[gmx-users] Error in Umbrella sampling command

2013-11-07 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Dear Sir
Presently I am working with the example file as given in the umbrella
sampling tutorial.

While running the following command

grompp -f npt_umbrella.mdp -c conf0.gro -p topol.top -n index.ndx -o npt0.tpr

I got the following error. How to debug this error.

Ignoring obsolete mdp entry 'title'

Back Off! I just backed up mdout.mdp to ./#mdout.mdp.5#

NOTE 1 [file npt_umbrella.mdp]:
  nstcomm < nstcalcenergy defeats the purpose of nstcalcenergy, setting
  nstcomm to nstcalcenergy

NOTE 2 [file npt_umbrella.mdp]:
  leapfrog does not yet support Nose-Hoover chains, nhchainlength reset to 1

WARNING 1 [file npt_umbrella.mdp]:
  You are generating velocities so I am assuming you are equilibrating a
  system. You are using Parrinello-Rahman pressure coupling, but this can
  be unstable for equilibration. If your system crashes, try equilibrating
  first with Berendsen pressure coupling. If you are not equilibrating the
  system, you can probably ignore this warning.

ERROR 1 [file npt_umbrella.mdp]:
  Generating velocities is inconsistent with attempting to continue a
  previous run. Choose only one of gen-vel = yes and continuation = yes.

Generated 165 of the 1596 non-bonded parameter combinations
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'Protein_chain_A'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'Protein_chain_B'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'Protein_chain_C'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'Protein_chain_D'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 3 bonded neighbours molecule type 'Protein_chain_E'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 2 bonded neighbours molecule type 'SOL'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 1 bonded neighbours molecule type 'NA'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Excluding 1 bonded neighbours molecule type 'CL'
turning all bonds into constraints...
Velocities were taken from a Maxwell distribution at 300 K

There were 2 notes

There was 1 warning

Program grompp_mpi_d, VERSION 4.6.3
Source code file:

p.c, line: 1593

Fatal error:
There was 1 error in input file(s)
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors

I request you to kindly help me to debug the error


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[gmx-users] Conversion of nm to Å

2013-08-20 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Dear Sir
 I have to query as to how do we convert the paramaters in "nm" to  Å
--. For example the RMSD and RMSF calculation gives result in "nm". I want
to convert
it to  Å. I request you to kindly guide me with the process

Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] application of MM-GBSA

2013-07-16 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Hello sir,
I require to calculate binding energy using MM-GBSA method. I searched
through the manual but i did not find any. i request you to kindly guide to
as to which manual to follow to identify binding energy.

Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] residue labeling in g_rmsf

2013-05-23 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected Sir

If i want my residue  name to be labeled in the graph for g_rmsf ,how
should I proceed...

I used the following command

g_rmsf -f md_0_1.xtc -s md_0_1.tpr -res -o  rmsf.xvg

Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] error in running g_dist

2013-05-22 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected sir

I want to calculate the distance between protein and ligand after I  have
run the production step. I used the following command..

g_dist -s md_0_1.tpr -f md_0_1.xtc -o dist.xvg -n index.ndx

Groups I selected was
Group 1 (protein)
Group 13 (ligand)

It says the following error

Molecule in topology has atom numbers below and above natoms (11793).
You are probably trying to use a trajectory which does not match the first
11793 atoms of the run input file.

how to debug the error...


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] residues interaction with ligand

2013-05-19 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected Sir

If we have to find the residues surrounding the ligand in protein ligand
complex... than which gromacs command should be used...

Looking forward for your reply.


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] Interaction spectra of inhibitor–residue pair in the protein–inhibitor complexes

2013-05-16 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected sir

Which command do we use to determine "Interaction spectra of
inhibitor–residue pair in the protein–inhibitor complexes" as we have
g_hbond to determine the hydrogen bond between protein and ligand


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] Center of Mass (COM) spacing between protein and ligand

2013-05-13 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected Sir
many many thanks for your reply to my last mail. I was able able to debug
the error

Here I have new set of queries..

How much COM spacing should i consider for my protein-ligand interactiom
How much total distance I should move along z-axis/...
and which all conf file should i take into consideration for

I have   my summary_distance.dat as an attachment

Here in your example I could not understand as to why have you taken conf0
extending to con450 for ur npt_umbrella.mdp..

I request you to kindly guide me to the next step...


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] system hangs while running perl distances.pl

2013-05-12 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected Sir
 many many thanks for your reply to my last mail. while running

trjconv -s pull.tpr -f traj.xtc -o conf.gro -sep

I selected group 0 for the system...

but while i run perl distances.pl

it says processing file 236...and than the system hangs, no more
blinking along the terminal... while when I run indivdual file for distance
calculation i am able to run the command

g_dist -s pull.tpr -f conf1.gro -n index.ndx -o dist1.xvg < groups.txt

i request you to kindly guide me to debug the error

Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] query respect to perl distances.pl

2013-05-10 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Respected Sir

Presently my work includes umbrella sampling for protein ligand
interaction. The components of md_pull.mdp is

title   = Umbrella pulling simulation
define  = -DPOSRES_B
; Run parameters
integrator  = md
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 25; 500 ps
nstcomm = 10
; Output parameters
nstxout = 5000  ; every 10 ps
nstvout = 5000
nstfout = 500
nstxtcout   = 500   ; every 1 ps
nstenergy   = 500
; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm= lincs
constraints = all-bonds
continuation= yes   ; continuing from NPT
; Single-range cutoff scheme
nstlist = 5
ns_type = grid
rlist   = 1.4
rcoulomb= 1.4
rvdw= 1.4
; PME electrostatics parameters
coulombtype = PME
fourierspacing  = 0.12
fourier_nx  = 0
fourier_ny  = 0
fourier_nz  = 0
pme_order   = 4
ewald_rtol  = 1e-5
optimize_fft= yes
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl  = Nose-Hoover
tc_grps = Protein   Non-Protein
tau_t   = 0.5   0.5
ref_t   = 310   310
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl  = Parrinello-Rahman
pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p   = 1.0
refcoord_scaling = com
; Generate velocities is off
gen_vel = no
; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
pbc = xyz
; Long-range dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres
; Pull code
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= N N Y
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance > 0
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = Protein
pull_group1 = prc
pull_rate1  = 0.01  ; 0.01 nm per ps = 10 nm per ns
pull_k1 = 1000  ; kJ mol^-1 nm^-2

where prc is my ligand. ...

than I run

trjconv -s pull.tpr -f traj.xtc -o conf.gro -sep

it generates 500 conf.gro files... but when i run the command

perl distances.pl it gives following error

atom number 2927 in an index group is larger than number of atoms in
the trajectory (2836)

which means the trajectory file does not include the ligand component
how to overcome this error




Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] groups selection make_ndx -f npt.gro

2013-05-09 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Hello sir

As in the tutorial for umbrella sampling command

make_ndx -f npt.gro
you have selected two different groups as Chain_A as 19 and Chain_B as 20

If we have protein-ligand interaction whether we should have single group
of protein-ligand complex or we should use two different groups for protein
and ligand.



Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] error in running distances.pl

2013-05-08 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Hello Sir

While running command for perl distances.pl.. system gets hanged...while
processing  particular group file...

I will be thankful to you if you can guide me in debugging the error

Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] error in running perl distance.pl

2013-05-07 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Hello sir

While runnimg command for "perl distance.pl" in umbrella sampling it gives
the following  error

"Use of uninitialized value $distance in concatenation (.) or string at
distance.pl line 30.
readline() on closed filehandle IN at distance.pl line 16."

Can you guide me in rectifying the error


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] center of mass and box co-ordinates

2013-05-06 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Hello Justin sir

In your tutorial file for umbrella sampling for Aβ42 protofibril, what was
the criteria used to determine the coordinates of center of mass and box
size which you have takes as

editconf -f complex.gro -o newbox.gro -center 3.280 2.181 2.4775 -box
6.560 4.362 12


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] Distance of pull group 1 (2.142226 nm) is larger than 0.49 times the box size (2.184750)

2013-05-03 Thread Arunima Shilpi
I am studying protein-ligand interaction through umbrella sampling. I used
the following value foe md_pull.mdp file

pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance  ; simple distance increase
pull_dim= Y Y Y
pull_start  = yes   ; define initial COM distance > 0
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = Protein
pull_group1 = prc
pull_rate1  = 0.01  ; 0.01 nm per ps = 10 nm per ns
pull_k1 = 1000  ; kJ mol^-1 nm^-2

and box size details is

editconf -f complex.gro -o newbox.gro -center 3.280 2.181 2.4775 -box
6.560 4.362 12

while runnimg the command for

mdrun -s pull.tpr

Have the following error

"Distance of pull group 1 (2.142226 nm) is larger than 0.49 times the
box size (2.184750)"

I request you to kindly help me to debug the error


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] distance of pull group 1 is larger than the box size

2013-05-02 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Hello sir

I got the following error while running pulling

mdrun -s pull.tpr

"distance of pull group 1 is larger than the box size"

I request you to kindly guide me in overcoming the error


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] PMF calculation between protein and ligand

2013-05-01 Thread Arunima Shilpi

I have query as to how to go ahead for potential mean force (PMF)
calculation between protein and ligand. As per the umbrella sampling
protocol you have provided us in gromacs tutotrial it says it is for
protein molecules...


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 183

2013-04-30 Thread Arunima Shilpi
> >> According to the tutorial after definition of the set of conformers
> >> extracted from the pulled trajectory I should run N equilibrating
> >> simulations and N productions runs. In the tutorial I've found that all
> >> equilibrations run in the NPT ensemble. In my case I have membrane
> >> receptor
> >> for each conformer extracted from the pulling trajectory I want to run
> 20
> >> umbrella's simulations with different starting velocities in each case.
> >> Should I re-equilibrate each conformer in the nvt+npt runs (re-assigning
> >> velocities in the nvt run) or the velocities might be re-assigned in the
> >> npt equilibrations ? What the time-prolongation of each equilibrations
> >> should be for each conformer in case of membrane protein simulation?
> >>
> >>
> > If you re-assign velocities to start NPT after NVT, what was the point of
> > NVT? You destroy the previously established state.  Initialize velocities
> > at the start of NVT, then preserve the ensemble information when moving
> to
> > NPT, like any other simulation.
> >
> > The time frame is something you must decide based on your knowledge and
> > observations of your system.  There is no definitive answer.
> >
> > -Justin
> >
> > --
> > ==**==
> >
> > Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> > Research Scientist
> > Department of Biochemistry
> > Virginia Tech
> > Blacksburg, VA
> > jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> > http://www.bevanlab.biochem.**vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin<
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin>
> >
> > ==**==
> > --
> > gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
> > http://lists.gromacs.org/**mailman/listinfo/gmx-users<
> http://lists.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users>
> > * Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/**
> > Support/Mailing_Lists/Search<
> http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search>before posting!
> > * Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www
> > interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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> http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists>
> >
> --
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 14:03:31 -0500
> From: Sikandar Mashayak 
> Subject: [gmx-users] stable branch using git
> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
> Message-ID:
>  logz_wrasdnjaaz4twbxhiddiclkpo_sozfy...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hi
> I am following the git tutorial for the novice. It says to check out stable
> version
> one should use "git checkout --track -b release-4-5-patches
> origin/release-4-5-patches"
> Is there stable branch for 4.6? If yes, how do get it? I tried replacing
> 4-5 by 4-6 but I get the error:
> fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching
> branches.
> Did you intend to checkout 'origin/release-4-6-patches' which can not be
> resolved as commit?
> thanks
> sikandar
> --
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:10:46 -0400
> From: Justin Lemkul 
> Subject: Re: Aw: [gmx-users] Re: how is the pulling force measured
> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
> Message-ID: <51801736.2080...@vt.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 4/30/13 12:33 PM, lloyd riggs wrote:
> > I appologise, I meant defined at the same time without complaining, not
> just
> > either direction.
> A different atom order is interpreted as a different interaction.  In this
> case,
> if both are defined, there is indeed a difference in the improper energy
> term.
> I have a toy test case that shows this.
> -Justin
> > *Gesendet:* Montag, 29. April 2013 um 22:23 Uhr
> > *Von:* "lloyd riggs" 
> > *An:* "S. Watkins" 
> > *Betreff:* Aw: [gmx-users] Re: how is the pulling force measured
> > *Dear All,*
> > *Doing a water/temp energy minimization just for a figure with a large
> molecule
> > that has several connected parts, I ran into a bizzar question.*
> > *So I found its possible by accident to define improper dihedrails
> forwards and
> > backwards without gromacs complaining, such as atom 1 2 3 4 and 4 3 2 1.
>  My
> > question is, if your topology has this, does it affect the calculations
> (angle
> > energy or other)?*
> > *Stephan Watkins*
> >
> >
> --
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
> --
> --
> gmx-users mailing list
> gmx-users@gromacs.org
> http://lists.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
> Please search the archive at
> http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
> End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 183
> ***


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 109, Issue 2

2013-04-30 Thread Arunima Shilpi
> >
> > I'm not sure what this means. It seems to be implying that I don't have
> a box around my polymer, but the gro file clearly shows that my box is 4.94
> x 4.94 x 4.94. Any ideas?
> >
> What is your setting for the pbc keyword in the .mdp file?
> >
> > For g_polystat, I'm a bit worried about the persistence lengths that I
> get for short polymers. With repeat units smaller than 50 these usually
> show "nan" values, that cannot be plotted. From reading the gmx threads
> I've found that Nan stands for "Not a Number", but why do these "nan"
> values appear and how can I prevent it so that I can read in my results?
> >
> This could be an underlying problem related to the above interpretation of
> periodicity.  We don't have enough information to say for sure yet.
> -Justin
> --
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Research Scientist
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
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> End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 109, Issue 2
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Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 140

2013-04-30 Thread Arunima Shilpi
n rectify it ?
> 2) Can I define the functions for the above mentioned  non-bonded function
> like this ?
> I have checked potential energy of model system (single point energy
> calculations i.e., zero step MD and the one that  obtained from the code
> that I have written, both are matching.
> I am using GROMACS version 4.5.5 and also tested the same thing in V 4.6.
> Can anybody help me in this regard,
> Thank you in advance.
> Regards,
> Ramesh.
> --
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> End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 108, Issue 140
> ***


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] adjust charge

2013-04-21 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Dear Sir

I have query as what criteria do you follow to adjust the charges of ligand
atoms in topology file (drg.itp) as you have shown in example for jz4

looking for your reply


Thanking You with Regards.

Arunima Shilpi

Ph. D Research Scholar(Cancer & Epigenetics)
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] error in running command

2013-02-05 Thread Arunima Shilpi
Dear Sir/ Madam

I am using gromacs for simulation and has the following while running the 
command for "grompp"
Expected integer argument for option -maxwarn "". 

I do not want use maxwarn to bypass the error.

I request you to kindly help me out to debug the error.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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