Re: [gmx-users] A question about deuteriu order parameters graph

2011-11-09 Thread Javier Cerezo

Hi Alex

You're running just 1ns, which is actually too short for production in 
this kind of systems. Enlarge the simulation time (e.g. up to 50ns) and 
see if you get a more reasonable Scd plots.


El 08/11/11 21:40, Alex Jemulin escribió:

Dear Javier

Here is mdp file for MD run

title= cxcr7-DPPC Production MD
Run parameters

integrator= md; leap-frog integrator

nsteps= 50; 2 * 50 = 1000 ps (1 ns)

dt= 0.002; 2 fs
Output control

nstxout= 1000; save coordinates every 2 ps

nstvout= 1000; save velocities every 2 ps

nstxtcout= 1000; xtc compressed trajectory output every 2 ps

nstenergy= 1000; save energies every 2 p

nstlog= 1000; update log file every 2 ps

; Bond parameters

continuation= yes; Restarting after NPT

constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic
constraints= all-bonds; all bonds (even heavy atom-H 
bonds) constrained

lincs_iter= 1; accuracy of LINCS

lincs_order= 4; also related to accuracy

; Neighborsearching

ns_type= grid; search neighboring grid cels

nstlist= 5; 10 fs

rlist= 1.2; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)

rcoulomb= 1.2; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)

rvdw= 1.2; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)

coulombtype= PME; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range 

pme_order= 4; cubic interpolation

fourierspacing= 0.16; grid spacing for FFT

; Temperature coupling is on

tcoupl= Nose-Hoover; More accurate thermostat

tc-grps= Protein DPPCSOL_NA; three coupling groups - 
more accurate

tau_t=; time constant, in ps

ref_t= 323 323323; reference temperature, 
one for each group, in K

Pressure coupling is on

pcoupl= Parrinello-Rahman; Pressure coupling on in NPT

pcoupltype= semiisotropic; uniform scaling of x-y box 
vectors, independent

tau_p= 2.0; time constant, in ps

ref_p= 1.01.0; reference pressure, x-y, z 
(in bar)

compressibility = 4.5e-54.5e-5; isothermal compressibility, bar^-1
Periodic boundary conditions

pbc= xyz; 3-D PBC
Dispersion correction

DispCorr= EnerPres; account for cut-off vdW scheme
Velocity generation

gen_vel= no; Velocity generation is off

; COM motion removal

; These options remove motion of the protein/bilayer relative to the 

nstcomm = 1

comm-mode   = Linear

comm-grps   = Protein_DPPC SOL_NA

Here are some graphs I made after MD run:
g_energy -f md_0_1.edr -o temperature_MD.xvg

g_energy -f md_0_1.edr -o pressione_MD.xvg

g_energy -f md_0_1.edr -o totenergia_MD.xvg

Here are commands for calculating deuterium order parameters

make_ndx -f md_0_1.tpr -o sn1.ndx
 a C34
 a C36
 a C37
 a C38
 a C50
 del 0-21

g_order -s md_0_1.tpr -f md_0_1.xtc -n sn1.ndx -d z -od deuter_sn1.xvg

make_ndx -f md_0_1.tpr -o sn2.ndx
carbons  C17-C31
del 0-21
g_order -s md_0_1.tpr -f md_0_1.xtc -n sn2.ndx -d z -od deuter_sn2.xvg

Thank your very much for your support


*Da:* Javier Cerezo
*Inviato:* Martedì 8 Novembre 2011 9:45
*Oggetto:* Re: [gmx-users] A question about deuteriu order parameters 

Hi Alex

Deuterium order parameter is a property related to the relative 
orientation of molecular axis taking the bilayer normal as reference. 
How to use them to extract useful structural information is a matter 
of how you interpret the values regarding their definition (see e.g. 
Egberts and Berendsen [J. Chem. Phys.(1988), vol 89, 3718] or Heller 
et al [J. Phys. Chem. (1993), vol 97, 8343]). In general, by comparing 
order parameters of different systems you can have some hints about 
the phase or ordering of your different systems and how it may change 
(for example at different temperature or after insertion of a membrane 

Morover, the usefulness of this paramenter mainly comes from the fact 
that they are readily available from simulations and thus can be used 
to validate your methodology. Concretely, experimental information 
about the deuterium order parameter (Scd, the one you reported) is 
spread over the scientific literature about membranes (see e.g. the 
series of papers from the J.F Nagle's group) and it is the deuterium 
order parameter commonly reported in MD simulations. For the case of 
DPPC you can take for 

[gmx-users] diffusion through nanotube

2011-11-09 Thread Vijayaraj

I am studying the diffusion of a small molecule through a cyclic peptide
based nanotube using pull code, here is my code for pulling,

pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = position
pull_vec1   = 0 0 1
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = Protein
pull_group1 = FLU
pull_rate1  = 0.005
pull_k1 = 1000

my reference group is a nanotube and pulling group is a small molecule. In
this study, should I have to apply position restraint for the protein

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[gmx-users] g_mindist -on

2011-11-09 Thread Steven Neumann
Dear gmx Users,

I am wondering what is the value of Number of Contacts (0.6 nm) between
two groups. When I specify one group - Ligand and second - protein residue
- does it count every dostance within 0.6 nm between every atom from one
group and every atom from the second specified group?


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[gmx-users] about the velocity output from leap-frog integrators

2011-11-09 Thread Ravi Bhadauria
Hello users,

I have few conflicting answers from the user mailing list about the
following question.

Using leap-frog integrator, what is the velocity that is WRITTEN in
the trajectory file for a frame corresponding to r(t)? Is it v(t-dt/2)
or v(t). Has the protocol for writing velocity in trajectory file been
consistent from version 3.x to 4.5.x?

Here are few posts hinting its v(t):

Here are couple of posts hinting its v(t-dt/2):

Please let me know. The problem is with certain class of simulations
of bounded flows, these two definitions provide contrasting results
for suitably averaged velocity.

Ravi Bhadauria
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回复: [gmx-users] Re: 6. ORCA and dummy atom in the gromacs (xi zhao)

2011-11-09 Thread xi zhao
Dear sir:
! rks b3lyp svp tightscf opt grid4 nofinalgrid
! normalprint
! rijcosx sv/j
*xyz -1 2
S 2.983 3.527 3.279
C 3.007 3.497 3.463
C 3.156 3.478 3.230
C 3.174 3.484 3.088
O 3.236 3.446 3.317
C 3.296 3.455 3.037
C 3.338 3.447 2.901
C 3.473 3.421 2.865
C 3.520 3.429 2.736
C 3.426 3.460 2.629
C 3.291 3.474 2.666
C 3.248 3.466 2.795
H 3.102 3.541 3.489
H 2.938 3.561 3.515
LA 3.005 3.402 3.492
H 3.094 3.510 3.023
H 3.375 3.437 3.113
H 3.543 3.399 2.942
H 3.623 3.409 2.711
O 3.460 3.469 2.507
H 3.223 3.491 2.585
H 3.143 3.475 2.810
in fact,   the stand-alone version of Orca can normal calculates it, of course, 
LA must be replaced by DA ( dummy atom in ORCA), 
but if use LA in gromacs/ORCA,  Unless this is specifically allowed this means 
that the basis set is not 
   available for this element - Aborting the run 

--- 11年11月9日,周三, Gerrit Groenhof 写道:

发件人: Gerrit Groenhof
主题: [gmx-users] Re: 6. ORCA and dummy atom in the gromacs (xi zhao)
日期: 2011年11月9日,周三,下午3:30

Did you run also your QM subsystem with the stand-alone version of Orca?
     6. ORCA and dummy atom in the gromacs (xi zhao)
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[gmx-users] How to list OPLS parameters

2011-11-09 Thread Thomas Schlesier

Hi all,
for a publication i want to list the used OPLS parameters for the 
investigated molecules. In GROMACS all atomtypes are uniquely defined by 
the atomtype `opls_xyz`. And from the atomtypes one can deduct the 
bonded parameters. So it is sufficient to list only the atomtypes and 
probably charges.
My question is now, is this definition common knowledge, or only 
GROMACS-intern? From the header of `ffoplsaa.atp` one sees that the 
first 65 atomtypes are for the OPLS-UA force field, and the names of the 
atomtypes are the same as in the paper which is mentioned.
Concerning the OPLS-AA force field, is there the GROMACS numbering 
scheme also common knowledge?

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[gmx-users] PLUMED release 1.3 available

2011-11-09 Thread Massimiliano Bonomi
The PLUMED Developers Team is proud to announce that the NEW version 
of PLUMED 1.3 is available at

PLUMED is a plugin for free-energy calculations in molecular systems 
that can be interfaced, through a simple patch procedure, with some of 
the most popular classical and ab-initio molecular dynamics codes. 
PLUMED provides easy access to umbrella sampling, metadynamics, 
steered md and many other enhanced sampling and free-energy methods.

In this new release: 

* New Features:
- Reconaissance Metadynamics
- Driven adiabatic free energy dynamics
- Python interface
- Function of CVs
- Tool for unbiasing well-tempered metadynamics calculations
- Projection of gradient of CVs
- Tool to perform bias-exchange simulations via linux shell with every MD engine
- New INTERVAL keyword to limit the sampling along a CV

* New Collective Variables:
- SPRINT topological variables
- Radial and angular distribution function
- Gyration tensor based CVs

* New Supported Codes:
- Cpmd 3.15.1
- Namd 2.8
- Amber 11
- Gromacs 4.5.5
- Quantum-ESPRESSO 4.3.2
- Lammps 27-10-2011
- ACEMD 1.2

PLUMED is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify 
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. 
For more info, please refer to the PLUMED website. 

The PLUMED Developers Team--
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[gmx-users] MD structure analysis

2011-11-09 Thread larif sofiene
After finishing a M.D simulation an ensuring that equilibration of the
protein is done in its solvent cube according to RMS, potential energy
,temperature , pressure , radius of gyration ... etc what structure should
i use for analysis ? is it the average structure of some few last
nanoseconds of the simulation , OR the structure of the last frame in
simulation, and is there any special cases where one of the two cited
structures could insight more than the other ? ( for example : for Hydrogen
bonds is the average structure more suitable for analysis than the last
frame ? ...)
Thanks :)
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Re: [gmx-users] MD structure analysis

2011-11-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

larif sofiene wrote:

After finishing a M.D simulation an ensuring that equilibration of the 
protein is done in its solvent cube according to RMS, potential energy 
,temperature , pressure , radius of gyration ... etc what structure 
should i use for analysis ? is it the average structure of some few last 
nanoseconds of the simulation , OR the structure of the last frame in 
simulation, and is there any special cases where one of the two cited 
structures could insight more than the other ? ( for example : for 
Hydrogen bonds is the average structure more suitable for analysis than 
the last frame ? ...)

A single structure should not be used for analysis, and you will likely find 
that an average structure has very little meaning.

You should measure the observables of interest based on the question posed prior 
to running the simulation, then average these relevant data over the 
equilibrated time period.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Error with pdb input

2011-11-09 Thread Lara Bunte

I got the following error (my command is pdb2gmx -f coord.pdb -water tip3p ) : 

Warning: Number of atoms in coord.pdb is 0

Software inconsistency error:
Trying to deduce atomnumbers when no pdb information is present

My pdb file has the following structure

HEADER my molecules name
ATOM 1    5.33618975678115 -0.07916062770658  1.39429663262701   n
ATOM 2    6.73371782109540 -2.15676333272371  0.62908982963763   c
ATOM 3    9.03483733311025 -2.20332618463802  0.65509246122614   o
ATOM 4    5.38645647191591 -4.30702600755030 -0.22693721129824   n
ATOM 5    2.79934580695015 -4.52186897159807 -0.44786509349390   c
ATOM 6    1.68306568299327 -6.40460311779204 -1.24068079528474   o
ATOM 7    1.48545702127742 -2.26124629061096  0.37342878111953   c

The numbers are cartesian coordinates in Bohrs

Thanks for help
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Re: [gmx-users] barostat for gases

2011-11-09 Thread Dr. Vitaly V. Chaban
Looks generally reasonable. Thanks!  - Vitaly

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Krzysztof Kuczera wrote:
 The ideal gas result is -(1/V)(dV/dp)_T = 1/p  , so I suppose the value
 should be = 1.0  bar-1
 under standard conditions

 On 11/8/11 10:51 AM, Dr. Vitaly V. Chaban wrote:

 Could anybody please suggest a convenient compressibility value for MD
 boxes of gases (at normal conditions)?


 Krzysztof Kuczera
 Departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
 The University of Kansas
 2010 Malott Hall
 Lawrence, KS 66045
 Tel: 785-864-5060 Fax: 785-864-5396 email:
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Re: [gmx-users] Error with pdb input

2011-11-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Lara Bunte wrote:


I got the following error (my command is pdb2gmx -f coord.pdb -water 
tip3p ) :

Warning: Number of atoms in coord.pdb is 0

Software inconsistency error:
Trying to deduce atomnumbers when no pdb information is present

My pdb file has the following structure

HEADER my molecules name
ATOM 15.33618975678115 -0.07916062770658  
1.39429663262701   n
ATOM 26.73371782109540 -2.15676333272371  
0.62908982963763   c
ATOM 39.03483733311025 -2.20332618463802  
0.65509246122614   o
ATOM 45.38645647191591 -4.30702600755030 
-0.22693721129824   n
ATOM 52.79934580695015 -4.52186897159807 
-0.44786509349390   c
ATOM 61.68306568299327 -6.40460311779204 
-1.24068079528474   o
ATOM 71.48545702127742 -2.26124629061096  
0.37342878111953   c

The numbers are cartesian coordinates in Bohrs

The file does not follow standard PDB format, which is required by all Gromacs 
programs to function properly.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] where is Coul-LR?

2011-11-09 Thread Yun Shi
So would it be reasonable to set rcoulomb = 2 or even 3 nm when rerunning a
trajectory? I am looking at a ligand-antibody system, and I guess the
long-range electrostatic interactions will not be small.

A trick proposed by Nicolas in the mailing list during 2007 is to set
charges to 0.00 for everything except the atoms we are interested in. This
would make Coul-LR: = Coul.-recip., which is calculated by PME (more
accurate than just setting rcoulomb to 3nm?) and we can read from .edr
file. So I wonder if this method is theoretically sound?

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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread James Starlight
I've another question about NMA.

1- As I understood the Sparce matrix method is used on default in case when
my reference structure consist of alot of atoms. If this true the output
Hessian.mtx would be in sparce format, wouldn't it ?

2- How I can convert output.mtx to the txt format ? As the consequence I
want to obtain something like this
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Re: [gmx-users] Parametrisation of the heteroatomic pdb

2011-11-09 Thread James Starlight

Could you tell me another alternative ways to replace existing cap groups
in my pdb besides xleap ? ( I've had  many problems with the pdb's
processed by this soft). Also I've tried to make topology for the
non-standart caps by PRODRG but I also have some problems with such

Also I've not found suitable topology for some D-isomers ( it's strange
that parametriation for such typical non-standart residues is absent in all
force fields ). As I understood I cant use topology of L-analogs for the
parametrisation of such D-forms because I dont know suitable parameters for
dihedrals for instance.
Have someone pre-built parameters for the D-aa for Gromos or Charmm force



2011/10/29 Justin A. Lemkul

 James Starlight wrote:

 Justin, hello!

 Could you tell me what exactly program from the Amber tools package
 you've used for the KALP peptide preparation e.g for capping ?


 At this point, please start a new thread for your questions, as these
 topics are completely unrelated to where you started.



 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Parametrisation of the heteroatomic pdb

2011-11-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

James Starlight wrote:


Could you tell me another alternative ways to replace existing cap 
groups in my pdb besides xleap ? ( I've had  many problems with the 
pdb's processed by this soft). Also I've tried to make topology for the 
non-standart caps by PRODRG but I also have some problems with such 

Unless you describe your problems, there's very little anyone can or will try to 
do to help you.  I've never had a problem with an xleap coordinate file, so I 
can't offer you any additional guidance with that.  Otherwise, there are dozens 
of programs that are capable of drawing molecules or editing files.  See, for 


Also I've not found suitable topology for some D-isomers ( it's strange 
that parametriation for such typical non-standart residues is absent in 
all force fields ). As I understood I cant use topology of L-analogs for 
the parametrisation of such D-forms because I dont know suitable 
parameters for dihedrals for instance.
Have someone pre-built parameters for the D-aa for Gromos or Charmm 
force field?



2011/10/29 Justin A. Lemkul

James Starlight wrote:

Justin, hello!

Could you tell me what exactly program from the Amber tools
package you've used for the KALP peptide preparation e.g for
capping ?


At this point, please start a new thread for your questions, as
these topics are completely unrelated to where you started.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Error with pdb input

2011-11-09 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Please keep the discussion on the list.

Lara Bunte wrote:


what is wrong in the format or what do I have to change. Please don't 
give me a link to the pdb site, I do not understand it :-(

The PDB format requires certain columns with the prescribed information be 
present at the specified spacing.  Since you won't allow me to point you to the 
site that has the walkthrough on how to interpret the contents, then the best I 
will offer you is to download any protein structure from the PDB and look at it. 
 You will see dramatic differences between the required format and what you 
have attempted to use.  A small example is available in the online manual, but 
opening the files in a text editor to clearly see the spacing is preferred.



*Von:* Justin A. Lemkul
*An:* Lara Bunte; Discussion list for GROMACS 

*Gesendet:* 19:02 Mittwoch, 9.November 2011
*Betreff:* Re: [gmx-users] Error with pdb input

Lara Bunte wrote:
  I got the following error (my command is pdb2gmx -f coord.pdb -water 
tip3p ) :

  Warning: Number of atoms in coord.pdb is 0
  Software inconsistency error:
  Trying to deduce atomnumbers when no pdb information is present
  My pdb file has the following structure
  HEADER my molecules name
  ATOM 15.33618975678115-0.07916062770658  
1.39429663262701  n
  ATOM 26.73371782109540-2.15676333272371  
0.62908982963763  c
  ATOM 39.03483733311025-2.20332618463802  
0.65509246122614  o
  ATOM 45.38645647191591-4.30702600755030-0.22693721129824  
  ATOM 52.79934580695015-4.52186897159807-0.44786509349390  
  ATOM 61.68306568299327-6.40460311779204-1.24068079528474  
  ATOM 71.48545702127742-2.26124629061096  
0.37342878111953  c

  The numbers are cartesian coordinates in Bohrs

The file does not follow standard PDB format, which is required by all 
Gromacs programs to function properly.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Using CHARMM 36 for DPPC simulation

2011-11-09 Thread Amit Choubey
5Hello all,

I am trying to use CHARMM 36 for DPPC membrane simulation. I did the
following so far:

1. Download pdb file containing 128 DPPC molecules from

2. I separated one lipid molecule from the obtained pdb file and used
pdb2gmx -f 1dppc.gro -nochargegrp

The top file obtained was converted to itp file by commenting few things

3. I looked at a file named dppc_n128.inp in the downloaded dppc bilayer
from CHARMM GUI for the box length. I used editconf to convert the pdb to
gro and manually inserted the box size in the gro file.

4. Created a file which looks like
#include charmm36.ff/forcefield.itp
#include lipid.itp
#include charmm36.ff/tips3p.itp

[ system ]

[ molecules ]
DPPC 128
SOL  3659

5. I used following mdp settings

integrator = md ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps = 2000 ; 40 ns
dt = 0.002 ; 2 fs

; Output control
nstxout = 10 ; save coordinates every 200 ps
nstvout = 10 ; save velocities every 200 ps
nstenergy = 1 ; save energies every 2 ps
nstlog = 1 ; update log file every 2 ps

; Neighborsearching
ns_type = grid ; search neighboring grid cels
nstlist = 10 ; 10 fs
rlist = 1.0 ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in nm)
rlistlong = 1.4
vdwtype = switch
rvdw = 1.2 ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
rvdw_switch = 0.8

; Electrostatics
rcoulomb= 1.0
rcoulomb_switch = 0.0
coulombtype = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range electrostatics
pme_order = 6 ; cubic interpolation
fourierspacing = 0.15 ; grid spacing for FFT

; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl = Nose-Hoover ; More accurate thermostat
tc-grps = DPPC SOL  ; two coupling groups - more accurate
tau_t = 0.2 0.2 ; time constant, in ps
ref_t = 323.15 323.15 ; reference temperature, one for each group, in K

; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman ; Pressure coupling on in NPT
pcoupltype = semiisotropic ; uniform scaling of x-y box vectors,
independent z
tau_p = 5.0 ; time constant, in ps
ref_p = 1.0 1.0 ; reference pressure, x-y, z (in bar)
compressibility = 4.5e-5 4.5e-5 ; isothermal compressibility, bar^-1

; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc = xyz ; 3-D PBC

; Dispersion correction
DispCorr = No ; account for cut-off vdW scheme

; Velocity generation
gen_vel =  yes
gen_temp=  200.0
gen_seed=  173529

; COM motion removal
nstcomm = 1
comm-mode   = Linear
comm-grps   = DPPC SOL

; Energy monitoring
energygrps  =  DPPC SOL

; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm = lincs; holonomic constraints
constraints = hbonds ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H bonds)
lincs_iter  = 1 ; accuracy of LINCS
lincs_order = 4 ; also related to accuracy

The resulting simulation gave me an area per lipid =0.591 nm^2. This is not
quite right. Can somebody suggest what else could i do it get close to the
0.63 nm^2 value.

Also when i looked at trajectory file it seemed that the box length was not
set up quite right because the downloaded pdb file looked ok with the
membrane in the middle but at the next frame the membrane was at a totally
different location. The leaflets were separated and the middle of the
membrane was at the edge of the box.

Also when i used pdb2gmx -nochargegrp on the downloaded file it created a
gro file whose system size was
   8.20170   8.64120   6.54740 in contrast to6.4   6.4
6.38452 .

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Re: [gmx-users] How to list OPLS parameters

2011-11-09 Thread Mark Abraham

On 10/11/2011 12:52 AM, Thomas Schlesier wrote:

Hi all,
for a publication i want to list the used OPLS parameters for the 
investigated molecules. In GROMACS all atomtypes are uniquely defined 
by the atomtype `opls_xyz`. And from the atomtypes one can deduct the 
bonded parameters. So it is sufficient to list only the atomtypes and 
probably charges.
My question is now, is this definition common knowledge, or only 
GROMACS-intern? From the header of `ffoplsaa.atp` one sees that the 
first 65 atomtypes are for the OPLS-UA force field, and the names of 
the atomtypes are the same as in the paper which is mentioned.
Concerning the OPLS-AA force field, is there the GROMACS numbering 
scheme also common knowledge?

If you consult the paper in which OPLS-AA was published (which you no 
doubt read before simulating with OPLS-AA), you will see that the 
numbering scheme is not internal to GROMACS.

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Re: [gmx-users] where is Coul-LR?

2011-11-09 Thread Mark Abraham

On 10/11/2011 6:03 AM, Yun Shi wrote:
So would it be reasonable to set rcoulomb = 2 or even 3 nm when 
rerunning a trajectory? I am looking at a ligand-antibody system, and 
I guess the long-range electrostatic interactions will not be small.

You can set rcoulomb to anything you like, but there's no reason to 
suppose the value of the computed Coulomb energy has any connection to a 
relevant observable. The force field was not designed to work at the 
cutoff values you suggest, and a longer cutoff is not necessarily more 
accurate. Neither was the force field parametrized to be able to be 
decomposed this way.

A trick proposed by Nicolas in the mailing list during 2007 is to set 
charges to 0.00 for everything except the atoms we are interested in. 
This would make Coul-LR: = Coul.-recip., which is calculated by PME 
(more accurate than just setting rcoulomb to 3nm?) and we can read 
from .edr file. So I wonder if this method is theoretically sound?

There is no sense in which Coul-LR relates to Coul-recip. They are 
computed in fundamentally different ways, and affect Coul-SR differently 

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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread Mark Abraham

On 10/11/2011 6:48 AM, James Starlight wrote:

I've another question about NMA.

1- As I understood the Sparce matrix method is used on default in case 
when my reference structure consist of alot of atoms. If this true the 
output Hessian.mtx would be in sparce format, wouldn't it ?

2- How I can convert output.mtx to the txt format ? As the consequence 
I want to obtain something like this

GROMACS is not very helpful with matrices of data, unfortunately. You 
can dump the numbers out of the .mtx format with gmxdump, but you would 
be on your own to then convert it to some other format you want (i.e. 
write some script).

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RE: [gmx-users] Re: PBC - Protein - ligand

2011-11-09 Thread Dallas Warren
Sounds like the ligand is near the edge of the box, so only has to move short 
distance then does the jumping you are observing.

The suggestion that has already been make, -pbc nojump, should stop that.

Another option is to center the box on a residue within the protein which is 
near the spot at which the ligand is interacting.

Catch ya,

Dr. Dallas Warren
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Action
Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University
381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010
+61 3 9903 9304
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Steven Neumann
Sent: Tuesday, 8 November 2011 8:30 PM
To:; Discussion list for GROMACS users
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Re: PBC - Protein - ligand

Thank you Justin, Mark and Tsjerk.

I used the following workflow

trjconv -s md.tpr -f md.xtc -o pbc_fix.xtc -pbc mol
trjconv -s md.tpr -f pbc_fix.xtc -n index.ndx -pbc cluster -o pbcfixcluster.xtc 
 (Protein+ligand group)
trjconv -s md.tpr -f pbcfixcluster.xtc -o center.xtc -center (center on the 

trjconv -s md.tpr -f center.xtc -o Cluster1.xtc -fit rot+trans (choose protein 

Trajectory looks very good from the time when ligand stacked to the protein 
(90% of trajectory) but at the begining of the trajectory (when it is away from 
protein) it still jumps. I think that is the best solution I have found. If you 
know how to fix begining please let me know.


On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Steven Neumann wrote:

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:

Steven Neumann wrote:
Hi Tsjerk,

Thank you. Unfortunately my ligand is not with protein. I put my ligand around 
my protein (in water) running separate simulations to see where can it bind. It 
is close to protein but not within. Any other suggestion?
I used also pbc -res so I observe my ligand close to protein but sometimes 
still changing its position rapidly... No clue for now how to solve it...

I have no idea why the proposed protocol isn't working, but I know that one 
should be able to do something very simple, along the lines of the following, 
for this to work:

1. trjconv -s md.tpr -f md.xtc -o pbc_fix.xtc -pbc mol
2. trjconv -s md.tpr -f pbc_fix.xtc -o center.xtc -center (center on the 
3. trjconv -s md.tpr -f center.xtc -o fit.xtc -fit rot+trans (choose protein 
for fitting)


Thank you Justin. From this workflow my ligand is binding the protein most of 
the frames but sometimes it rapidly jumps to different part of the box and come 
back again. Then remains with protein and situation is repeated: in one frame 
it changes its position and come back to protein remaining. :( no 


On Monday, November 7, 2011, Tsjerk Wassenaar wrote:
  Hi Steven,
  Step 2: Cluster your molecules.
  This is where you have to forge a reference frame that you can use to
  remove jumps from your trajectory. If the ligand is not with the
  protein at the start, you'll have to shift it so that it is. Maybe
  -pbc cluster is your friend there. I do assume that the ligand is
  really with the protein and not in the solvent...
  On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Steven Neumann wrote:

  On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Justin A. Lemkul wrote:
  Steven Neumann wrote:
  Dear Gmx Users,
   I know that this problem has been discussed may times but I cannot find
  the solution to get rid of pbc in my system: protein and ligand. I 
  the workflow:
  1.  First make your molecules whole if you want them whole
  trjconv -f md.trr -s md.tpr -pbc whole -ur compact -o mdwhole.xtc
  2.  Cluster your molecules/particles if you want them clustered
  3.  Extract the first frame from the trajectory as reference for
  removing jumps if you want to remove jumps.
  trjconv -f mdwhole.xtc -s md.tpr -dump 0 -o 1stframe.pdb
  4.  Remove jumps if you want to have them removed using the first
  trjconv -f mdwhole.xtc -s 1stframe.pdb -pbc nojump -o mdwholeNOjump.xtc
  5.  Center your system using some criterion. Doing so shifts the
  system, so don't use |trjconv -|pbc| nojump| after this step.
  trjconv -f mdwholeNOjump.xtc -center -o mdwholeNOjumpCENTER.xtc
  6.  Put everything in some box.
  trjconv -f mdwholeNOjumpCENTER.xtc -box 6 6 6 -o
  7.  Fit if desired and don't use any PBC related option 

[gmx-users] sudden drop of minimal periodic distance

2011-11-09 Thread Yun Shi
Hello everyone,

I am using g_mindist with -pi option to look at the minimal distance
between periodic images of my protein-ligand system.

It appears that after a certain amount of time (12 ns or 30 ns or ...),
there would be a sudden drop of min distance from well above 2 nm to around
0.15 nm.

I wonder if this is caused by the octahedral box I used in the MD

But should I still be able to keep the part of trajectory before the sudden
drop as valid so that I could do some analysis with my system?

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[gmx-users] Re: sudden drop of minimal periodic distance

2011-11-09 Thread Yun Shi
Sorry, I just found that even if I use a dodecahedron box with -d 1.2 nm,
the min periodic image dist still dropped abruptly to 0.172 or something
like this after around 35 ns or 30 ns (different trajectory with same

So I wonder if this is just inevitable and we should live with it?


On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Yun Shi wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I am using g_mindist with -pi option to look at the minimal distance
 between periodic images of my protein-ligand system.

 It appears that after a certain amount of time (12 ns or 30 ns or ...),
 there would be a sudden drop of min distance from well above 2 nm to around
 0.15 nm.

 I wonder if this is caused by the octahedral box I used in the MD

 But should I still be able to keep the part of trajectory before the
 sudden drop as valid so that I could do some analysis with my system?


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[gmx-users] orca question and LA

2011-11-09 Thread xi zhao

Dear Sir:
  How to write a correct BASENAME.ORCAINFO file? According to the instruction 
“In the ORCAINFO-file the method, basis set and all other ORCA-specific 
keywords must be given.” It means that BASENAME.ORCAINFO may not contain 
coordinates of QMatoms part, but when groamcs-ORCA runs , it has errors: 
Calling '/home/user/orca_x86_64_exe_r2131/orca pyp_qm.inp  pyp_qm.out'
No atoms to convert in Cartesian2Internal ; 
When BASENAME.ORCAINFO has coordinates of QMatoms part, ORCA cannot recognizes 
the LA (gromacs dummy atom) in the QMatoms , how to deal with LA , delete LA in 
the BASENAME.ORCAINFO? In fact, the stand-alone version of Orca can normally 
calculates it. Of course, LA must modified!
Kind regards!

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Re: Re: [gmx-users] remd with different potential at different temperature

2011-11-09 Thread Roland Schulz

this is currently not possible. Currently you can only do temperature or
Hamiltonian RepEx. As far as I know 4.6 will support both simultaneous. In
the mean time you might be able to accomplish your goal
by reformulating the Temp-RepEx as a Hamiltonian RepEx as is done in the
newer version of REST.


2011/11/8 杜波

  dear teacher,
 if i want to do remd  with different tabulated potentials.
 how can i use the mdrun's   -table (-table table.xvg -tableb table.xvg )?
 if it can also use like that,there is another question:
 and how can i rename the tables name ( table_CR1_CR1: i rename
 them table_CR1_CR10,table_CR1_CR11,table_CR1_CR12...,
 i test this is wrong!!!
  PHD, Bo Du
  Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,
  School of Chemical Engineering and technology,
  Tianjin University, Weijin Road 92, Nankai District 300072,
  Tianjin City P. R. China
  Tel/Fax: +86-22-27404303

  Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2011 17:55:49 +1100
 From: Mark Abraham
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] remd with different potential at different
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 On 8/11/2011 5:43 PM, ?? wrote:
  dear teacher,
  how can i do remd with different non-bond potential at different
  temperature ?
  easy to say ,can i use different *.top at diferent temperature.

 Probably. Try a simple case and see. The REMD implementation checks only
 certain critical quantities are constant over the generalized ensemble.
 See the lines that begin Multi-checking in an REMD .log file. You can
 probably even use different tabulated potentials for each replica.


  if not ,can you give me some suggestions to rewrite the gromacs codes.
  PHD, Bo Du
  Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,
  School of Chemical Engineering and technology,
  Tianjin University, Weijin Road 92, Nankai District 300072,
  Tianjin City P. R. China
  Tel/Fax: +86-22-27404303

ORNL/UT Center for Molecular Biophysics
865-241-1537, ORNL PO BOX 2008 MS6309
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Re: [gmx-users] how to do remd with different tabulated potentials

2011-11-09 Thread Roland Schulz

for Hamiltonian RepEx you need to formulate the different states as a
function of lambda. Look at the free energy documentation to see how to
describe different tables for different lambdas.


2011/11/8 杜波

  dear teacher,

  if i want to do remd  with different tabulated potentials.
 how can i use the mdrun's   -table (-table table.xvg -tableb table.xvg )?

  if it can also use like that,there is another question:
 and how can i rename the tables name ( table_CR1_CR1: i rename
 them table_CR1_CR10,table_CR1_CR11,table_CR1_CR12...,
 i test this is wrong!!!


 PHD, Bo Du
 Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,
 School of Chemical Engineering and technology,
 Tianjin University, Weijin Road 92, Nankai District 300072,
 Tianjin City P. R. China
 Tel/Fax: +86-22-27404303

ORNL/UT Center for Molecular Biophysics
865-241-1537, ORNL PO BOX 2008 MS6309
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: sudden drop of minimal periodic distance

2011-11-09 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hi Yun,

Make sure to remove jumps from the trajectory (trjconv -pbc nojump) before
using g_mindist.
Also visually check a frame that is reported to have closed contacts.

Hope it helps,


On Nov 10, 2011 1:45 AM, Yun Shi wrote:

Sorry, I just found that even if I use a dodecahedron box with -d 1.2 nm,
the min periodic image dist still dropped abruptly to 0.172 or something
like this after around 35 ns or 30 ns (different trajectory with same

So I wonder if this is just inevitable and we should live with it?


On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Yun Shi wrote:  
Hello everyone,   I am ...

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Re: [gmx-users] g_mindist -on

2011-11-09 Thread Mark Abraham

On 9/11/2011 9:09 PM, Steven Neumann wrote:

Dear gmx Users,
I am wondering what is the value of Number of Contacts (0.6 nm) 
between two groups. When I specify one group - Ligand and second 
- protein residue - does it count every dostance within 0.6 nm between 
every atom from one group and every atom from the second specified group?

Does g_mindist -h answer your question? If not, how can the text be 

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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread James Starlight
Thank you, Mark.

By the way, also I have some question about data analysing

From g_anaeig  I can obtain atom fluctuations along defined mode

1- Can I obtain same fluctuations along ensemble of several modes (i.e
averaged fluctuations along modes from n to k ) in one graph ?

2- Is there any way to obtain fluctuations of C-alpha atoms or backbone
only from full atomic model ?
E.g on start g_anaeig ask me

Select an index group of 6518 elements that corresponds to the eigenvectors
Group 0 ( System) has  6518 elements
Group 1 (Protein) has  6518 elements
Group 2 (  Protein-H) has  3269 elements
Group 3 (C-alpha) has   413 elements
Group 4 (   Backbone) has  1239 elements

but I can chose only full atomic representation of the system consisted of
6518 atoms and any other selection would produce error.
Is there any other way to obtain fluctuations on reduced number of atoms
from full-atomic system ?

3- Also I've done two different NMA from one reference ( for full atomic
model and for C-alpha mode).
The overal picture of RMSF for instance was overal in both of the analysis
but in case of the C-alpha only ANM RMSF were bigger in 10 times (0.02 Nm
in case of full atomic NMA vs 2 NM in case of C-alpha NMA on equat
Why that difference might occur? Is there any way to increase amplitude of
fluctuations by the temperature rising for instance ?



2011/11/10 Mark Abraham

 On 10/11/2011 6:48 AM, James Starlight wrote:

 I've another question about NMA.

 1- As I understood the Sparce matrix method is used on default in case
 when my reference structure consist of alot of atoms. If this true the
 output Hessian.mtx would be in sparce format, wouldn't it ?

 2- How I can convert output.mtx to the txt format ? As the consequence I
 want to obtain something like this**_downloads/oanm_hes.txt

 GROMACS is not very helpful with matrices of data, unfortunately. You can
 dump the numbers out of the .mtx format with gmxdump, but you would be on
 your own to then convert it to some other format you want (i.e. write some


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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread Mark Abraham

On 10/11/2011 5:36 PM, James Starlight wrote:

Thank you, Mark.

By the way, also I have some question about data analysing

From g_anaeig  I can obtain atom fluctuations along defined mode

1- Can I obtain same fluctuations along ensemble of several modes (i.e 
averaged fluctuations along modes from n to k ) in one graph ?

Yes, through suitable use of your graphing program on multiple input 
files. IMO that would not be a suitable discussion for this list. 
Suggestions for graphing programs and some tricks of the trade are on 
the GROMACS webpage.

2- Is there any way to obtain fluctuations of C-alpha atoms or 
backbone only from full atomic model ?

E.g on start g_anaeig ask me

Select an index group of 6518 elements that corresponds to the 

Group 0 ( System) has  6518 elements
Group 1 (Protein) has  6518 elements
Group 2 (  Protein-H) has  3269 elements
Group 3 (C-alpha) has   413 elements
Group 4 (   Backbone) has  1239 elements

but I can chose only full atomic representation of the system 
consisted of 6518 atoms and any other selection would produce error.
Is there any other way to obtain fluctuations on reduced number of 
atoms from full-atomic system ?

Unless g_nmeig can be persuaded to calculate on a subset of the Hessian, 
I would guess not.

3- Also I've done two different NMA from one reference ( for full 
atomic model and for C-alpha mode).
The overal picture of RMSF for instance was overal in both of the 
analysis but in case of the C-alpha only ANM RMSF were bigger in 10 
times (0.02 Nm in case of full atomic NMA vs 2 NM in case of C-alpha 
NMA on equat residues).

Why that difference might occur?

From your description, I think you're comparing apples with oranges.

Is there any way to increase amplitude of fluctuations by the 
temperature rising for instance ?

 NMA is athermal.

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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread James Starlight
Mark hello,

2011/11/10 Mark Abraham

 From your description, I think you're comparing apples with oranges.

I just want compare results of coarse grained NMA based on C-alpha only
with full atomic NMA.
I've already done that work and obtain that

1- overal picture of fluctuations is the same for both methods
2- in case of full atomic NMA overal motion is damped in comparison to the
C-alpha only NMA ( rmsf of fluctuations are greater in 10 times)

3 Finally I just want to obtain fluctuations on Calpha atoms only for my
full atomic NMA for better comparison with cg NMA (e.g representation on
one graph RMSF on Calpha atoms only for both methods  )


  Is there any way to increase amplitude of fluctuations by the temperature
 rising for instance ?

  NMA is athermal.

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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hi James,

 1- Can I obtain same fluctuations along ensemble of several modes (i.e
 averaged fluctuations along modes from n to k ) in one graph ?

The total fluctuation is the sum of the fluctuations along all the
modes. To get what you want, you just need to some the fluctuations.
Alternatively, you can filter a trajectory using a set of modes and do
further analysis on that.

 2- Is there any way to obtain fluctuations of C-alpha atoms or backbone only
 from full atomic model ?

See the answer above.

 but I can chose only full atomic representation of the system consisted of
 6518 atoms and any other selection would produce error.
 Is there any other way to obtain fluctuations on reduced number of atoms
 from full-atomic system ?

g_anaeig needs the atoms to match with the eigenvectors, which pertain
to the full set of atoms.

 3- Also I've done two different NMA from one reference ( for full atomic
 model and for C-alpha mode).
 The overal picture of RMSF for instance was overal in both of the analysis
 but in case of the C-alpha only ANM RMSF were bigger in 10 times (0.02 Nm in
 case of full atomic NMA vs 2 NM in case of C-alpha NMA on equat residues).
 Why that difference might occur? Is there any way to increase amplitude of
 fluctuations by the temperature rising for instance ?

The c-alphas are less hindered in the second model due to the absence
of the side chains and such. There's just more freedom.



Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.

post-doctoral researcher
Molecular Dynamics Group
* Groningen Institute for Biomolecular Research and Biotechnology
* Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
The Netherlands
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Re: [gmx-users] Normal Mode Analysis

2011-11-09 Thread James Starlight
Hi Tsjerk,

Thanks for help. So as I understood if I want to calculate fluctuations
only for Calpha I must first to do NMA of my reference in some mode
subspace consisted of the eigenvectors for Calpha atoms only. Does this
correct ?
Previously I've done something like this for random subspace of modes in
MMTK (just to reduce the space for calculation) but how perform such
operation in Gromacs I havent known yet :)

The c-alphas are less hindered in the second model due to the absence
 of the side chains and such. There's just more freedom.

It's known that solevnt for instance could significant damp motions from
normal modes. So in my case It seems that sidechains act as the solvent.
How do you think may sidechains not only damp motions oberved for C-alpha
atoms merely but also change the trajectory of their motion?

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