[gmx-users] RE:Source code file: gmxfio.c, line: 784

2008-02-05 Thread vijay kumar hinge vijay
thank for  your reply mark sory for pasting other url
iam using gromacs 3.3 version on sunsolaris platform,my protein contain 86
aminoacid and iam trying to unfold it at 640k
hear iam pasting the command which i was used for final mdrun
grompp -c 1HB6M_pr.gro -p 1HB6M.top -o 1HB6uf_b4full.tpr -f full.mdp
mdrun -v -s 1HB6uf_b4full.tpr -o 1HB6uf_full.trr -c 1HB6uf_full.gro -e
1HB6uf_full.edr -g 1HB6uf_full.log -nice 0
 iam trying to simulate for 300ps (15 steps),but it terminated after
running step 22790(after1 hour)
the replay which i have seen in users archieve

>* Hi all,
*>* a short simulated-annealing simulation crashes with:
*>* Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3.2
*>* Source code file: gmxfio.c, line: 784
*>* Fatal error:
*>* Can not read/write topologies to file type trr*

*>* I read the a bit the sourcecode of and it seems as if it does sth like
*>* determining and setting the do_read/write functions for file I/O.
*>* Any idea where this could come from?
try a clean compile (make distclean; configure and so on).

*>* Best
*>* Martin

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[gmx-users] Source code file: gmxfio.c, line: 784

2008-02-05 Thread vijay kumar hinge vijay
Hi all,

iam trying to unfold 86 amino acid contain peptide  at 640k .
but my final mdrun terminated with following error:
15 steps,300.0 ps.

step 22790, will finish at Tue Feb  5 19:41:24 2008-
Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3
Source code file: gmxfio.c, line: 784

Fatal error:
Can not read/write topologies to file type trr

i got one hit regarding my query  from archive  which  iam not able to
resolve.hear iam attaching the link


i would like to know how can i solve the problem

thank you in advance
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[gmx-users] Residue 'COA' not found in residue topology database

2007-12-30 Thread vijay kumar hinge vijay
Hello users,

iam using gromacs 3.3 version on linux platform.my protein contain 86
residues and  ligand molecule (palmityl coA)
i got the  error while running pdb2gmx with force field gromacs96 43a1.it is
saying that
Fatal error:
Residue 'COA' not found in residue topology database
i wil be very thank full to you if any one can give the sugesstion
SUN-CoE in Medical Bioinformatics
EMBnet INDIA node
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD),
Gundipet, Hyderabad
INDIA-500 076

Ph.No :  +91-40-27151344

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[gmx-users] LINCS error

2007-09-17 Thread vijay kumar hinge vijay
hello users,

i am using gromacs 3.3 version on unix platform
i got these error while running MD simulation of 89 aa in spc216 water for
10ns at step 4088373 time 8176.55 .i had used force field 4a1(official
hear I'm sending  .mdp file also
error which i got is

step 4088520, will finish at Sat Sep 22 06:22:35 2007

Step 4088530, time 8177.06 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 17.051964 (between atoms 615 and 616) rms 0.709711
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
613614   35.70.1233   0.1232  0.1230
613615   35.20.1332   0.1352  0.1330
615616   90.00.0997   1.8052  0.1000
615617   90.00.1322   1.3965  0.1000
step 4088530, will finish at Sat Sep 22 06:22:35 2007Warning: 1-4
interaction at
 distance larger than 1
These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
turn on -debug for more information

Step 4088531, time 8177.06 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 1.625723 (between atoms 615 and 617) rms 0.062578
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
612613   46.40.1548   0.1344  0.1530
613614   37.20.1232   0.1816  0.1230
613615   89.70.1352   0.2216  0.1330
615616   76.31.8052   0.1476  0.1000
615617   89.71.3965   0.2626  0.1000

Step 4088532, time 8177.06 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 14.399930 (between atoms 615 and 616) rms 0.598937
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
611612   44.20.1693   0.1761  0.1530
612613   35.40.1344   0.1669  0.1530
613614   95.70.1816   0.1308  0.1230
615616   90.20.1476   1.5400  0.1000
615617   90.50.2626   1.1927  0.1000

Step 4088533, time 8177.07 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 1.051080 (between atoms 615 and 617) rms 0.046065
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
609611   44.50.1529   0.1910  0.1470
611612   39.90.1761   0.1800  0.1530
611618   41.90.1579   0.1736  0.1530
612613  105.90.1669   0.2124  0.1530
613614  123.80.1308   0.1181  0.1230
613615   34.60.1178   0.2224  0.1330
615616   74.01.5400   0.1253  0.1000
615617   80.31.1927   0.2051  0.1000

Step 4088534, time 8177.07 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
max 45040.144531 (between atoms 613 and 614) rms 1994.670654
bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
 atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
582584   41.90.1470   0.2116  0.1470
584585   41.30.1530   0.2102  0.1530
584586   69.20.1530   8.3830  0.1530
586587   59.20.1230   8.3382  0.1230
586588   78.90.1331  28.5889  0.1330
588589   75.70.1001  27.4635  0.1000
588590   80.70.1471 156.4029  0.1470
590591   82.50.1531 156.2125  0.1530
590607   84.10.1537 272.5951  0.1530
591592   78.30.1531  23.8232  0.1530
592593   55.20.1330   6.7518  0.1330
592595   55.70.1390   6.7401  0.1390
593594   41.60.1090   0.1595  0.1090
593596   45.10.1330   0.1971  0.1330
595598   37.70.1390   0.1911  0.1390
595599   34.40.1390   0.1923  0.1390
607608   85.10.1235 322.3230  0.1230
607609   90.80.1334 722.2238  0.1330
609610   87.50.1001 730.5731  0.1000
609611   91.70.1910 2220.5916  0.1470
611612  113.10.1800 1928.0201  0.1530
611618   61.90.1736 2612.3730  0.1530
612613  152.60.2124 2170.9067  0.1530
613614   95.00.1181 5540.0610  0.1230
613615  100.80.2224 1264.8948  0.1330
615616   88.00.1253 729.0342  0.1000
615617   69.10.2051 610.1647  0.1000
618619   96.00.1365 1772.1053  0.1230
618620  101.80.1456 1954.0292  0.1330
620621   97.10.1014 161.6277  0.1000
620622   44.00.1484 387.2649  0.1470
622623  119.20.1536 271.5126  0.1530
622628  110.20.1536 303.3078  0.1530
623624   65.60.1531  51.2406  0.1530
624625  113.70.1530  26.6845  0.1530
625626   32.70.1250   0.1557  0.1250
625627   34.20.1250   0.1577  

[gmx-users] error regarding NA+ atom

2007-08-22 Thread vijay kumar hinge vijay
Respected sir/madem,
i am using gromacs - 3.1.4  version on sunsolaris platform.i got error at
position restrain at grompp step ,telling dat  NO SUCH MOLECULE TYPE
NA+(both are in caps).beofre dat the error which i got , ihv done following
1.first i hv excuted pdb2gmx command den i noted down the charge which given
as out put.charge is -1
2.after editconf(-d 0.9),genbox ,energy minimization(grompp,mdrun)  i had
manipulated da  .top file by adding #include 'ions.itp,removed one water
molecloe from SOL and added NA+ 1 at da end of topology file .
den i got error after runing da grompp of position restrain ,and i had
changed pr.mdp file ,in that i was added da SOL,0.1,300 (temp)
thanking u for ur patiency
vijaya kumar hinge
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