
place one in a much smaller box. Then use genconf to replicate that 
small box up to the proper size. Use the genconf option to randomize the 
orientation, solvate with genbox, then equilibrate for a long time.

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Re: [gmx-users] CMAP for alanine dipeptide in Charmm27 ff

2011-10-12 Thread César Ávila

2011/10/10 Mark Abraham

  On 11/10/2011 4:51 AM, César Ávila wrote:

 As I commented above, I had to manually add an entrance for the cmap terms
 in the topology file as pdb2gmx would not generate them for the alanine
 dipeptide. There seems to be no problem for larger peptides.

 That sounds like a bug. Please describe your symptoms in a new issue here -


  2011/10/10 Jianguo Li

  which gromacs version are you using? cMAP is implemented in v4.5  or

 *From:* César Ávila
 *To:* Discussion list for GROMACS users
 *Sent:* Sunday, 9 October 2011 12:07 AM
 *Subject:* [gmx-users] CMAP for alanine dipeptide in Charmm27 ff

 I would like to run REMD simulations on the alanine dipeptide using the
 Charmm27ff + CMAP. Still, after processing the pdb with pdb2gmx, I do not
 see any entrance referring to the cmap term in the topology file. Does this
 mean that Cmap won't be calculated?

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Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

ram bio wrote:

Dear Justin,

Thanks, and I accept your suggestions;

If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive 
next step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?I understand the point 
about trying to keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, 
but it may not be feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters 
in OPLS for the bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

Yes, I also tried CHARMM FF to generate the topology file of the protein 
using pdb2gmx (without ligand), and as per the swissparam and gromacs 
tutorial i could build the protein-ligand-lipid bilayer and minimize it 
using mdrun and and i am at the NPT equilibration step, everything is ok 
with this procedure and without errors, but my lipid bilayer is made up 
of POPC and the POPC itp file has OPLS FF topologies. So, i was 
wondering whether the POPC itp file i am using for MD simulations can be 
used with the protein and ligand topology file generated by CHARMM.

You shouldn't mix and match force fields.  Suitable CHARMM lipid parameters are 
widely available.

and as per the swissparam tutorial the command to generate topology file 
for protein is:

 pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -ff charmm27 -water tip3p -ignh -o conf.pdb -nochargegrp

in the gromacs 4.5.4 version the option to select Charmm FF from the 
pdb2gmx command is available, but i could not understand the usage of 
-nochargegp flag as per the tutorial, is this flag still valid while 
generating toplogies.

CHARMM does not use charge groups.  Therefore, each atom should be its own 
group in the topology.  Using -nochargegrp overrides the default behavior of 
the .rtp files (which has multi-atom charge groups, although I think this was 
changed somewhere along the way, but I don't remember if it was before or after 



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Gromacs: Cloud Vs. Boinc Server?

2011-10-12 Thread Szilárd Páll
 GeForce 9800 GX2/GTX/GTX+/GT
 GeForce 9800M GT
 GeForce GTS 150, 250
 GeForce GTX 280M, 285M
 Quadro FX 4700
 Quadro Plex 2100 D4
 GeForce GTX 260, 270, 280, 285, 295
 Tesla C1060, S1070, M1060
 Quadro FX 4800, 5800
 Quadro CX
 Quadro Plex 2200 D2, 2200 S4
 GF1xx (Fermi)
 GeForce GTX 460, 465, 470, 480, 570, 580
 Tesla C2050, C2070, M2050, M2070

Ummm, that compatibility table is a little outdated. I've just added a
few more cards (GTX 5xx, some 4xx, and Tesla 2090s, 2075s).

  I got an EVGA Geforce GTX 580, which is about $450 for trying out GPU
 based MD, and has 512 GPU cores and a high clock rate, 1.5 gigs of
 memory.  Having more cores and more memory are both important things
 for the GPU side of molecular dynamics (cores = more parallel, memory
 = more atoms and less memory transferring).  I think you have some
 limitations with the GPU sims, like atoms  100,000.  It is amazing
 that with implicit solvent you can really see a huge benefit and
 perhaps that might open some new doors.

Right, the GTX 580 is as fast as it gets. However, from a
price/performance point of view the 570 way better and depending on
the use case even a 560 can be a decent and cheap option.


 On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Szilárd Páll wrote:
 Dear Stephan,

 Radeons work as well.  You can put a 3-4 GPU board together with the 
 highest end AMD or Intel chip for 3K, plus 16G RAM if you look around for a 
 day or two, but the cooling is the main problem (with 1/4 the price radeons 
 Vs. GTI cards), so one has to take cooling into account (h20 cost another 
 800$, or investing in 4-6 good fans/cooling an additional 2-300$).  If you 
 have a slightly higher budget you can get multi CPU boards with 4 GPU 
 slots, ie 4 or 8 CPU's (direct via mail from Taiwan), but the CPU's and 
 GPU's is where the money is spent.

 No, Radeons don't work and won't work in the near future - Gromacs
 doesn't support OpenCL. Cooling needs attention, but in reality it's
 nowhere near $2-300 extra - unless you want the fans with funky leds.

 Btw, what software is the above hardware description targeting? To me
 it sounds more like a gaming rig and not something specifically aiming
 at maximum performance with Gromacs 4.5 (nor 4.6 which is yet to be

 As far as I have seen GPU Gromacs runs at around 1 Teraflop per Radeon 5900 
 series (double percission, single is supposed to run around 4 tera flops 
 per GPU, so depends on your needs, desires as far as simulations), and the 
 latest Intel 970's are around 400-500 Gflops/chip.

 Again, I might be missing something, but how exactly does Gromacs run
 on Radeons? I assume when referring to the i7 970 (?) above you meant
 40-50 GFlops/chip - the i7 970 should have 70 GFlops peak. Also note
 that Flops are not every useful, what matters is time to solution for
 the specific problem one wants to solve.


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Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread ram bio
Dear Justin,


The POPC bilayer i am using is with berger lipids, corrected for dihedrals
so as to be compatible with the OPLS FF for aminoacids.

While searching for the literature on compatibility of lipid FF and protein
FF, I found few references where similar modification was done for DOPC
lipid bilayer  and were suitable with various FF for proteins and also with

1. Membrane protein simulations with a united-atom lipid and all-atom
protein model: lipid–protein interactions, side chain transfer free energies
and model proteins.J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) S1221–S1234

2. Combination of the CHARMM27 Force Field with United-Atom Lipid Force
Fields.J Comput Chem 32: 1400–1410, 2011.

I don't have the lipid bilayer with their  itp files with CHARMM FF
parameterization. Please could you inform me where to obtain them, so that i
can use the lipid bilayer structure for embedding the protein and use the
related CHARMM FF parameterised itp in the topology file in gromacs for MD

Thanks in advance,


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

 ram bio wrote:

 Dear Justin,

 Thanks, and I accept your suggestions;

 If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most intuitive next
 step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?I understand the point about
 trying to keep the force fields consistent between docking and MD, but it
 may not be feasible (i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for
 the bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

 Yes, I also tried CHARMM FF to generate the topology file of the protein
 using pdb2gmx (without ligand), and as per the swissparam and gromacs
 tutorial i could build the protein-ligand-lipid bilayer and minimize it
 using mdrun and and i am at the NPT equilibration step, everything is ok
 with this procedure and without errors, but my lipid bilayer is made up of
 POPC and the POPC itp file has OPLS FF topologies. So, i was wondering
 whether the POPC itp file i am using for MD simulations can be used with the
 protein and ligand topology file generated by CHARMM.

 You shouldn't mix and match force fields.  Suitable CHARMM lipid parameters
 are widely available.

  and as per the swissparam tutorial the command to generate topology file
 for protein is:

  pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -ff charmm27 -water tip3p -ignh -o conf.pdb

 in the gromacs 4.5.4 version the option to select Charmm FF from the
 pdb2gmx command is available, but i could not understand the usage of
 -nochargegp flag as per the tutorial, is this flag still valid while
 generating toplogies.

 CHARMM does not use charge groups.  Therefore, each atom should be its own
 group in the topology.  Using -nochargegrp overrides the default behavior
 of the .rtp files (which has multi-atom charge groups, although I think this
 was changed somewhere along the way, but I don't remember if it was before
 or after 4.5.4).



 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] mktop

2011-10-12 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

ram bio wrote:

Dear Justin,


The POPC bilayer i am using is with berger lipids, corrected for 
dihedrals so as to be compatible with the OPLS FF for aminoacids.

I think significantly more parameters than just dihedrals need to be altered to 
make the Berger united-atom force field compatible with OPLS.

While searching for the literature on compatibility of lipid FF and 
protein FF, I found few references where similar modification was done 
for DOPC lipid bilayer  and were suitable with various FF for proteins 
and also with CHARMM FF:

1. Membrane protein simulations with a united-atom lipid and all-atom 
protein model: lipid–protein interactions, side chain transfer free 
energies and model proteins.J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) S1221–S1234

2. Combination of the CHARMM27 Force Field with United-Atom Lipid Force 
Fields.J Comput Chem 32: 1400–1410, 2011.

I don't have the lipid bilayer with their  itp files with CHARMM FF 
parameterization. Please could you inform me where to obtain them, so 
that i can use the lipid bilayer structure for embedding the protein and 
use the related CHARMM FF parameterised itp in the topology file in 
gromacs for MD simulation.

The lipids are built into the CHARMM27 implementation in Gromacs.  You can 
generate their topology with pdb2gmx.  Run pdb2gmx on a single lipid, convert it 
to an .itp file, and #include it in the topology.  The CHARMM36 force field is 
also available in the User Contributions section of the Gromacs website.


Thanks in advance,


On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

ram bio wrote:

Dear Justin,

Thanks, and I accept your suggestions;

If SwissParam was designed to be used with CHARMM, the most
intuitive next step is to use CHARMM for the MD, is it not?I
understand the point about trying to keep the force fields
consistent between docking and MD, but it may not be feasible
(i.e., there may not be suitable parameters in OPLS for the
bizarre functional groups you're dealing with).

Yes, I also tried CHARMM FF to generate the topology file of the
protein using pdb2gmx (without ligand), and as per the
swissparam and gromacs tutorial i could build the
protein-ligand-lipid bilayer and minimize it using mdrun and and
i am at the NPT equilibration step, everything is ok with this
procedure and without errors, but my lipid bilayer is made up of
POPC and the POPC itp file has OPLS FF topologies. So, i was
wondering whether the POPC itp file i am using for MD
simulations can be used with the protein and ligand topology
file generated by CHARMM.

You shouldn't mix and match force fields.  Suitable CHARMM lipid
parameters are widely available.

and as per the swissparam tutorial the command to generate
topology file for protein is:

 pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -ff charmm27 -water tip3p -ignh -o
conf.pdb -nochargegrp

in the gromacs 4.5.4 version the option to select Charmm FF from
the pdb2gmx command is available, but i could not understand the
usage of -nochargegp flag as per the tutorial, is this flag
still valid while generating toplogies.

CHARMM does not use charge groups.  Therefore, each atom should be
its own group in the topology.  Using -nochargegrp overrides the
default behavior of the .rtp files (which has multi-atom charge
groups, although I think this was changed somewhere along the way,
but I don't remember if it was before or after 4.5.4).



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar

Re: [gmx-users] using gromacs with an specific GCC

2011-10-12 Thread Szilárd Páll
Hi Nathalia,

Right, gcc 4.1 is quite controversial as these is bug in it which is
though to be causing mdrun crashes. So you better stay away from 4.1
as well as from other old gcc versions. I'd recommend 4.5 or 4.6 as
these have gotten really good, even compared to icc - at least when it
comes to Gromacs performance. I'd especially recommend 4.6 if you're
using Nehalem CPUs (with the -mtune/-march=corei7 flag).

Compiling gcc is rather straightforward and there are plenty of guide online.

When it comes to running binaries, depending on where you install the
new gcc you might have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain the
custom gcc installation's lib directory before the standard lib path.
This is of course unless you link statically against standard


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Nathalia Garces wrote:
 Good morning,

 I'm trying to use Scientific Linux 5.5 to run Gromacs 4.5.4. The problem is
 that the default version of gcc in this distribution is 4.1, which is broken
 for Gromacs!!
 I can install a newer version of gcc in compatible mode with gcc 4.1, but
 the last one will still be the default.
 Now, my problem is that I don't know how to specify to Gromacs to use the
 newer version. I've seen that you can specify which gcc to use while you
 configure the program, but I found no information of how to specify which
 compiler to use while running a MD simulation??.. I mean when using mdrun
 command or even while using every command in Gromacs.

 Thank you for four answer

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