Re: [gmx-users] Re: Gromacs analysis tools for Namd output

2012-02-08 Thread Ignacio Fernández Galván
--- On Tue, 7/2/12, Kunze, Micha wrote:
 cant help you with the plugin issue, but have
 you instead tried loading the dcd trajectory into vmd and save it as trr?
No need to open it with VMD. You can use catdcd 
( to do the conversion:

catdcd -o output.trr -otype trr input.dcd

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[gmx-users] How to assign charge group codes to atoms of new residue -Regd

2012-02-08 Thread ramesh cheerla
Dear Gromacs users,

As i am planning to use  Gromacs  for
simulations of my system consisting of  CH3-CH2-O, and as the CH3-CH2-O
residue  parameters are not available by default in  charmm27.ff, so i am
trying to add the parmeters of this residue to charmm27.ff,but struck where
i am not sure how to assign charge group codes which will be denoting the
charge group numbers for the atoms of this residue in .rtp file.Is there
any procedure that has to be followed to assign particular values as
charge group codes.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thank you

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Re: [gmx-users] How to assign charge group codes to atoms of new residue -Regd

2012-02-08 Thread Mark Abraham

On 9/02/2012 6:05 AM, ramesh cheerla wrote:

Dear Gromacs users,

As i am planning to use  Gromacs  for 
simulations of my system consisting of  CH3-CH2-O, and as the 
CH3-CH2-O residue  parameters are not available by default in  
charmm27.ff, so i am trying to add the parmeters of this residue to 
charmm27.ff,but struck where i am not sure how to assign charge group 
codes which will be denoting the charge group numbers for the atoms of 
this residue in .rtp file.Is there any procedure that has to be 
followed to assign particular values as  charge group codes.

One atom per charge group. There's discussion of this issue in the 
mailing list archives.

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[gmx-users] g_x2top

2012-02-08 Thread Andrew DeYoung

I am running Gromacs 4.5.5.  I am using a colleague's homemade forcefield,
and I am trying to use g_x2top to generate a .top topology file from a .gro
configuration file.  This should be possible, because my colleague's
forcefield contains a file to translate atom names into atom types (a .n2t
library file).

My configuration file is called conf.gro.  I run g_x2top using the command:

g_x2top -f conf.gro -o -ff select

The program prompts me for a forcefield, and I choose my colleague's
forcefield, which is located in my working directory.  g_x2top runs for a
few minutes and ultimately gives this error message:

Program g_x2top, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: g_x2top.c, line: 206

Fatal error:
Could only find a forcefield type for 7147 out of 7216 atoms

g_x2top also gives me many other error messages of the form (I get 69 such
messages, where 69 is exactly the number of atoms for which g_x2top could
not find a forcefield type):

Can not find forcefield for atom X-INDEX with # bonds

where X is an atom name, INDEX is that atom's index in conf.gro, and # is
the number of bonds.

For example, one of these error messages is Can not find forcefield for
atom B0-6067 with 3 bonds, and I am wondering if you can please give me
advice on this.  B0 is indeed an atom name (for boron) and in conf.gro, atom
6067 is indeed B0.  However, my conf.gro is written such that B0 6067 is
surrounded by four fluorine atoms, since the residue is the anion boron
trifluoride (BF4-):

  287BF4 B0 6067   1.302   2.728  16.210  0.0905  0.7350 -1.6601
  287BF4 F1 6068   1.237   2.622  16.271  0.3710 -0.9520  0.6277
  287BF4 F2 6069   1.267   2.739  16.082  0.9097 -0.5184 -0.3121
  287BF4 F3 6070   1.425   2.712  16.219  0.2955 -0.5337 -0.0541
  287BF4 F4 6071   1.262   2.846  16.270  0.6101 -0.5227  0.5296

where the boron-fluorine bond lengths here are 0.138499 nm, 0.133154 nm,
0.124362 nm, and 0.13829 nm, respectively.

My colleague's .n2t file contains the following line (among many others):

B0 B 1.1504 10.8100 4 F1 0.1390 F2 0.1390 F3 0.1390 F4 0.1390

which means, I think, that g_x2top expects each boron atom to be surrounded
by four fluorine atoms with the bond length 0.1390 nm.

My question is, why does g_x2top think that boron B0-6067 is bonded to only
3 atoms: Can not find forcefield for atom B0-6067 with 3 bonds?  Is it
that the B0-F3 bond length (0.124362 nm) in conf.gro is just too far from
the bond length that it expects (0.1390 nm)?  Is there any way to get around
this, to tell g_x2top to be more liberal in accepting bonds?  (Probably not,
because in I do not see
any options to modify this, and I understand that the atom selection is
primitive.)  The problem is, I guess, that the conf.gro that I have is not a
starting configuration; it is from some frame during my colleague's
simulation, when bonds were stretched and compressed, etc.

Do you have any advice whereby I could still use this non-starting

Thanks so much.

Andrew DeYoung
Carnegie Mellon University

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[gmx-users] LINCS warning and segmentation fault for methane in 1-octanol simulation

2012-02-08 Thread vivek sharma
Hi There,
 I was trying to run a equilibrium run (npt) for system of Methane in
1-octanol (1 methane molecule with 200 1-octanol molecules with OPLS FF
parameters). Following is the series of steps I followed:
1. Energy minimization with steep integrator for 5000 steps
2. Energy minimization with l-bfgs integrator for 5000 steps
3. NVT run for 100 ps with sd integrator
4. NPT run for 100 ps with sd integrator (with Pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman,
tau_p = 0.5, compressibility = 4.5e-05, ref_p = 1.0)

During the NPT run I am ending up with following error (too many LINCS
Step 25406, time 50.812 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 11.778495, max 363.475445 (between atoms 2158 and 2157)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   2152   2150   90.00.1090   1.3690  0.1090
   2152   2151   90.00.1090  36.5266  0.1090
   2158   2156   90.00.1091   0.5637  0.1090
   2158   2157   90.00.2349  39.7278  0.1090

Back Off! I just backed up step25406b_n0.pdb to ./#step25406b_n0.pdb.1#

Back Off! I just backed up step25406c_n0.pdb to ./#step25406c_n0.pdb.1#
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Segmentation fault

*.mdp files for above simulation are adapted from tutorial on free energy
calculation by Justin.

Please suggest me what could be wrong with above simulation.

Vivek Sharma
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