[gmx-users] nstlist with vdw only

2007-08-20 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
Would't this mean, that molecules could suddenly appear and lead to a 
discontinuity in the LJ-potential?
Or in what way should I modify the r_vdw according to what rlist? I 
wanna end with a cut-off of the LJ-potentail around 1.75nm.

Thanks in advance


Erik Lindahl wrote:

Hi Nicholas,

nstlist=1 means you recalculate the neighborlist every single step, 
which will be quite expensive.

Depending on the type of system and temperature you are simulation you 
probably want to start somewhere around nstlist=10.



On Aug 20, 2007, at 10:26 PM, Nicolas Schmidt wrote:

Hello again,

just a quick question:

my simulation runs with vdwtype = cut-off  and no charges, so in my 
understanding I can set rcoulomb to whatever I want, since there is 
nothing that's got to be calculated.

Within this configuration (rlilst = r_vdw, nstlist = 1) up to 50% of 
the computation-time is used for ns-pairs, only 30-35% for LJ. Am I 
doing something wrong here? How can this be done more efficient.

Thanks to everyone

posted the .top and .mdp file along with my output-file

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[gmx-users] nstlist with vdw only

2007-08-20 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
Hello again,

just a quick question:

my simulation runs with vdwtype = cut-off  and no charges, so in my 
understanding I can set rcoulomb to whatever I want, since there is nothing 
that's got to be calculated.

Within this configuration (rlilst = r_vdw, nstlist = 1) up to 50% of the 
computation-time is used for ns-pairs, only 30-35% for LJ. Am I doing something 
wrong here? How can this be done more efficient.

Thanks to everyone

posted the .top and .mdp file along with my output-file

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Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: application/mdp
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Re: [gmx-users] how to build up fixed connections? how to simulate no electrostatics?

2007-08-15 Thread Nicolas Schmidt

(a) Nope, my .mdp-file don't reads that. So I think I don't use one.
(b) I use some different software, that does exactly what I want. It's 
very reliable and it's telling me that the pressure of a 2CLJ-fluid with 
all the set parameters should be different. Since I wanna do the exact 
same thing, the higher pressure kind of points out that in fact I'm not 
doing the same.
(c) Exactly! Bondtype 5 doesen't imply a length parameter. So therefor 
I'm using a constraint. David told me to do so. I'm really unsure at 
this point, this is why I posted my issue.

Still: Though I thought I don't have to specify the 
electrostatics-section since my molecule doesn't have any charges (or 
does it???), what to do to totally switch the electrostatics off?

Thanks to everyone.

David Mobley wrote:

Maybe this is naive, but:
(a) Are you using pressure regulation? (If so, with which barostat?)
(b) How do you know what you expect the pressure to be?
(c) By "fixed connections", do you mean fixed bond lengths? Are you
doing this using constraints?


On 8/13/07, Nicolas Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey everybody.

I'm still trying to biuld up a bulk of 2CLJ-molecules (ethane). I just wanna use fixed 
connections in-between the CH3-"atoms" and no eletrostatics during the 
simulation. I posted my .itp-file several times along my .top-file and my used .mdp-file. 
Though the simulation runs fine I'm unhappy with the results, cause pressure is higher 
than I expect it to be.

Since Mark told me, I'm not simulating fixed connections I'd like to ask if 
ANYBODY could help me with that.

Thanks in advance

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[gmx-users] how to build up fixed connections? how to simulate no electrostatics?

2007-08-13 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
Hey everybody.

I'm still trying to biuld up a bulk of 2CLJ-molecules (ethane). I just wanna 
use fixed connections in-between the CH3-"atoms" and no eletrostatics during 
the simulation. I posted my .itp-file several times along my .top-file and my 
used .mdp-file. Though the simulation runs fine I'm unhappy with the results, 
cause pressure is higher than I expect it to be. 

Since Mark told me, I'm not simulating fixed connections I'd like to ask if 
ANYBODY could help me with that.

Thanks in advance

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[ moleculetype ]
; name  nrexcl
ethane  1

[ atoms ]
;   nrtype   resnr  residuatomcgnr  charge
 1 CH3   1 ETH ET1   1   0.000
 2 CH3   1 ETH ET2   2   0.000

[ bonds ]
;  aiaj  funct
1 2  5

[ constraints ]
; i j type lenght
1 2 1 0.2345
title= Energy Minimization   ; redundant,so whatever 
comes to your mind
cpp  = /usr/bin/cpp  ; your preprocessor
;include  = /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top ; directories 
to include in your topology
;define   =  ; for defines in your topology file 
; Run 
integrator   = md ; what you wanna do. md 
(moleculardynamics),steep (energyminimization), sd, md, cg, l-bfgs, nm, tpi,...
tinit= 0   ; starting time for your run
dt   = 0.00333  ; time step for the integration
nsteps   = 3 ; maximum number of steps to integrate
;init_step=; the starting step {t=tinit +dt*(init_step 
comm_mode= None; removal of center of mass movement
;nstcomm  =; frequency of that removal
;comm_grps=; what groups are considered for removal
; Langevin 
;bd_fric  =; brownian dynamics friction coefficient
;ld_seed  =; used to initialize random generator for 
thermal noise for stochastic and Brownian dynamics
; Energy 
;emtol= 1   ; the minimization is converged when the 
maximum force is smaller than this value
;emstep   = 0.01   ; initial step-size
;nstcgsteep   =; frequency of performing 1 steepest descent 
step while doing conjugate gradient energy minimization
;nbfgscorr=; Number of correction steps to use for L-BFGS 
minimization. A higher number is more accurate, but slower
; Shell Molecular 
;emtol=; the minimization is converged when the maximum 
force is smaller than this value. shell-md: < 1 , em < 10
;niter=; maximum number of iterations for optimizing 
the shell positions and the flexible constraints
;fcstep   =; the step size for optimizing the flexible 
; Output 
nstxout  = 1; frequency to write coordinates to output 
trajectory file, the last coordinates are always written
nstvout  = 1; frequency to write velocities to output 
trajectory, the last velocities are always written
;nstfout  = ; frequency to write forces to output 
;nstlog   = 5000; frequency to write energies to log file, 
the last energies are always written
;nstenergy= 250 ; frequency to write energies to energy 
file, the last energies are always written
;nstxtcout= 250 ; frequency to write coordinates to xtc 
;xtc_percision= ; precision to write to xtc trajectory 
;xtc_grps = Protein ; group(s) to write to xtc trajectory, 
default the whole system is written (if nstxtcout is larger than zero)
;energygrps   = Protein  SOL ; group(s) to write to energy file
; Neighbor 

[gmx-users] Re: doing simplest simulations

2007-08-11 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
>> Second: Am I simulating fixed connections? 


I once wrote in a mail in may I think:

>> This may be a really simple question, I know, but still...
>> How can I set up a fixed connection between two atoms of a molecule? When I 
>> choose the 5th bondtype in my topology-file I get the following output from 
>> grompp (though it's processing, so I CAN start mdrun afterwards):
>> WARNING 1 [file "ethane.itp", line 12]:
>>   No default Connect Bonds types, using zeros
>> Either way I'm not sure how the distance of these two atoms is processed, so 
>> there is NO parameter that is specifying this bond-type (and a constraint 
>> would be processed by gromacs, wouldn't it? And I don't want it to, cause I 
>> want the simulation to be as simple as possible)
>> By the way, I wanna simulate a huge system of ethane and take a look at the 
>> processing time per simulated step, is there an output-file thats reading 
>> this?
>> Thanks in advance to everyone who is replying, it's so hard when you're 
>> stuck. 
>[ constraint ]
>; i j type length
>1 2 1 0.15

So what's my mistake? I posted my .itp-file, do I have to do a change in the 
forcefield-files? When 'yes', what change? ;-)

>> Are my chosen options on the .mdp-file therefor correct? 
>By comparison with what?

To build up a fixed connection. What therefor to choose in the bonds section of 
the .mdp-file? constraints = none, all??? 

Is in the Electrostatics-section of the .mdp-file
>coulombtype = cut-off
>rcoulomb = 0
sufficient to not simulate any electrostatics?

If not, what else should I do? ;-)

to Mark:

thanks for your help, it's definitely not in the way that I'm refusing to take 
your advice 'bout the tutorials, but it's sometimes uneasy to find out some 
kind of an exception from the rule (fixed connections, no electrostatics, 
prefering speed to accuracy, and so on). Why doing an energy minimization when 
I equilibrate at an higher temperature and cool down afterwards? And of course 
I'm a newbie, otherwise I'd answer questions and not ask them. 

and most of all, I just have to do ONE set of simulations (with an various 
amount of molecules) to compare gromacs' speed in simulating large systems of 
simple gas molecules. I wanna do well, otherwise I'd just take what I got from 
the already finished simulations. But afterwards I'm done and won't bother you 
again. ;-) 

Thanks again.


posted the most recent .mdp-file and .itp-file as well.

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Description: application/mdp

Description: Binary data
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Re: [gmx-users] doing simplest simulations

2007-08-10 Thread Nicolas Schmidt

Hi again,

I re-did my simulations with the posted .mdp-file. The huge differences 
to my formerly posted file are a few vanished semicolons, and after a 
fine simulation-run an added dispersion correction  due to a pressure 
that was slightly higher than expected. Did't really help, made it 
worse. But at least the simulations are now at the speed I expected them 
to be (gromacs doesen't scale that beautiful under my configuration, any 

Anyhow, two further questions:

First: Is the configuration with r_list = r_vdw and nst_list = 1 a good 
choice, especially regarding speed? Suggestions?
(I caught a glimpse at the archives of this forum and couldn't quite 
find out why the radius of the neighbour-list has to be smaller than 
r_vdw, isn't that list something similar to the verlet-neighbour-lists? 
Shouldn't it therefore be bigger? But in this case I'm just curious...)

Second: Am I simulating fixed connections? Are my chosen options on the 
.mdp-file therefor correct? Is gromacs doing as less as possible? Got 
sometimes at simulations with higher density complains 'bout 
constraints. Have I chosen the right configuration in the .itp-file?

to Mark:

Nope, no warnings, posted this time the output-file as well. But I 
can't  write bigger gro-files (gromacs'complaining something like "can't 
allocate memory"). But this isn't a that big problem for me, 125000 
molecules are sufficient.

I wanna simulate as fast as possible with only reasonable results, so 
I'm unsure why I should use anymore options.

I'm T-coupling at 183K cause I want my bulk at this temperature. No more 
reason. And by doing so (along the annealing) I'm simulating a 
nucleation-process. Works fine for me.

Considering the missing equilibration: My first posted file missed the 
vanished semicolons at the annealing, posted not the most recent file, 
my bad, sorry. The simulation-results still were rubbish. And now they 
are more or less fine (slightly higher pressure, 5.9 instead of 4.6 
bar), of course I'm only measuring at the end of my siimulation run. 
Changed the thermostat and r_list, so maybe that was the problem.

Thanks anyway and in advance


Mark wrote:

Nicolas Schmidt wrote:
Hi, I'm doing a comparison in the aspect of speed between gromacs and 
an other MD-simulation-program, that isn't providing all the diffrent 
options of gromacs.

My problem is, that the results I got from the simulations with 
gromacs aren't reasonable. E.g negative pressure and zero kelvin or 
ridiculously high pressure and temperature. The simulations are 
running more or less fine (though they are too fast ;-) ), but if the 
results are rubbish I can't say anything 'bout the speed at all...

I'm assuming your protocol sets up a system of bulk ethane with a 
reasonable density, and that there were no warnings you overlooked.

Of course I'm assuming I did a terribly stupid mistake, so I'm asking 
you to take a look at my files (added all necessary ones) and correct 
me (they are less big than you might emagine, resulting from the 
pretty simple molecules I'm buidling up)

Energy minimization before beginning equilibration MD is usually a 
good idea. I've no idea why you think turning off basically the entire 
set of .mdp options is a good idea, or why you're T-coupling at 183K. 
Since you're new, I'd check out 
http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Steps_to_Perform_a_Simulation and 
follow along some tutorial material, and then adapt a protocol and 
.mdp file to your needs. Trying to measure temperature and pressure 
from a single run that didn't have a pre-equilibration phase is just 
asking for a crazy result.

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Gromacs Runs One Microsecond At Cannonball Speeds
1ETHET11   0.769   0.769   0.744
1ETHET22   0.769   0.769   0.794
   1.53748   1.53748   1.53748
#include "ffgmx.itp"

#include "OneEthane.itp"

[ system ]
pure ethane

[ molecules ]
;Compound #mols
ethane 64000
NNODES=16, MYRANK=0, HOSTNAME=noco013.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=1, HOSTNAME=noco013.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=2, HOSTNAME=noco042.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=3, HOSTNAME=noco042.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=5, HOSTNAME=noco066.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=4, HOSTNAME=noco066.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=6, HOSTNAME=noco067.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=7, HOSTNAME=noco067.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=8, HOSTNAME=noco068.nec
NNODES=16, MYRANK=9, HOSTNAME=noco068.nec

[gmx-users] doing simplest simulations

2007-08-09 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
Hi, I'm doing a comparison in the aspect of speed between gromacs and an 
other MD-simulation-program, that isn't providing all the diffrent 
options of gromacs.

My problem is, that the results I got from the simulations with gromacs 
aren't reasonable. E.g negative pressure and zero kelvin or ridiculously 
high pressure and temperature. The simulations are running more or less 
fine (though they are too fast ;-) ), but if the results are rubbish I 
can't say anything 'bout the speed at all...

Of course I'm assuming I did a terribly stupid mistake, so I'm asking 
you to take a look at my files (added all necessary ones) and correct me 
(they are less big than you might emagine, resulting from the pretty 
simple molecules I'm buidling up)

Thanks in advance

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[gmx-users] add to "doing simplest simulations

2007-08-09 Thread Nicolas Schmidt

Sorry 'bout that, this time with the files...

Gromacs Runs One Microsecond At Cannonball Speeds
1ETHET11   0.769   0.769   0.744
1ETHET22   0.769   0.769   0.794
   1.53748   1.53748   1.53748
#include "ffgmx.itp"

#include "OneEthane.itp"

[ system ]
pure ethane

[ molecules ]
;Compound #mols
ethane 125000
title= Energy Minimization   ; redundant,so whatever 
comes to your mind
cpp  = /usr/bin/cpp  ; your preprocessor
;include  = /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top ; directories 
to include in your topology
;define   =  ; for defines in your topology file 
; Run 
integrator   = md ; what you wanna do. md 
(moleculardynamics),steep (energyminimization), sd, md, cg, l-bfgs, nm, tpi,...
tinit= 0   ; starting time for your run
dt   = 0.00333  ; time step for the integration
nsteps   = 3 ; maximum number of steps to integrate
;init_step=; the starting step {t=tinit +dt*(init_step 
comm_mode= None; removal of center of mass movement
;nstcomm  =; frequency of that removal
;comm_grps=; what groups are considered for removal
; Langevin 
;bd_fric  =; brownian dynamics friction coefficient
;ld_seed  =; used to initialize random generator for 
thermal noise for stochastic and Brownian dynamics
; Energy 
;emtol= 1   ; the minimization is converged when the 
maximum force is smaller than this value
;emstep   = 0.01   ; initial step-size
;nstcgsteep   =; frequency of performing 1 steepest descent 
step while doing conjugate gradient energy minimization
;nbfgscorr=; Number of correction steps to use for L-BFGS 
minimization. A higher number is more accurate, but slower
; Shell Molecular 
;emtol=; the minimization is converged when the maximum 
force is smaller than this value. shell-md: < 1 , em < 10
;niter=; maximum number of iterations for optimizing 
the shell positions and the flexible constraints
;fcstep   =; the step size for optimizing the flexible 
; Output 
nstxout  = 1; frequency to write coordinates to output 
trajectory file, the last coordinates are always written
nstvout  = 1; frequency to write velocities to output 
trajectory, the last velocities are always written
;nstfout  = ; frequency to write forces to output 
;nstlog   = 5000; frequency to write energies to log file, 
the last energies are always written
;nstenergy= 250 ; frequency to write energies to energy 
file, the last energies are always written
;nstxtcout= 250 ; frequency to write coordinates to xtc 
;xtc_percision= ; precision to write to xtc trajectory 
;xtc_grps = Protein ; group(s) to write to xtc trajectory, 
default the whole system is written (if nstxtcout is larger than zero)
;energygrps   = Protein  SOL ; group(s) to write to energy file
; Neighbor 
nstlist  = 5   ; Frequency to update the neighbor list. When 
this is 0, the neighbor list is made only once
ns_type  = grid ; grid or simple (grid for large systems)
pbc  = xyz  ; periodic boundary conditions, xyz (every 
direction), no (no pbc)
rlist= 1.75  ; cut-off distance for the short-range 
neighbor list 
;coulombtype  = cut-off ; other: Ew

[gmx-users] seriell but parallel ???

2007-05-18 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
Dear gromacs-users,

First of all thanks to all contributers of the answers considering my first 
issue, actually this was my first simulation on gromacs, so maybe this explains 
my kind of unnecessary questions ;-) 

Anyway, again a probably easy to solve problem:

I only got the possibility to run all the gromacs programs on a single 
processor engine, in addition to that I have access to a unix cluster (206 x 2 
Intel Xeon 3.2 GHz), where ONLY mdrun_mpi was installed. It's in heavy use, so 
I can't just try if something works, I have to wait a day or two, till I can 
find out, if a simulation worked or not.

I read in the manual, that I would have to use the same amount of nodes (option 
-np of mdrun_mpi) as I typed in at grompp, but this option doesn't exist in my 
version of grompp installed on an serial computer.

So my question is:

Is this a problem?
In the case of an existing problem, is there any possibility to solve it, 
without installing anything on the cluster? 

Thanks in advance to everyone contributing. and just to everybody:

Have a nice weekend.
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[gmx-users] bondtype 5

2007-05-17 Thread Nicolas Schmidt
This may be a really simple question, I know, but still...

How can I set up a fixed connection between two atoms of a molecule? When I 
choose the 5th bondtype in my topology-file I get the following output from 
grompp (though it's processing, so I CAN start mdrun afterwards):

WARNING 1 [file "ethane.itp", line 12]:
  No default Connect Bonds types, using zeroes

Either way I'm not sure how the distance of these two atoms is processed, so 
there is NO parameter that is specifying this bond-type (and a constraint would 
be processed by gromacs, wouldn't it? And I don't want it to, cause I want the 
simulation to be as simple as possible)

By the way, I wanna simulate a huge system of ethane and take a look at the 
processing time per simulated step, is there an output-file thats reading this?

Thanks in advance to everyone who is replying, it's so hard when you're stuck. 
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