Re: [gmx-users] g_hbond results inconsistent between v4.0.7 and v4.5.1

2010-12-05 Thread Robin C. Underwood
Hi All:

Has there been further resolution on the difference between g_hbond in v 4.0 and
4.5 (I'm running 4.5.3)? For counting water-water (tip4p) h-bonds in a box of
506 waters I get the following nhbdist output, which appears to neglect pbc
since there are such a large number of unbound donor-H (and the other columns
are consequently too low):

@title Number of donor-H with N HBs
@xaxis  label Time (ps)
@yaxis  label N
@TYPE xy
@ view 0.15, 0.15, 0.75, 0.85
@ legend on
@ legend box on
@ legend loctype view
@ legend 0.78, 0.8
@ legend length 2
@ s0 legend 0 HBs
@ s1 legend 1 HB
@ s2 legend 2 HBs
@ s3 legend 3 HBs
@ s4 legend Total
 0.0e+00   706   174   132 0   438
 1.0e-01   708   163   140 1   446
 2.0e-01   707   168   137 0   442
 3.0e-01   712   161   136 3   442
 4.0e-01   713   165   134 0   433
 5.0e-01   709   169   133 1   438
 6.0e-01   705   169   137 1   446
 7.0e-01   699   169   142 2   459
 8.0e-01   710   167   133 2   439
 9.0e-01   700   189   122 1   436
 1.0e+00   707   169   136 0   441
 1.1e+00   705   163   144 0   451
 1.2e+00   707   171   133 1   440
 1.3e+00   709   158   145 0   448
 1.4e+00   718   155   138 1   434
 1.5e+00   711   164   137 0   438
 1.6e+00   713   160   139 0   438
 1.7e+00   702   181   129 0   439
 1.8e+00   707   162   142 1   449
 1.9e+00   706   167   139 0   445
 2.0e+00   709   168   135 0   438
 2.1e+00   708   167   136 1   442
 2.2e+00   708   171   133 0   437
 2.3e+00   709   162   140 1   445
 2.4e+00   698   171   142 1   458
 2.5e+00   701   177   133 1   446
 2.6e+00   706   177   129 0   435
 2.7e+00   708   178   126 0   430
 2.8e+00   698   187   127 0   441
 2.9e+00   700   190   120 2   436
 3.0e+00   703   176   131 2   444
 3.1e+00   702   181   127 2   441
 3.2e+00   694   184   134 0   452

I've tried playing with different index assignments, and I get what appears to
be a reasonable output for 0 HBs by making the two groups appear different,
excluding the dummy atom from one. Although, because the program then double
counts, the other columns don't convey the intended information. 


Robin C. Underwood
Chemistry Department
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
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[gmx-users] Note on oscillation period / time step

2010-12-02 Thread Robin C. Underwood
GMX Users:

When I run grompp on methanol in water in v. 4.5.3 I get the following Note:

NOTE 1 [file, line 73]:
  The bond in molecule-type MET between atoms 5 OA and 6 HO has an
  estimated oscillational period of 9.0e-03 ps, which is less than 10 times
  the time step of 1.0e-03 ps.
  Maybe you forgot to change the constraints mdp option.

Here is my mdp file:

;   User Robin
;   Wed Dec.1 2010
;   Input file
title   =  Yo
cpp =  /lib/cpp
integrator  =  md
dt  =  0.001; ps !
nsteps  =  110  ; total 1000 ps=1 ns
nstcomm =  10
; (x) coordinates, (v) is velocities, (f) is forces
; This affects traj.trr 
; these numbers shouldn't be too small (100,000), takes up disk space
nstxout =  1000
nstvout =  1000
nstfout =  1000
; Output frequency for energies
nstlog  =  100
nstenergy   =  100
; This affects .xtc file for movies this should be a fairly small number
nstxtcout   =  100
xtc-precision   =  1000
; parameters for neighbors
nstlist =  10
ns_type =  grid
rlist   =  0.9
; electrostatics
coulombtype =  pme
pme_order   =  4
ewald_rtol  =  1e-5
ewald_geometry  =  3d
epsilon_surface =  0
fourierspacing  =  0.1
fourier_nx  =  0.0
fourier_ny  =  0.0
fourier_nz  =  0.0
rcoulomb=  0.9
optimize_fft=  yes
Dispcorr=  EnerPres
vdwtype =  cutoff
rvdw_switch =  0.85
rvdw=  0.9
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl  =  v_rescale
tc-grps =  system
tau_t   =  0.1
ref_t   =  300
; Energy monitoring
energygrps  =  MET  SOL
; Isotropic pressure coupling is now on
Pcoupl  =  berendsen
Pcoupltype  = isotropic
tau_p   =  0.5
compressibility =  4.5e-5
ref_p   =  1.0
; Generate velocites is off at 300 K.
gen_vel =  no
gen_temp=  300.0
gen_seed=  173529

Here is my top file:

; Include forcefield parameters
#include ffoplsaa.itp

; Methanol, Jorgensen et al. JACS 118 pp. 11225 (1996)
[ moleculetype ]
; name  nrexcl

[ atoms ]
;   nrtype   resnr  residuatomcgnrcharge  mass
 1   opls_157   1 METC   1  0.145
 2   opls_156   1 METH   1  0.04
 3   opls_156   1 METH   1  0.04
 4   opls_156   1 METH   1  0.04
 5   opls_154   1 MET   OA   1  -0.683 
 6   opls_155   1 MET   HO   1  0.418
[ bonds ]
;  aiaj funct   c0   c1
1   2   1
1   3   1
1   4   1 
1   5   1
5   6   1
[ pairs ]
; i j   funct
2   6
3   6
4   6

[ angles ]
;  aiajak funct   c0c1
; H3
 2  1   5   1
 3  1   5   1 
 4  1   5   1
 4  1   3   1
 4  1   2   1

[ system ]
; Name
MET in water

[ molecules ]
; Compound#mols
MET   1
SOL 503

Do I need to add some sort of constraint on my methanol molecule? 


Robin C. Underwood
Chemistry Department
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
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[gmx-users] Re: Note on oscillation period / time step

2010-12-02 Thread Robin C. Underwood
Thanks for all the responses. After rechecking my top and manually inputting
the [ ...types ] fields, the note remains. It is not clear to me whether I need
to modify my top file or add some additional constraint (either in the top or
mdp). Is it OK to have a bond oscillation period of this magnitude relative to
my timestep? I've not seen this note in previous versions.


Javier Cerezo wrote:

 It looks like you're missing the bonded-interactions parameters.

 [ bonds ]
 ;  aiaj funct   *R0   Kb
 *12   1  * XX*
 1 3   1  * XX*
 1 4   1  * XX*
 1 5   1  * XX*
 5 6   1  * XX*

 (also angles...)

 Is it implicit somewhere? I don't know if it is automatic and if so,
 from where the parameters are taken. If it is by using atoms names and
 the ffbonded.itp from oplsaa, then atom name OA is missing in the itp file.

 I think that, according to the code (grompp.c), this note may arise if
 the force constants are zero.

Atom types are interpolated from ffbonded.itp and assigned.  If the problem were
in the bonded parameters, a very different fatal error arises.  There is no
problem here.



 El 02/12/10 17:11, Robin C. Underwood escribió:
 GMX Users:

 When I run grompp on methanol in water in v. 4.5.3 I get the following Note:

 NOTE 1 [file, line 73]:
   The bond in molecule-type MET between atoms 5 OA and 6 HO has an
   estimated oscillational period of 9.0e-03 ps, which is less than 10 times
   the time step of 1.0e-03 ps.
   Maybe you forgot to change the constraints mdp option.

 Here is my mdp file:

 ;User Robin
 ;Wed Dec.1 2010
 ;Input file
 title   =  Yo
 cpp =  /lib/cpp
 integrator  =  md
 dt  =  0.001 ; ps !
 nsteps  =  110   ; total 1000 ps=1 ns
 nstcomm =  10
 ; (x) coordinates, (v) is velocities, (f) is forces
 ; This affects traj.trr
 ; these numbers shouldn't be too small (100,000), takes up disk space
 nstxout =  1000
 nstvout =  1000
 nstfout =  1000
 ; Output frequency for energies
 nstlog  =  100
 nstenergy   =  100
 ; This affects .xtc file for movies this should be a fairly small number
 nstxtcout   =  100
 xtc-precision   =  1000
 ; parameters for neighbors
 nstlist =  10
 ns_type =  grid
 rlist   =  0.9
 ; electrostatics
 coulombtype  =  pme
 pme_order=  4
 ewald_rtol   =  1e-5
 ewald_geometry  =  3d
 epsilon_surface =  0
 fourierspacing   =  0.1
 fourier_nx  =  0.0
 fourier_ny  =  0.0
 fourier_nz  =  0.0
 rcoulomb=  0.9
 optimize_fft=  yes
 Dispcorr =  EnerPres
 vdwtype  =  cutoff
 rvdw_switch  =  0.85
 rvdw=  0.9
 ; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
 Tcoupl  =  v_rescale
 tc-grps  =  system
 tau_t   =  0.1
 ref_t   =  300
 ; Energy monitoring
 energygrps  =  MET  SOL
 ; Isotropic pressure coupling is now on
 Pcoupl  =  berendsen
 Pcoupltype  = isotropic
 tau_p   =  0.5
 compressibility =  4.5e-5
 ref_p   =  1.0
 ; Generate velocites is off at 300 K.
 gen_vel =  no
 gen_temp=  300.0
 gen_seed=  173529

 Here is my top file:

 ; Include forcefield parameters
 #include ffoplsaa.itp

 ; Methanol, Jorgensen et al. JACS 118 pp. 11225 (1996)
 [ moleculetype ]
 ; name  nrexcl
 MET  3

 [ atoms ]
 ;   nrtype   resnr  residuatomcgnrcharge  mass
  1   opls_157   1 METC   1   0.145
  2   opls_156   1 METH   1   0.04
  3   opls_156   1 METH   1   0.04
  4   opls_156   1 METH   1   0.04
  5   opls_154   1 MET   OA   1   -0.683
  6   opls_155   1 MET   HO   1   0.418

 [ bonds ]
 ;  aiaj funct   c0   c1
 12   1
 13   1
 14   1
 15   1
 56   1

 [ pairs ]
 ; i  j   funct

 [ angles ]
 ;  aiajak funct   c0c1
 ; H3
  2   1   5   1
  3   1   5   1
  4   1   5   1
  4  1   31
  4   1   2   1

 [ system ]
 ; Name
 MET in water

 [ molecules ]
 ; Compound#mols
 MET   1
 SOL  503

 Do I need to add some sort of constraint on my methanol molecule?


 Estudiante de Doctorado
 Dpto. Química-Física
 Universidad de Murcia
 30100 MURCIA (España)

[gmx-users] g_hbond modification

2010-11-08 Thread Robin C. Underwood

I would like to modify the g_hbond code (or preferably, know how to implement
g_hbond if it is already capable) to count the number of non-hydrogen bound
water OH donors in a simulation. I define a non-hydrogen bound donor as one that
does not meet the distance requirement, or one that may meet the distance
requirement for a hydrogen bond, but does not meet the angle requirement.  

An inferred value of non-hydrogen bound OH donors is not exact because there is
not a rigorously defined maximum value for the number of hydrogen bonds per
water, (e.g. a single OH donor may qualify as part of a hydrogen bond at two
adjacent water's O-acceptor sites, making the maximum possible number of
hydrogen bonds for the water of this particular OH donor greater than 4). 

Is there a way to implement g_hbond to do this? If not, any specific information
on what to consider, and how to modify the g_hbond source code to count
non-hydrogen bound water OH donors is greatly appreciated. 


Robin C. Underwood
Chemistry Department
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
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[gmx-users] Re: g_hbond modification

2010-11-08 Thread Robin C. Underwood
Thanks for the prompt reply Justin, but I'm still not convinced that I can
extract the information I seek from the g_hbond program without modification. 

I realize this wasn't clear in my initial message: I would like to know how many
OH donors are not participating in ANY hydrogen bonds.

If I calculate the number of non-hydrogen bound OH donors as the difference
between the number of pairs that meet the distance requirement, and the actual
number of hydrogen bonds (column 3 minus column 2 in hbnum), then I would be
over-counting, as this does not exclude pairs with OH donors that are also
included in a hydrogen bond with another O acceptor.  


Quoting Robin C. Underwood

 I would like to modify the g_hbond code (or preferably, know how to
 g_hbond if it is already capable) to count the number of non-hydrogen bound
 water OH donors in a simulation. I define a non-hydrogen bound donor as one
 does not meet the distance requirement, or one that may meet the distance
 requirement for a hydrogen bond, but does not meet the angle requirement.  
 An inferred value of non-hydrogen bound OH donors is not exact because there
 not a rigorously defined maximum value for the number of hydrogen bonds per
 water, (e.g. a single OH donor may qualify as part of a hydrogen bond at two
 adjacent water's O-acceptor sites, making the maximum possible number of
 hydrogen bonds for the water of this particular OH donor greater than 4). 
 Is there a way to implement g_hbond to do this? If not, any specific
 on what to consider, and how to modify the g_hbond source code to count
 non-hydrogen bound water OH donors is greatly appreciated. 
 Robin C. Underwood
 Chemistry Department
 560 Oval Drive
 West Lafayette, IN 47907

Robin C. Underwood
Chemistry Department
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
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[gmx-users] how to choose rlist and cutoffs

2010-04-01 Thread Robin C. Underwood

My system consists of large non-polar spheres in tip4p water, and the user
potential option is implemented to define vdw interactions. Because the radius
of the sphere is on the order of 1 nm, I am using a cutoff of 1.9 nm for the vdw
portion. I would like to save on computational expense by using a cutoff for
electrostatics (non-user defined) and choosing a much shorter electrostatics
cutoff, around 0.9 nm. Because I must also decrease my rlist value to 0.9, I am
wondering how this may effect the interaction energy between the sphere and
water. In particular, if my rlist is not much larger than the radius of the
sphere, or less than that radius, will I be neglecting important energetic
information with rlist=0.9 (even though the electrostatic interaction between
the sphere and water is practically 0)? 

I did see section 4.6.3 in the Gromacs manual, which leads me to think that it
is reasonable to decrease rlist because my vdw interactions should still be
computed, but I want to be sure this is correct.


Robin C. Underwood
Chemistry Department
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
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[gmx-users] vapor phase pmf correction

2010-03-27 Thread Robin C. Underwood
Hello Gromacs users,

I have a simple question about whether it is possible to implement a kinetic
energy correction to vapor phase potential of mean force calculations using
g_wham. I have used the umbrella pulling method (outlined in the umbrella
sampling tutorial by Justin on the Gromacs tutorial web page) but for a very
simple system- pulling apart two methanes. When I run g_wham, my resulting pmf
graph is shifted uniformly by about -13 kJ/mol from achieving a baseline of
zero, and has a deeper minimum than I would expect based on the literature.
Thus, I would like to use g_wham on only the potential energy portion, excluding
the kinetic portion from my calculation. Is it possible to do this? 

I have read the entropic effects section 6 in the manual, but do not understand
the statistical mechanical origin of this equation 6.1. I assume r represents
the pull parameter, in my case, distance between the COM of the two groups. If
so, such a correction does not shift my pmf to a baseline of 0.


Robin C. Underwood
Chemistry Department
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
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