[gmx-users] RE: RE: RE: Doubts over g_lie usage

2012-08-16 Thread J Peterson
Thank you so much for your time and explanation.

I am recalculating the energy co-ordinates and using it in g_lie

I have read the manual and changed the .mdp file I am using. The following
is the mdp file, please check for the correctness. The text in bold font are
newly included after your suggestions. Can I use this mdp to calculate the
LIE correctly?

cpp =  /usr/bin/cpp
constraints =  all-bonds
integrator  =  md
dt  =  0.002; ps !
nsteps  =  500  ; total 1 ps.
nstcomm =  1
nstxout =  5000
nstvout =  5000
nstfout =  0
nstlog  =  5000
nstenergy   =  500
nstxtcout   =  500
nstlist =  10
ns_type =  grid
rlist   =  1.2  ; short-range neighborlist cutoff
(in nm)
rcoulomb=  0.9  ; short-range electrostatic cutoff
(in nm)
vdwtype =  cut-off
rvdw=  1.4  ; gromos96 force field/ short-range
van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
;coulombtype =  PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
;fourierspacing  =  0.12; grid spacing for FFT
;fourier_nx  =  0
;fourier_ny  =  0
;fourier_nz  =  0
;pme_order   =  4
;ewald_rtol  =  1e-5
*coulombtype  =  Reaction-Field-zero
epsilon_rf   =  0*
optimize_fft=  yes
pbc =  xyz
; modified Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl  =  V-rescale; modified Berendsen thermostat
tc-grps =  S04   SOL
tau_t   =  0.1   0.1
ref_t   =  300   300
; Energy monitoring
energygrps  =  S04  SOL

; Mode for center of mass motion removal
comm-mode   =  Linear
; Groups for center of mass motion removal
comm-grps   =  System

; Pressure coupling is now on
Pcoupl  =  parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype  =  isotropic
tau_p   =  1.0
compressibility =  4.5e-5
ref_p   =  1.0

; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
gen_vel =  yes
gen_temp=  300.0
gen_seed=  173529



Peterson J

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[gmx-users] RE: RE: Doubts over g_lie usage

2012-08-14 Thread J Peterson
Thanks for that explanation.

I would like to know this with little more detail. What do you mean by RF-0
and which cut-off value are you talking about?

Rerunning the trajectory means the whole MD run again?


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[gmx-users] Doubts over g_lie usage

2012-08-13 Thread J Peterson
Hello everyone,

I have a doubt about LIE calculation using g_lie in gromacs. This doubt is
about the values automatically assigned for -Clj and -Cqq flags when I ran
the following command:

$ g_lie -f J32_md10ns.edr -o LIE_1A1_J32.xvg -b 7001 -e 1 -ligand J32

The following text contains my options and the values automatically assigned
for -Clj and -Cqq

   :-)  g_lie  (-:

Option Filename  Type Description

  -f J32_md10ns.edr  InputEnergy file
  -o LIE_1A1_J32.xvg  Output   xvgr/xmgr file

Option   Type   Value   Description
-[no]h   bool   no  Print help info and quit
-[no]version bool   no  Print version info and quit
-niceint19  Set the nicelevel
-b   time   7001First frame (ps) to read from trajectory
-e   time   1   Last frame (ps) to read from trajectory
-dt  time   0   Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (ps)
-[no]w   bool   no  View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files
-xvg enum   xmgrace  xvg plot formatting: xmgrace, xmgr or none
-Elj real   0   Lennard-Jones interaction between ligand and
-Eqq real   0   Coulomb interaction between ligand and solvent
-Clj real   0.181   Factor in the LIE equation for Lennard-Jones
component of energy
-Cqq real   0.5 Factor in the LIE equation for Coulomb component
of energy
-ligand  string J32 Name of the ligand in the energy file

Opened J32_md10ns.edr as single precision energy file
Using the following energy terms:
Coul:  Coul-SR:J32-SOL  Coul-14:J32-SOL

Back Off! I just backed up LIE_1A1_J32.xvg to ./#LIE_1A1_J32.xvg.3#
Last energy frame read 1 time 1.000
DGbind = -49.210 (5.282)

More questions are 1. Is the DGbind value here is the overall average of LJ
and Coul ?
  2. If that is the case how can I calculate
individual average values for LJ and Coul?
  3. How are the 0.181 and 0.5 values for -Clj and
-Cqq assigned?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] RE: Doubts over g_lie usage

2012-08-13 Thread J Peterson
Dear Tom,

The explanation really helps me understand LIE much more clearer.

What's the issue if I have used PME coulombtype? I have actually used PME.


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] RE: tutorials for Coarse-Grained MD Simulation

2012-08-07 Thread J Peterson
Thank you so much for clearing my doubt. 

I have another doubt that how can I use g_fg2cg program in reverse
transformation (RT) while this program is not an internal GROMACS program.

The RT tutorial in MARTINI website says that one has to compile and source
the files from rev_trans.tar.gz.
How do I do this step.? 

These files are also tested with Gormacs 3.3.1 version, how do they work
with recent versions of GROMACS?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] RE: tutorials for Coarse-Grained MD Simulation

2012-08-06 Thread J Peterson
Dear Jan,

Thanks for the link. The tutorials available here are very helpful start
preparing the systems for simulation but would like to know how to merge the
custom version of Gromacs for CG available in Martini web site with my
existing Gromacs installation.

Moreover how to make use of all the available Martini files and programs
with the recent version of GROMACS that is version 4?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] tutorials for Coarse-Grained MD Simulation

2012-08-05 Thread J Peterson
Dear Gromacs Users,

I would like to know if there are any tutorials for Coarse-Grained MD
Simulation available anywhere.


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] LIE using g_lie

2012-08-03 Thread J Peterson
Dear colleagues,

I have some doubts about LIE and would like some clarifications.

While I calculate the LIE using g_lie, it gives the DGbind energy in KJ/mol
and a standard deviation in parentheses. How well can I use this value alone
or meaningful it is by itself in comparing the binding affinity of a set of
ligands (not calculating the same for the ligand-only system) ?

Another query is that, to calculate the DGbind using the following formula
DGbind = vdw_bound - vdw_free + Elec_bound - Elec_free

Are the values calculated by -Clj tag is the value for vdw_bound or vdw_free
and -Cqq is for Elec_bound or Elec_free?

In another literature, this formula is further detailed DGbind_formula


where alpha, beta and gamma values are also needed, what are these values
and how to calculate them?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Linear Interaction energy calculations

2012-08-01 Thread J Peterson
Dear colleagues,

Thanks for opening up this topic. I also have some doubts about LIE and
would like some clarifications.

While I calculate the LIE using g_lie, it gives the DGbind energy in KJ/mol
and a standard deviation in parentheses. How well can we use this value
alone or meaningful it is by itself, not calculating the same for the ligand
alone, in comparing the binding affinity of a set of ligands?

Another query is that, to calculate the DGbind using the following formula
DGbind = vdw_bound - vdw_free + Elec_bound - Elec_free

Are the values calculated by -Clj tag is the value for vdw_bound or vdw_free
and -Cqq is for Elec_bound or Elec_free?

In another literature, this formula is further detailed 
where alpha, beta and gamma values are also needed, what are these values
and how to calculate them?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-27 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin, Thanks for that information.

I also would like to confirm with you that should I combine my metal ion too
while I combine Protein and POPC into Protein_POPC group to be used in COMM
removal? So that I will have a group Protein_HEM_POPC.


Peterson J 

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[gmx-users] Re: question about minimisation

2012-07-26 Thread J Peterson

Did you call your genrestr output in your mdp file using define = * ? (for
example define = -DPOSRES ; where posres was your file name.)


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-24 Thread J Peterson
Thanks for that comment.

I've another query during inflating step in Justin's tutorial.

In my case, during the inflation, 4 lipids from the upper and 2 lipids from
the lower leaflets were removed.
Would there be a problem in this sort non-uniform deletion (I mean like 4
from upper and 4 from lower)?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-23 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin,

Thanks for all your help to get me through membrane simulations.

I've a problem to be solved. I need a long and thick membrane to simulate a
big protein. The longest bilayer that I can download from Tieleman's website
is 64 molecules long.

How can I make (double or triple the bilayer) a long and thick bilayer to
accommodate a large protein?

Are there any experimental evidence about the thickness of the membrane that
should be followed before expanding the membrane?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-23 Thread J Peterson
Thank you so much for that, Justin.

Now I could expand the bilayer. 

I've another query. My protein has a small N-terminal portion embedded in
the membrane, I would like to insert only this part into the membrane during
'packing the lipid around the protein' step in your tutorial. Initially I
was trying to do simulation only with this TM region and then attaching the
rest of the protein with this TM region and simulate the whole system. But
was time-taking.

Can you please guide me to pack the lipid bilayer only around a 33-residues
long peptide in my protein and rest with water?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-23 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin,

That works really fine and thanks.

Now, how can I add additional SOL molecules only one side of the bilayer
(either upper or lower)? Since my protein binds at the outer side
(extracellular region) of the membrane I can only fill the upper
(extracellular) region with SOL molecules instead of adding them also inside
the membrane, to reduce the system size ?

Can we do magic here with any commands to add SOL molecules only single side
of the membrane?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-17 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin,

I have the following Notes during NPT equilibration.

NOTE 1 [file pr_NPT.mdp]:
  nstcomm  nstcalcenergy defeats the purpose of nstcalcenergy, setting
  nstcomm to nstcalcenergy

NOTE 2 [file pr_NPT.mdp]:
  leapfrog does not yet support Nose-Hoover chains, nhchainlength reset to 1

What do they really mean? Is the system safe with these notes?

Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-13 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin,

I have another doubt on the strong posres that was included in the topology
file. When do we need to remove that position restraint? Does it really
affect at point of time the system?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-13 Thread J Peterson
Thanks Justin,

The explanations are very very useful during my course of simulating a
protein with POPC.

I also would like to get explanation on how to simulate a protein which has
only its N-terminal region embedded in the membrane but the rest in solvent.

What is the easy and accurate way to do it?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-12 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin,

Thanks for the effort to help me.

I still no out of the error. The following is the content of my

; Include chain topologies
#include gromos53a6_lipid.ff/forcefield.itp
#include popc.itp

; Include water topology
#include gromos53a6_lipid.ff/spc.itp

; Include ion topologies
#include gromos53a6_lipid.ff/ions.itp

; System specifications
[ system ]
128-Lipid POPC Bilayer

[ molecules ]
; molecule name nr.
POPC 128
SOL 2460

And the following is the first part of my popc128b.gro file

Alm on surf + relaxed popc
1POP C11   0.253   5.425   1.688
1POP C22   0.428   5.314   1.792
1POP C33   0.334   5.243   1.571
1POP N44   0.378   5.352   1.660
1POP C55   0.474   5.439   1.590
1POP C66   0.606   5.390   1.531
1POP O77   0.692   5.366   1.643
1POP P88   0.834   5.316   1.587
1POP O99   0.800   5.197   1.505
1POPO10   10   0.903   5.435   1.533
1POPO11   11   0.890   5.266   1.729
1POPC12   12   0.823   5.142   1.753
1POPC13   13   0.836   5.086   1.895
1POPO14   14   0.766   4.964   1.924
1POPC15   15   0.632   4.959   1.944
1POPO16   16   0.555   5.019   1.869
1POPC17   17   0.589   4.833   2.020
1POPC18   18   0.615   4.703   1.944
1POPC19   19   0.595   4.575   2.025
1POPC20   20   0.625   4.467   1.920
1POPC21   21   0.677   4.340   1.987
1POPC22   22   0.813   4.357   2.055
1POPC23   23   0.848   4.223   2.120
1POPC24   24   0.884   4.121   2.012
1POPC25   25   0.957   4.013   2.043
1POPC26   26   0.994   3.986   2.189
1POPC27   27   1.069   3.853   2.202
1POPC28   28   0.967   3.739   2.204
1POPC29   29   1.012   3.593   2.202
1POPC30   30   0.916   3.478   2.169
1POPC31   31   0.869   3.518   2.029
1POPC32   32   0.801   5.205   1.983

What are the parts mismatching in these files?
Since it says the atom names from the top file will be used, is it safe to
ignore this warning too?


Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-12 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin, 

Thanks for the suggestion I got it solved somehow. The main problem was in
the popc128b.pdb itself, it has first 64 lipids and half of the SOl
molecules followed by rest of the POPC and SOL molecules. When I rearranged
them the error was solved.

But now another thing I would like to confirm with you. During shrinking
stage, I get the following notes, please tell me are they OK at this stage,

NOTE 1 [file topol.top, line 3070]:
  System has non-zero total charge: 5.00e+00

Analysing residue names:
There are:46Protein residues
There are:   126  Other residues
Analysing Protein...
Analysing residues not classified as Protein/DNA/RNA/Water and splitting
into groups...
Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group rest is 21063.00
Largest charge group radii for Van der Waals: 0.249, 0.247 nm
Largest charge group radii for Coulomb:   0.249, 0.247 nm
Calculating fourier grid dimensions for X Y Z
Using a fourier grid of 160x160x48, spacing 0.110 0.114 0.119
Estimate for the relative computational load of the PME mesh part: 0.92

NOTE 2 [file em_st.mdp]:
  The optimal PME mesh load for parallel simulations is below 0.5
  and for highly parallel simulations between 0.25 and 0.33,
  for higher performance, increase the cut-off and the PME grid spacing

This run will generate roughly 17 Mb of data

There were 2 notes

Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-12 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin,

I followed your comments and now at the stage of adding solvents.
I wonder to see the protein after shrinking step to have no SOL molecules as
there were SOL molecules in the source popc128b.pdb. Had we removed all the
original SOL molecules anywhere during the course of tutorial?

I also see one of the POPC molecules standing out (upside down) of the
bilayer area. How would that be adjusted?




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[gmx-users] Re: Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-12 Thread J Peterson
Thanks for the comment. By the way how to make a bigger box at this time of
the tutorial without affecting any part of the system. Can I use editconf
with slightly bigger number for z-axis (something like 6.7 which was 5.7

Peterson J

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[gmx-users] Error in Membrane simulations with POPC bilayer

2012-07-06 Thread J Peterson
Hi Justin and Anirban,

I started a membrane simulation with POPC bilayer after a training with the
given KALP peptide and DPPC bilayer. I am following both of your tutorials
(mainly the Justin's). I have problem at where I generate a .tpr file for a
DPPC (POPC here)-only system using grompp.

I see another warning on non-matching number of atoms along with the error
that you recommended a safe one.

My error is 

Warning: atom name 3340 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C12 - H2)
Warning: atom name 3341 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C13 - O)
Warning: atom name 3342 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(O14 - H1)
Warning: atom name 3343 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C15 - H2)
Warning: atom name 3344 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(O16 - O)
Warning: atom name 3345 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C17 - H1)
Warning: atom name 3346 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C18 - H2)
Warning: atom name 3347 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C19 - O)
Warning: atom name 3348 in topol_popc.top and popc_128b_H.pdb does not match
(C20 - H1)
(more than 20 non-matching atom names)

WARNING 1 [file topol_popc.top, line 26]:
  10708 non-matching atom names
  atom names from topol_popc.top will be used
  atom names from popc_128b_H.pdb will be ignored

Analysing residue names:
There are:   128  Other residues
There are:  2460  Water residues
Analysing residues not classified as Protein/DNA/RNA/Water and splitting
into groups...
Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group rest is 42105.00
Largest charge group radii for Van der Waals: 6.115, 5.932 nm
Largest charge group radii for Coulomb:   6.546, 6.115 nm

WARNING 2 [file em_st.mdp]:
  The sum of the two largest charge group radii (12.661407) is larger than
  rlist (0.90)

Calculating fourier grid dimensions for X Y Z
Using a fourier grid of 54x56x48, spacing 0.117 0.117 0.119
Estimate for the relative computational load of the PME mesh part: 0.45
This run will generate roughly 34 Mb of data

There were 2 warnings

Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.3
Source code file: grompp.c, line: 1563

Fatal error:
Too many warnings (2), grompp terminated.
If you are sure all warnings are harmless, use the -maxwarn option.

Can any one of you help me move from here?

Peterson J

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[gmx-users] MD simulation with varying pH

2012-07-05 Thread J Peterson
Dear GROMACS Users,

I'm planning to work on a protein that activates itself under lower pH
conditions. And I don't have any clues how to do it in GROMACS. My first
question is about the possibilities to do this in GROMACS, has anyone done
this before? It can even be a constant simulations at a particular
lower/higher pH or gradually lowering/increasing pH.

Any suggestion on this would give me a lead.


Peterson J 

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[gmx-users] AMBER heme parameters to simulate in GROMACS

2012-05-09 Thread J Peterson
Dear colleagues,

Has anyone run simulation with heme moiety in GROMACS with AMBER FF before?
I have a problem running it. I need the topology parameters for the heme.


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[gmx-users] Re: Fwd: HEME-cysteine gromacs simulation

2012-05-08 Thread J Peterson
Zhang Bing,

I guess it is problem in your visualizers. Try to label the atom using VMD
which goes well with most of the file types derived in GROMACS. I hope
you'll see the atom as FE not just F.


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