[gmx-users] query for g_sas

2008-03-06 Thread Dilraj Lama
Hello gmx users,
I suppose this is one of the more common subject post
going around in the mailing list. I have gone through the
list and have gathered some information on the subject.
But I have some queries and if someone can shed light on
it, it will be of great help to me.

 I am presently trying to calculate the sasa for specific
residues as a function of time from my simulation
trajectory.I am using g_sas tool from gromacs ver3.3 for
the purpose.I wanted to check the values it generated. So
I created a gly-X-gly tripeptide in an extended
conformation and calculated the sasa for the twenty
amino acids.I also calculated the same using the tool
naccess.I then compared the two values with the value
reported earlier for the various amino acids (J. Mol.

Values for some of the amino acids are as:

jmb Gromacs3.3  Naccess
Ala 113 100  115
Arg 241 211  246
Asn 158 133  155
Asp 151 132  151
Cys 140 121  140

It seems the values from naccess and jmb(reported in J. Mol. Biol) are
similar.I suppose one of the factor for the difference in values between
naccess and gromacs3.3 could be because of the  different VDW radii
used for the atoms. Naccess uses Chothia's VDW radii whereas Gromacs3.3
uses the VDW radii as reported in gmx_sas.c.

Is it the case?

Can I go ahead and perform the calculation using this tool?

I have come accross papers which have used g_sas tool for performing the
sasa calculation for the entire protein or peptide. Can anyone refer to
me some papers where sasa calculation has been done for specific
residues using g_sas.

I have also read in the mailing list that differnet versions of Gromacs
give different sasa values.people seem to report that values from
Ver3.3, ver3.3.1 and ver3.3.2 are different. I haven't used 3.3.1 or
3.3.2. So what is the update in this front.Previous people who have gone
through this, please help me out.

Finally I also read in the list about the flexibility of chossing the VDW
radii options. Has anything been done yet?

Thank you.
Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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[gmx-users] TFE query

2007-09-17 Thread Dilraj Lama
Hello gmx users,
I have a query and would be greatfull if I could get some
suggestions on the subject.
   I constructed a tfe.itp file with the
parameters mentioned by Fioroni et. al., J.
Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 12347-12354. I then
generated a tfe.gro file using InisghtII
molecular modeling package followed  by

I ran a energy minimization fand then a 2ns NPT ensemble Molecular
Dynamics simulation on the system.

My Parameter file is as follows:

title   =  equilibration
cpp =  /lib/cpp
integrator  =  md
dt  =  0.002; ps !
nsteps  =  100  ; total 2ns
nstcomm =  1
nstxout =  500
nstvout =  5
nstfout =  0
nstxtcout   =  500
xtc_precision   =  1000
nstlog  =  100
nstenergy   =  100
nstlist =  10
ns_type =  grid
pbc =  xyz
rlist   =  0.8
rcoulomb=  1.4
rvdw=  1.4
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on
Tcoupl  =  berendsen
tau_t   =  0.1
tc-grps =  TFE
ref_t   =  300
energygrps  =  TFE
; Pressure coupling is  on
Pcoupl  =  berendsen
pcoupltype  =  isotropic
tau_p   =  4.0
compressibility =  1.22e-4
ref_p   =  1.0
; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel =  yes
gen_temp=  300.0
gen_seed=  173529

I did not specify Lincs algorithm in the parameter file to constrian the
bonds, rather I used [constraints] for bond distance in the tfe.itp file

I tried using tau_p as 1ps to 3 ps, but in doing so, my simulation crashed
after a certain period with the error message as high pressure scaling,
and the failure of the constraint algorithm (either lincs or shake).

So I used tau_p as 4 ps which is the value used for simulation in the
paper mentioned above.

The isothermal compressibility for liquid TFE at 298K is 1.22e-4
The density of TFE at 298K is 1383 Kg/m3.

These values are mentioned in the paper.

I then calculated the Properties Temperature, pressure and density for
the simulation using g_energy.The average vaules for the properties are

Temperature: 300.67
Density: 1402.95
Pressure: -2.59

Is the density value reasonable???

Why is the pressure value so different?

I would be very greatfull If I could get some suggestions on the
parameters and on the values of the properties mentioned.

Thank you.
Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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[gmx-users] Generating a solvent box

2007-09-10 Thread Dilraj Lama
Hello gmx users,
I have a query to ask.It would be nice if someone could
suggest me on this.I have a tfe molecule generated using
InsightII program package.Now I would like to create a box
containing a fixed number of tfe molecules based on its
density.I tried using genbox and genconf for the
purpose but am not able to achieve my aim.If someone has
tried to do this before and have some idea, I would be
thankfull if you could shed some light on the subject.

Thanking you.
Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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Re: [gmx-users] Generating a solvent box

2007-09-10 Thread Dilraj Lama
Hello justin,
 Here is what I did.I initially defined a cubic box into which
I placed the TFE molecule.This I did using editconf.Then I
used genconf with the follwing command.

 genconf_mpi -f tfe-box-four.gro -o out-four.pdb -nbox 5 5 5

Yes I am able to generate a regular arrangment of the TFE molecules.

But what I want to do now is to have a predfined cubic box dimension which
I want to solvate with a fixed number of TFE molecules corresponding to a
given density.

Thanks for your response.
 Quoting Dilraj Lama [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello gmx users,
 I have a query to ask.It would be nice if someone could
 suggest me on this.I have a tfe molecule generated using
 InsightII program package.Now I would like to create a box
 containing a fixed number of tfe molecules based on its
 density.I tried using genbox and genconf for the
 purpose but am not able to achieve my aim.If someone has

 What did you try (i.e., what commands did you issue)?  You should be able
 generate at least a regular arrangement of TFE molecules with genconf.

 tried to do this before and have some idea, I would be
 thankfull if you could shed some light on the subject.

 Thanking you.
 Dilraj Lama,
 Graduate student,
 Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
 Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
 Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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 Justin A. Lemkul
 Graduate Research Assistant
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (540) 231-9080

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Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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[gmx-users] query regarding methanol density

2007-08-30 Thread Dilraj Lama
Hello gmx users,
I want to perform a simulation study of a peptide solvated
in methanol using Gromacs 3.2.1 package with gromos96 43a1
forcefiled.For the purpose I choose the methanol.itp for
the parameters of methanol.I am using the
methanol216.gro contributed by Bert de Groot.
  I have set up system with the peptide solvated in a
cubic methanol box.The density of the sysytem is now
reported to be about 764.677 g/l.My query is, is it
ok for me to perform the simulation with the
mentioned density??

Thank you all.
Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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Re: [gmx-users] Restart

2007-08-19 Thread Dilraj Lama

 I know this will get an rtfm response, however, I am writing this after
 looking at the online help pages and perusing the email archive.

 Simply put, I have a 750 ps simulation that I want to run for another 750
 ps.  Is there a clear explanation somewhere for how one should do this?

use tpbconv with -extend option

 Specifically, if I shut off the gen_vel option in my mdp file and use the
 the -t option to specify my first trajectory file are these the only
 changes necessary?  If I keep all other options identical will I get the
 ps continuation I desire?

There is no need to change the mdp file.Have a look at the tpbconv options.

 Thanks for the help.

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Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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[gmx-users] Generalized order parameter S2

2007-08-17 Thread Dilraj Lama
Hello gmx-users,
   I have a query regarding the generalized order paprameter
S2.I have performed a 50ns simulation of a protein in
solution.I now want to calculate the order parameter S2 of
the protein from the trajectory.I looked through the
mailing list to get an idea on how to go about calculating
the property.

I collected information that the tools g_chi and g_rotacf can help me
perform the task.

g_chi uses Phi, Psi and Omega angles to calculate it.

g_rotacf can calculate it with respect to N-H bond angle.

Which of the two approach would be more appropriate?

Also using g_rotacf I am still not very clear on how to go about using
the  tool.

Can anyone who has previuosly performed this calculation help me out.

I look forward to your responses.

Thank you.

Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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[gmx-users] References for globular protein simulation using PME

2006-12-02 Thread Dilraj Lama

Dear all gmx-users,
   I have been trying to dig out some well cited paper on
simulation of globular protein using PME .Can anyone
please suggest to me some references I can look out

Thanks to all.

Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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Re: [gmx-users] defining 2 posres at a time in mdp

2006-09-29 Thread Dilraj Lama

  define them in the same line.


 hi all,
 I want to define position restraints for a part of protein and water
 also. I need to deinfe -DPOSRES and -DPOSRES_WATER at the same time. When
 I do it on separate lines in the mdp file, only first line is being read
 and accepted. Is there any way to include both of them in the same mdp
 file simultaneously.

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Dilraj Lama,
Graduate student,
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simualtion lab,
Dept. of BSBE;IITK-kanpur,
Uttar pradesh,India-208016.

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