[gmx-users] g_analyze

2013-09-17 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear all

When I use the following command:

g_analyze   -ffree_bi_0.9.xvg  -av  average_0.9

I got

set   average  standard  deviation   *std. dev.  /

SS16.053822e+01 3.062230e+01  1.936724e-02…

What is “*std. dev.  / sqrt(n-1)” *?

I know that

Standard deviation (SD) for samples is quall to sqrt[{sum((x-xmean)*2)/n-1}]

Standard error* *(SE) = Standard deviation/sqrt( n)

n is number of samples.

But I don’t know what is the concept of the “*std. dev.  / sqrt(n-1)”*?  is
it SE?


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[gmx-users] Standard errors

2013-09-16 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear all

I would like to calculate the standard deviation (as the error bar) for
dV/dlanda.xvg file. I used g_analyze command as the following:

g_analyze   -ffree_bi_0.9.xvg  -av  average_0.9

I got:

set   average  *standard  deviation*   *std. dev.  /

SS16.053822e+01 3.062230e+01  1.936724e-02…

Is the amount of in third (standard deviation) or fourth column (std. dev.  /
sqrt(n-1) ) better than to use as the standard errors?

I want to draw dG/d lambda via lambda and show error bar for free energy.

Thanks in advance

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[gmx-users] Error bar for free energy

2013-09-03 Thread afsaneh maleki
Hi Dear Gromacs users,

I would like to calculate the standard deviation (as the error bar) for
dV/dlambda.xvg file. I used g_analyze command as the following:

g_analyze   -ffree0.9.xvg  -av  average_0.9

I got:

set   average*standard  deviation**std. dev.  /

SS1 6.053822e+01   3.062230e+01  1.936724e-02

Is the amount of in third (standard deviation) or fourth column (std. dev.  /
sqrt(n-1) ) better than to use as the error bar?

I want to draw dG/d lambda via lambda and show error bar for free energy

Thanks in advance

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[gmx-users] Invalid order for directive atomtypes

2013-08-23 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear GMX users,

To generate a topology file for an arbitrary molecule (TP) on graphite
surface, I used g_x2top program to generate “TP.itp” file and I manually
construct graphite.itp file.

Generated topology file is as the following:

#include ./oplsaa.ff/forcefield.itp

#include TP.itp

#include graphite.itp

[ system ]


[ molecules ]

;molecule namenr.




And the graphite.itp is as the following:

 [ moleculetype ]

;  name  nrexcl

  grap   1

[ atoms ]

;   nr  typeresnrresidu   atomcgnr charge

   1   opls_145 1  grap C   1  0.000

I run grompp for EM with this command line: grompp -f *.mdp –c *.gro -p
*.top -o *.tpr

It gave me the following error:


Fatal error:

Syntax error - File ffnonbonded.itp, line 1

Last line read:

'[ atomtypes ]'

Invalid order for directive atomtypes

For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS

website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors


I know things in the [ molecules ] section need to line up with what's in
the  *.gro file.

Also I looked at that link but I don’t know how to solve this problem.

And other question is:

Do I need to make “nonbonding.itp” to insert in topology file for
introducing nonbonding interaction of graphite with TP molecule?


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[gmx-users] atomtypes in .n2t

2013-07-20 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear users

To generate a topology file for an arbitrary molecule, I used g_x2top

 I added following lines to atomname2type.n2t:



C  opls_145B   0.080627   12.0110   3 C 0.1395 C 0.1395  C 0.149

C  opls_145B   0.091698   12.0110   3 C 0.149  C 0.1395  C 0.1395


But, generated topology file is as the following:


[ atoms ]

;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass  typeB
 chargeB  massB



17   opls_145  1TPTC15  1   0.037549 12.011   ;
qtot -0.4087

18   opls_145  1TPTC12  1   0.037549 12.011   ;
qtot -0.3712


I don’t know, why g_x2top program replaces opls_145B (in .n2t) with
opls_145 atom type to generate topology file?

Thanks in advance,

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[gmx-users] .n2t file format

2013-07-19 Thread afsaneh maleki
 Dear gmx users

I scrap lines from some files in oplsaa.ff folder as the following

ffnonbonded file:

[ atomtypes ]

opls_157   CT6 12.01100 0.145   A3.5e-01

atomtypes.atp file:

opls_157   12.01100  ; all-atom C: CH3  CH2, alcohols

also, I looked at /gromacs /Documentation/file format/.n2t that written:

To translate atom names into atom types, the x2top program uses library
files called .n2t files as input. These files contain information about
atom types, charges, and connectivity to neighbors. The format of such a
file is exemplified by:

*C* opls_157  -0.18  12.011  4  H  0.108  H 0.108  H 0.108  C 0.150

The above line interprets an atom named C to be the carbon atom in CH3,
CH2, or alcohols (atom type opls_157).

My question is that carbon atomname with opls_157 atomtype is *C* or CT?

In other word the first column in .n2t is atomneme (CT as mentioned in
ffnonbonded file ) or element name (C as mentioned in file format.n2t )?

Also, are 6, 8 10 columns atomname or element name?

Any help is much appreciated

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[gmx-users] Generate topology

2013-07-19 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear   Justin

 I want a topology for an arbitrary molecule (44 atom) and I use x2top
program that .n2t file is it’s input.

The .pdb file is as the following:

ATOM  1  O5  TPT 1  -6.131  -0.245   0.000  0.00

ATOM  2  C21 TPT 1  -5.041   0.384   0.000  0.00

ATOM  3  O6  TPT 1  -5.040   1.814   0.000  0.00

ATOM  4  H12 TPT 1  -5.945   2.134   0.000  0.00

ATOM  5  C18 TPT 1  -3.708  -0.387   0.000  0.00

ATOM  6  C19 TPT 1  -2.374   0.383   0.000  0.00

ATOM  7  H10 TPT 1  -2.373   1.453   0.000  0.00


I copied oplsaa.ff folder in my working directory

atomname2type.n2t file is as the following:

O  opls_267   -0.495284   15.9994   1 C 0.1214

C  opls_4700.594326   12.0110   3 C 0.1487  O  0.1306   O  0.1214

O  opls_268   -0.560735   15.9994   2 C 0.1306  H  0.0974

H  opls_2700.4173341.0079   1 O 0.0974

C  opls_1450.037549   12.0110   3 C 0.1487  C 0.1387  C 0.1387

C  opls_145   -0.145422   12.0110   3 C 0.1387  H 0.1087 C 0.1395

H  opls_1460.1108421.0079   1 C 0.1087


I used   these command:

] g_x2top  –f  .pdb  –o .top  -pbc –ff oplsaa

But I get:

opening force field file

There are 23 name to type translations in file oplsaa.ff

Generating bonds from distances...

atom 44

Can not find forcefield for atom C21-2 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C18-5 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C16-10 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C20-11 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C15-17 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C12-18 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C7-27 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C5-28 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C3-33 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C2-34 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C9-40 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C10-41 with 3 bonds

Program g_x2top, VERSION 4.5.4

Source code file: g_x2top.c, line: 206

*Fatal error:*

Could only find a forcefield type for 32 out of 44 atoms.

How to solve my problem.

Why do gromacs open /
usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/oplsaa.ff/atomname2type.n2t? I
copyied oplsaa.ff
folder in my working directory. Also I edited  .n2t file in my folder.

Thanks in advance,
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] Generate topology

2013-07-19 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear Justin
thanks for your reply,

I did it. when I put the .n2t in my working directory,I have gotten this

thanks in advance,
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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[gmx-users] Generate topology -2

2013-07-19 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear  Justin

I want a topology for an arbitrary molecule (44 atom) and I use x2top
program that .n2t file is it’s input.

The .pdb file is as the following:

ATOM  1  O5  TPT 1  -6.131  -0.245   0.000  0.00

ATOM  2  C21 TPT 1  -5.041   0.384   0.000  0.00

ATOM  3  O6  TPT 1  -5.040   1.814   0.000  0.00

ATOM  4  H12 TPT 1  -5.945   2.134   0.000  0.00

ATOM  5  C18 TPT 1  -3.708  -0.387   0.000  0.00

ATOM  6  C19 TPT 1  -2.374   0.383   0.000  0.00

ATOM  7  H10 TPT 1  -2.373   1.453   0.000  0.00


I edited atomname2type.n2t file is as the following:

O  opls_267   -0.495284   15.9994   1 C 0.1214

C  opls_4700.594326   12.0110   3 C 0.1487  O  0.1306   O  0.1214

O  opls_268   -0.560735   15.9994   2 C 0.1306  H  0.0974

H  opls_2700.4173341.0079   1 O 0.0974

C  opls_1450.037549   12.0110   3 C 0.1487  C 0.1387  C 0.1387

C  opls_145   -0.145422   12.0110   3 C 0.1387  H 0.1087 C 0.1395

H  opls_1460.1108421.0079   1 C 0.1087


I used   these command:

] g_x2top  –f  .pdb  –o  .top  -pbc –ff oplsaa

And gromacs get me:

opening force field file

There are 23 names to type translations in file oplsaa.ff

Generating bonds from distances...

atom 44

Can not find forcefield for atom C21-2 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C18-5 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C16-10 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C20-11 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C15-17 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C12-18 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C7-27 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C5-28 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C3-33 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C2-34 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C9-40 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C10-41 with 3 bonds

Program g_x2top, VERSION 4.5.4

Source code file: g_x2top.c, line: 206

Fatal error:

Could only find a forcefield type for 32 out of 44 atoms for more
information and tips for troubleshooting,


I copied all of files in oplsaa.ff folder in my working directory and
edited the atomname2type.n2t file as the above mentioned in my working

How to solve my problem?

Why do gromacs open /

 Thanks in advance,

gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
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http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/Search before posting!
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* Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists

Re: [gmx-users] Generate topology

2013-07-19 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear Justin

I copied all of files in oplsaa.ff folder in my working directory and
edited the atomname2type.n2t file as mentioned in before post in my working

I used   these command:

] g_x2top  –f  .pdb  –o  .top  -pbc –ff oplsaa

And gromacs get me:

opening force field file

There are 23 names to type translations in file oplsaa.ff

Generating bonds from distances...

atom 44

Can not find forcefield for atom C21-2 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C18-5 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C16-10 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C20-11 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C15-17 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C12-18 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C7-27 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C5-28 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C3-33 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C2-34 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C9-40 with 3 bonds

Can not find forcefield for atom C10-41 with 3 bonds

Program g_x2top, VERSION 4.5.4

Source code file: g_x2top.c, line: 206

Fatal error:

Could only find a forcefield type for 32 out of 44 atoms

For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS

website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
I seem can't read atomname2type.n2t file from my working directory.

Thanks very much.
On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 5:58 AM, Justin Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 On 7/19/13 8:53 AM, afsaneh maleki wrote:

  Dear   Justin

   I want a topology for an arbitrary molecule (44 atom) and I use x2top
 program that .n2t file is it’s input.

 The .pdb file is as the following:

 ATOM  1  O5  TPT 1  -6.131  -0.245   0.000  0.00

 ATOM  2  C21 TPT 1  -5.041   0.384   0.000  0.00

 ATOM  3  O6  TPT 1  -5.040   1.814   0.000  0.00

 ATOM  4  H12 TPT 1  -5.945   2.134   0.000  0.00

 ATOM  5  C18 TPT 1  -3.708  -0.387   0.000  0.00

 ATOM  6  C19 TPT 1  -2.374   0.383   0.000  0.00

 ATOM  7  H10 TPT 1  -2.373   1.453   0.000  0.00


 I copied oplsaa.ff folder in my working directory

 atomname2type.n2t file is as the following:

 O  opls_267   -0.495284   15.9994   1 C 0.1214

 C  opls_4700.594326   12.0110   3 C 0.1487  O  0.1306   O  0.1214

 O  opls_268   -0.560735   15.9994   2 C 0.1306  H  0.0974

 H  opls_2700.4173341.0079   1 O 0.0974

 C  opls_1450.037549   12.0110   3 C 0.1487  C 0.1387  C 0.1387

 C  opls_145   -0.145422   12.0110   3 C 0.1387  H 0.1087 C 0.1395

 H  opls_1460.1108421.0079   1 C 0.1087


 I used   these command:

 ] g_x2top  –f  .pdb  –o .top  -pbc –ff oplsaa

 But I get:

 opening force field file

 There are 23 name to type translations in file oplsaa.ff

 Generating bonds from distances...

 atom 44

 Can not find forcefield for atom C21-2 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C18-5 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C16-10 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C20-11 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C15-17 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C12-18 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C7-27 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C5-28 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C3-33 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C2-34 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C9-40 with 3 bonds

 Can not find forcefield for atom C10-41 with 3 bonds

 Program g_x2top, VERSION 4.5.4

 Source code file: g_x2top.c, line: 206

 *Fatal error:*

 Could only find a forcefield type for 32 out of 44 atoms.

 How to solve my problem.

 Why do gromacs open /
 usr/local/gromacs/share/**gromacs/top/oplsaa.ff/**atomname2type.n2t? I
 copyied oplsaa.ff
 folder in my working directory. Also I edited  .n2t file in my folder.

 Put the .n2t file in the working directory, not in an oplsaa.ff



 Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
 Postdoctoral Fellow

 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
 School of Pharmacy
 Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
 University of Maryland, Baltimore
 20 Penn St.
 Baltimore, MD 21201

 jalemkul@outerbanks.umaryland.**edu jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu |
 (410) 706-7441

 gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
 * Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/**
 * Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the www

[gmx-users] Adjust time intervals

2012-03-25 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear users,

When I got total energy.xvg file for plotting total energy via time,
data haven't saved in order time intervals. What command can control
time intervals in .mdp for .edr file? To better understand I pasted
some text from total energy.xvg file. As you see, time intervals
aren't same.

@ s0 legend Total Energy
0.00  -274454.75
   12.420001  -274884.187500
   18.060001  -274532.343750
   20.00  -274475.437500
   29.360001  -275739.562500
   35.00  -274441.937500
   40.00  -274463.156250
   46.280003  -273342.25
   51.920002  -273099.718750
   57.580002  -274429.25
   60.04  -274844.062500
   68.860001  -273905.093750
   74.50  -273988.812500
   80.00  -276057.625000

Thanks very much in advance
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Re: [gmx-users] Adjust time intervals

2012-03-25 Thread afsaneh maleki
Thanks Dear Peter and Justin for reply,
I paste some text from .mdp for calculation of free energy. I have
done calculation of minimization energy before.

title   =  production for ile-pro-SOL
; Run parameters
integrator= sd  ; leap-frog integrator
nsteps= 100 ; 0.002* 100 = 2000 ps (2 ns)
dt  = 0.002 ; 2 fs
tinit   =0
; Output control
nstxout = 10; save coordinates every 0.2 ps
nstvout =10 ; save velocities every 0.2 ps
nstxtcout   =10 ; xtc compressed trajectory output 
every 2 ps
nstenergy   = 1 ; save energies every 0.2 ps
nstlog  = 1 ; update log file every 0.2 ps
xtc_precision   =1000
; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm   = lincs  ; holonomic constraints
constraints= all-bonds  ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H
bonds) constrained
lincs_iter  = 2 ; accuracy of LINCS
shake-tol   =0.0001
; Neighborsearching
ns_type   = grid; search neighboring grid cels
nstlist   = 10  ; 10 fs
rlist = 1.2 ; short-range neighborlist cutoff (in 
rcoulomb  = 1.2 ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in 
; Dielectric constant (DC) for cut-off or DC of reaction field =
epsilon-r= 1.2
; Method for doing Van der Waals =
vdw-type = switch
; cut-off lengths=
rvdw-switch  = 1.
rvdw =1.1
; Electrostatics
coulombtype   = PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range 
; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters =
pme_order= 6
ewald_rtol   = 1e-06
epsilon_surface  = 0
optimize_fft = no
fourierspacing  = 0.16  ; grid spacing for FFT
; Temperature coupling is on
;tcoupl   = Nose-Hoover ; More accurate thermostat
;pcoupl   =Parrinello-Rahman ; Pressure coupling on in NPT
pcoupltype   = isotropic
tau_p= 5.0  ; time constant, in ps
ref_p= 1.0  ; reference pressure, x-y, z 
(in bar)
compressibility  = 4.5e-5   ; isothermal compressibility, 
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc   = xyz ; 3-D PBC
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr   = EnerPres   ; account for cut-off vdW scheme


On 3/25/12, Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 Peter C. Lai wrote:
 In the .mdp file what is nstenergy set to?

 I'd further ask what the rest of the .mdp file says, as well.  If this is
 output of energy minimization, it's totally normal.  The output seems
 but is due (I believe) to the potentially uneven step size taken during EM.


 On 2012-03-25 04:37:59PM +0430, afsaneh maleki wrote:
 Dear users,

 When I got total energy.xvg file for plotting total energy via time,
 data haven't saved in order time intervals. What command can control
 time intervals in .mdp for .edr file? To better understand I pasted
 some text from total energy.xvg file. As you see, time intervals
 aren't same.

 @ s0 legend Total Energy
 0.00  -274454.75
12.420001  -274884.187500
18.060001  -274532.343750
20.00  -274475.437500
29.360001  -275739.562500
35.00  -274441.937500
40.00  -274463.156250
46.280003  -273342.25
51.920002  -273099.718750
57.580002  -274429.25
60.04  -274844.062500
68.860001  -273905.093750
74.50  -273988.812500
80.00  -276057.625000

 Thanks very much in advance
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 www interface or send it to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.
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 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Adjust time intervals

2012-03-25 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear Justin,

I use version 4.0.7


On 3/25/12, Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 afsaneh maleki wrote:
 Thanks Dear Peter and Justin for reply,
 I paste some text from .mdp for calculation of free energy. I have
 done calculation of minimization energy before.

 Which Gromacs version are you using?  I can't reproduce your problem with
 version 4.5.4 or 4.5.5, either with or without the free energy code.  My
 outputs are always present at the nstenergy interval.


 title=  production for ile-pro-SOL
 ; Run parameters
 integrator = sd  ; leap-frog integrator
 nsteps = 100 ; 0.002* 100 = 2000 ps (2 
 dt   = 0.002 ; 2 fs
 tinit   =0
 ; Output control
 nstxout  = 10; save coordinates 
 every 0.2 ps
 nstvout =10  ; save velocities every 0.2 ps
 nstxtcout   =10  ; xtc compressed trajectory 
 output every
 2 ps
 nstenergy= 1 ; save energies every 0.2 ps
 nstlog   = 1 ; update log file every 0.2 ps
 xtc_precision   =1000
 ; Bond parameters
 constraint_algorithm   = lincs   ; holonomic constraints
 constraints = all-bonds  ; all bonds (even heavy atom-H
 bonds) constrained
 lincs_iter   = 2 ; accuracy of LINCS
 shake-tol   =0.0001
 ; Neighborsearching
 ns_type= grid; search neighboring grid cels
 nstlist= 10  ; 10 fs
 rlist  = 1.2 ; short-range neighborlist 
 cutoff (in nm)
 rcoulomb   = 1.2 ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in 
 ; Dielectric constant (DC) for cut-off or DC of reaction field =
 epsilon-r= 1.2
 ; Method for doing Van der Waals =
 vdw-type = switch
 ; cut-off lengths=
 rvdw-switch  = 1.
 rvdw =1.1
 ; Electrostatics
 coulombtype= PME ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
 ; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters =
 pme_order= 6
 ewald_rtol   = 1e-06
 epsilon_surface  = 0
 optimize_fft = no
 fourierspacing   = 0.16  ; grid spacing for FFT
 ; Temperature coupling is on
 ;tcoupl= Nose-Hoover ; More accurate 
 ;pcoupl=Parrinello-Rahman ; Pressure coupling on in 
 pcoupltype= isotropic
 tau_p = 5.0  ; time constant, in ps
 ref_p = 1.0  ; reference pressure, 
 x-y, z (in bar)
 compressibility  = 4.5e-5; isothermal compressibility, 
 ; Periodic boundary conditions
 pbc= xyz ; 3-D PBC
 ; Dispersion correction
 DispCorr= EnerPres   ; account for cut-off vdW scheme


 On 3/25/12, Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 Peter C. Lai wrote:
 In the .mdp file what is nstenergy set to?

 I'd further ask what the rest of the .mdp file says, as well.  If this is
 output of energy minimization, it's totally normal.  The output seems
 but is due (I believe) to the potentially uneven step size taken during


 On 2012-03-25 04:37:59PM +0430, afsaneh maleki wrote:
 Dear users,

 When I got total energy.xvg file for plotting total energy via time,
 data haven't saved in order time intervals. What command can control
 time intervals in .mdp for .edr file? To better understand I pasted
 some text from total energy.xvg file. As you see, time intervals
 aren't same.

 @ s0 legend Total Energy
 0.00  -274454.75
12.420001  -274884.187500
18.060001  -274532.343750
20.00  -274475.437500
29.360001  -275739.562500
35.00  -274441.937500
40.00  -274463.156250
46.280003  -273342.25
51.920002  -273099.718750
57.580002  -274429.25
60.04  -274844.062500
68.860001  -273905.093750
74.50  -273988.812500
80.00  -276057.625000

 Thanks very much in advance
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 Justin A. Lemkul

Re: [gmx-users] g_sas

2012-03-16 Thread afsaneh maleki

Thanks dear Justin for useful reply,

I have a system that is contained of protein-water-ions. I want to
calculate residue SAS of protein. In the first way, I select a group
consisting protein for calculation, and then this protein for output.
At the second way, I select the whole system first for calculation,
and then protein for output. The SAS_calculations of residue protein
are different in two ways.
I have two questions.

Q1- Why results are different in two ways?
Q2-Can anyone demonstrates clearly how residue SAS of protein
calculate in two ways?
Q3- what property or quantity do I can get from The SAS_calculations
of residue protein in two ways?

Best wishes,

On 3/15/12, Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 afsaneh maleki wrote:
 Hello dear user,

 I have a system that is contained protein-water-ions. I used the
 following command:
 g_sas -f  free.xtc  -s  free.tpr   -o area  -or  res_area -oa
 atom_area –q -nopbc

 I select the whole protein first for calculation, and then this protein
 for output.In this way I can obtain Area per residue from res_area file
 area per atom from atom_area file.

 How to get area per residue with data of area per atom from atom_area
 file? When I average on area per atoms for a selected residue, it
 doesn't correspond with area per residue for a selected residue from

 It shouldn't.  Averaging the areas per atom should not produce anything
 to the constituent residue(s).  The sum of the atom areas should yield the
 residue area.  A quick look through the code seems to indicate that this is
 true, that is, the two quantities are not produced independently; residue
 arises from atom area.


 How to correlate area per residue for a selected residue with area per
 atoms for a selected residue?

 Thanks in advance,


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] g_sas; could not find a Van der Waals radius

2012-03-16 Thread afsaneh maleki
I have a system that is contained of Protein-DOPC-SOL-Ions. I want to
calculate residue SAS of protein.The calculation group consists of all
the non-solvent atoms in the system (37 residue Protein+ 125 DOPC+14
ion),and then protein for output. Force files used for protein and
DOPC are ffg53a6 and Berger respectively.

When I use g_sas I obtain the following message:
WARNING: could not find a Van der Waals radius for 125 atoms.

I have two questions.
Q1- This warning is important?
Q2-Is the valid source to get data for Van der Waals radius of
phosphorous atom to insert in the vdwradii.dat file? I think this
warning is about phosphorous atoms of DOPC. what is  Van der Waals
radius of phosphorous atoms that will be right for this goal?

Thanks very much in advance,
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[gmx-users] g_sas

2012-03-15 Thread afsaneh maleki
Hello dear user,

I have a system that is contained protein-water-ions. I used the
following command:
g_sas -f  free.xtc  -s  free.tpr   -o area  -or  res_area -oa
atom_area –q -nopbc

I select the whole protein first for calculation, and then this protein
for output.In this way I can obtain Area per residue from res_area file and
area per atom from atom_area file.

How to get area per residue with data of area per atom from atom_area
file? When I average on area per atoms for a selected residue, it
doesn't correspond with area per residue for a selected residue from
How to correlate area per residue for a selected residue with area per
atoms for a selected residue?

Thanks in advance,
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[gmx-users] g_sas

2012-03-14 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear user,

I have a system that is contained of protein-water-ions. There, I
select the whole protein first for calculation, and then this protein
for output. I used the following command:
g_sas -f  free.xtc  -s  free.tpr   -o area  -or  res_area -oa
atom_area –q -nopbc

In this way I can obtain Area per residue from res_area file and
area per atom from atom_area file.

How to get area per residue by data of area per atom from atom_area
file? When I average on area per atoms for a selected residue, it
doesn't correspond with area per residue for a selected residue from
How to correlate area per residue for a selected residue with area per
atoms for a selected residue?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [gmx-users] g_dist without output file

2012-03-14 Thread afsaneh maleki
On 3/10/12, lina lina.lastn...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Atila Petrosian
 atila.petros...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear Lina

 There is not any things related to list of atoms on the terminal.

 Might your distance -dist so large.

 try a smaller one and see.

 Best regards
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[gmx-users] Warning: g_sas Vdwradii.dat

2011-12-30 Thread afsaneh maleki

I finished the simulation of a peptide in DOPC bilayer in according to
tutorial by Justin.
I had not added van der Waals of phosphor for phosphor in
vdwradii.dat, when I did simulation. It seem that it use the default
value of 0.12 nm.
When I use g_sas command, I get the following warning:

WARNING: could not find a Van der Waals radius for 125 atoms

I have two questions.

Q1) Do I add radius of van der Waals of phosphor in vdwradii.dat ?  Or
Ignore this warning in this time.
I couldn't find the reference that report radius of van der Waals for
elements like what is in vwdradii.dat. For example see this address
Q2) would you please get me exact reference to find radius of van der
Waals of phosphor that match with other elements in vdwradii.dat?

Thanks in advance
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[gmx-users] g_sas vdwradii.dat

2011-12-30 Thread afsaneh maleki

I finished the simulation of a peptide in DOPC bilayer in according to
tutorial by Dr. Justin.
I had not added van der Waals radius of phosphorous in the
vdwradii.dat file, when I did simulation. It seem that it use the default
value of 0.12 nm.
When I use g_sas command, I get the following warning:

WARNING: could not find a Van der Waals radius for 125 atoms

I have two questions.

Q1) Can I add radius of van der Waals of phosphorous in vdwradii.dat after
simulation?  or should i repeat simulation again?

I couldn't find the reference that report radius of van der Waals for
elements like what is in vwdradii.dat. For example see this address
Q2) would you please get me exact reference to find radius of van der
Waals of phosphor that match with other elements in vdwradii.dat?

Thanks in advance
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Re: [gmx-users] Coulomb Energies

2011-12-28 Thread afsaneh maleki
On 12/17/11, Saba Ferdous saba.bsbi...@iiu.edu.pk wrote:
 Dear Gromacs experts,

 I want to ask about coulomb energies. Like if coulomb-SR and coulomb-14
 show high RMSD then what should we interpret from such results??

  Average Coulomb Energy (kJ/mol)




 Error Estimation


 Total drift (kJ/mol)


 Many thanks
 Saba Ferdous
 Research Scholar (M. Phil)
 National Center for Bioinformatics
 Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad

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[gmx-users] do_dssp

2011-08-13 Thread afsaneh maleki

I'm trying to use do_dssp of gromacs 4.5.4 in fedora core .

I did processes of Download , Uncompress and Compile the source code as the

unzip dsspcmbi.zip

cd dssp

[root@localhost dssp]# ./DsspCompileGCC
That i got this message:

Running script to compile the CMBI version of DSSP, please wait...
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Type dsspcmbi PDBSourcefile DSSPDestinationfile to run the program...

I googled but i don't find clear way to solve this problem.
can help me?

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[gmx-users] How to install FFTW 3.2.2

2011-08-11 Thread afsaneh maleki

To compile a single-precision version of the libraries and install FFTW
version 3.2.

I followed the steps inhttp://
www.gromacs.org/Downloads/Installation_Instructions#Prerequisites .

my  computer characteristics:
Root at …fftw-3.2.2]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Sat Nov 7
21:25:57 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

I used the following command:
Root at …fftw-3.2.2]# ./configure --enable-threads --enable-float
Root at …fftw-3.2.2]make

I get these errors:

make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/tools'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/tools'
Making all in m4
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/m4'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/m4'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2'

I used make distclean and try to configure again with.

Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#./configure --enable-threads --enable-float
--enable-sse --disable-shared

Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#./configure --enable-threads --enable-float
--enable-sse --enable-shared

Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#./configure --enable-threads --enable-float
--enable-sse --with-pic

Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#./configure --enable-threads --enable-float
Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#./configure --enable-threads --enable-float --with-pic

I get the same errors during FFTW version 3.2.2 compilation (the make
step) as above.

What commands are useful for compiling FFTW version 3.2.2 on my computer?

Thanks in advance,
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[gmx-users] How to install gromacs 4.5.1

2011-08-11 Thread afsaneh maleki

My characteristics computer:

Root at …fftw-3.2.2]# uname -a

Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Sat Nov 7
21:25:57 EST 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

To install FFTW version 3.2.2.

I used the following commands:

Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#  ./configure --enable-threads --enable-float

  Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#  make

  Root at …fftw-3.2.2]#  make install

After using “make” and “make install”, it get me the following text at end:

make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/tools'

make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/tools'

Making all in m4

make[2]: Entering directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/m4'

make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2/m4'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/afsaneh/m/fftw-3.2.2'


To install gromacs version 4.5.1

root@localhost gromacs-4.5.1]#./configure

* On most platforms you can save 10X space with dynamic libraries, although

  the binaries might be less portable. Why not try --enable-shared ?

[root@localhost gromacs-4.5.1]#make

[root@localhost gromacs-4.5.1]#make install

[root@localhost gromacs-4.5.1]# make links

cd /usr/local/gromacs/bin  programs=`ls`  cd /usr/local/bin  \

for i in $programs; do \

   (test ! -f $i  ln -s /usr/local/gromacs/bin/$i . ; exit 0);


when i used each command with” –h” or “–help” I obtain the followinf error:

[afsaneh@localhost ~]$ g_analyze -h

g_analyze: error while loading shared libraries: libfftw3f.so.3: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

[afsaneh@localhost ~]$ editconf -h

editconf: error while loading shared libraries: libfftw3f.so.3: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

How to solve this problem?

Best wishes,

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[gmx-users] Contribution of delta bonding energy in the delta free energy

2011-08-09 Thread afsaneh maleki

I used thermodynamics integration method (TI) to obtain delta Gibbs energy
of the protein membrane. I want to separate contributions of delta bonding
and nonbonding energy in delta Gibbs energy.

Best wishes,

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Re: [gmx-users] Contribution of delta bonding energy in the delta free energy

2011-08-09 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear Mark,

I used thermodynamics integration method (TI) to obtain delta Gibbs energy
of the protein membrane with dual topology.

topology A (lambda=0) to topology B (lambda=1)
What i obtained after using mdrun command to calculate free energy is
dgdl.xvg that contain dV(total)/dlamda via time. I want to obtein
dV(bond)/dlamda and dV(non-bond)/dlamda, seperetly. dV(bond)/dlambda and
dV(non-bond)/dlambda are not writed in free.edr and free.log. how to produce
dv(bond)/dlambda and dV(non-bond)/dlambda.
my version gromacs is 4.0.5 and 4.0.7.

Thanks in advance,

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:18 AM, Mark Abraham mark.abra...@anu.edu.auwrote:

  On 9/08/2011 9:13 PM, afsaneh maleki wrote:


 I used thermodynamics integration method (TI) to obtain delta Gibbs energy
 of the protein membrane. I want to separate contributions of delta bonding
 and nonbonding energy in delta Gibbs energy.

 So instead of using the sum of bonded and non-bonded energy (i.e. total
 PE), use them separately. Whether that will mean anything is up to you to


 Best wishes,


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[gmx-users] Vectors in non-cubic box

2011-03-05 Thread afsaneh maleki

I want to create  *.gro file with simulation box size as following:

 3.460467452  0.  0.

 1.730233726 2.9968527222000  0.

 0.   0.  10.00

I used the command:

]editconf –f  *.pdb   –o *.gro   –box  3.46   3.46   10.–c–angle
 90  90  60

 are these commands  proper to create this simulation box size?

 system size :  4.975  2.951  0.084 (nm)

center  :  0.025  0.548  0.966 (nm)

box vectors :  0.000  0.000  0.000 (nm)

box angles  :   0.00   0.00   0.00 (degrees)

box volume  :   0.00   (nm^3)

shift   :  2.570  0.951  4.034 (nm)

new center  :  2.595  1.498  5.000 (nm)

new box vectors :  3.460  3.460 10.000 (nm)

new box angles  :  90.00  90.00  60.00 (degrees)

new box volume  : 103.68   (nm^3)

Also I paste some .gro file

1   NAU   39   1.759   1.647   4.998

1   HAC   41   1.855   1.618   4.993

1   HAB   40   1.686   1.578   5.002

   3.46000   2.99645   10.0   0.0   0.0   1.73000   0.
-0.   -0.0

What is three last values in box vector,0.00 -0.00 -.0 0?

Would one please clear me about these vectors?

3.46000   2.99645   10.0   0.0   0.0   1.73000   0.
-0.   -0.0

xx   yy zz ? ?
xy  ?? ?

I have another question that does  g_hbond has the compatibility with
non-cubic (or parallelpiped) cells?

good luck
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Re: [gmx-users] Vectors in non-cubic box

2011-03-05 Thread afsaneh maleki
 Thanks Dear Tsjerk

g_hbond has the compatibility with non-cubic (or parallelpiped) cells?

Best wishes,
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[gmx-users] pressure coupling not enough values (I need 2)

2010-09-15 Thread afsaneh maleki

grompp show the error as below:

ERROR: pressure coupling not enough values (I need 2)

I used ref_p   =1.  In  file.mdp

How to solve this problem?

thanks in advance,
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[gmx-users] dgdl.xvg file

2010-06-22 Thread afsaneh maleki

Is there command in .mdp to adjust of frequency to write dg/dlamda to
dGdL.xvg file?

I do mdrun for 100 steps, so I get 100 dg/dl in dgdl.xvg file while
I want to change output to write 1000 dgdl in dGdL.xvg file. How can I do?

thaks in advance,
Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] Overriding atomtype O

2010-06-20 Thread afsaneh maleki

I have a problem with grompp.

I want to simulate membrane protein. I adjust the [ molecules ]
section to list the number and type of my components

I run grompp and it shows 56 warning about all of atom types in
ffG53a6nb.itp (56 atom types are in ffG53a6).

I run pdb2gmx for protein only. Why does it give me these warning?

I paste warning here:

 Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ff_dum.itp

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffG53a6.itp

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffG53a6nb.itp

WARNING 1 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 3]:

  Overriding atomtype O

WARNING 2 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 4]:

  Overriding atomtype OM

WARNING 3 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 5]:

  Overriding atomtype OA

WARNING 4 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 6]:

  Overriding atomtype OE

WARNING 5 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 7]:

  Overriding atomtype OW

WARNING 6 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 8]:

  Overriding atomtype N

WARNING 7 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 9]:

  Overriding atomtype NT

WARNING 8 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 10]:

  Overriding atomtype NL

WARNING 9 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 11]:

  Overriding atomtype NR

WARNING 10 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 12]:

  Overriding atomtype NZ

WARNING 11 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 13]:

  Overriding atomtype NE

WARNING 12 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 14]:

  Overriding atomtype C

WARNING 13 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 15]:

  Overriding atomtype CH0

WARNING 14 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 16]:

  Overriding atomtype CH1

WARNING 15 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 17]:

  Overriding atomtype CH2

WARNING 16 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 18]:

  Overriding atomtype CH3

WARNING 17 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 19]:

  Overriding atomtype CH4

WARNING 18 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 20]:

  Overriding atomtype CH2r

WARNING 19 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 21]:

  Overriding atomtype CR1

WARNING 20 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 22]:

  Overriding atomtype HC

WARNING 21 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 23]:

  Overriding atomtype H

WARNING 22 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 24]:

  Overriding atomtype DUM

WARNING 23 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 25]:

  Overriding atomtype S

WARNING 24 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 26]:

  Overriding atomtype CU1+

WARNING 25 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 27]:

  Overriding atomtype CU2+

WARNING 26 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 28]:

  Overriding atomtype FE

WARNING 27 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 29]:

  Overriding atomtype ZN2+

WARNING 28 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 30]:

  Overriding atomtype MG2+

WARNING 29 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 31]:

  Overriding atomtype CA2+

WARNING 30 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 32]:

  Overriding atomtype P

WARNING 31 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 33]:

  Overriding atomtype AR

WARNING 32 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 34]:

  Overriding atomtype F

WARNING 33 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 35]:

  Overriding atomtype CL

WARNING 34 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 36]:

  Overriding atomtype BR

WARNING 35 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 37]:

  Overriding atomtype CMet

WARNING 36 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 38]:

  Overriding atomtype OMet

WARNING 37 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 39]:

  Overriding atomtype NA+

WARNING 38 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 40]:

  Overriding atomtype CL-

WARNING 39 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 41]:

  Overriding atomtype CChl

WARNING 40 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 42]:

  Overriding atomtype CLChl

WARNING 41 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 43]:

  Overriding atomtype HChl

WARNING 42 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 44]:

  Overriding atomtype SDmso

WARNING 43 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 45]:

  Overriding atomtype CDmso

WARNING 44 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 46]:

  Overriding atomtype ODmso

WARNING 45 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 47]:

  Overriding atomtype CCl4

WARNING 46 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 48]:

  Overriding atomtype CLCl4

WARNING 47 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 49]:

  Overriding atomtype FTFE

WARNING 48 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 50]:

  Overriding atomtype CTFE

WARNING 49 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 51]:

  Overriding atomtype CHTFE

WARNING 50 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 52]:

  Overriding atomtype OTFE

WARNING 51 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 53]:

  Overriding atomtype CUrea

WARNING 52 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 54]:

  Overriding atomtype OUrea

WARNING 53 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 55]:

  Overriding atomtype NUrea

WARNING 54 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 56]:

  Overriding atomtype SI

WARNING 55 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 57]:

  Overriding atomtype MNH3

WARNING 56 [file ffG53a6nb.itp, line 58]:

  Overriding atomtype MW

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffG53a6bon.itp

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ff_dum.itp

Generated 825 of the 2346 non-bonded parameter combinations

Opening library file /usr/local/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ions.itp

Opening library 

[gmx-users] dgdl.xvg

2010-06-20 Thread afsaneh maleki

Is there command in .mdp to adjust of frequency to write dg/dlamda to
dgdl.xvg file?

I do mdrun for 100 steps, so I get 100 dg/dl in dgdl.xvg file while
I want to change output to write 1000 dgdl in dGdL.xvg file. How can I do?

Thanks in advance.

thanks very much,
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[gmx-users] moleculetype CU1+ is redefined

2010-06-14 Thread afsaneh maleki
When I generate the tpr file with grompp, I get the following error.
Fatal error: moleculetype CU1+ is redefined
I work on membrane protein that have no atomtype CU1+. why i get error on
I have cheked [moleculetypes]  in toplogy file and there  are n't
How to remove this error?

thanks in advance,
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[gmx-users] ions.itp

2010-06-14 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear justin,
thanks for your helpful reply.

where Gromacs does not have a force field of its own, but is compatible with
ENCAD force fields. why in ions.itp   #ifdef _FF_GROMACS is defended?

Best wishes,
Afsaneh Maleki
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: moleculetype CU1+ is redefined

2010-06-14 Thread afsaneh maleki
this error is removed. becuse ion.itpwas included twice in .top and .itp
i have included two FF into topology file, one for protein and another one
for bilayer.


On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Vitaly Chaban vvcha...@gmail.com wrote:

  When I generate the tpr file with grompp, I get the following error.
  Fatal error: moleculetype CU1+ is redefined
  I work on membrane protein that have no atomtype CU1+. why i get error on
  I have cheked [moleculetypes]  in toplogy file and there  are n't
  How to remove this error?

 How many FF files have you included into the topology file?

 Dr. Vitaly Chaban
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[gmx-users] Solvation free energy

2010-05-19 Thread afsaneh maleki

I want to calculate the solvation free energy of Wild-type human IAPP
(hIAPP) with 37 residues in length that residu26 isoleucine is mutated to
proline (ile26pro). I used dual topology in Thermodynamic integration (TI)
for calculating salvation free energy.  For the solvation free energy
calculations I need some parameter as *Sc_alpha*, *Sc_power* and *Sc_power *
in* *mdp file.

I also read manual of Dr David van der spoel about salvation free energy and
manual of Gromacs. Nevertheless, I couldn’t decide best value for these
parameters and my protein.

I used the following values in mdp file:

free_energy = yes

init_lambda = 0.00

sc_alpha= 0.5

sc_power= 1.0

sc_sigma= 0.3

What values do you suggest for these parameters?

Thanks very much,
Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] mutation to/from proline

2010-04-25 Thread afsaneh maleki

I want to calculate relative free energy associated to mutation of P1
(native protein) to p2 (mutated protein).In this mutation,  Isolusine (in
P1) is mutated to Proline(in P2). With using Thermodynamic cycle:

Bilayer+P1= = = Bilayer-P1  delta
G1 (association P1)

Bilayer+P2= = = Bilayer-P2   delta
G2 (association P2)

   Where P1 = = = P2

 Bilayer-P1 = = =  Bilayer-P2

So, delta deltaG= (delta G1(association P1)- deltaG2 (association P2))=
(deltaG3- deltaG4)

To define the B state that will be used for the free energy calculation. For
this; I need to specify the new atom type of each mutated atom and the set
of parameters to it.

But my question is that with regarding to special structure of proline, is
it possible to update topology file? Who was done mutation of proline
before?  I searched but I didn’t find! Or is there manual for mutating
from/to proline?

I appreciate your help,
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[gmx-users] Thickness

2010-03-16 Thread afsaneh maleki

I used bilayer that consisted of 128 DOPC lipids as DOPC128.pdb as the
primary bilayer and insert protein in bilayer  with Inflategro program. when
i expanded  the bilayer, two DOPC molecules  exited from box. i simulated
this system and obtained the thickness of bilayer with GrigMAT_MD. i want to
subtract the thickness of pure bilayer from the bilayer that contain the

would one please elaborate step by step how to subtract the thickness of the
pure bilayer( 128 DOPC) from the bilayer (126 DOPC) that contains the
protein to get two-dimensional maps of ∆Z that indicate deviation from the
thickness of pure bilayer ?

Thanks in advance,
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[gmx-users] free energy

2010-03-14 Thread afsaneh maleki

I inserted the protein in bilayer at Z normal and simulated membrane
protein. to calculate free energy, it is better to use umbrella sampling
tutorial  from Justin Lemkul or free energy tutorial from David Mobley
for my system?

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[gmx-users] Energy per residue

2010-03-12 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear gromacs users,

Is there a way to get energy values (Vdw,..) per residue at the end of MD

I would really appreciate any help.

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Re: [gmx-users] Energy per residue

2010-03-12 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear Justin,

I want to get energy per residue not time. if i use mdrun -rerun  with
energygrps in md.mdp  then g_energy i obtain enery per time not residue.
at last, i don't understand how to get Energy per residue .

Best wishes,

 afsaneh maleki wrote:

 Dear gromacs users,
  Is there a way to get energy values (Vdw,..) per residue at the end of MD

 Yes and no.  You won't be able to get, for instance, the absolute van der
 Waals energy of a residue.  That doesn't really make any sense, since vdW
 interactions take place between particles.  There may be some 1-4 type
 interactions within a residue that you could quantify, but not much else.

 You can decompose short-range residue-residue energies using energygrps in
 the .mdp file, and re-running the trajectory with the new .tpr file (mdrun
 -rerun), but the .edr file can quickly get out of hand in terms of disk
 usage, depending on how many groups you have (since you will then have
 essentially N^2 energy terms to write out, where N is the number of


  I would really appreciate any help.



 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] order parameter for UAFF model

2010-02-07 Thread afsaneh maleki
Hi all,

i used united the atom force field model for the membrane lipids . to
calculate order parameter i used :
g_order  -od   -d

 i know united atom force field doesn't  have hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbons
chains .
 i want to know gromacs calculates order parameter * Sc-c* or
*Sc-d*(Deuterium) ?

 in the output is written:  title Deuterium order parameters

thanks in advance,
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[gmx-users] Energy via residue

2010-02-02 Thread afsaneh maleki
Hi all,

How do i obtain  the protein van der waals  and electrostatic energies  with
bilayer via  residue?

highly appreciate!!
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[gmx-users] hblife

2010-01-28 Thread afsaneh maleki

would you please elaborate the first column in the  hblife.xvg file?
hblife.xyg is the output of the following command:
g_hbond -life hblife.xvg
this column don't show the real time in simulated system.what are these

thanks in advance,
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Re: [gmx-users] hblife

2010-01-28 Thread afsaneh maleki
thanks dear justin'

it is right that the output of the analysis tools generally writes axis
labels and data set legends. in hblife.xyg  file is written that  x axis
label Time (ps) and the last time is written 14300.001 whereas my
simulated time is 4 ps not 143000.00 ps
i send you this file

Best wishes,

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Justin A. Lemkul jalem...@vt.edu wrote:

 afsaneh maleki wrote:


 would you please elaborate the first column in the  hblife.xvg file?
 hblife.xyg is the output of the following command:
 g_hbond -life hblife.xvg
 this column don't show the real time in simulated system.what are these

 Check the headers in the .xvg file; the output of the analysis tools
 generally writes axis labels and data set legends.  If it still doesn't make
 sense, post a snippet of your file.


  thanks in advance,


 Justin A. Lemkul
 Ph.D. Candidate
 ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
 Department of Biochemistry
 Virginia Tech
 Blacksburg, VA
 jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080

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Description: Binary data
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[gmx-users] The most probable secondary structure

2010-01-19 Thread afsaneh maleki

how do i obtain the most probable secondary structure for each residue to
analyze the detailed conformation of the peptide?
i used do_dssp then converted  *.eps to *.ps then obtained secondary

highly appreciate!!
Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] Density Profile

2010-01-07 Thread afsaneh maleki

 I obtained the electron density profile for the solvent in protein membrane

For this I used the following commands:

 ]$ g_density  -f md.xtc  -s md.tpr  -d  z  -dens electron   -o sol.xvg   -ei
electrons.dat   -symm

-n index.ndx

  Although in md.gro file is seen any water in middle box (hydrophobic
region) simulation, Plot shows the electron density of the water is higher
in the middle bilayer  than the edges.

Would any help me to remove this problem?

are commands used correctly?

Best regards,
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[gmx-users] Electron Density

2010-01-06 Thread afsaneh maleki

I want to obtain electron density for solvent in z direction for bilayer.

I used following options:

] g_density -f md.xtc -s md.tpr  -d z  -dens electron  -o electrondens.xvg  -ei
electrons.dat  -symm -n index.ndx

Atomtapes in md.gro are OH,HW1,HW2

And “electrons.dat”  file contains:


  OW= 8



But I get error:

Fatal error:

Invalid line in datafile at line 1

What is my error?

Best wishes,
 Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] Electron Density2

2010-01-06 Thread afsaneh maleki
Dear David van der Spoel,

Would you please elaborate on the details?

I didn’t underestand about “remove = sign”

thanks in advans,
Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] Electron Density3

2010-01-06 Thread afsaneh maleki
Hi ,

I want to obtain electron density for solvent in z direction for bilayer.

I used following options:

 ] g_density -f md.xtc -s md.tpr  -d z  -dens electron  -o electrondens.xvg
 -ei electrons.dat  -symm -n index.ndx

Atomtapes in md.gro are OH,HW1,HW2

And “electrons.dat”  file contains:


  OW= 8



But I get error:

Fatal error:

Invalid line in datafile at line 1

What is my error?

Would you please elaborate on the details?

thanks in advance very much,
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[gmx-users] order parameter for unsaturated chains

2010-01-05 Thread afsaneh maleki

I want to obtain order parameter for unsaturated carbons (eg. 9, 10) on
oleoyl (18 carbons) chains.

i use -Scd= 2/3 Sxx +1/3 Syy for the saturated carbons.
I try to calculate order parameters for unsaturated carbons, which is
defined as:
Scd=1/4Szz + 3/4 Syy + sdr(3)/2 Syz   , with ignore third term (sqr(3)/2
Syz) :

but i don't know do i  use this correlation for 8, 9 carbons or 9,10 ?
because the segmental vector Cn-1 to Cn+1 is taken as the molecular axis of
the Cn methylene group.

thanks in advans,
Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] MSD

2009-12-23 Thread afsaneh maleki

I am working on the simulation of protein memberane.

How can I calculate MSD (mean squar displacement) of bond lipid ( as those
phosphate atomes are written 0.35 nm of protein)?
I know that I must use g_msd for calculating, but I need “index file” that
is included phosphate atoms within 0.35 nm of protein. how can I obtain this
index file

thanks in advance,
Afsaneh Maleki
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[gmx-users] grompp error in peptide-membrane simulations

2009-09-05 Thread afsaneh maleki
I am working on memberane peptide simulation under lipid DOPC,i have
downloaded the lipid and dopc.itp from the same site,when i run grommp:
 ]grompp -f em.mdp  -c complex.gro  -o  em.tpr -p  complex.top
it gives me:
Fetal error :
Atomtype LC3 not found! (this is atomtype of the lipide)
This is my  complex.top file
#include  protein.itp
#include dopc.itp
#include lipid.itp
#include tip3p.itp
#include ions.itp
protein on sur+relaxed dopc
Protein  1
DOPC   128
SOL  4086
SOD  6
CLA   8
this atomtype (LC3) is in the dopc.itp and  lipid.itp files but don't find
in ffG43a2.rtp and .atp.
i'm sure structure file is n't different in terms of the number of atoms ,
atomnames and the order of them with .itp files.

any help will be hightly appreciated.

Afsaneh Maleki
PhD student of physical chemistry
Department of chemistry, Isfahan Univ. of Tech.
Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
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