[gmx-users] RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: About the binary identical results by restarting from the checkpoint file

2013-06-17 Thread Cuiying Jian
 is single threading?
Thanks a lot.

 Message: 3
 Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 21:50:52 +0200
 From: Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] RE: Re: RE: About the binary identical
   results by  restarting from the checkpoint file
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Cuiying Jian cuiying_j...@hotmail.comwrote:
  Hi Mark,
  I test the simulations again using Berendsen thermostat -- Still, I cannot
  get binary identical results.
   I do two sets of simulations:
  1. Use Gromacs 4.5.2 installed on my personal computer:
 4.6.2, I hope. Nobody is interested in reports about 4.5.2 :-)
  Run 2 simulations using the command: mdrun -s md.tpr -deffnm md -nt 1 -cpt
  0 -reprod (-nt 1 ensures that the number of threads to start is
  1).Terminate one simulation manually.Restart this simulation by: mdrun -s
  md.tpr -deffnm md -nt 1 -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -reprod -npme 0 (-npme o ensures
  that the number of pme nodes for the restarting the same with that in the
  checkpoint file.)Compare the results with those from continuous ones.
 What does gmxcheck say when comparing the resulting ostensibly equivalent
 trajectory files? Please provide a snippet of output if it says things
 differ. We want to see how big different is. Also the top 20 lines of a
 .log file.
 Also, you can do the above procedure in a controlled manner in 4.6.2 by
 using mdrun -nsteps on the run you wish to stop prematurely.
 Might your FFT library be multi-threading behind your back?
 2. Use Gromacs 4.0.7 installed on a cluster (only one processor is used
  during the simulation):
  Run 2 simulations using the command: mdrun_s -v -cpt 0 -s md.tpr -deffnm
  md -reprod Terminate one simulation manually.Restart this simulation by:
  mdrun_s -v -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -s md.tpr -deffnm md -reprod  Compare the
  results with those from continuous ones. Still, I cannot get binary
  identical results.  As mentioned ealier, the only case I can get binary
  identical results is for SPC rigid water molecules (using velocity
  rescaling thermostat in Gromacs 4.0.7). I guess that the reason for this
  problem may also be caused by the LINCS algorithm used to constraint all
  bonds in other cases except the rigid water case..  Thanks a lot.
   Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 19:15:12 +0200
   From: Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.com
   Subject: Re: [gmx-users] RE: About the binary identical results by
 restarting  from the checkpoint file
   To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
   On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Cuiying Jian cuiying_j...@hotmail.com
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply. I tested restarting simulations with .cpt files
GROMACS 4.6.1.  and the problems are still there, i.e. I cannot get
identical results from restarted simulations with those from continuous
simulations. The command I used for restarting is as the following
one processor is used during the simulations.):
mdrun -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod
   This is not generally enough to generate a serial run in 4.6, by the way.
   GROMACS tries very hard to automatically use all the resources available
   the best way. See mdrun -h for various -nt* options, and consult the
   pre-step-0 part of the .log file for feedback.
   For further information, I attach my original .mdp file below:
constraints  =  all-bonds ; convert all bonds to
integrator =  md
dt  =  0.002  ; ps !
nsteps  =  1 ; total 2 ns.
nstcomm =  10; frequency for center of
mass motion removal.
nstxout=  5  ; collect data every
nstxtcout =  5  ; frequency to write
coordinate to xtc trajectory.
nstvout=  5  ; frequency to write
velocities to output trajectory.
nstfout =  5  ; frequency to write
forces to output trajectory.
nstlog   =  5  ; frequency to write
energies to log file.
nstenergy=  5  ; frequency to write
energies to energy file.
nstlist   =  1   ; frequency to
the neighbor list.
ns_type   =  grid
rlist   =  1.4
coulombtype  =  PME

[gmx-users] RE: Re: RE: About the binary identical results by restarting from the checkpoint file

2013-06-15 Thread Cuiying Jian

Hi Mark, 
I test the simulations again using Berendsen thermostat -- Still, I cannot get 
binary identical results.
 I do two sets of simulations:
1. Use Gromacs 4.5.2 installed on my personal computer:
Run 2 simulations using the command: mdrun -s md.tpr -deffnm md -nt 1 -cpt 0 
-reprod (-nt 1 ensures that the number of threads to start is 1).Terminate one 
simulation manually.Restart this simulation by: mdrun -s md.tpr -deffnm md -nt 
1 -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -reprod -npme 0 (-npme o ensures that the number of pme 
nodes for the restarting the same with that in the checkpoint file.)Compare the 
results with those from continuous ones. 2. Use Gromacs 4.0.7 installed on a 
cluster (only one processor is used during the simulation):
Run 2 simulations using the command: mdrun_s -v -cpt 0 -s md.tpr -deffnm md 
-reprod Terminate one simulation manually.Restart this simulation by: mdrun_s 
-v -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -s md.tpr -deffnm md -reprod  Compare the results with 
those from continuous ones. Still, I cannot get binary identical results.  As 
mentioned ealier, the only case I can get binary identical results is for SPC 
rigid water molecules (using velocity rescaling thermostat in Gromacs 4.0.7). I 
guess that the reason for this problem may also be caused by the LINCS 
algorithm used to constraint all bonds in other cases except the rigid water 
case..  Thanks a lot. Cheers,Cuiying

 Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 19:15:12 +0200
 From: Mark Abraham mark.j.abra...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [gmx-users] RE: About the binary identical results by
   restarting  from the checkpoint file
 To: Discussion list for GROMACS users gmx-users@gromacs.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Cuiying Jian cuiying_j...@hotmail.comwrote:
  Hi Mark,
  Thanks for your reply. I tested restarting simulations with .cpt files by
  GROMACS 4.6.1.  and the problems are still there, i.e. I cannot get binary
  identical results from restarted simulations with those from continuous
  simulations. The command I used for restarting is as the following (Only
  one processor is used during the simulations.):
  mdrun -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod
 This is not generally enough to generate a serial run in 4.6, by the way.
 GROMACS tries very hard to automatically use all the resources available in
 the best way. See mdrun -h for various -nt* options, and consult the
 pre-step-0 part of the .log file for feedback.
 For further information, I attach my original .mdp file below:
  constraints  =  all-bonds ; convert all bonds to
  integrator =  md
  dt  =  0.002  ; ps !
  nsteps  =  1 ; total 2 ns.
  nstcomm =  10; frequency for center of
  mass motion removal.
  nstxout=  5  ; collect data every 10.0
  nstxtcout =  5  ; frequency to write
  coordinate to xtc trajectory.
  nstvout=  5  ; frequency to write
  velocities to output trajectory.
  nstfout =  5  ; frequency to write
  forces to output trajectory.
  nstlog   =  5  ; frequency to write
  energies to log file.
  nstenergy=  5  ; frequency to write
  energies to energy file.
  nstlist   =  1   ; frequency to update
  the neighbor list.
  ns_type   =  grid
  rlist   =  1.4
  coulombtype  =  PME
  rcoulomb=  1.4
  vdwtype  =  cut-off
  rvdw =  1.4
  pme_order  =  8 ; use 6,8 or 10
  when running in parallel
  ewald_rtol   =  1e-5
  optimize_fft=  yes
  DispCorr   =  no ; don't apply any
  ;open LINCS
  constraint_algorithm = LINCS
  lincs_order   = 4   ;highest order in the
  expansion of the constraint coupling matrix
  lincs_warnangle  = 30 ;maximum angle that a bond can
  rotate before LINCS will complain
  lincs_iter  = 1;number of iterations
  to correct for a rotational lengthening in LINCS
  ; Temperature coupling is on
  Tcoupl  = v-rescale
 This coupling algorithm has a stochastic component, and at least at some
 points in history the random number generator was either not checkpointed
 properly, or not propagated in parallel properly. I'm not sure offhand if
 any of that has been fixed yet (I doubt it), but you can test (parts of)
 this hypothesis by using Berendsen (in any GROMACS 4.x), or really being
 sure you've run a single thread

[gmx-users] RE: About the binary identical results by restarting from the checkpoint file

2013-06-14 Thread Cuiying Jian

Hi Mark,
Sorry for my carelessness. I check my email again and see your reply. I get 
your point that my problem may be (at least part of) caused by RNG of the 
Thanks again and sorry for my careless bothering. 
 On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 12:52 AM, Cuiying Jian 
  Hi GROMACS Users,
  I am sorry if you are bothered by my second post about this topic. But the
  fact is that I tested restarting simulations with .cpt files by GROMACS
  4.6.1.  and I still cannot get binary identical results from restarted
  simulations with those from continuous simulations. The command I used for
  restarting is as the following (e.g., only one processor is used during the
  mdrun -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod
 I answered you 11 days ago and you are re-posting with nothing new. Why?
  For further information, I attach my original .mdp file below:
  constraints  =  all-bonds ; convert all bonds to
  integrator =  md
  dt  =  0.002  ; ps !
  nsteps  =  1 ; total 2 ns.
  nstcomm =  10; frequency for center of
  mass motion removal.
  nstxout=  5  ; collect data every 10.0
  nstxtcout =  5  ; frequency to write
  coordinate to xtc trajectory.
  nstvout=  5  ; frequency to write
  velocities to output trajectory.
  nstfout =  5  ; frequency to write
  forces to output trajectory.
  nstlog   =  5  ; frequency to write
  energies to log file.
  nstenergy=  5  ; frequency to write
  energies to energy file.
  nstlist   =  1   ; frequency to update
  the neighbor list.
  ns_type   =  grid
  rlist   =  1.4
  coulombtype  =  PME
  rcoulomb=  1.4
  vdwtype  =  cut-off
  rvdw =  1.4
  pme_order  =  8 ; use 6,8 or 10
  when running in parallel
  ewald_rtol   =  1e-5
  optimize_fft=  yes
  DispCorr   =  no ; don't apply any
  ;open LINCS
  constraint_algorithm = LINCS
  lincs_order   = 4   ;highest order in the
  expansion of the constraint coupling matrix
  lincs_warnangle  = 30 ;maximum angle that a bond can
  rotate before LINCS will complain
  lincs_iter  = 1;number of iterations
  to correct for a rotational lengthening in LINCS
  ; Temperature coupling is on
  Tcoupl  = v-rescale
  tau_t = 0.1
  tc-grps  = HEP
  ref_t  =  300
  ; Pressure  coupling is on
  Pcoupl  = parrinello-rahman
  Pcoupltype  = isotropic
  tau_p= 1.0
  compressibility   = 4.5e-5
  ref_p = 1.0
  ; generate velocity is on at 300 K.
  gen_vel  = yes
  gen_temp  = 300.0
  gen_seed   = -1
  Is there something wrong with my .mdp file or my command? Thanks a lot.
  From: cuiying_j...@hotmail.com
  To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
  Subject: RE: About the binary identical results by restarting from the
  checkpoint file
  Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 16:59:31 +
  Hi Mark,
  Thanks for your reply. I tested restarting simulations with .cpt files by
  GROMACS 4.6.1.  and the problems are still there, i.e. I cannot get binary
  identical results from restarted simulations with those from continuous
  simulations. The command I used for restarting is as the following (Only
  one processor is used during the simulations.):
  mdrun -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod
  For further information, I attach my original .mdp file below:
  constraints  =  all-bonds ; convert all bonds to
  integrator =  md
  dt  =  0.002  ; ps !
  nsteps  =  1 ; total 2 ns.
  nstcomm =  10; frequency for center of
  mass motion removal.
  nstxout=  5  ; collect data every 10.0
  nstxtcout =  5  ; frequency to write
  coordinate to xtc trajectory.
  nstvout=  5  ; frequency to write
  velocities to output trajectory.
  nstfout =  5  ; frequency to write
  forces to output trajectory.
  nstlog   =  5  ; frequency to write

[gmx-users] RE: About the binary identical results by restarting from the checkpoint file

2013-06-13 Thread Cuiying Jian
   =  no ; don't apply any correction   
;open LINCS
constraint_algorithm = LINCS
lincs_order   = 4   ;highest order in the expansion 
of the constraint coupling matrix
lincs_warnangle  = 30 ;maximum angle that a bond can rotate 
before LINCS will complain
lincs_iter  = 1;number of iterations to 
correct for a rotational lengthening in LINCS
; Temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl  = v-rescale
tau_t = 0.1 
tc-grps  = HEP 
ref_t  =  300 
; Pressure  coupling is on
Pcoupl  = parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility   = 4.5e-5
ref_p = 1.0
; generate velocity is on at 300 K.
gen_vel  = yes
gen_temp  = 300.0
gen_seed   = -1
Is there something wrong with my .mdp file or my command? Thanks a lot.
 On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Cuiying Jian cuiying_j...@hotmail.comwrote:
  Hi GROMACS Users,
  These days, I am testing restarting simulaitions with .cpt files. I
  already set nlist=1 in the .mdp file. I can restart my simulations (which
  are stopped manually) with the following commands (version 4.0.7):
  mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod
  -reprod is used to force binary identical simulaitons.
  During the restarted simulations, same number of processors are used as
  that in the simulation interrupted. The only case, in which I can get
  binary identical results with those from the continuous simulations (which
  are not stopped manually), is for SPC water molecules. Any other molecules
  (like -heptane), I can never get binary identical results with those from
  the continuous simulations.
  I also try to get new .tpr files by:
  tpbconv_s -s md.tpr -f md.trr -e md.edr -c md_c.tpr -cont
  and then:
  mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md_c.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md_c -reprod
  But I still cannot get binary identical results.
  I also test the simulations with only one processor and binary identical
  results are still not obtained. Using double precision does not solve the
  I think that the above problems are caused by some information may not be
  stored during the running of the simulations.
 That seems likely. The leading candidate would be a random number generator
 you're using for a stochastic integrator. Your .mdp file would have been
 On the other hand, if I run two independent simulations using the exactly
  same number of processors, the same commands and the same input files, i.e.
  mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md.tpr -deffnm md -reprod
  I can always get binary identical results from these two independent
  I understand that MD is chaotic and if we run simulation for enough long
  time, simulation results should converge. Also, there are factors which may
  affect the reproducibility as described in the GROMACS website. But for my
  purpose, I am curious about whether there are certain methods through which
  I can get binary identical results from restarted simulations and
  continuous simulations. Thanks a lot.
 There are ways to be fully reproducible, but probably not every combination
 of algorithms has that property. 4.0.7 is so old no problem will be fixed,
 unless it can also be shown in 4.6 ;-)

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
* Please search the archive at 
http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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[gmx-users] RE: About the binary identical results by restarting from the checkpoint file

2013-06-03 Thread Cuiying Jian
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply. I tested restarting simulations with .cpt files by 
GROMACS 4.6.1.  and the problems are still there, i.e. I cannot get binary 
identical results from restarted simulations with those from continuous 
simulations. The command I used for restarting is as the following (Only one 
processor is used during the simulations.):
mdrun -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod 
For further information, I attach my original .mdp file below:
constraints  =  all-bonds ; convert all bonds to constraints.
integrator =  md
dt  =  0.002  ; ps !
nsteps  =  1 ; total 2 ns.
nstcomm =  10; frequency for center of mass 
motion removal.
nstxout=  5  ; collect data every 10.0 ps.
nstxtcout =  5  ; frequency to write coordinate 
to xtc trajectory.
nstvout=  5  ; frequency to write 
velocities to output trajectory.
nstfout =  5  ; frequency to write forces 
to output trajectory.
nstlog   =  5  ; frequency to write 
energies to log file.
nstenergy=  5  ; frequency to write energies to 
energy file.
nstlist   =  1   ; frequency to update the 
neighbor list.
ns_type   =  grid
rlist   =  1.4
coulombtype  =  PME
rcoulomb=  1.4
vdwtype  =  cut-off
rvdw =  1.4
pme_order  =  8 ; use 6,8 or 10 when 
running in parallel
ewald_rtol   =  1e-5
optimize_fft=  yes
DispCorr   =  no ; don't apply any correction   
;open LINCS
constraint_algorithm = LINCS
lincs_order   = 4   ;highest order in the expansion 
of the constraint coupling matrix
lincs_warnangle  = 30 ;maximum angle that a bond can rotate 
before LINCS will complain
lincs_iter  = 1;number of iterations to 
correct for a rotational lengthening in LINCS
; Temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl  = v-rescale
tau_t = 0.1 
tc-grps  = HEP 
ref_t  =  300 
; Pressure  coupling is on
Pcoupl  = parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p= 1.0
compressibility   = 4.5e-5
ref_p = 1.0
; generate velocity is on at 300 K.
gen_vel  = yes
gen_temp  = 300.0
gen_seed   = -1
Is there something wrong with my .mdp file or my command? Thanks a lot.
 On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Cuiying Jian cuiying_j...@hotmail.comwrote:
  Hi GROMACS Users,
  These days, I am testing restarting simulaitions with .cpt files. I
  already set nlist=1 in the .mdp file. I can restart my simulations (which
  are stopped manually) with the following commands (version 4.0.7):
  mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod
  -reprod is used to force binary identical simulaitons.
  During the restarted simulations, same number of processors are used as
  that in the simulation interrupted. The only case, in which I can get
  binary identical results with those from the continuous simulations (which
  are not stopped manually), is for SPC water molecules. Any other molecules
  (like -heptane), I can never get binary identical results with those from
  the continuous simulations.
  I also try to get new .tpr files by:
  tpbconv_s -s md.tpr -f md.trr -e md.edr -c md_c.tpr -cont
  and then:
  mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md_c.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md_c -reprod
  But I still cannot get binary identical results.
  I also test the simulations with only one processor and binary identical
  results are still not obtained. Using double precision does not solve the
  I think that the above problems are caused by some information may not be
  stored during the running of the simulations.
 That seems likely. The leading candidate would be a random number generator
 you're using for a stochastic integrator. Your .mdp file would have been
 On the other hand, if I run two independent simulations using the exactly
  same number of processors, the same commands and the same input files, i.e.
  mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md.tpr -deffnm md -reprod
  I can always get binary identical results from these two independent
  I understand that MD is chaotic and if we run simulation for enough long
  time, simulation results should converge. Also, there are factors which may
  affect the reproducibility as described in the GROMACS website. But for my

[gmx-users] About the binary identical results by restarting from the checkpoint file

2013-06-02 Thread Cuiying Jian
These days, I am testing restarting simulaitions with .cpt files. I already set 
nlist=1 in the .mdp file. I can restart my simulations (which are stopped 
manually) with the following commands (version 4.0.7):
mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md -reprod 
-reprod is used to force binary identical simulaitons. 
During the restarted simulations, same number of processors are used as that in 
the simulation interrupted. The only case, in which I can get binary identical 
results with those from the continuous simulations (which are not stopped 
manually), is for SPC water molecules. Any other molecules (like -heptane), I 
can never get binary identical results with those from the continuous 
I also try to get new .tpr files by:
tpbconv_s -s md.tpr -f md.trr -e md.edr -c md_c.tpr -cont
and then:
mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md_c.tpr -cpt 0 -cpi md.cpt -deffnm md_c -reprod 
But I still cannot get binary identical results. 
I also test the simulations with only one processor and binary identical 
results are still not obtained. Using double precision does not solve the 
I think that the above problems are caused by some information may not be 
stored during the running of the simulations.
On the other hand, if I run two independent simulations using the exactly same 
number of processors, the same commands and the same input files, i.e.
mpiexec mdrun_s_mpi -v -s md.tpr -deffnm md -reprod 
I can always get binary identical results from these two independent 
I understand that MD is chaotic and if we run simulation for enough long time, 
simulation results should converge. Also, there are factors which may affect 
the reproducibility as described in the GROMACS website. But for my purpose, I 
am curious about whether there are certain methods through which I can get 
binary identical results from restarted simulations and continuous simulations. 
Thanks a lot.
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
* Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
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