Re: [gmx-users] checkpointing in 4.0.7

2010-03-29 Thread Dr. Leonid Yelash
Hi Mark,

thanks a lot for your reply. I checked the 4.0.7 version installed
on blugene and it also doesnt write checkpoints during simulations.
How it was compiled by support team i dont know, but in my
compilation i mostly used options from gromacs wiki page.
I think i'll not trace this issue now (due to time lack), but use
tpbconv for continuation runs. I though that someone perhaps
knows already solution.

Best regards,

Mark Abraham wrote:
 On 25/03/2010 10:01 PM, Dr. Leonid Yelash wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 does anyone have a similar problem writing checkpoints
 from Gromacs 4.0.7?

 I have two Gromacs versions, 4.0.5 and 4.0.7, compiled for
 bluegene. The 4.0.5 writes state.cpt during mdrun and at
 the end of simulation too. The 4.0.7 does it at the end of the
 run only, but not during the simulation. All input files
 (grompp.mdp,, conf) used to start mdrun are same.
 To set/change the -cpt option of mdrun didnt help.

 Will appreciate for any hint !

 I'm not aware of any BlueGene-related issue here. It's possible 
 something is causing the I/O buffering to work differently. You could 
 test this by starting a sufficiently long 4.0.7 simulation and seeing 
 what happens when you kill its job in LoadLeveler. Were the two 
 compilations done the same way linking to the same libraries?

 Also, do see if anything here 
 pertains to your situation.

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[gmx-users] checkpointing in 4.0.7

2010-03-25 Thread Dr. Leonid Yelash
Hello everybody,

does anyone have a similar problem writing checkpoints
from Gromacs 4.0.7?

I have two Gromacs versions, 4.0.5 and 4.0.7, compiled for
bluegene. The 4.0.5 writes state.cpt during mdrun and at
the end of simulation too. The 4.0.7 does it at the end of the
run only, but not during the simulation. All input files
(grompp.mdp,, conf) used to start mdrun are same.
To set/change the -cpt option of mdrun didnt help.

Will appreciate for any hint !
Best regards,

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Re: [gmx-users] msd

2009-09-21 Thread Dr. Leonid Yelash
Hello together,

i refer here to the problem with msd mentioned at the beginning of 
September (see also below): i calculate msd this time for monomers 
(not for molecules as before) and i still observe finite size effects 
for chains if they include fixed bonds ([constrains]), however this 
effect disappears when i replace fixed bonds by lj+fene bonds. 
Is it possible that lincs changes (slightly) the velocity field and 
hence the dynamics?


Berk Hess wrote:

 g_msd calculates the msd for molecules, not for atoms.
 I guess that would explain the result when you half the chain length.
 It might also explain the box size effects, since whole chains will
 still have a reduction in MSD due to periodiciy with a box of 3 Rg.

 If you run g_msd without -mol you get the MSD per atom.


  Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 15:22:40 +0200
  Subject: [gmx-users] msd
  Hello together,
  i have a problem with msd. i simulate a melt of chain molecules
  consisting of 116 united atoms per chain. then i copy the box n
  times in x,y,z directions, repeat simulations and get a slightly
  different msd curves:
  in the time range between 1 ps and 10 ps it flattens out decreasing
  the curvature for larger boxes and at later time (10ps) follows at
  higher msd just parallel to the curve for smaller box.
  the boxe sizes were tried between 3 to 15 Rg's (gyration radii), so
  if it would be the finite size effect it should already disappear,
 but it
  I also tried with different thermostats (sd, md with nose-hoover),
  different tau_t and also switching off the removal of com (then the
  box starts to fly after awhile)
  To check from the other side if it could be the finite size effect i
  reduce the length of the chains from 116 to 58 and the whole msd
  curve shifted up, also in ballistic regime where one can expect no
  influence of chain configuration. interesting that the shift is by
  of ~2 (although is not exactly): perhaps i'm just doing sth wrong!
  msd was calculated for chains using:
  g_msd -mol diff_mol.xvg
  is anybody aware of such things or has ideas what was done wrong?
  Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions!
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[gmx-users] -append on jugene overwrites trr

2009-07-29 Thread Dr. Leonid Yelash
Hello all together,

in my compilation of Gromacs 4.0.5 on JUGENE (a Blue
Gene/P machine in Jülich), the -append option does not
work properly.
When i restart a simulation from a checkpoint, the mdrun
recognizes the checkpoint and -append (one can see it in
md.log), but instead of appending to md.log, traj.trr, ener.edr,
it overwrites them. The file offsets in state.cpt (printed
by gmxdump -cp) are shown here:

 number of output files = 3
 output filename = md.log
 file_offset_high = 0
 file_offset_low = 21265
 output filename = traj.trr
 file_offset_high = 0
 file_offset_low = 9021240
 output filename = ener.edr
 file_offset_high = 0
 file_offset_low = 5872

The same distribution compiled for JUMP (a Power6 machine
running under AIX) works correctly. Details to the machines
can be found here

Does anybody know how to solve/work around? At the
moment i have to store continuations of a simulation run into
different directories, which complicates analysing data, e.g.
the calculation of time-dependent properties for the whole run.

Many thanks in advance for any hints!

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