[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 58, Issue 61

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Fenwick
Re Benchmarks,


After making all the changes that Justin suggested the dynamics run as
expected, if anyone wants the scripts to run the exact same system
then I am happy to send them on.

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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 58, Issue 59

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Fenwick
> Robert Fenwick wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wanted to run one of the gromacs 4.0 benchmarks on a new cluster
>> that we have and also wanted to see the affect of this 4 fs time step.
>> If it would not be too much trouble would it be possible for the
>> setups of either the PLINCS paper or the GROMACS 4.0 paper to be
>> placed somewhere on the website. Specifically I am intersted in the
>> lysozyme benchmark, however I suspect others might like the membrane
>> system to as well.
>> I have tried to set a similar simulation up, but it is not able to run
>> with 4 fs integration.
> So what exactly is going wrong?  What is in your .mdp file?  It is probably
> better for you to post this information here and receive feedback, so that
> others can make use of it later.

I've followed what I think is a sensible setup, which comes from the
GROMACS workshop pre-workshop tutorial. Comments are wellcome, I
generate this using a bash script for convenience:

grep -v HOH original/1LYD.pdb > ./prot1LYD.pdb

pdb2gmx -f prot1LYD.pdb -ter -ignh -vsite hydrogens -water tip3p
select OPLS, 0, 0

editconf -f conf.gro -bt dodecahedron -d 0.7 -o box.gro

genbox -cp box.gro -cs spc216.gro -p topol.top -o solvated.gro

grompp -f em.mdp -p topol.top -c solvated.gro -o sol.tpr

genion -s sol.tpr -nn 8 -nname CL- -nq -1 -np 0 -pname NA+ -pq 1 -p
topol.top -o solvatedIon.gro
select 12 (SOL)

grompp -f em.mdp -p topol.top -c solvatedIon.gro -o em.tpr

mdrun -v -deffnm em

grompp -f pr.mdp -p topol.top -c em.gro -o pr.tpr

mpirun -np 16 mdrun_mpi -v -deffnm pr -npme 8

grompp -f run.mdp -p topol.top -c pr.gro -o run.tpr

mpirun -np 16 mdrun_mpi -v -deffnm run -npme 8

The inputs are, and come directly from the article Hess et al., 2008

integrator  = steep
nsteps  = 200
nstlist = 10
rlist   = 1.0
coulombtype = pme
fourierspacing  = 0.125
rcoulomb= 1.0
vdw-type= cut-off
rvdw= 1.0
lincs-order = 6
nstenergy   = 10
integrator  = md
nsteps  = 5
dt  = 0.002
nstlist = 10
rlist   = 1.0
coulombtype = pme
fourierspacing  = 0.125
rcoulomb= 1.0
vdw-type= cut-off
rvdw= 1.0
lincs-order = 6
tcoupl  = Berendsen
tc-grps = protein non-protein
tau-t   = 0.1 0.1
ref-t   = 298 298
Pcoupl  = Berendsen
tau-p   = 1.0
compressibility = 1e-5 1e-5 1e-5 0 0 0
ref-p   = 1.0
nstenergy   = 100
define  = -DPOSRES

integrator  = md
nsteps  = 5
dt  = 0.004
nstlist = 5
rlist   = 1.0
coulombtype = pme
fourierspacing  = 0.125
rcoulomb= 1.0
vdw-type= cut-off
rvdw= 1.0
lincs-order = 6
tcoupl  = Berendsen
tc-grps = protein non-protein
tau-t   = 0.1 0.1
ref-t   = 298 298
nstxout = 1000
nstvout = 1000
nstxtcout   = 100
nstenergy   = 100

The simulation dies with:

Step 6, time 0.024 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
rms 0.222533, max 1.229818 (between atoms 328 and 329)
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
   1970   1973   90.00.2413   0.3543  0.1930
   1888   1891   65.80.4413   0.1879  0.1930
447449   59.20.2406   0.1939  0.1939
656660   90.00.1930   0.4267  0.1930
616619   90.00.1924   0.2612  0.1930
477480   89.90.2945   0.3802  0.1930
319329   65.30.1670   0.1816  0.1670
328329   90.00.0915   0.2039  0.0915
762765   42.40.1584   0.1554  0.1583
762766   44.00.1581   0.1616  0.1583

t = 0.024 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 16419 can not be settled.
Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.
Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
Warning: 1-4 interaction between 949 and 963 at distance 6.212 which
is larger than the 1-4 table size 2.000 nm
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
or with user tables increase the table size
Warning: 1-4 interaction between 747 and 753 at distance 14.118 which
is larger than the 1-4 table size 2.000 nm
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
This usually means your system is exploding,
if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
or with user tables increase the table size

Program mdrun_mpi, VERSION 4.0.3
Source code file: pme.c, line: 518

Fatal error:
11 particles communicated

[gmx-users] Gromacs 4.0 Benchmarks

2009-02-10 Thread Robert Fenwick

I wanted to run one of the gromacs 4.0 benchmarks on a new cluster
that we have and also wanted to see the affect of this 4 fs time step.
If it would not be too much trouble would it be possible for the
setups of either the PLINCS paper or the GROMACS 4.0 paper to be
placed somewhere on the website. Specifically I am intersted in the
lysozyme benchmark, however I suspect others might like the membrane
system to as well.

I have tried to set a similar simulation up, but it is not able to run
with 4 fs integration.

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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

[gmx-users] energy and coordinates at different times

2009-02-10 Thread Robert Fenwick
Dear All,

I am starting some simulations and would like to write out some
coordinates more frequently than others, is this currently possible.
Below is how I envisaged using the commands, however it seems that I
don't quite understand. Is something like this possible and how do I
implement this?



nstxtcout   = 1000 50 1
nstenergy   = 1000 50 1
xtc_grps= System Protein N_H
energygrps  = System Protein N_H
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/mailing_lists/users.php

[gmx-users] Water molecule can not be settled

2008-05-21 Thread Robert Fenwick


My simulation has fall over with this error:

t = 501.346 ps: Water molecule starting at atom 8367 can not be settled.
Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep.Wrote pdb files  
with previous

and current coordinates

What can I do to fix it? There are a few other that have had this  
problem on the list, but none are using 3.3.3 or have posted the  


  --- Thank You ---  

Input Parameters:
   integrator   = md
   nsteps   = 2500
   init_step= 0
   ns_type  = Grid
   nstlist  = 10
   ndelta   = 2
   bDomDecomp   = FALSE
   decomp_dir   = 0
   nstcomm  = 1
   comm_mode= Linear
   nstcheckpoint= 1000
   nstlog   = 100
   nstxout  = 10
   nstvout  = 10
   nstfout  = 0
   nstenergy= 1000
   nstxtcout= 1000
   init_t   = 0
   delta_t  = 0.002
   xtcprec  = 1000
   nkx  = 39
   nky  = 39
   nkz  = 39
   pme_order= 4
   ewald_rtol   = 1e-05
   ewald_geometry   = 0
   epsilon_surface  = 0
   optimize_fft = FALSE
   ePBC = xyz
   bUncStart= FALSE
   bShakeSOR= FALSE
   etc  = Berendsen
   epc  = No
   epctype  = Isotropic
   tau_p= 1
   ref_p (3x3):
  ref_p[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  ref_p[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   compress (3x3):
  compress[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  compress[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   andersen_seed= 815131
   rlist= 1
   coulombtype  = PME
   rcoulomb_switch  = 0
   rcoulomb = 1
   vdwtype  = Cut-off
   rvdw_switch  = 0
   rvdw = 1
   epsilon_r= 1
   epsilon_rf   = 1
   tabext   = 1
   gb_algorithm = Still
   nstgbradii   = 1
   rgbradii = 2
   gb_saltconc  = 0
   implicit_solvent = No
   DispCorr = No
   fudgeQQ  = 0.8333
   free_energy  = no
   init_lambda  = 0
   sc_alpha = 0
   sc_power = 0
   sc_sigma = 0.3
   delta_lambda = 0
   disre_weighting  = Conservative
   disre_mixed  = FALSE
   dr_fc= 1000
   dr_tau   = 0
   nstdisreout  = 100
   orires_fc= 0
   orires_tau   = 0
   nstorireout  = 100
   dihre-fc = 1000
   dihre-tau= 0
   nstdihreout  = 100
   em_stepsize  = 0.01
   em_tol   = 10
   niter= 20
   fc_stepsize  = 0
   nstcgsteep   = 1000
   nbfgscorr= 10
   ConstAlg = Lincs
   shake_tol= 1e-04
   lincs_order  = 4
   lincs_warnangle  = 30
   lincs_iter   = 1
   bd_fric  = 0
   ld_seed  = 1993
   cos_accel= 0
   deform (3x3):
  deform[0]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[1]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
  deform[2]={ 0.0e+00,  0.0e+00,  0.0e+00}
   userint1 = 0
   userint2 = 0
   userint3 = 0
   userint4 = 0
   userreal1= 0
   userreal2= 0
   userreal3= 0
   userreal4= 0
   nrdf: 2585.45 11571.5
   ref_t:298 298
   tau_t:0.1 0.1
anneal:   No  No
ann_npoints:   0   0
   acc:0   0   0
   nfreeze:   N   N   N
   energygrp_flags[  0]: 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
  n = 0
   QMconstraints= 0
   QMMMscheme   = 0
   scalefactor  = 1
   ngQM = 0
CPU=  0, lastcg= 2789, targetcg= 1394, myshift=0
nsb->shift =   1, nsb->bshift=  0
Neighbor Search Blocks
nsb->nodeid: 0
nsb->nnodes:  1
nsb->cgtotal:  2790
nsb->natoms:   8576
nsb->shift:   1
nsb->bshift:  0
Nodeid   index  homenr  cgload  workload
 0   085762790  2790

Max number of connections per atom is 58
Total number of connections is 34155
Max number of graph edges per atom is 4
Total number of graph edges is 13304
Table routines are used for coulomb: TRUE
Table routines are used fo

[gmx-users] normal mode analysis

2007-12-21 Thread Robert Fenwick


I am interested in comparing the normal modes of a protein with and  
without a ligand. I have already computed the lowest 100 normal modes  
for the protein (eigenvec_a.trr) and the protein:ligand complex and  
have reduced the protein:ligand eigenvec_b.trr to the protein by  

> trjconv_d -f eigenvec_b.trr -o eigenvec_c.trr -s nm_a.tpr
> select 0 [System]

+ nm_a.tpr is the tpr file of the protein alone
+ eigenvec_b.trr is the trajectory of the protein:ligand
+ eigenvec_c.trr is the new trajectory of the complex minus the  
ligand coordinates

What I want to do now is compare the eigenvec_a.trr and  
eigenvec_c.trr files to see the mode overlap between the free and  
bound protein.

What I can not understand how to remove the effects of rotation and  
translation of the protein with respect to the ligand that will be  
present in the eigenvec_c.trr. Is it possible to do this type of  
analysis in GROMACS and how can I go about it?



R. Bryn FenwickDepartment of Biochemistry,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]University of Cambridge,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]80 Tennis Court Road,
Tel: +44 1223 766018   Old Addenbrookes Site,
Fax: +44 1223 766002   Cambridge, CB2 1GA, UK.

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[gmx-users] GTP topology

2007-12-03 Thread Robert Fenwick

Here are the topology file lines that I have added to my version of  

It should just work if you add these lines to this file. If anyone  
has any comments then I would be happy to have them, this is the  
first time I have done this.


[ GTP ]
 [ atoms ]

  GN9NR-0.2 0
  GC4 C 0.2 0
  GN3NR-0.36000 1
  GC2 C 0.36000 1
  GN2NT-0.83000 2
 GH21 H 0.41500 2
 GH22 H 0.41500 2
  GN1NR-0.28000 3
  GH1 H 0.28000 3
  GC6 C 0.38000 4
  GO6 O-0.38000 4
  GC5 C 0.0 5
  GN7NR-0.36000 5
  GC8   CR1 0.36000 5
 GC2*   CH1 0.15000 6
 GO2*OA-0.54800 6
 GH2* H 0.39800 6
 GC3*   CH1 0.15000 7 ; like ATP set to GC2*
 GO3*OA-0.54800 7 ; like ATP set to GO2*
 GH3* H 0.39800 7 ; like ATP set to GH2*
 GC1*   CH1 0.2 8
 GC4*   CH1 0.16000 8
 GO4*OA-0.36000 8
 GC5*   CH2 0.0 9
  GPA P 0.7050010 ; from ATP
GO1PAOM-0.6350010 ; from ATP
GO2PAOM-0.6350010 ; from ATP
GO3PAOA-0.3600011 ; from ATP
  GPB P 0.7050011 ; from ATP
GO1PBOM-0.6350011 ; from ATP
GO2PBOM-0.6350011 ; from ATP
GO3PBOA-0.3600012 ; from ATP
  GPG P 0.6300012 ; from ATP
GO1PGOM-0.6350012 ; from ATP
GO2PGOM-0.6350012 ; from ATP
GO3PGOA-0.5480012 ; from ATP
GH3PG H 0.3980012 ; from ATP
 [ bonds ]
 GO5*  GC5*gb_19
 GC5*  GC4*gb_25
 GC4*  GO4*gb_19
 GC4*  GC3*gb_25
 GO4*  GC1*gb_19
 GC1*   GN9gb_21
 GC1*  GC2*gb_25
  GN9   GC4gb_9
  GN9   GC8gb_9
  GC4   GN3gb_11
  GC4   GC5gb_15
  GN3   GC2gb_11
  GC2   GN2gb_8
  GC2   GN1gb_16
  GN2  GH21gb_2
  GN2  GH22gb_2
  GN1   GH1gb_2
  GN1   GC6gb_16
  GC6   GO6gb_4
  GC6   GC5gb_15
  GC5   GN7gb_9
  GN7   GC8gb_9
 GC2*  GO2*gb_19
 GO2*  GH2*gb_1
 GC2*  GC3*gb_25
 GC3*  GO3*gb_19   ; like ATP set to GC2*
 GO3*  GH3*gb_1; like ATP set to GO2*
 GO5*   GPAgb_27   ; from ATP
  GPA GO1PAgb_23   ; from ATP
  GPA GO2PAgb_23   ; from ATP
  GPA GO3PAgb_27   ; from ATP
GO3PA   GPBgb_27   ; from ATP
  GPB GO1PBgb_23   ; from ATP
  GPB GO2PBgb_23   ; from ATP
  GPB GO3PBgb_27   ; from ATP
GO3PB   GPGgb_27   ; from ATP
  GPG GO1PGgb_23   ; from ATP
  GPG GO2PGgb_23   ; from ATP
  GPG GO3PGgb_27   ; from ATP
GO3PG GH3PGgb_1; from ATP
 [ exclusions ]
;  aiaj
 GC1*   GN3
 GC1*   GC5
 GC1*   GN7
  GN9   GC2
  GN9   GC6
  GC4   GN2
  GC4   GN1
  GC4   GO6
  GN3   GH1
  GN3   GC6
  GN3   GN7
  GN3   GC8
  GC2   GO6
  GC2   GC5
  GN2   GH1
  GN2   GC6
  GN1   GN7
  GH1   GO6
  GH1   GC5
  GC6   GC8
  GO6   GN7
GO3PB GH3PG ; from ATP
GO1PG GH3PG ; from ATP
GO2PG GH3PG ; from ATP
 [ angles ]
;  aiajak   gromos type
 GO5*  GC5*  GC4* ga_8
 GC5*  GC4*  GO4* ga_8
 GC5*  GC4*  GC3* ga_7
 GO4*  GC4*  GC3* ga_8
 GC4*  GO4*  GC1* ga_9
 GO4*  GC1*   GN9 ga_8
 GO4*  GC1*  GC2* ga_8
  GN9  GC1*  GC2* ga_8
 GC1*   GN9   GC4 ga_36
 GC1*   GN9   GC8 ga_36
  GC4   GN9   GC8 ga_6
  GN9   GC4   GN3 ga_38
  GN9   GC4   GC5 ga_6
  GN3   GC4   GC5 ga_26
  GC4   GN3   GC2 ga_26
  GN3   GC2   GN2 ga_26
  GN3   GC2   GN1 ga_26
  GN2   GC2   GN1 ga_26
  GC2   GN2  GH21 ga_22
  GC2   GN2  GH22 ga_22
 GH21   GN2  GH22 ga_23
  GC2   GN1   GH1 ga_24
  GC2   GN1   GC6 ga_26
  GH1   GN1   GC6 ga_24
  GN1   GC6   GO6 ga_26
  GN1   GC6   GC5 ga_26
  GO6   GC6   GC5 ga_26
  GC4   GC5   GC6 ga_26
  GC4   GC5   GN7 ga_6
  GC6   GC5   GN7 ga_38
  GC5   GN7   GC8 ga_6
  GN9   GC8   GN7 ga_6
 GC1*  GC2*  GC3* ga_7
 GC1*  GC2*  GO2* ga_8
 GO2*  GC2*  GC3* ga_8
 GC2*  GO2*  GH2* ga_11
 GC3*  GO3*  GH3* ga_11   ; like ATP set to GC2*
 GC4*  GC3*  GC2* ga_7
 GC4*  GC3*  GO3* ga_8
 GC2*  GC3*  GO3* ga_8
 GC5*  GO5*   GPA ga_25   ; from ATP
 GO5*   GPA GO1PA ga_13   ; from ATP
 GO5*   GPA GO2PA ga_13   ; from ATP
 GO5*   GPA GO3PA ga_4; from ATP
GO1PA   GPA GO2PA ga_28   ; from ATP
GO1PA   GPA GO3PA ga_13   ; from ATP
GO2PA   GPA GO3PA ga_13   ; from ATP
  GPA GO3PA   GPB ga_25   ; from ATP
GO3PA   GPB GO1PB ga_13   ; from ATP
GO3PA   GPB GO2PB ga_13   ; from ATP
GO3PA   GPB GO3PB ga_4; from ATP
GO1PB   GPB GO2PB ga_28   ; from ATP
GO1PB   GPB GO3PB ga_13   ; from ATP
GO2PB   GPB GO3PB ga_13   ; from ATP
  GPB GO3PB   GPG ga_25   ; from ATP
GO3PB   GPG GO1PG ga_13   ; from ATP
GO3PB   GPG GO2PG ga_13   ; from ATP
GO3PB   GPG GO3PG ga_4; from ATP
GO1PG   GPG GO2PG ga_28   ; from ATP

[gmx-users] GTP topology file for ffG43a1

2007-11-30 Thread Robert Fenwick

Dear all,

I have now prepared what I think are the necessary lines for entry  
into the ffG43a1.rtp file for GTP, however I was wanting a quick way  
to test what I have done. Again I am open to suggestions.  
Specifically I want to ensure that I have added sufficient bonds and  
angles for the molecule and that I have not defined any of the  
parameters more than once. I am quite happy to send on my files, if  
someone would like to help, basically my approach has been to  
cannibalise the ATP, AED and GUA files.

Is there a simple way to produce a .gro or .pdb file from my altered  


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[gmx-users] ATP, GTP and REX

2007-11-29 Thread Robert Fenwick


I would like to make some unrestrained simulations of ATP and GTP  
binding proteins and wondered if there were any topology files  
floating about for OPLSAA or the GROMOS96.1 forcefields for these two  

I understand that the gmx forcefields have been deprecated and that I  
should use one of the newer ones, however there are not that many  
ligand topology files about.

I am just starting out, so any suggestions would be welcome. The  
systems are approximately 300 residues in size and I am interested in  
the stability and rms fluctuations of the systems.

A secondary question is that of the AMBER forcefields, I am using the  
3.3.2 version, however the amber files state specifically to use the  
port for the relevant version, one of which is missing for 3.3.2. Is  
it safe to use the 3.3.1 amber ff port with version 3.3.2 of GROMACS?

Finally, if anyone can point me in the direction of a small test  
project that does some simple replica exchange, with some  
instructions as to how to get it to run, I would be very grateful.


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the 
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