Re: [gmx-users] AMBER to GROMACS conversion

2013-06-26 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:10 PM, Parker de Waal  

> Now I've been able to successfully convert the two .mol2 files into gromacs
> .itp however I am unsure how to convert the .frcmod file as well.

I'm sorry, but while topolbuild does convert *.mol2 files into gromacs *.itp 
with AMBER parameters, it does not make use of AMBER files.  Therefore,
topolbuild 1.3 will not convert the *.frcmod files.

You should edit your *.itp file with any text editor to change entries according
to what is found in the desired *.frcmod file.  I should also note that the 
from topolbuild 1.3 requires some text editing to be made compatible with
GROMACS versions greater than 4.0.* because the arrangement of parameter
files within the GROMACS */share/gromacs/top directory was changed and
topolbuild has not been updated for that change.  Finally, I need to note that
for AMBER forcefields in GROMACS naming of atom types was updated to
be the standard AMBER atom type names with release of the GROMACS
4.5.* series, but topolbuild 1.3 does not reflect that change either.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273
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Re: [gmx-users] Topolbuild configuration

2012-12-10 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 7:48 PM SeokYun123  wrote:

>I'm trying to download topolbuild1_2_1 in my Mac computer.

First, why are you using 1.2.1 instead of 1.3 which is also available in the 
contributed software section at  Actually, there should be a
topolbuild1_3_1 contribution there as well.  I don't know what happened
to that release.  Actually, topolbuild is not up to date with gromacs releases.

>I understand that the executable file is in the same directory as the
>Makefile. I also understand the thing about the PATH.

Did you read INSTALLATION.txt in the main directory?

>For different files I have downloaded, I was able to ./configure it and use
>make, but for topolbuild, I wasn't able to ./configure it as it prints out
>an error message.

This is because there isn't a configure script at all for topolbuild
Instead some sample makefiles are provided named Makefile
and Makefile.G4OsX  For your purposes, the supplied Makefile
should work so you just need to type make to get an executable.
Type make clean to clean up afterwards.

>From the previous thread, I read that "Common practice is to then put it in
>some central directory for executables (like /usr/local/bin, or some
>subdirectory of your /home directory, depending on
>your permissions on the system)." 

You can either leave the executable in the src directory where it is built,
or you can move it to a desired directory.  Please remember that the dat
directory contains the parameters files that topolbuild needs in order to
generate a topology.

>I think that would help me fix my problem, but I'm not so sure how to do
>Could anyone give me an advice regarding this issue?

There are  *.txt files in the main directory of each version of topolbuild to
document how to install and how to use the program.  Please remember
that the topologies generated need further editing with a text editor for use
with gromacs 4.5 and 4.6 releases because the organization of topology files
changed with the 4.5 release and topolbuild has not been updated in a while.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] topolbuild and charges

2012-02-03 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Friday, February 3, 2012 at 12:31 AM, Tom  wrote:

> Any one has the experience of topolbuild?
> I tried to build *top file with the software of topolbuild

>  ./topolbuild -n lipid -dir 
>/home/computer/Tom/topbuild/topolbuild1_3/topolbuild1_3/dat/gromacs -ff oplsaa

> I chose oplssaa. But from the generated *top file,these charges in *top file 
> can
> not match the partial charges in file (in gromacs package) of 
> /opt/gromacs-4.5.4/share/gromacs/top/oplsaa.ff/ffnonbonded.itp

> How to understand these charges on *top file, which topolbuild generates?
> Thanks for your instruction!
First, topolbuild never "generates" charges.  Unless the -charge option is 
the charges come from whatever is read as being the charge entry in the *.mol2 
If the charge type in the header of the *.mol2 file reads "INVALID", or 
the charges are reset to 0 as the *.mol2 file is read.  If the -charge option 
is given,
topolbuild assigns charges given in the "Atoms data" section of the force field
parameters file in the directory pointed to by the -dir entry according to 
atom type.  In the case of oplsaa, the parameters file is ffoplsaa.dat, the 
column is
labeled charge, and the assignment is based on oplsaa atom type number.  All of
this, of course, relies on the *.mol2 file being syntactically correct 
according to
the rules given by Tripos, Inc.  Some programs that attempt to write *.mol2 
fail to write complete Sybyl atom types.  Others do write complete atom types,
but sometimes have problems getting the atom type correct, most notably with
the guanidino carbon of arginine which is supposed to be

I hope this short note helps.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273
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[gmx-users] Re: Thanks for your help!

2012-01-31 Thread Bruce D. Ray
I am replying to the Gromacs User's list rather than directly.

On Monday, January 30, 2012 12:38 AM,Tom wrote:

> Thanks for answering me my question and thanks for the nice open 
> source code program!
> I found out my prvious problem due to the problem of my *mol2 file.

> Can you help with two more doubts?

> 1) Can you provide a reference for me if I want to cite your work of
> topolbuild program?

I have not published anything regarding topolbuild.  As noted in the source code
comments, when I wrote it, I borrowed heavily from other sources.

> 2) i am making a chemical structure, which contains 2 hydrocarbon (surgar 
> ring) 
> connected with 2 H2PO4-. I tired to use topolbuild and oplsaa forcefield. I 
> noticed
> oplss only has forcefield and partial charges MeOPO3H and MeOPO3--, but there 
> are no parameters available for H2PO4-. But the program of topolbuild works 
> magically 
> to assign the charges, by whichthe overal is -2, which is exactly equal to 
> the real
> situation (the total charges of my *mol2 file is -2) although the type of P 
> is P???

Something has bothered me about the *.mol2 file excerpt you pasted in your 
e-mail.  It did not have correct Tripos atom types in the sixth column and 
totally lacked
the seventh, eighth, and ninth  columns that contain the atom segment number, 
residue name, and the atom charge which should be 0.0 for a molecule with 
specified in the file heading.  I can only assume that what you pasted in your 
e-mail was not the file you actually used.

> I want to consult you what kind of algorithm that you used to assign the 
> partial charges
> and make the total equal to the expected value?

The command you listed in your original e-mail would not assign charges, but 
take the charges given in the *.mol2 file.  For the excerpt of an *.mol2 that 
you pasted
in your original e-mail, these charges would be 0.0 because the heading read 
If the -charge option is given in the command line, the charge for each atom 
type is
read from the parameters file for the selected force field found in the 
directory pointed
to by the -dir parameter.  The charges in the paramters files for these atom 
types and
force fields were copied from gromacs force field files.  This is not in any 
way a
sophisticated charge assignment.

> If you have time and want to look at my *mol file and the generated *top 
> file, i can email
> to you. 

I had been under the impression that you had pasted an excerpt from your actual 
file although I do not see how that file could have been accepted as a valid 
*.mol2 file
by topolbuild


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
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[gmx-users] Re: topolbuild1_3:Illegal characters for size information line in mol2 file.

2012-01-26 Thread Bruce D. Ray

On Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Tom  wrote:

> Dear Bruce and Gromacs Users,

> i am a new user of topolbuild.
> I am trying to use topolbuild to build *top file, but there is a fatal error 
> report:
> ---
> ./topolbuild -n lipid -dir 
> /home/machine/TOM/Study/topbuild/topolbuild1_3/topolbuild1_3/dat/gromacs -ff 
> oplsaa

> Fatal error.
> Source code file: readmol2.c, line: 347
> Illegal characters for size information line in mol2 file.
The error is on the line that reads
 295 296

The error means that the line giving the number of atoms and number of bonds
contains characters that are not any of the digits 0123456789, spaces, tabs,
or the line feed that marks end of line.  This typically happens when one
has produced a Microsoft Windows compatible file that terminates lines
with a carriage return and line feed or a Macintosh compatible file that
terminates lines with carriage return instead of line feed.  Probably the file
was generated as Microsoft Windows compatible and you should run the
dos2unix script on the file before submitting it to topolbuild.

If this does not correct the problem, you will need to view the file in a unix
text editor to see where the illegal characters are.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St
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Re: [gmx-users] Regarding generating topology file.

2011-08-19 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Ravi Kumar Venkatraman 
> I have got some topology and parameter file 
for some small organic molecules from swissparam in *.mol2 format.
> I am 
trying to generate *.top, *.gro & *.itp files using topolbuild. But I
 dont know how to do. So can anybody
> give me a link or some materials 
related to this.

I'm not sure what the problem is.  The topolbuild 1.3.1 download does include 
on how to use it.  Is there something specific you have tried that you are 
having difficulties

Of course, for use with gromacs 4.5.*, one does have edit the *.top with a text 
editor to change
the initial include lines in the topology file to reflect the re-organization 
of the force field files.
Furthermore, the current topolbuild version does not support CHARMm force 

Also, I believe that swissparam gives those files.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273-- 
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Re: [gmx-users] use AMBER ff03 force field in gromacs 4

2011-05-12 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 9:03 AM""  

> I am using GROMACS 4 to do MD simulations of protein-ligand complexes.I 
> encountered some
> problems when generating the topology file of the ligands. I generate the 
> topology file
> of ligands by using topolbuild package. The atom types of GAFF force field 
> are assigned
> to the atoms of the ligand. However, when I used grompp command to write the 
> tpr file.
> There is an error saying:
> Fatal error:
> Atomtype c3 not found
> For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
> It seemed that, the amber ff03 force field in gromacs 4 didn't include the 
> atom types of
> the GAFF force field.
> Does any one have ever encountered the same problem? What can I do to solve 
> this problem?
> It seemed that the atoms types in GAFF force field (e.g., c3, hx, hc, 
etc. ) can not
> be recongnized by the amber ff03 FF implemented in 
gromacs 4.5.3.

This is absolutely correct.  GAFF atom types are not included in other amber 
force fields.
However, for GAFF, the output of topolbuild includes an *nb.itp file that gives 
atom types and the LJ parameters for those atom types.  I've not tried mixing 
force fields like this, but I believe that if you include this up at the top 
after including
your desired amber force field includes, everytihing should be defined 
I seem to recall others doing this already.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273-- 
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: Problem with using topolbuild1_3.tgz

2011-01-26 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sat, Jan. 22, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Sweta Iyer  wrote:

> > On Thu, January 20, 2011 at 6:41PM, Sweta Iyer  wrote:
> >> Hi, I am trying to generate topology files for a set of lipids with the
> >> help of topolbuild1_3.tgz package found at the other software page of
> >> GROMACS website.
> >>
> >> I downloaded and installed all files and tried running the program with
> >> a
> >> MOL2 file with charges in it. However, it shows an error message as
> >> follows:
> >>
> >> Fatal error.
> >> Source code file: readmol2.c, line: 758
> >> Atom 1 (C) has 3 connections when allowed 0
> >>
> >> I am not sure how to get over this problem! Wonder what will fix this
> >> error and get the program running!
> >
> > A major requirement of topolbuild is that the mol2 file use correct atom
> > types as defined by Tripos, whose file format mol2 is, and as used in
> > Sybyl.
> > The error message suggests that you have not specified correct Tripos
> > Sybyl
> > atom types.  There may be other problems in your mol2 file as well.
> > Correct the atom types and check that the file is otherwise syntactically
> > correct and it should work.
> >
> > However, I believe that lipid topology files for gromacs are already 
> > for download.
> >
> > I hope that helps.
> Hi Bruce,
> Thanx for the reply. The MOL2 file was generated by the RESP ESP charge
> derive server. I did not check the file in SYBYL. However, structurally it
> seems correct. I will try reading it into sybyl and then resave it into
> another mol2 file.

I am not familiar with that server.  However, a Sybyl atom type for most
atoms consists of the atomic symbol followed by a period followed by
a number or a short character string.  For example, C.3 is an sp3 hybridized
carbon, is an aromatic ring nitrogen, and O.co2 is a carboxylic acid
oxygen.  I believe the file you have lacks the type designator after the atomic
symbol for atom 1.

> I am looking at making topology files for lipids like cardiolipin, di
> myristoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, dimyristoyl phosphatidylinositol and
> myristoleic acid. DO you know of any available gromacs topology files for
> these?

I cannot help you on that, but would suggest you ask those who have
published lipid simulations.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

From: Sweta Iyer 
Sent: Sat, January 22, 2011 1:44:25 AM
Subject: [gmx-users] Re: Problem with using topolbuild1_3.tgz

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 06:55:30 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Bruce D. Ray" 
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Problem with using topolbuild1_3.tgz
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> On Thu, January 20, 2011 at 6:41PM, Sweta Iyer  wrote:
>> Hi, I am trying to generate topology files for a set of lipids with the
>> help of topolbuild1_3.tgz package found at the other software page of
>> GROMACS website.
>> I downloaded and installed all files and tried running the program with
>> a
>> MOL2 file with charges in it. However, it shows an error message as
>> follows:
>> Fatal error.
>> Source code file: readmol2.c, line: 758
>> Atom 1 (C) has 3 connections when allowed 0
>> I am not sure how to get over this problem! Wonder what will fix this
>> error and get the program running!
> A major requirement of topolbuild is that the mol2 file use correct atom
> types as defined by Tripos, whose file format mol2 is, and as used in
> Sybyl.
> The error message suggests that you have not specified correct Tripos
> Sybyl
> atom types.  There may be other problems in your mol2 file as well.
> Correct the atom types and check that the file is otherwise syntactically
> correct and it should work.
> However, I believe that lipid topology files for gromacs are already
> available
> for download.
> I hope that helps.
> --
> Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
> Associate Scientist
> Physics Dept.
> 402 N. Blackford St.
> Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

Hi Bruce,
Thanx for the reply. The MOL2 file was generated by the RESP ESP charge
derive server. I did not check the file in SYBYL. However, structurally it
seems correct. I will try reading it into sybyl and then resave it into
another mol2 file.
I am looking at making topology files for lipids like cardiolipin, di
myristoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, dimyristoyl phosphatidylinositol and
myristoleic acid. DO y

[gmx-users]Fwd: GROMACS and GBSA implicit water

2011-01-26 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 at 22:06:47 +0100 (CET), "" 

I am forwarding this to the Gromacs Users' list because that is the
appropriate place for this.

>excuse me if I am writing you directly. I read  on gromacs web page your 
>advise about the implicit water, and I need to solve a problem for my phD work.

While at my age I could easily have forgotten writing some off hand comment
at some time, I do not recall that I ever gave any advice about implicit water.
To the best of my knowledge, I have never used it.  The only comment I
can recall giving about water concerned not using -DFLEXIBLE in MD runs.

>Can you help me about my problem? It is possible for you? anywhey very very 
>My problem:

Your problem is an example of why all gromacs questions should be sent to
the user's list rather than sending them privately.  I absolutely do not have
any clue why grompp does not pick up the gbsa.itp file you mention below,
but I am sure somebody else might.

>For my system I defined an atomtype in this way:
>(I defined about 10 atoms type and for all I have got the same problem)
>[ atomtypes ]
>; name bond_type  mass   charge ptype  sigma(nm)  epsilon(kj/mol)
>NLAPT  NC 14.0067  0.314  A 0.29760  0.87672
>if in the md.mdp file I set
>implicit_solvent = no
>grompp tool give a good result, and mdrun can generate the good trajectories, 
>but if I use the implicit solvent :   implicit_solvent = GBSA
>the tool grompp give the error:
>GB parameter(s) missing or negative for atom type 'NLAPT'
>Fatal error:
>Can't do GB electrostatics; the implicit_genborn_params section of the
>forcefield is missing parameters for 8 atomtypes or they might be negative.
>For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
>website at
>so I put the following parameter in the gbsa.itp file the parameter:
>[ implicit_genborn_params ]
>; atype  sar  st pi   gbr   hct
>NLAPT 0.1551  1.0280.14880.79 ;  N
>but grompp give the error
>Couldn't find topology match for atomtype NLAPT
>Can you give me an idea in order to solve this problem?
>Thank you very much!!!

My idea is that you should keep all gromacs related correspondence on
the gromacs users' e-mail list where somebody who actually knows
something might see it.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Problem with using topolbuild1_3.tgz

2011-01-21 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Thu, January 20, 2011 at 6:41PM, Sweta Iyer  wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to generate topology files for a set of lipids with the
> help of topolbuild1_3.tgz package found at the other software page of
> GROMACS website.
> I downloaded and installed all files and tried running the program with a
> MOL2 file with charges in it. However, it shows an error message as
> follows:
> Fatal error.
> Source code file: readmol2.c, line: 758
> Atom 1 (C) has 3 connections when allowed 0
> I am not sure how to get over this problem! Wonder what will fix this
> error and get the program running!
A major requirement of topolbuild is that the mol2 file use correct atom
types as defined by Tripos, whose file format mol2 is, and as used in Sybyl.
The error message suggests that you have not specified correct Tripos Sybyl
atom types.  There may be other problems in your mol2 file as well.
Correct the atom types and check that the file is otherwise syntactically
correct and it should work.

However, I believe that lipid topology files for gromacs are already available
for download.

I hope that helps.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] topolbuild1_3 install problem

2010-12-27 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Mon, December 27, 2010 at 5:02 AM, gromacs564  wrote:
> Hi, Mark,
>  Thanks for the reply.
>  You'are right,I forgot to enter the path.And my computer system is  Ubuntu 
>10.04.I want to use
>  the glycam force filed, then I type the  command:
> software/topolbuild1_3/src/topolbuild -h
> I got the correct "help information".
> But when I type this integral command:
>software/topolbuild1_3/src/topolbuild -n myt -dir 
>software/topolbuild1_3/dat/leap/parm -ff glycam06_c -r MAL -rename 
> it's error:
>   *...@ubuntu:~$ software/topolbuild1_3/src/topolbuild -n myt -dir 
>software/topolbuild1_3/dat/leap/parm  -ff glycam06_c -r MAL -rename
> Fatal error.
> Source code file: atom_types.c, line: 87
> Cannot open file 

> Do you know how to solve this problem ?
> Thanks for you reply!
The problem is that you are giving the wrong directory after -dir
The -dir parameter entry is supposed to point to the directory that contains 
directory because it needs the atom types file as well as the leap parameters 
Try instead:
 software/topolbuild1_3/src/topolbuild -n myt -dir software/topolbuild1_3 
-ff glycam06_c -r MAL -rename

I hope this helps as well.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] topolbuild1_3 install problem

2010-12-27 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sun, December 26, 2010 at 6:07 AM, gromacs564  wrote:

> I downloaded topolbuild1_3 from the GROMACS website,
> and I run the command as follows:
> "path: home/buct/topolbuild1_3 ”
> # tar -xvf topolbuild1_3.tgz
> #make -f Makefile ;   (intel CPU) there were no any  error 
> then I write "export PATH=$PATH:/home/buct/topolbuild1_3 "  into 
> ```
> But When I type "topolbuild -h" I get "command not found",and I don't know 
> how 
>to deal it.
> can anyone tell me to install the topolbuild1_3 correctly? 
First, I hope that you mean that you changed directory to 
before giving the make command since Makefile is in src and not in the main 
which means that giving the make command in any other directory should give an
error message.  Second, the topolbuild binary will be in 
after the build, but the commands you give search home/buct/topolbuild1_3 for an
executable where there shouldn't be an executable.  Third, the text files, in 
the main
directory, home/buct/topolbuild1_3 do include installation and use information.
Please see in particular INSTALLATION.txt and README.txt   Fourth, the resulting
topology from topolbuild 1.* works with gromacs 3.3.3 and gromacs 4.0.*, but the
rearrangement of the force field files with gromacs 4.5.* means that the 
lines for such a topology will need minor editing with a text editor to be 
usable with
gromacs 4.5.*One example of such editing has been posted.  The 2.0 version 
topolbuild will be designed for gromacs 4.5.*.

I hope this helps you.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] topolbuild cannot open logfile

2010-09-29 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Tue, September 28, 2010 at 7:38 PM, "" 
> Hello i am very new to molecular mechanics so please excuse me if my
> questions are a little naive or stupid.
> I  am trying to minimise a mol2 file with topolbuild1_3 using the  following
> command line arguments from within the topolbuild directory:
> ./topolbuild   -dir /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top -ff oplsaa  
>-n /Users/bioinformatics/Desktop/zinc_12404782 -purge 0 -move

> I get the following error:

> Fatal error.
> Source code file: topolbuild.c, line: 345
> Cannot open log file zinc_12404782.log
> I  realise that i will have to go over the parameters again but i was  hoping 
>for some sort of output.
> Does anyone know if it is a problem with  the parameters of the input file 
>shown below or some
> problem with the  way in which topolbuild is called ? I am a little unsure 
> how 
>to point to  the
> oplsaa force fields? 

The problem with your command is that you do not have write permission in the 
in which topolbuild resides.  You need to run the command from the directory in 
you want the topology built with a command such as:

/path-to-topolbuild-main-directory/src/topolbuild -dir 
/path-to-topolbuild-main-directory/dat/gromacs -ff oplsaa -n 
/Users/bioinformatics/Desktop/zinc_12404782 -purge 0 -move

Note that the gromacs directory does not contain the topolbuild tables.
Please see the examples given in the PROGRAM_TESTING_DONE.txt file in the
topolbuild distribution for more information.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Charmm to Gromacs: Polyols force field [Justin]

2010-08-23 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Mon, August 23, 2010 12:12 PM, Eudes Fileti  wrote:

> Well, the line 40 is just one of the 36 parameters not found!
> In this link ( ) I put
> the complete files. 
> I know I need to determine which bond type should be called
> and I believe that it has been done, but I don't know why
> it's not being found.

Well, I'm not Justin, but as I look at your topology, I see
that you have a bond from atom 3, type CC322, to atom 6,
also type CC322.  However, when I look at the parameters you
give in the bondtypes section, I cannot find a CC322  CC322
bond defined.  Either the entry is missing or you did not
post a complete set of force field entries.

Missing entries might be the cause of theother parameters
not found as well, which is what was suggested to you

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] topolbuild 1.3, revision to topolbuild that incorporates OPLS-AA support

2010-03-10 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Wed, March 10, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Joe Joe  wrote:


> This is great. I was able to easily make a molecule that runs with
> OPLS-AA. Would it be possible to add a feature which creates an
entry? It would be really useful for making non standard
>amino acids
and incorporating it with pdb2gmx.

I've been working on something to do that.  Because of some
differences that require use of names given in defines, this
would be a separate program from topolbuild despite sharing
some component subroutines.  Other research, plus my age
tend to make this a slow process.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] On the new web site, how does one make a user contribution?

2010-03-10 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Tue, March 9, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Rossen Apostolov  

> On 03/09/2010 09:15 PM, Bruce D. Ray wrote:
>> I went to the new web site to make a user contribution,
>> and I was not able to find the method to do that.
>> In fact, I even had to create my user ID again that I
>> had on the old web site.  With this new web site, how
>> does one go submitting user contributed software?
>  Hi Бруце,
> Many users who registered on the old wiki were given a default
> status of  "viewers" after the transition to the new site. I changed
> your status and now you should be able to edit pages across the
> site.

Thank-you very much, both for the assistance and for rendering
my name in Cyrillic.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] On the new web site, how does one make a user contribution?

2010-03-10 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Tue, March 9, 2010 at 4:08, Justin A. Lemkul  wrote:
> Bruce D. Ray wrote:
>> I went to the new web site to make a user contribution,
>> and I was not able to find the method to do that.
>> In fact, I even had to create my user ID again that I
>> had on the old web site.  With this new web site, how
>> does one go submitting user contributed software?
> You
should be able to click "Attach file or image" on the
> contributed
software page, which will prompt a popup where
> you select the file and
write the description.

That's what I thought, but at the time that was not working.
Since the message from Rossen Spostolov, it is working.
Thank-you very much.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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[gmx-users] topolbuild 1.3, revision to topolbuild that incorporates OPLS-AA support

2010-03-10 Thread Bruce D. Ray
. The van der Waals parameters are identical 
between the original rtp atom type and the topolbuild choice
as well. When charges from the mol2 file rather than the oplsaa atom
type charges are used, differences in atom type charges are moot.
Thus, the effects of these changes are minimal.Curiously, the oplsaa
atom type charges from the topolbuild atom type selections appear
to be closer to the atom charges given in foplsaa.rtp than the atom
type charges for the oplsaa types used in foplsaa.rtp

I hope people find this version useful.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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[gmx-users] On the new web site, how does one make a user contribution?

2010-03-09 Thread Bruce D. Ray
I went to the new web site to make a user contribution,
and I was not able to find the method to do that.
In fact, I even had to create my user ID again that I
had on the old web site.  With this new web site, how
does one go submitting user contributed software?

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Topology file for phosphothreonine (TPO) for OPLS force field

2010-02-06 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sat, February 6, 2010 at 11:08:30 AM, Antoine Delmotte 

> Thank you very much for this, Bruce. It will help me, for sure. 
> Could you just let me know where you found the parameters or how you
generated them?

Most of the parameters  came from the entry for threonine in  ffoplsaa.rtp
The remainder came from running the most recent beta test version of
topolbuild 1.3 with the command line

 /usr/local/bin/topolbuild -dir /usr/local/topolbuild -ff oplsaa -n tpo_pep 

which generates an OPLSaa topology with parameters found originally
in the Gromacs OPLSaa installation against a short peptide containing
phosphothreonine and sets the atom charges to the OPLSaa atom type
charges.  I then edited the threonine entry from ffoplsaa.rtp according
to add in the phosphate atom types, and change those atom types that are
altered by the presence of the phosphate.  Finally, I adjusted the charge
on the phosphorous from the charge given in ffoplsaanb.itp in order to
have the total charge come out as -2 for a fully ionized phosphate.
The exact ionization would depend on pH, of course, and I would have
to run the command for protonated TPO (TPH ? or TPH2 ? for the mono-
and di-protonated species?) to further correct atom types and charges.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Topology file for phosphothreonine (TPO) for OPLS force field

2010-02-05 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Fri, February 5, 2010 at 1:06:34 PM, Antoine Delmotte 


> I would like to simulate the CDK9 protein (3BLH in PDB), but there is
one residue (TPO,
> phosphothreonine), which Gromacs does not recognise.
> I
found the PRODRG website as well as force field parameters for TPO for
the Gromos96.1
> force field. However, I would like to use the OPLS-AA
force field. I therefore need a topology
> file for this force field,
which cannot be provided by PRODRG (only useful for united atoms
> force
> Does anyone have an idea about where I could get the phosphothreonine itp 
> file for OPLS
> force field?
> Otherwise, could someone give me clues or the link to a good tutorial about 
> how to create
> this itp file myself? 
> Molecular
dynamics is something completely new for me so, sorry if I ask stupid
> It also seems I am not the first one to have this problem
but I could not find any solution on
> the archive of the mailing list.

The charges probably need a little more work, but this might be a start towards 
rtp file for phosphothreonine to add to ffoplsaa.rtp.

[ TPO ]
 [ atoms ]
 Nopls_238   -0.500 1
 Hopls_2410.300 1
CAopls_224B   0.140 1
HAopls_1400.060 1
CBopls_1580.205 2
HBopls_1400.060 2
   OG1opls_447   -0.700 2
 Popls_4451.795 3
   O1Popls_446   -1.120 3
   O2Popls_446   -1.120 3
   O3Popls_446   -1.120 3
   CG2opls_135   -0.180 4
  HG21opls_1400.060 4
  HG22opls_1400.060 4
  HG23opls_1400.060 4
 Copls_2350.500 5
 Oopls_236   -0.500 5
 [ bonds ]
 N H
CB   OG1
CB   CG2
   OG1 P
   O1P P
   O2P P
   O3P P
   CG2  HG21
   CG2  HG22
   CG2  HG23
 C O
-C N
 [ dihedrals ] ; override some of the typebased dihedrals
 NCACB   OG1dih_SER_THR_chi1_N_C_C_O
 CCACB   OG1dih_SER_THR_chi1_CO_C_C_O
CACB   OG1   HG1dih_SER_THR_chi2_C_C_OH_HO
 [ impropers ]
-CCA N Himproper_Z_N_X_Y 
CA+N C     O    improper_O_C_X_Y 

I hope that helps.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] topolbuild

2009-12-01 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Tue, December 1, 2009 at 1:54:56 AM, Neha Bharat Gajaria 
> I have downloaded topolbuild1.2.1 but cannot extract files. Can anyone help 
> and check the link?

Do you mean that
  gunzip topolbuild1_2_1.tgz | tar -xf -
does not work for you?

Also, please check the archives for some posted bug fixes for topolbuild1.2.1


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] amber force field in gromacs

2009-11-21 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sat, November 21, 2009 at 2:36:08 AM, leila karami  

> I used amber03 force field in gromacs to study pr-dna interaction.
> I compare my pdb file and ffamber03.rtp file.
> I should correct my pdb file to tally with rtp file. N-terminal (NUMBER 1) 
> and C-terminal
>  (NUMBER 70) of my protein is GLY.
pdb file and rtp file relating to gly1 and gly70 are placed in follow.
> pdb file of gly1:
> 1  N  NGLY  1
> 2  CA NGLY  1
> 3  C  NGLY  1
> 4  O  NGLY  1
> 5 1H  NGLY  1
> 6 2HA NGLY  1
> 7 2H  NGLY  1
> 8 3H  NGLY  1
> 9 1HA NGLY  1
> rtp file of gly1:
> [ NGLY ]
>  [ atoms ]
>  Namber99_39   0.29430 1
> H1amber99_17   0.16420 2
> H2amber99_17   0.16420 3
> H3amber99_17   0.16420 4
> CAamber99_11  -0.01000 5
   HA1amber99_28   0.08950 6
>HA2amber99_28   0.08950 7
>  Camber99_20.61630 8
>  Oamber99_41  -0.57220 9
I could be wrong, but I believe that the atom names in the pdb file are 
supposed to match
the names in rtp entry.  There may be some formatting issues as well in your 
actual pdb file
since the error message references a residue GLY1 instead of residue NGLY1, but 
in the
absence of the actual pdb entry line, I cannot comment on that.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Problem with topolbuild

2009-11-09 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Mon, November 9, 2009 at 8:14:29 AM, Gunnar Widtfeldt Reginsson

> Thank you.
> I am new to Unix commands, so could you please explain a little more how I am 
> to
> apply these bug fixes?

For short patches like these, I just use a text editor.

Because the mailing list does not like the length this would come to if I were
to attach the edited files, I've sent a separate e-mail to you directly with the
edited files for you to place in the topolbuild source directory and recompile.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Problem with topolbuild

2009-11-09 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sun, November 8, 2009 at 5:31:30 PM, Gunnar Widtfeldt Reginsson

> I have a small organic molecule that I processed with antechamber
using the gaff forcefield
> and got a mol2 file. I want to get .gro and.
itp files from this to use with GROMACS. So I tried
> to use the program
"topolbuild version 1.2" from the GROMACS website.

> when I execute the command:
> "topolbuild -dir ../ -ff gaff -n nameofmolecule -r SL -last 1241 -resnum 40"

I get this error message:
> Fatal error.
> Source code file: readmol2.c, line: 109
> Atomic symbol cc in atom type not found.
> When
I excecute the topolbuild above I use -dir ../ because that should take
the program
> to the directory containing dat/antechamber and etc. which
actually comes with the
> topolbuild 1.2 package
> I don't know what to do and I have tried searching this mailing list and 
> google without sucess.
> Can someone please help me?

First, the mol2 file that you are using is not syntactically correct because it 
is using
gaff atom types and not Tripos' Sybyl atom types.  A syntactically correct mol2 
would not have atom type cc.  Please process your organic molecule against the
Sybyl force field to get a correct mol2 file.

Second, there are a number of bug fixes I have placed in this list for version 
which is the version I hope you are using.   The following diffs should be 

diff topolbuild1_2_1/src/Makefile topolbuild1_2_2/src/Makefile
<   $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -lm
>   $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -lm
> clean:
>   rm -f *.o
> dist_clean:
>   rm -f *.o $(PROGRAM)
diff topolbuild1_2_1/src/Makefile.G4OsX topolbuild1_2_2/src/Makefile.G4OsX
<   $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -lm
>   $(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -lm
> clean:
>   rm -f *.o
> dist_clean:
>   rm -f *.o $(PROGRAM)
diff topolbuild1_2_1/src/ring_detect.c topolbuild1_2_2/src/ring_detect.c
diff topolbuild1_2_1/src/topolbuild.c topolbuild1_2_2/src/topolbuild.c
<  max_rng = num_bonds/2;
>  max_rng = 3 * num_bonds/4;

Also, when using Gromacs force fields, the defaults definition line needs to
be changed from:
   1   2   yes 0.5 0.8333
   1   1   no  1.0 1.0

Unfortunately, I did not allow for different defaults for different force fields
in that version.  The next version will correct that as well as adding OPLSAA
to the suite of force fields available.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Fatal Equilibration Errors

2009-08-13 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 8:47:33 PM, Nancy  

> In an earlier message, it was stated that topolbuild generated
topologies with Gromos 53a6
> and OPLS-AA force fields.  I am using
topolbuild (version 1.2.2), and the only files in the
> "dat/gromacs"
directory are for the force fields: 43a1, 43a2, 43b1, 45a3, 53a5, and
> How is the OPLS-AA force field used?

First, I need to thank you in particular.  First, while testing your molecules, 
I discovered a
case in the as yet unreleased topolbuild 1.3 in which my dihedral selection 
method failed
to select the dihedral choice with the maximum number of heavy atoms with 
the force field. Second, also because of this, I discovered what one downloads 
as a "Sybyl
2" structure from one source of small molecule structures and how to edit it so 
that it meets
the syntax standards for a true mol2 file. Thank you very much for this 

In the earlier message, I stated that topolbuild 1.2.1 ( and 1.2.2) generates 
topologies for
amber, gaff, glycam, 43a1, 43a2, 43b1, 45a3, 53a5, and
53a6.  I stated that the as yet
unreleased topolbuild 1.3 will include OPLS-AA. The version of topolbuild you 
is 1.2.2. Would you like to beta test topolbuild 1.3?


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Fatal Equilibration Errors

2009-08-10 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 4:32:19 PM, Nancy  wrote:

> I obtained the ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol) structure from the URL:
> I converted the EDO_ideal.pdb file into ethanediol.mol2 using UCSF
> Chimera (
> I then use topolbuild 1.2 (written by Dr. Bruce D. Ray) to generate the 
> topologies:
> $ .../topolbuild1_2_2/src/topolbuild -n ethanediol -dir 
> .../topolbuild1_2_2/dat/gromacs -ff gmx53a6
> which outputs the files:
> ethanediol.gro
> ethanediol.log
> ethanediolMOL.mol2
> ffethanediol.itp
> posreethanediol.itp
> I modified the "ffethanediol.itp" file to read:
> ===
> #define _FF_GROMOS96
> #define _FF_GROMOS53A6
> #define _FF_USER
> [ defaults ]
> ;nbfunc comb-rule  gen-pairs fudgeLJ  fudgeQQ
>   1 1 no 1.0  1.0
> #include "ffG53a6nb.itp"
> ===
> The
lack of hydrogen bonds between the solute and solvent molecules was
> due
to the lack of charges in the generated topology file
> So I changed the "atoms" section of the topology
file (the original topology
> file is at the end of this message), and
this causes hydrogen bonds between the
> solute and solvent in numbers
comparable to that between the solvent molecules.
> ===
>  [ atoms ]
> ;  nrtype   resnr   residu   atom   cgnrcharge  mass
> 1   CH2 1   EDO  C11   0.17600  14.02700   ;   
> 0.000
> 2OA 1   EDO  O11   -0.5740  15.99940   ;   
> 0.000
> 3H  1   EDO HO11   0.39800   1.00800   ;   
> 0.000
> 4   CH2 1   EDO  C22   0.17600  14.02700   ;   
> 0.000
> 5OA 1   EDO  O22   -0.5740  15.99940   ;   
> 0.000
> 6H  1   EDO HO22   0.39800   1.00800   ;   
> 0.000
> ; total molecule charge =   0.000
> ===
> I
obtained the charge values from the methanol tutoral included with
>  (.../share/gromacs/tutor/methanol/methanol.itp).  I then
enlarge the box and solvate the molecule:

I used a mol2 file that I generated from a sy2 file downloaded from NCI by first
running the file through dos2unix then replacing the 0 in the residue number
column with 1 EDO so that I had both a correct residue number column with a
residue name column.  The NCI data was missing the residue name column.  I then
read the mol2 file that resulted into UCSF Chimera and used it to generate 
charges for ethylene glycol.  Chimera wrote the following mol2 file as a result:

10 9 1 0 0

  1 O1  0.0.0. O.3   1 EDO-0.3940
  2 C1 -0.9400   -0.1600   -1.0400 C.3   1 EDO 0.0662
  3 C2 -1.74001.1400   -1.1400 C.3   1 EDO 0.0662
  4 O2 -2.52001.28000.0200 O.3   1 EDO-0.3940
  5 H1  0.5196   -0.80240.0879 H 1 EDO 0.2102
  6 H2 -1.5882   -0.9871   -0.8384 H 1 EDO 0.0588
  7 H3 -0.4343   -0.3499   -1.9636 H 1 EDO 0.0588
  8 H4 -2.37211.1133   -2.0029 H 1 EDO 0.0588
  9 H5 -1.06961.9696   -1.2252 H 1 EDO 0.0588
 10 H6 -3.02712.0935   -0.0316 H 1 EDO 0.2102
 115 1
 212 1
 327 1
 426 1
 523 1
 639 1
 738 1
 834 1
 94   10 1

I processed this with topolbuild 1.3 and generated topologies with gromacs
53a6 and with opls-aa as the force fields.  I am attaching the results to this
as the tarred and gzipped file, ethanediol.tgz   I note that the opls-aa atom
types selected by topolbuld 1.3 have characteristic atom type charges charges
of -0.7 for each oxygen, +0.435 for each of the two hydrogens bound to oxygens,
+0.06 for each of the hydrogens bound to carbon, and +0.145 for each of the
carbons.  The comparison to the gasteiger charges Chimera assigned to these
atoms is interesting.  The opls-aa topology generated also assigns to the
O1-C1-C2-O2 dihedral the diol constants found as a special define in


> The ethylene glycol lacks explicit non-polar hydrogens; is that
normal for this type of system,
> force field (based on GROMOS96

Re: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation and Equilibration Problems

2009-08-07 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 7:59:43 PM Nancy  wrote:

> I ran the minimisation, and mdrun gave the following last few lines of output:
> ==
> Step=19990, Dmax= 7.8e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14922e+04 Fmax= 3.19585e+04, atom= 2395
> Step=19992, Dmax= 4.7e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14924e+04 Fmax= 8.72456e+03, atom= 2395
Step=19993, Dmax= 5.6e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14927e+04 Fmax= 3.70693e+04, atom= 2395
> Step=19994, Dmax= 6.8e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14929e+04 Fmax= 2.10513e+04, atom= 2395
> Step=19995, Dmax= 8.1e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14929e+04 Fmax= 4.71234e+04, atom= 2395
Step=19996, Dmax= 9.7e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14931e+04 Fmax= 3.68827e+04, atom= 2395
> Step=19998, Dmax= 5.8e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14933e+04 Fmax= 1.35461e+04, atom= 2395
> Step=1, Dmax= 7.0e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14933e+04 Fmax= 4.77130e+04, atom= 2395
Step=2, Dmax= 8.4e-06 nm, Epot= -7.14936e+04 Fmax= 2.41860e+04, atom= 2395
> writing lowest energy coordinates.
> Steepest Descents did not converge to Fmax < 10 in 20001 steps.
> Potential Energy  = -7.1493609e+04
Maximum force =  2.4185994e+04 on atom 2395
> Norm of force =  8.1511212e+02
> ==
> As you can be seen, the forces still do not converge to Fmax < 10, even after 
> 20,000 steps.
> Does anyone know what the problem might be?

The problem is my error in the specification of non-bonded interaction 
combination rules,
FudgeLJ, and FudgeQQ for gromacs force fields.

Line 7 of your file ffethanediol.itp currently reads:
   1 2yes 0.5  0.83

This was taken from ambconv and is correct for amber and gaff force fields, but 
for gromacs force fields, nor for OPLS-AA.

Change line 7 of the file ffethanediol.itp to read:
   1   1   no  1.0 1.0

The correction is in topolbuild 1.3 which is not yet released, but this error 
was not caught
for the topolbuild 1.2 series.  Quite frankly, I had forgotten that 
modification was made as
I've been editing the set of tables needed to add OPLS-AA to the mix of force 
fields available.

As a general note.  For gromacs force field topologies generated with anything 
in the
topolbuild 1.2 series, this edit to the itp file that specifies the defaults is 


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation and Equilibration Problems

2009-08-06 Thread Bruce D. Ray
uild1_3 -dir /usr/bdray/tables -ff gmx53a6 -n 
 editconf -f ethylene_glycol.gro -o ethanediol_box.gro -box 3 3 3 -c
 genbox -cp ethanediol_box.gro -cs spc216.gro -o ethanediol_solv.gro -p -box 3 3 3
 grompp -f em.mdp -c ethanediol_solv.gro -p -o em.tpr

File em.mdp includes:
 constraints =  none
 integrator  =  steep
 nsteps  =  2
 ;Energy minimizing stuff
 emtol   =  10.0
 emstep  =  0.01
 nstlist =  1
 coulombtype =  PME
 nstcomm =  1
 ns_type =  grid
 rlist   =  1
 rcoulomb=  1.0
 rvdw=  1.3
 nstxout =  1
 pbc =  xyz
 pme_order   =  4

I deliberately did not use the flexible waters model with this energy 
I then ran

 mdrun -v -deffnm em

I got the result:
 Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
 Converged to machine precision,
 but not to the requested precision Fmax < 10
 Double precision normally gives you higher accuracy.
 You might need to increase your constraint accuracy, or turn
 off constraints alltogether (set constraints = none in mdp file)
 Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 6291 steps,
 but did not reach the requested Fmax < 10.
 Potential Energy  = -4.9487391e+04
 Maximum force =  9.0675652e+01 on atom 5
 Norm of force =  2.5599347e+02

I note that atom 5 is part of the ethylene glycol molecule.   Furthermore, with 
very few
exceptions, most of the activity in the energy minimization was devoted to the 
glycol molecule.  I presume that I would reach the desired Fmax if I were to 
use double
precision.  However, an Fmax < 90.7 would seem to me to be usable.

Perhaps the problem stems from the use of flexible waters in the energy 

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation and Equilibration Problems

2009-08-06 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 11:58:20 AM, Nancy  wrote:

>  The energies simply do not seem to come down any further within several 
> thousand steps.
> I
start with a .mol2 file which contains the structure of ethylene glycol
> These are the commands that I use to set up and run the
> $ .../topolbuild1_2_1/src/topolbuild -n ethanediol -dir 
> .../topolbuild1_2_1/dat/gromacs -ff gmx53a6
> the above command outputs the following files:
> ethanediol.gro
> ethanediol.log
> ethanediolMOL.mol2
> ffethanediol.itp
> posreethanediol.itp

Those are the correct files to be generated for the topolbuild command given.
Are the parameters blank in any of the lines in  Are there
any lines in ethanediol.log that do not involve nonpolar hydrogens that
have asterisks instead of parameter values?

> I then proceed to enlarge the box and solvate the molecule:
> $ editconf -f ethanediol.gro -o ethanediol_box.gro -box 5 5 5
> $ genbox -cp ethanediol_box.gro -cs spc216.gro -o ethanediol_box.gro -p 
> -shell 1

Is this a shell of solvent around the molecule rather than a box of solvent 
the molecule of interest?  How is that to work with vacuum outside the shell?

> I then use grompp to configure the minimisation:
> $ grompp -f minim.mdp -c ethanediol_box.gro -p -o em.tpr
> This is my .mdp file for minimisation:
> ===
> define= -DPOSRE

Why position restraints when doing energy minimization?

integrator= steep
> emtol= 10.0  
> emstep  = 0.01  
> nsteps= 2000 

Why so few steps when the emtol is this small.  For this emtol, I would expect
to need 1 to 2 steps.

> nstlist= 1
> ns_type= grid
> rlist= 1.0
> coulombtype= PME
> rcoulomb= 1.0
rvdw= 1.3
> pbc= xyz 
> pme_order= 4
> constraints = none
> nstxout= 1
> nstvout= 1
> nstenergy= 1
> nstlog= 1
> nstcomm = 1
> Tcoupl  = no
Pcoupl  = no
> gen_vel = no
> ===

I've been told that the last three lines are not needed for energy minimization.

> $ mdrun -v -deffnm em
> the minimisation runs without error and these are the last few lines of 
> output:
> ===
Step= 1990, Dmax= 1.1e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76427e+04 Fmax= 1.25524e+04, atom= 304
> Step= 1991, Dmax= 1.3e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76433e+04 Fmax= 3.13881e+04, atom= 484
> Step= 1992, Dmax= 1.6e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76443e+04 Fmax= 2.11785e+04, atom= 484
Step= 1993, Dmax= 1.9e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76445e+04 Fmax= 4.22489e+04, atom= 484
> Step= 1994, Dmax= 2.3e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76456e+04 Fmax= 3.33021e+04, atom= 484
> Step= 1996, Dmax= 1.4e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76468e+04 Fmax= 1.26110e+04, atom= 304
Step= 1997, Dmax= 1.6e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76474e+04 Fmax= 3.81619e+04, atom= 484
> Step= 1998, Dmax= 2.0e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76486e+04 Fmax= 2.68240e+04, atom= 484
> Step= 2000, Dmax= 1.2e-05 nm, Epot= -1.76496e+04 Fmax= 1.26501e+04, atom= 304
> writing lowest energy coordinates.
> Steepest Descents did not converge to Fmax < 10 in 2001 steps.
> Potential Energy  = -1.7649566e+04
> Maximum force =  1.2650057e+04 on atom 30
> Norm of force =  1.7544460e+03
> If
I proceed to equilibration after doing the above, the water molecules
simply fly apart
> (although not immediately).  Additionally, it seems
that there are no interactions between
> the waters during equilibration.

Really no point in proceeding further until the energy minimization issues are 

> I have tried to run the minimisation for a larger number of steps,
but it does not help.
> I have also tried to delete individual water
molecules from the structure files, but doing
> so simply causes the
minimisation to "fixate" on another two molecules.  I am not sure
> what
values of the energies are reasonable for this system, and how to
minimise it further. 
> Please advise.

I've never used the -shell with genbox and don't know what effect that would 
have on
energy minimization.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation and Equilibration Problems

2009-08-06 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 6:03:51 PM, Nancy  wrote:
> I am trying to run equilibration on my solvated ethylene glycol
(ethanediol) system.  I started
> with an ethanediol mol2 file from which
topolbuild generated various files.  I used editconf
> to enlarge to box
of the "ethanediol.gro" file:
> $ editconf -f ethanediol.gro -o ethanediol_box.gro -box 5 5 5
> and then I used genbox to solvate it:
> $ genbox -cp ethanediol_box.gro -cs spc216.gro -shell 1 -o 
> ethanediol_solv.gro -p
I ran energy minimisation on it:
> $ grompp -f minim.mdp -c ethanediol_solv.gro -p -o em.tpr
> my minim.mdp file is:
> ==
> define= -DFLEXIBLE
> integrator= steep
emtol= 1000.0
> emstep  = 0.01
> nsteps= 5000
> nstlist= 1
> ns_type= grid
> rlist= 1.0
> coulombtype= PME
> rcoulomb= 1.0
> rvdw= 1.3
> pbc= xyz
> pme_order= 4
> constraints = none
> nstxout= 1
> nstvout= 1
> nstenergy= 1
> nstlog= 1
> ==
> $ mdrun -v -deffnm em
> and the energies converge (although I think that the values are still too 
> large for this system):
> ==
> Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 1000 in 12 steps
> Potential Energy  = -1.1206108e+04
> Maximum force =  9.4016180e+02 on atom 31
> Norm of force =  3.4989252e+02
> ==

{remainder snipped}

The energies do seem large.  What happens if you do energy minimization
with emtol = 10.0  ?

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

>From: Nancy 
>To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
>Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 10:28:47 PM
>Subject: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation and Equilibration Problems

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Re: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation Values

2009-08-05 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 6:03:51 PM, Nancy  wrote:
> I was trying to run equilibration on my solvated ethylene glycol
system.  However, the
> system seems to be "exploding".  I believe this
is due to inadequate energy minimisation,
> however, I am unable to
minimise my system any further.  I am using the following .mdp
> file
"minim.mdp" for minimsation:
> ==
> define= -DFLEXIBLE
> integrator= steep
> emtol= 1000.0
> emstep  = 0.5
> nsteps= 1000

I use more steps than 1000 (may want 1) with:
 emstep   =  0.01
 nstcomm=  1
 Tcoupl   =  no
 Pcoupl   =  no
 gen_vel =  no

> nstlist= 1
> ns_type= grid
> rlist= 1.0
coulombtype= PME
> rcoulomb= 1.0
> rvdw= 1.3
> pbc= xyz
> pme_order= 4
> constraints = none
> ==
> I
process it with grompp, where "ethanediol_solv.gro" is the solvated
> and "" is the topolgy generated with topolbuild:
> $ grompp -f minim.mdp -c ethanediol_solv.gro -p -o em.tpr
> I then run it:
> $ mdrun -v -deffnm em
> mdrun outputs the following information:
> ==
> Steepest Descents did not converge to Fmax < 1000 in 1001 steps.
Potential Energy  = -6.7546914e+03
> Maximum force =  2.7262363e+04 on atom 34
> Norm of force =  2.5032930e+03
> ==
> I
have viewed the output trajectory of the minimisation and I can see
that the
> waters do not move much.  I am wondering if there is a way to
let solvent water
> molecules move about during minimsation, and/or how
to remove some of them. 
> I am also unsure what value of emtol is
reasonable for this type of small system.

I use the same value of emtol, but that's just based on examples I've seen where
others have used that value.

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

>From: Nancy 
>To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
>Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:03:51 PM
>Subject: [gmx-users] Energy Minimisation Values

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[gmx-users] Re: MD Simulation Errors for Ethylene Glycol-Water System

2009-08-05 Thread Bruce D. Ray
nt length
>   1  4   88.80.6606   0.6855  0.1520
>   2  3   90.60.4305   0.4542  0.1000
>   1  2   89.20.6123   0.4690  0.1435
>   5  6   93.40.4193   0.1741  0.1000
>   4  5   89.20.6156   0.5033  0.1435

It is blowing up.  Did you see anything in the energy minimization or the
position restrained equilibration steps that seemed unusual?

> I
am not sure where the errors are occuring (I am also wondering if the
absence of
> explicit non-polar hydrogens in the .gro files are
relevant).  Please adivse.

Gromacs force fields are united atom force fields.  As such, explicit non-polar 
are supposed to be removed.

I hope these few remarks help.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Carbohydrate MD Simulation

2009-08-01 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:19:19 PM, Nancy  wrote:
> If it necessary to manually create force field parameters for each
molecule, then how can one run a
> simulation involving a number of
arbitrary molecules (e.g. a set of mono and disaccharides) for
> which
there are no existing force fields?
> Do you know of any other MD software package that is capable of
running simulations on
> arbitrary molecules without having to "piece
together" a force field for each molecule?

Provided that the desired force field has suitable parameters for a particular 
bonding situation
already, there are software packages that can generate a potentially suitable 
topology from
a molecule's structure.  For gromacs topologies, user contributions to gromacs 
topolbuild 1.2.1 that supports amber, gaff, glycam, Tripos, and gromacs force 
(my upcoming version 1.3 will also do OPLS-AA with the numeric opls atom 
types), and
topolgen 1.1, a Perl script that supports OPLS-AA.  Also available in user 
is ambconv that takes the file generated by antechamber and leap from amber 
and generates a gromacs topology that uses the amber or gaff forcefield 
selected when
leap was applied to the antechamber output.  Another option is the Perl script
mktop at <>, documented in Ribeiro, A.A.S.T., 
Horta, B.A.C.,
and  de Alencastro, R.B.  J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 19, No. 7, 1433-1435, 2008. 
there is acpypi, the AnteChamber Python Parser Interface available at
I hope one of these with careful selection of the force field will be helpful 
to you.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] problem with installation of topolbuild1.2.1

2009-07-08 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Wednesday, July 8, 2009 2:32:53 AMsubarna thakur 

> Can anybody please tell me how to install topolbuild 1.2.1
programm in  32 bit machine with
> Fedora linux operating system. I
cannot understand the instruction given in the READ ME file
Apparently some versions of make do not handle my make files the same way that
the version of make I use does.  to correct this, replace the file in src named 
with the attached version.

Second, to allow larger memory allocation for recursive ring detection in
some complicated ring systems, the estimate of maximum number of rings
needs to be increased.  In the source code, in file topolbuild.c, change the
following line:

 max_rng = num_bonds/2;
 max_rng = 3 * num_bonds/4;

Third, to correct for an error in setting a ring type flag, in file 
function aromaticity 

Then type make to compile.

Once the program is compiled, you can relocate the executable, named
topolbuild, and the entire dat directory where you wish them to be.
Items in the water_and_ions directory need to be placed where grompp
can find them.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273


Description: Binary data
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Re: [gmx-users] Installing topolbuild

2009-05-29 Thread Bruce D. Ray
04.2670   -0.1900 H   1  UNK10.2548
 39 H   3.81501.95007.5800 H   1  UNK10.0654
 40 H   1.74505.65106.6810 H   1  UNK10.0654
 41 H   4.33602.75609.7690 H   1  UNK10.0630
 42 H   2.33706.48508.9220 H   1  UNK10.0630
 1 1221
 2 2 41
 3 2131
 4 3161
 5 3171
 6 4 91
 7 4121
 8 5 91
 9 5152
10 6122
11 6151
12 7121
13 7351
14 7361
15 8151
16 8371
17 8381
18 9101
19 9111
341718   ar
351719   ar
361820   ar
381921   ar
402022   ar
412041    1
    42    2122   ar

Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] Installing topolbuild

2009-04-16 Thread Bruce D. Ray
Apparently some versions of make do not handle my make files the same way that
the version of make I use does.  The attached Makefile might help in such cases.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273


Description: Binary data
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Re: [gmx-users] Installing topolbuild

2009-03-06 Thread Bruce D. Ray

From: vivek sharma 
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Installing topolbuild

On Friday, March 6, 2009 2:29:32 AM,
vivek sharma  wrote:
> Thanks for your reply. I am workin on RHEL with architecture x86_64. 
> when i searched for libm.* I got a few location, I tried "make: again after
> exporting these location in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. but i am getting the
> same error again.

I am not familiar with RHEL nor with x86_64 bit architecture.  I believe
that 64 bit *nixes have both 32 bit and 64 bit libraries.  Thus, one needs
to select the correct libm.* for the compilation options.  It is probably best
to use 32 bit compilation options for topolbuild, but I don't know what
those would be for the compiler you are using.

> I think, i didn't downloaded the appropriate files for
> installation. Can you tell me the appropriate location to download the
> topolbuild.

topolbuild 1.2.1 (does gromacs ua and amber forcefields) is at:

topolbuild 1.1.2 (does amber forcefields only) is at:

> And some precise installation instruction can help me more, as I am not
> comfortable with linux env. 

Because I do not know every system and in particular have absolutely
no knowledge of RHEL in general or RHEL with architecture x86_64
in particular, the only instructions I can give you are:

1. Set appropriate environmental parameters for your system.
2. Edit one of the two Makefiles (Makefile and Makefile.G4OsX) 
   supplied to set such parameters as compiler, compilation options,
   library selections, and needed libraries appropriate for your system.
3. make -f 

Both Makefile and Makefile.G4OsX specify the compiler with
the line
  CC = cc
This might need to be changed either by passing the option
when invoking make or by editing the appropriate file.

Compiler options are the only line that differs between Makefile
and Makefile.G4OsX and are specified on a line that reads for
or for Makefile.G4OsX:
  CFLAGS = -O2 -mcpu=7450 -mtune=970

The compilation instruction reads:
\t$(CC) -o $(PROGRAM) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -lm
where I am denoting the tab at the start of the line with "\t"
because this composer seems to replace the tab with spaces
and I want this to be absolutely clear.  Pointers to special
libraries can be added to this line as -L/.
Libraries are selected with -l.

All of the systems to which I have ever had access have always
had exp and sqrt functions located in /usr/lib/ (SUN),
/usr/lib32/ (SGI), or /usr/lib/libm.dylib (Os X).  You should
check your systems documentation to be sure that the correct library
and correct library options are selected.

I do not have access to very many systems.  This has compiled on Mac
G4 ppc simply by typing -f Makefile.G4OsX
I am told that it compiles on intel based Mac's running OsX and on at
least some versions of 32 bit Linux.

As I look at your error message, it appears to me as if there might have
been some prior warning messages that could shed more light on this.
In particular, where is math.h located?

> 2009/3/5 Bruce D. Ray 
> On Thursday, March 5, 2009 1:47:28 AM,

> vivek sharma  wrote:
>> I am trying to Install topolbuild on my system, while doing so with
>> the make file given in the topolbuild folder. but I end up with a list
>> of error mentioned below:
>> ..
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .compare_FF.c:(.text+0x1285): undefined reference to `exp'
compare_FF.c:(.text+0x12cc): undefined reference to `sqrt'
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> make: *** [topolbuild] Error 1
>> If somebody has tried this. please help me in figuring out the problem.
> The errors mean that ld cannot locate the math library ( the -lm in the
> compilation instruction in Makefile which tells it to link against libm.*
> that is usually found in /usr/lib .  On most *nix's, this is but
its libm.dylib on Mac OS X.)  If libm.* is not present in either the
> standard location, or in someplace pointed to by LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> then it will not be found.
> What is the system on which you are trying to build, where is libm.*
located, and what is LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to?  If libm.* is in
> some unusual place, then the easiest way to go is to add that location
> As a side note, an early version of topolbuild was missing the -lm
in the compilation instruction in Makefile.  I checked what I've
> submitted since then and the makefiles all have the -lm as the last
> item in the compilation instruction.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D

Re: [gmx-users] Installing topolbuild

2009-03-05 Thread Bruce D. Ray
On Thursday, March 5, 2009 1:47:28 AM,

vivek sharma  wrote:
> I am trying to Install topolbuild on my system, while doing so with
> the make file given in the topolbuild folder. but I end up with a list
> of error mentioned below:
> ..
> .
> .
> .
> .compare_FF.c:(.text+0x1285): undefined reference to `exp'
compare_FF.c:(.text+0x12cc): undefined reference to `sqrt'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [topolbuild] Error 1
> If somebody has tried this. please help me in figuring out the problem.

The errors mean that ld cannot locate the math library ( the -lm in the
compilation instruction in Makefile which tells it to link against libm.*
that is usually found in /usr/lib .  On most *nix's, this is but
its libm.dylib on Mac OS X.)  If libm.* is not present in either the
standard location, or in someplace pointed to by LD_LIBRARY_PATH
then it will not be found.

What is the system on which you are trying to build, where is libm.*
located, and what is LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to?  If libm.* is in
some unusuall place, then the easiest way to go is to add that location

As a side note, an early version of topolbuild was missing the -lm
in the compilation instruction in Makefile.  I checked what I've
submitted since then and the makefiles all have the -lm as the last
item in the compilation instruction.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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Re: [gmx-users] OPLS-AA topologies for ATP/ADP.

2009-02-26 Thread Bruce D. Ray

On Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:06:20 AM, Lucio Ricardo Montero Valenzuela


> Does anybody have the topology files for ATP and/or ADP for the OPLS-AA
> forcefield?. If not, how can I parameterize this molecules?.
> Best regards.
>Lucio Montero.
> Lucio Ricardo Montero Valenzuela
> Instituto de Biotecnologia, UNAM
> Departamento de Biologia Molecular de Plantas
> Av. Universidad 2001, Col. Chamilpa
> Cuernavaca 62210
> Mexico

I've not tested this at all, but from my attempts to add OPLS-AA to topolbuild,
I get the following that might be suitable for insertion in the oplsaa rtp:

[ ATP ]
 [ atoms ]
   O9Popls_441  -0.635 0 ;O2
   O8Popls_441  -0.635 1 ;O2
   O7Popls_441  -0.635 2 ;O2
PGopls_445   0.072 3 ;P
   O6Popls_442  -0.286 4 ;OS
   O5Popls_441  -0.516 5 ;O2
   O4Popls_441  -0.516 6 ;O2
PBopls_440   0.280 7 ;P
   O3Popls_442  -0.250 8 ;OS
   O2Popls_441  -0.516 9 ;O2
   O1Popls_441  -0.51610 ;O2
PAopls_440   0.27611 ;P
   O5*opls_442  -0.31512 ;OS
   C5*opls_443   0.08513 ;CT
  H5*1opls_444   0.05914 ;HC
  H5*2opls_444   0.05915 ;HC
   C4*opls_174   0.11316 ;CT
   H4*opls_176   0.06517 ;HC
   O4*opls_186  -0.34818 ;OS
   C1*opls_193   0.16019 ;CO
   H1*opls_194   0.08420 ;HC
N9opls_354B -0.24521 ;NA
C8opls_353   0.09222 ;CK
H8opls_359   0.10023 ;H5
N7opls_352  -0.23324 ;NB
C5opls_350   0.14525 ;CB
C6opls_351   0.14726 ;CA
N6opls_356  -0.34127 ;N2
   H61opls_357   0.14428 ;H
   H62opls_358   0.14429 ;H
N1opls_346  -0.21930 ;NC
C2opls_347   0.12031 ;CQ
H2opls_355   0.06632 ;H5
N3opls_348  -0.21833 ;NC
C4opls_349   0.15934 ;CB
   C2*opls_174   0.12735 ;CT
   H2*opls_176   0.10036 ;HC
   O2'opls_171  -0.38537 ;OH
   H2'opls_172   0.21038 ;HO
   C3*opls_174   0.11339 ;CT
   H3*opls_176   0.06540 ;HC
   O3'opls_171  -0.38641 ;OH
   H3'opls_172   0.21042 ;HO
 [ bonds ]
PG   O9P
PG   O8P
PG   O7P
PB   O6P
PB   O5P
PB   O4P
PA   O3P
PA   O2P
PA   O1P
PA   O5*
   O5*   C5*
   C5*   C4*
   C5*  H5*1
   C5*  H5*2
   C4*   O4*
   C4*   H4*
   C4*   C3*
   O4*   C1*
   C1*   H1*
   C1*   C2*
N6   H61
N6   H62
   C2*   C3*
   C2*   H2*
   C2*   O2'
   O2'   H2'
   C3*   H3*
   C3*   O3'
   O3'   H3'

Please let me know if this actually works for computations.
Charges were derived from the .mol2 file generated by Sybyl.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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[gmx-users] topolbuild 1.2.1, gromacs topology builder for gromacs and amber force field topologies

2008-12-11 Thread Bruce D. Ray
I have submitted a further revision of topolbuild as file topolbuild1_2_1.tgz
This should work much better than the previous release that was rushed
on account of personal factors that threatened to preclude further work.

topolbuild 1.2.1
Reads a Tripos .mol2 file with charges to generate something approximating 
gromacs *.gro, *.top, and *.itp files from it based on selected force field 
parameters.  Now supports some united atom force fields.  Includes tables to 
support amber, gaff, glycam, and gmx type force fields. Requires that the 
*.mol2 file have syntactically correct Tripos atom types and absolutely will 
not work with other input atom types.  Includes capability of pruning dihedral 
angles to a possibly more reasonable set.

Revisions include:
  1.  Corrected errors in prior version from last minute additions.
  2.  Corrected output of defines and includes.
  3.  Refined the gromacs force field tables.
  4.  Revised log and topology outputs to better reflect the types of dihedrals.
  5.  Updated parameter files for gaff, glycam, and amber to the versions found 
in AmberTools 1.2
  6.  Revised order of setting dihedrals to better reflect tleap or grommp 
  7.  Improved option to prune excess dihedral angles.  Most users should be 
satisfied with the results from setting -purge 1
  8.  Improper dihedrals generated for amber, glycam, gaff, and Tripos force 
fields are now included with regular type 1 dihedrals in accordance with the 
way that amber treats improper dihedrals.
  9.  Ion type names for the amber force fields now written in the topology as 
atomic symbol with charge to differentiate from other atom types in some force 

Special Processing Used for Gromacs Force Fields
Gromacs force fields have a limited set of atom types that are used in multiple
chemical environments. This works quite well when one can use a residue types
file to generate a topology. This presents problems when the goal is to 
the topology of an arbitrary molecule for which residue type information does 
exist. Therefore, conversion to gromacs force fields requires double 
of atom types. A first determination of atom types is performed with a rich set
of atom types derived from a combination of the gaff and amber atom type
definitions. This assignment is used to determine force constants, bond lengths,
angles, dihedral angles, and improper angles. A second determination of atom
types is performed to assign the true gromacs atom types to match the atom
types in the appropriate ffGnb.itp from the gromacs distribution. A major
problem of this double conversion is that for something found in a residue type
file, topolbuild does not always select the exact same parameters as are
found in the residue type file’s parameterization. However, tests so far give
the same parameterization better than 95% of the time.

As always, I hope people find this useful.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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[gmx-users] topolbuild 1.2, gromacs topology builder extended to include gromacs united atoms force fields

2008-10-14 Thread Bruce D. Ray
I have submitted a further revision of topolbuild as file topolbuild1_2.tgz
Please see the end of this message for an important post-submission
code correction.

Reads a Tripos .mol2 file with charges to generate something approximating
gromacs .gro, .top, and .itp files from it based on selected force field 
Now includes some support for united atom force fields.  Includes tables to
support amber, gaff, glycam, and gmx type force fields. Requires that the
.mol2 file have syntactically correct Tripos atom types and absolutely will
not work with other input atom types.  Includes capability of pruning dihedral
angles to a possibly more reasonable set.

Revisions include:
  1. Corrected improper dihedrals determination.
  2. Added gromacs united atoms force fields, along with some required
  atom type definition files and parameters files.  Atom type definition
  files and parameter files are included for gmx43a1, gmx43a2, gmx43b1,
  gmx45a3, gmx53a5, and gmx53a6.  Only the table for gmx53a6 has
  received any checking.  All of these tables are incomplete and to be
  considered experimental.  As with any automatic system for
  parameterization, careful examination and editing of the results is
  required to generate a well behaved final topology.
  3. Added glycam force fields option and ATOMTYPE_GLYCAM.DEF.
  The glycam option is experimental and may not give a correct result.
  4. Added option to prune excess dihedral angles.
  5. Added conversion of some ring planarity dihedral angles to be output
  in the topology as improper dihedral angles.
  6. Added an internal adjustment to correct for the problem of programs
  other than Sybyl generating larger charges than those from the standard
  Sybyl residue dictionary and charge generation methods.
  7. Altered topology outputs to allow for various types of bond, angle, and
  dihedral angle parameters.
  8. Made changes to antechamber data tables to correct for problems related
  to gromacs case insensitivity and for the absence of some atom type
  combinations in the force field parameters.

Special Processing Used for Gromacs Force Fields
Gromacs force fields have a limited set of atom types that are used in multiple
chemical environments. This works quite well when one can use a residue types
file to generate a topology. This presents problems when the goal is to 
the topology of an arbitrary molecule for which residue type information does 
exist. Therefore, conversion to gromacs force fields requires double 
of atom types. A first determination of atom types is performed with a rich set
of atom types derived from a combination of the gaff and amber atom type
definitions. This assignment is used to determine force constants, bond lengths,
angles, dihedral angles, and improper angles. A second determination of atom
types is performed to assign the true gromacs atom types to match the atom
types in the appropriate ffGnb.itp from the gromacs distribution. A major
problem of this double conversion is that for something found in a residue type
file, topolbuild does not always select the exact same parameters as are
found in the residue type file’s parameterization. However, tests so far give
the same parameterization better than 95% of the time.

Post-submission code correction:  I discovered that code in the file improper.c
did not generate united atom model improper dihedral angles for tetrahedral
carbons with a single attached proton.  To correct this, please replace files in
topolbuild1_2/src with the attached files.

Once again, I hope people find this useful.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273


Description: application/compressed-tar
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[gmx-users] topolbuild 1.1.2, further revisions to an all-atoms model gromacs topology generator

2008-07-11 Thread Bruce D. Ray
I have submitted a further revision of topolbuild as file
topolbuild1_1_2.tgz that has the ability to use the new
antechamber tables included with AmberTools 1.0.

This version incorporates the following changes:
1. Changed maximum atom types allowed to permit use of the new version
   of ATOMTYPE_GFF.DEF distributed with AmberTools 1.0.
2. Improved determination of improper dihedrals.
3. Corrected atom type determination to set and to check for plain type
   AB bonds.
4. Made cosmetic corrections to log file output.
5. Included a gaff.dat file modified from the one distributed with
   AmberTools 1.0 to add atom type cz entries for mass and polarizability,
   for improper dihedrals, and for van Der Waals interactions.
6. Replaced the ATOMTYPE_GFF.DEF file with one derived from the
   ATOMTYPE_GFF.DEF distributed with AmberTools 1.0.

Once again, I hope people find this useful.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273

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[gmx-users] topolbuild 1.1.1, minor revisions to an all-atoms model gromacs topology generator

2008-05-05 Thread Bruce D. Ray
I have submitted a minor revision of topolbuild that
I hope is more portable.   Version 1.1.1 is now
available in the user contributions at the gromacs
web site.

The following revisions have been made:
 1. Removed all non-pointer references to NULL.
 2. Gave all external variables single defining
declarations with initializations all set in the
file initializations.c
 3. Corrected problem with carbonyls and some
nitrogens when correcting for charges in atom type
 4. Altered atom ordering to put H's with their parent
 5. Added parameterization for the C -CT-NT angle in
amber99 force field.  This parameterization is
missing in amber99 and presumably in other
editions of the amber force fields as well.
Curiously, the equivalent parameterization is
present in gaff.
 6. Divided force field output routines to better
allow for addition of other force field output
 7. Added an attempt at dihedral restraints output in
the topology.
 8. Changed the defines required for restraints.
 9. Arranged for all output to go to the current
directory when the input .mol2 file is in another
directory.  The parameter to the -n includes a
directory path in such cases and the path is
stripped from the names of the output files.

As with the original, the required input is a
syntactically correct mol2 file with Tripos atom
types.  At this time, output is still limited to
topologies with amber, gaff, or Tripos force fields.

I hope this proves useful.


Bruce D. Ray, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist, and Operations Director
NMR Center
Physics Dept.
402 N. Blackford St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202-3273


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