[gmx-users] PMF from pull code, unexpected results

2011-02-24 Thread Michael Brunsteiner
> Michael: your mdp options indicated using US and my stance is that,   > using 
>US, you are incorrect to say that "And you will get the SAME   > result if you 
>do this calculation in one or in three dimensions   > (pulldim NNY or pulldim 

this has nothing to do with the mdp file ... i was talking about a 
purely hypothetical case, if you use pull = constraints, rather than
umbrella sampling you don't NEED to run the calculation, since, as i said
you can figure out the result in your head ... with constraints the "average"
force will always be the exact LJ force at that distance, and if you integrate
that you will necessarily end up with the original LJ potential, no
matter whether you do that in one or in three dimensions!
if you only have two spherically symmetric particles, with an interaction
energy that depends only on the distance, and no solvent then the 
"free energy" and the "energy" are identical (apart from the
entropic contribution discussed in the Neumann paper) ...

that means: if you COULD do this calculation with constraints (in 
practice you probably can't because there'd be too few DOFs and the temperature
would be ill defined) you SHOULD get identical results, independent of pulldim
... unless the term in eqn 6.1 is somehow included explicitly, but i can't see
that anywhere in the code ... 
> Nevertheless, I'm a little perturbed by 
> your call out for help from somebody else "in the know", so I'll leave   > 
> you 
>at this point. Good luck.

thanks, doesn't look as if there was much interest, I guess I'll have to go 
back to my statistical mechanics textbooks...


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[gmx-users] PMF from pull code, unexpected results

2011-02-24 Thread chris . neale
Michael: your mdp options indicated using US and my stance is that,  
using US, you are incorrect to say that "And you will get the SAME  
result if you do this calculation in one or in three dimensions  
(pulldim NNY or pulldim YYY)". Nevertheless, I'm a little perturbed by  
your call out for help from somebody else "in the know", so I'll leave  
you at this point. Good luck.


-- original message --

Re: PMF from pull code, unexpected results
Michael Brunsteiner mbx0009 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 23 23:16:07 CET 2011

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chris.neale at utoronto.ca wrote:

Looking at http://www.brunsteiner.net/tbut-pmf.gif you seem to be  
getting exactly what I would
expect. The difference is the entropy term. Note that the spherical  
shell increases volume as r
increases for pulldim YYY but this effect is absent for pulldim NNY.  
This is why you can correct

as per an RDF.

The "entropy term" (Eqn 6.1 in the manual) has already been the source
of some confusion in this list ...

If you make a "Gedankenexperiment" and consider the PMF between two atoms in

that interact ONLY through a simple radial, for example a LJ, potential, and
then calculate the PMF

using the pull-code ...  if you don't do umbrella sampling + WHAM but instead
use constraints

(pull = constraint) you can do the calculation in your head, to find that the
resulting PMF

is, of course, nothing else but the original LJ potential. And you  
will get the

SAME result
if you do this calculation in one or in three dimensions (pulldim NNY  
or pulldim

so where does the entropy and the correction term in eqn 6 come in here??

In Section 6.1 of the manual it says: "But when calculating a PMF between two
solutes in a
solvent, for the purpose of simulating without solvent, the entropic
contribution should be removed."
I find this a bit confusing, first ... "simulating without solvent" ... why
would that be
my (or anybodies) purpose? and second:

according to eqn 6.1 this "entropic contribution" is: PMF(r) = - (nc-1)kBT

for this to make sense r would have to be dimensionless wouldn't it?
I could divide r by the distance at which i arbitrarily chose my PMF  
to vanish,
call it r_c, which would have the advantage that then the correction  
is zero at

distance ... but then this is just wild guess of mine ... anyway, that would

that, if I call the PMF coming out of mdrun/g_wham PMF_wham,
then the "true" PMF is: PMF(z) = PMF_wham (z) + (nc-1)kBT log(z/r_c)
(the plus comes from the double minus, as in: "removing" something thats

is that correct? ... and if so, why does it, seemingly, not apply in the above

Yours truly (and maybe some other people) would really appreciate if  
somebody in

the know
would clarify that!

thanks in advance!


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[gmx-users] PMF from pull code, unexpected results

2011-02-21 Thread chris . neale
Looking at http://www.brunsteiner.net/tbut-pmf.gif you seem to be  
getting exactly what I would expect. The difference is the entropy  
term. Note that the spherical shell increases volume as r increases  
for pulldim YYY but this effect is absent for pulldim NNY. This is why  
you can correct as per an RDF.

Please note that I didn;t check everything thoroughly or look at the  
other images so there could still be something weird going on, but I  
disagree that http://www.brunsteiner.net/tbut-pmf.gif shows anything  


-- original message --

Dear all,

I would like to calculate the potential of mean force between two molecules
in aqueous solution using the pull code. For a start i performed a number
of calulations with a couple of very simple model systems with settings
loosely based on the example in the gmx tutorial section (see mdp file  

at the bottom). My box is 8x8x8 nm**3, pmf is calculated from some r_min up to
approx 3.8 nm. Performing simulations with two t-buntanol molecules in  

solvent, anlyzing the output (x and f*.xvg files) with g_wham, i get rather
unexpected results:

The PMFs look very differnt depending on whether I use "pulldim  Y Y Y"
or "pulldim  "N N Y":
Since we look at two neutral molecules with a permanent dipole
moment one would expect the PMF to be negative up to a distance
at which the two molecules come into contact, but with "pulldim  Y Y Y"
the PMF is positive, i.e., repulsive, throughout.

With "pulldim  N N Y" I constrain the two molecules in two
dimensions (by freezing the central atom in the x and y dimensions only,
BTW any ideas how else i could achieve that?)
One could argue that a combination of frozen atoms and pull code might be
problematic, but i freeze and pull in different dimensions, so this should
be OK, and, more importantly: with "pulldim  N N Y" i get results that
look much more reasonable than with  "pulldim  "Y Y Y" and NO additional

With "pulldim  Y Y Y" the RDF (option nolog in g_wahm) looks, in fact,
like a NON-normalized rdf:
and, interestingly if i normalize it myself (by dividing through z**2 before
taking the logarithm) the resulting PMF looks much more reasonable.

Although what I see suggests that with "pulldim  Y Y Y" the RDF just doesn't
normalized properly, this issue seems to be more involved:
Looking at the average forces and positions (the content of the f*xvg  
and x*xvg

suggests that there's already something wrong in the mdrun output
meaning that the problem is further upstream and not connected to anything
done by g_wham.

I repeated the calculations with an even simpler system (2 single atoms
that only interact via a LJ potential) to get qualitatively the same

A few more remarks:
1) Convergence does not seem to be an issue here as i extended
some of the calculations to include 35+ windows, 2 ns each, and
the PMF remains the same nearly quantitatively.
2) The length of my reaction coordinates is always shorter
than half the box length.
3) I've compared calculations cut-off vs PME, to get very similar
4) If I use "pulldim  Y Y Y" with no additional constraints but with
"comm_mode = Angular" i get results somewhere inbetween the two cases

my specs:
Gromacs version: 4.5.3
Linux 2.6.35-23-generic Ubuntu x86_64
gcc version 4.4.5

I am not sure whether i overlooked something in my input,
or whether there's a problem with code.
I'd be grateful for any ideas/suggestions!


mdp file:

integrator  = sd; this is better than md/NHT for systems with very
few DOFs
tau_t   = 2.0 2.0
ref_t   = 290 290   ; a bit lower than 298 since sd with default
; has problems controlling the temperature.
tc_grps = p1 p2 ; also tried System here, no difference
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 10; played with that, results seem to have converged
nstxout = 1000
nstvout = 0
nstfout = 1000
nstenergy   = 100
constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints  = hbonds
continuation = no
comm_mode   = Linear
nstcomm = 1
pbc = xyz   ; also tried "pbc = no" same result
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
rlist   = 4.0
rcoulomb= 4.0
rvdw= 4.0
coulombtype = Shift
vdwtype = Shift
epsilon_r   = 80
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance
pull_dim= N N Y   ; or "Y Y Y"
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = p1
pull_group1 = p2
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 500

[gmx-users] PMF from pull code, unexpected results

2011-02-21 Thread Michael Brunsteiner

Dear all,

I would like to calculate the potential of mean force between two molecules 
in aqueous solution using the pull code. For a start i performed a number 
of calulations with a couple of very simple model systems with settings
loosely based on the example in the gmx tutorial section (see mdp file included
at the bottom). My box is 8x8x8 nm**3, pmf is calculated from some r_min up to 
approx 3.8 nm. Performing simulations with two t-buntanol molecules in implicit
solvent, anlyzing the output (x and f*.xvg files) with g_wham, i get rather
unexpected results:

The PMFs look very differnt depending on whether I use "pulldim  Y Y Y" 
or "pulldim  "N N Y":
Since we look at two neutral molecules with a permanent dipole
moment one would expect the PMF to be negative up to a distance
at which the two molecules come into contact, but with "pulldim  Y Y Y"
the PMF is positive, i.e., repulsive, throughout.

With "pulldim  N N Y" I constrain the two molecules in two
dimensions (by freezing the central atom in the x and y dimensions only,
BTW any ideas how else i could achieve that?)
One could argue that a combination of frozen atoms and pull code might be 
problematic, but i freeze and pull in different dimensions, so this should
be OK, and, more importantly: with "pulldim  N N Y" i get results that
look much more reasonable than with  "pulldim  "Y Y Y" and NO additional 

With "pulldim  Y Y Y" the RDF (option nolog in g_wahm) looks, in fact, 
like a NON-normalized rdf:
and, interestingly if i normalize it myself (by dividing through z**2 before
taking the logarithm) the resulting PMF looks much more reasonable.

Although what I see suggests that with "pulldim  Y Y Y" the RDF just doesn't
normalized properly, this issue seems to be more involved: 
Looking at the average forces and positions (the content of the f*xvg and x*xvg 
suggests that there's already something wrong in the mdrun output
meaning that the problem is further upstream and not connected to anything
done by g_wham.

I repeated the calculations with an even simpler system (2 single atoms
that only interact via a LJ potential) to get qualitatively the same

A few more remarks:
1) Convergence does not seem to be an issue here as i extended
some of the calculations to include 35+ windows, 2 ns each, and
the PMF remains the same nearly quantitatively.
2) The length of my reaction coordinates is always shorter
than half the box length.
3) I've compared calculations cut-off vs PME, to get very similar
4) If I use "pulldim  Y Y Y" with no additional constraints but with
"comm_mode = Angular" i get results somewhere inbetween the two cases

my specs:
Gromacs version: 4.5.3
Linux 2.6.35-23-generic Ubuntu x86_64
gcc version 4.4.5

I am not sure whether i overlooked something in my input,
or whether there's a problem with code.
I'd be grateful for any ideas/suggestions!


mdp file:

integrator  = sd; this is better than md/NHT for systems with very 
few DOFs
tau_t   = 2.0 2.0
ref_t   = 290 290   ; a bit lower than 298 since sd with default 
; has problems controlling the temperature.
tc_grps = p1 p2 ; also tried System here, no difference
dt  = 0.002
tinit   = 0
nsteps  = 10; played with that, results seem to have converged
nstxout = 1000
nstvout = 0
nstfout = 1000
nstenergy   = 100
constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints  = hbonds
continuation = no
comm_mode   = Linear
nstcomm = 1
pbc = xyz   ; also tried "pbc = no" same result
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid 
rlist   = 4.0
rcoulomb= 4.0
rvdw= 4.0
coulombtype = Shift
vdwtype = Shift
epsilon_r   = 80
pull= umbrella
pull_geometry   = distance
pull_dim= N N Y   ; or "Y Y Y"
pull_start  = yes
pull_ngroups= 1
pull_group0 = p1
pull_group1 = p2
pull_rate1  = 0.0
pull_k1 = 500 ; i let this number vary depending on the pull 
; also played with the numbers, same result
pull_nstxout= 100
pull_nstfout= 100
pull_pbcatom0   = 1   ; my system geometry is so that the molecules 
never leave the box
pull_pbcatom1   = 16  ; or cross a cell boundary.
freezegrps  = c1 c2; with pulldim Y Y Y these lines are
freezedim   = Y Y N Y Y N  ; removed or commented out
energygrps  = p1 p2

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