Re: [gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-27 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Pablo Englebienne wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions, Justin.

I'm still having issues with instabilities and large fluctuations in 
unconstrained NPT simulations of the CHCl3 box, so I'll appreciate 
comments from the list on my run parameters. I think there is a problem 
with the pressure coupling, but I'm not sure what to change to fix it.

I modified the topology, using the H-Cl and Cl-Cl as bonds, and the H-C 
and C-Cl bond distances as constraints:


[ bonds ]
   1 3 2gb_47
   1 4 2gb_47
   1 5 2gb_47
   3 4 2gb_48
   3 5 2gb_48
   4 5 2gb_48

[ constraints ]
   1 2 10.1100
   2 3 10.1758
   2 4 10.1758
   2 5 10.1758

This prevented the grompp warning message about too many constraints to 

I first minimized the 216-molecule box with the following mdp:

integrator  =  steep
nsteps  =  5
emtol   =  100
emstep  =  0.01

coulombtype =  PME
rlist   =  1
rcoulomb=  1.0
ns_type =  grid
nstlist =  1

rvdw=  1.0

;   PBC
pbc=  xyz

; constraints
constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints = none
lincs_iter= 1
lincs_order= 4

This converged well:
  Energies (kJ/mol)
   G96Bond   G96AngleLJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.
   3.05135e+004.35449e-01   -5.41548e+03   -2.09196e+01   -2.57100e+01
 Potential Pressure (bar)  Cons. rmsd ()

Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 100 in 297 steps
Potential Energy  = -5.45862698325888e+03
Maximum force =  9.95795243267423e+01 on atom 798
Norm of force =  3.22657158607021e+01

Then, I heated the system to 300K in an NVT simulation:
;NVT equilibration
; Run parameters
integrator= md   nsteps= 25000   dt= 
0.002   ; Output control
nstxout= 100   nstvout= 100   nstenergy= 
100   nstlog= 100   ; Bond parameters
continuation= no   constraint_algorithm = lincs   constraints
= none   lincs_iter= 1   lincs_order= 4   ; 
ns_type= grid   nstlist= 5   rlist= 
1.0   rcoulomb= 1.0   rvdw= 1.0   ; Electrostatics
coulombtype= PME   pme_order= 4   fourierspacing= 
0.16   ; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl= V-rescale   tau_t= 0.1   tc_grps= 
SYSTEMref_t= 300   ; Pressure coupling is off

pcoupl= no; PBC
pbc= xyz   ; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres   ; Velocity generation
gen_vel= yes   gen_temp= 300   gen_seed= -1

This simulation yielded a temperature with large fluctuations:

Energy  Average   RMSD Fluct.  Drift  

Temperature 298.89910.185710.1724 -0.0360483   

The fluctuations look fairly large, but I'm not sure if these  are 
reasonable for a 216-molecule system.

I then applied pressure to the system:
; NPT equilibration
; Run parameters
integrator= md   nsteps= 5   dt= 
0.002   ; Output control
nstxout= 100   nstvout= 100   nstenergy= 
100   nstlog= 100   ; Bond parameters
continuation= yes   constraint_algorithm = lincs   
constraints= none   lincs_iter= 1   lincs_order= 
4   ; Neighborsearching
ns_type= grid   nstlist= 5   rlist= 
1.0   rcoulomb= 1.0   rvdw= 1.0   ; Electrostatics
coulombtype= PME   pme_order= 4   fourierspacing= 
0.16   ; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl= V-rescale   tc-grps= SYSTEM   tau_t= 
0.1   ref_t= 300   ; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl= Parrinello-Rahman   pcoupltype= isotropic   
tau_p= 2.0   ref_p= 1.0   compressibility = 
1e-4   ; Periodic boundary conditions

pbc= xyz   ; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres   ; Velocity generation
gen_vel= no

This simulation yields large fluctuations of temperature as well:

I tried playing around with the value of tau_p:

- tau_p = 5.0 ==> slow increase of density, not stable after 100 ps; 
temperature with similar fluctuations as NVT (300K, RMSD 9); pressure 
starts oscillating wildly after ~10 ps
- tau_p = 2.0 ==> increase of density, not stable at end of simulation; 
huge fluctuations in potential 

[gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-27 Thread Pablo Englebienne

Thanks for the suggestions, Justin.

I'm still having issues with instabilities and large fluctuations in 
unconstrained NPT simulations of the CHCl3 box, so I'll appreciate 
comments from the list on my run parameters. I think there is a problem 
with the pressure coupling, but I'm not sure what to change to fix it.

I modified the topology, using the H-Cl and Cl-Cl as bonds, and the H-C 
and C-Cl bond distances as constraints:


[ bonds ]
   1 3 2gb_47
   1 4 2gb_47
   1 5 2gb_47
   3 4 2gb_48
   3 5 2gb_48
   4 5 2gb_48

[ constraints ]
   1 2 10.1100
   2 3 10.1758
   2 4 10.1758
   2 5 10.1758

This prevented the grompp warning message about too many constraints to 

I first minimized the 216-molecule box with the following mdp:

integrator  =  steep
nsteps  =  5
emtol   =  100
emstep  =  0.01

coulombtype =  PME
rlist   =  1
rcoulomb=  1.0
ns_type =  grid
nstlist =  1

rvdw=  1.0

;   PBC
pbc=  xyz

; constraints
constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints = none
lincs_iter= 1
lincs_order= 4

This converged well:
  Energies (kJ/mol)
   G96Bond   G96AngleLJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.
   3.05135e+004.35449e-01   -5.41548e+03   -2.09196e+01   -2.57100e+01
 Potential Pressure (bar)  Cons. rmsd ()

Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 100 in 297 steps
Potential Energy  = -5.45862698325888e+03
Maximum force =  9.95795243267423e+01 on atom 798
Norm of force =  3.22657158607021e+01

Then, I heated the system to 300K in an NVT simulation:
;NVT equilibration
; Run parameters
integrator= md   
nsteps= 25000   
dt= 0.002   
; Output control
nstxout= 100   
nstvout= 100   
nstenergy= 100   
nstlog= 100   
; Bond parameters
continuation= no   
constraint_algorithm = lincs   
constraints= none   
lincs_iter= 1   
lincs_order= 4   
; Neighborsearching
ns_type= grid   
nstlist= 5   
rlist= 1.0   
rcoulomb= 1.0   
rvdw= 1.0   
; Electrostatics
coulombtype= PME   
pme_order= 4   
fourierspacing= 0.16   
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl= V-rescale   
tau_t= 0.1   
tc_grps= SYSTEM
ref_t= 300   
; Pressure coupling is off
pcoupl= no
pbc= xyz   
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres   
; Velocity generation
gen_vel= yes   
gen_temp= 300   
gen_seed= -1


This simulation yielded a temperature with large fluctuations:

Energy  Average   RMSD Fluct.  Drift  

Temperature 298.89910.185710.1724 -0.0360483   

The fluctuations look fairly large, but I'm not sure if these  are 
reasonable for a 216-molecule system.

I then applied pressure to the system:
; NPT equilibration
; Run parameters
integrator= md   
nsteps= 5   
dt= 0.002   
; Output control
nstxout= 100   
nstvout= 100   
nstenergy= 100   
nstlog= 100   
; Bond parameters
continuation= yes   
constraint_algorithm = lincs   
constraints= none   
lincs_iter= 1   
lincs_order= 4   
; Neighborsearching
ns_type= grid   
nstlist= 5   
rlist= 1.0   
rcoulomb= 1.0   
rvdw= 1.0   
; Electrostatics
coulombtype= PME   
pme_order= 4   
fourierspacing= 0.16   
; Temperature coupling is on
tcoupl= V-rescale   
tc-grps= SYSTEM   
tau_t= 0.1   
ref_t= 300   
; Pressure coupling is on
pcoupl= Parrinello-Rahman   
pcoupltype= isotropic   
tau_p= 2.0   
ref_p= 1.0   
compressibility = 1e-4   
; Periodic boundary conditions
pbc= xyz   
; Dispersion correction
DispCorr= EnerPres   
; Velocity generation

gen_vel= no

This simulation yields large fluctuations of temperature as well:

I tried playing around with the value of tau_p:

- tau_p = 5.0 ==> slow increase of density, not stable after 100 ps; 
temperature with similar fluctuations as NVT (300K, RMSD 9); pressure 
starts oscillating wildly after ~10 ps
- tau_p = 2.0 ==> increase of density, not stable at end of simulation; 
huge fluctuation

Re: [gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-23 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Pablo Englebienne wrote:
Following up on the previous message, I noticed that the topology I 
previously sent (including 10 bonds) works for a minimization, but not 
for an MD simulation. grompp issues the following warning:

WARNING 1 [file, line 29]:
 Molecule type 'CHCL3' has 10 constraints.
 For stability and efficiency there should not be more constraints than
 internal number of degrees of freedom: 9.

I therefore used the following .itp file, with only the C-H and C-Cl bonds:

If bonds are supposed to be defined between, i.e. H-Cl and Cl-Cl, then this may 
not be appropriate.  Instead, you could perhaps set the covalent bonds as 
[constraints] in the topology, leaving the other "nonbonded" bonds as [bonds] 
(and then use "constraints = none" in the .mdp file, so only the [constraints] 
are used).

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass  
typeBchargeB  massB

1   HCHL  1  CHCL3   HChL  1  0.082  1.008
2   CCHL  1  CHCL3   CChL  1  0.179 12.011
3  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh1  1 -0.087 35.453
4  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh2  1 -0.087 35.453
5  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh3  1 -0.087 35.453

[ bonds ]
;  aiaj functc0c1c2c3
   1 2 2gb_39
   2 3 2gb_40
   2 4 2gb_40
   2 5 2gb_40

[ angles ]
;  aiajak functc0c1

   1 2 3 2  ga_43
   1 2 4 2  ga_43
   1 2 5 2  ga_43
   3 2 4 2  ga_44
   3 2 5 2  ga_44
   4 2 5 2  ga_44

[ exclusions ]
1 2 3 4 5
2 1 3 4 5
3 1 2 4 5
4 1 2 3 5
5 1 2 3 4

These are the steps I took:
- build a box with 216 CHCL3 molecules with genbox
- adjusted the density to 1479 with editconf
- minimized the box to F<100 (steep, 5 steps)
- equilibrated NVT (position restrained C), 100ps, 300K, tau_t 0.1
- equilibrated NPT (position restrained C), 100ps, 300K, 1bar, tau_t 
0.1, tau_p 2.0, compressibility 1e-4 (from CRC handbook)

What is the purpose of position restraints here?

Until here, everything looks decent, except for relatively large 
fluctuations in T (RMSD ~9K) and density (RMSD ~10kg m-3).

Probably a consequence of restraining the starting structure.  I'd say you're 
not equilibrating appropriately with position restraints imposed.

I then performed an unconstrained MD, 1ns, otherwise identical 
parameters to NPT equilibration. Temp (300K) and density (1450 kg m-3) 
stable, but fluctuating (RMSD 8 and 20 respectively).

In order to compare the results with Tironi and van Gunsteren, Molecular 
Physics 1994, 83, 381, who used the same GROMOS parameters: Epot = -28.6 
+/- 0.3 kJ/mol, density 1520 +/- 12 kg m-3.

This is the output I get from g_energy:

Energy  Average   RMSD Fluct.  Drift  

Potential  -4720.16119.141118.978 -0.0215895   

Therefore molar Epot = -(-4720)/216 = 21.9 kJ/mol. What factors could be 
accountable for the decrease wrt the reported value of 28.4? 
Experimental deltaHv is 31.4 kJ/mol (same reference).

Insufficient equilibration, and a variety of factors within the .mdp file.  If 
you want feedback on run parameters, you'll have to post the .mdp.


Would there be any other parameters I should check before using this 
solvent box in production runs?



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-23 Thread Pablo Englebienne
Following up on the previous message, I noticed that the topology I 
previously sent (including 10 bonds) works for a minimization, but not 
for an MD simulation. grompp issues the following warning:

WARNING 1 [file, line 29]:
 Molecule type 'CHCL3' has 10 constraints.
 For stability and efficiency there should not be more constraints than
 internal number of degrees of freedom: 9.

I therefore used the following .itp file, with only the C-H and C-Cl bonds:

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass  
typeBchargeB  massB

1   HCHL  1  CHCL3   HChL  1  0.082  1.008
2   CCHL  1  CHCL3   CChL  1  0.179 12.011
3  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh1  1 -0.087 35.453
4  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh2  1 -0.087 35.453
5  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh3  1 -0.087 35.453

[ bonds ]
;  aiaj functc0c1c2c3
   1 2 2gb_39
   2 3 2gb_40
   2 4 2gb_40
   2 5 2gb_40

[ angles ]
;  aiajak functc0c1

   1 2 3 2  ga_43
   1 2 4 2  ga_43
   1 2 5 2  ga_43
   3 2 4 2  ga_44
   3 2 5 2  ga_44
   4 2 5 2  ga_44

[ exclusions ]
1 2 3 4 5
2 1 3 4 5
3 1 2 4 5
4 1 2 3 5
5 1 2 3 4

These are the steps I took:
- build a box with 216 CHCL3 molecules with genbox
- adjusted the density to 1479 with editconf
- minimized the box to F<100 (steep, 5 steps)
- equilibrated NVT (position restrained C), 100ps, 300K, tau_t 0.1
- equilibrated NPT (position restrained C), 100ps, 300K, 1bar, tau_t 
0.1, tau_p 2.0, compressibility 1e-4 (from CRC handbook)

Until here, everything looks decent, except for relatively large 
fluctuations in T (RMSD ~9K) and density (RMSD ~10kg m-3).

I then performed an unconstrained MD, 1ns, otherwise identical 
parameters to NPT equilibration. Temp (300K) and density (1450 kg m-3) 
stable, but fluctuating (RMSD 8 and 20 respectively).

In order to compare the results with Tironi and van Gunsteren, Molecular 
Physics 1994, 83, 381, who used the same GROMOS parameters: Epot = -28.6 
+/- 0.3 kJ/mol, density 1520 +/- 12 kg m-3.

This is the output I get from g_energy:

Energy  Average   RMSD Fluct.  Drift  

Potential  -4720.16119.141118.978 -0.0215895   

Therefore molar Epot = -(-4720)/216 = 21.9 kJ/mol. What factors could be 
accountable for the decrease wrt the reported value of 28.4? 
Experimental deltaHv is 31.4 kJ/mol (same reference).

Would there be any other parameters I should check before using this 
solvent box in production runs?


Pablo Englebienne, PhD
Institute of Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS)
Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e
PO Box 513, HG -1.26
5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tel +31 40 247 5349

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-21 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Pablo Englebienne wrote:
OK, I started over with the CHCl3 box from scratch. I prepared the 
following itp file from the CHCL3 parameters in ffG53a5.rtp:

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
1   HCHL  1  CHCL3   HChL  1  0.082  1.008   
2   CCHL  1  CHCL3   CChL  1  0.179 12.011  
3  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh1  1 -0.087 35.453 
4  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh2  1 -0.087 35.453 
5  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh3  1 -0.087 35.453

[ bonds ]
;  aiaj funct   1 2 2gb_39
   2 3 2gb_40
   2 4 2gb_40
   2 5 2gb_40
   1 3 2gb_47
   1 4 2gb_47
   1 5 2gb_47
   3 4 2gb_48
   3 5 2gb_48
   4 5 2gb_48

[ angles ]
;  aiajak funct 1 2 3 2  ga_43
   1 2 4 2  ga_43
   1 2 5 2  ga_43
   3 2 4 2  ga_44
   3 2 5 2  ga_44
   4 2 5 2  ga_44

I noticed that G53a5 includes 4 types of bond stretching terms specific 
for CHCl3 (C-Cl, C-H, H-Cl and Cl-Cl), therefore I specified all of 
them. Should all of these terms be harmonic bonds (function type 2) or 
some (e.g., the H-Cl and Cl-Cl terms) should be type 6 (as described in 
section 5.4 of the manual)? I tried with both types and I get the same 
minimized structure with the following topology and mdp files:

The bonds defined correspond with what I get when I run pdb2gmx on a chloroform 
molecule, so I would suspect you have them properly defined as function type 2, 
although pdb2gmx defines many more angles and even dihedrals, probably given the 
weird bonding setup in CHCl3.  I don't know how that might affect your system.

I also discovered a minor bug in the Gromos96 .rtp files in the CHCl3 directive 
- no bond is defined between C and H.  Will file a bugzilla.


; Include forcefield parameters
#include "ffG53a5.itp"
#include "chcl3.itp"

[ system ]
; Name

[ molecules ]
; Compound#mols

integrator  =  cg
nsteps  =  5
;Energy minimizing stuff
emtol   =  1e-5
emstep  =  0.01

coulombtype =  cut-off
rcoulomb=  0
ns_type =  simple
nstlist =  0
rlist=  0

rvdw=  0

;   PBC
pbc=  no

In the minimized structure, not all C-Cl distances are equivalent, 
although the minimization converges OK.

Any comments?

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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-21 Thread Pablo Englebienne

OK, I started over with the CHCl3 box from scratch. I prepared the following 
itp file from the CHCL3 parameters in ffG53a5.rtp:

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
1   HCHL  1  CHCL3   HChL  1  0.082  1.008   
2   CCHL  1  CHCL3   CChL  1  0.179 12.011  
3  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh1  1 -0.087 35.453 
4  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh2  1 -0.087 35.453 
5  CLCHL  1  CHCL3  CLCh3  1 -0.087 35.453

[ bonds ]
;  aiaj funct
   1 2 2gb_39

   2 3 2gb_40
   2 4 2gb_40
   2 5 2gb_40
   1 3 2gb_47
   1 4 2gb_47
   1 5 2gb_47
   3 4 2gb_48
   3 5 2gb_48
   4 5 2gb_48

[ angles ]
;  aiajak funct  
   1 2 3 2  ga_43

   1 2 4 2  ga_43
   1 2 5 2  ga_43
   3 2 4 2  ga_44
   3 2 5 2  ga_44
   4 2 5 2  ga_44

I noticed that G53a5 includes 4 types of bond stretching terms specific for 
CHCl3 (C-Cl, C-H, H-Cl and Cl-Cl), therefore I specified all of them. Should 
all of these terms be harmonic bonds (function type 2) or some (e.g., the H-Cl 
and Cl-Cl terms) should be type 6 (as described in section 5.4 of the manual)? 
I tried with both types and I get the same minimized structure with the 
following topology and mdp files:

; Include forcefield parameters
#include "ffG53a5.itp"
#include "chcl3.itp"

[ system ]
; Name

[ molecules ]
; Compound#mols

integrator  =  cg
nsteps  =  5
;   Energy minimizing stuff
emtol   =  1e-5
emstep  =  0.01

;   Electrostatics
coulombtype =  cut-off
rcoulomb=  0
ns_type =  simple
nstlist =  0
rlist   =  0

;   vdW
rvdw=  0

;   PBC
pbc =  no

In the minimized structure, not all C-Cl distances are equivalent, although the 
minimization converges OK.

Any comments?

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-20 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Pablo Englebienne wrote:

Thanks for confirming this, Justin.

I decided not to use the user-contributed CHCl3 box because the topology 
is not consistent with the GROMOS atom types: the CH is united atom 
(although the mass is 12.01100, it should probably be 13.01900?), while 
in G53a5 there are parameters for C, H and Cl. Has someone ever used 
this box successfully?

I was able to equilibrate the box in NVT (100-200ps gives a stable 
simulation), although it exploded at constant pressure. After looking at 
some references on the mailing lists (both GMX and AMBER), I tried 
increasing tau_p from 2.0 to 5.0 and that yielded a stable 100 ps 
simulation, although the system later (continuing for further ~150 ps) 
started to oscillate wildly in temperature and pressure.

What is the effect of increasing tau_p? Besides making the dynamics 
stable, would changing its value affect the outcome of the simulation in 
any other way?

By increasing tau_p you are reducing the stringency of the pressure coupling, 
i.e. allowing the system to change a bit more between coordinate scaling.  By 
decreasing the frequency of coordinate scaling in extremis, you would lose the 
benefit of pressure coupling and achieve an NVT ensemble, with the box 
dimensions being essentially static.  In the case of a tau_p of 2.0 vs. 5.0, you 
should not have this problem.

If the provided box uses a united-atom CH, I would suspect it is not suitable 
for GROMOS96 parameters, as you have discovered.  In all G96 variants, the H is 
explicitly represented.  You might consider coming up with your own box.  Start 
with a coordinate file for one molecule, use genconf to generate a box, and 

If you want any further information about diagnosing the current problem, 
posting the .mdp file would be helpful.


Thanks again!
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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Re: Chloroform (CHCl3) solvent box for G53a5 force field

2009-10-20 Thread Pablo Englebienne

I'm trying to simulate a small molecule in a chloroform box using the
GROMOS G53a5 forcefield. I realized that the parameters for the  

are present in the ffG53a5.rtp file, however I could not find a CHCl3
solvent box included in GROMACS. I did find, however, a CHCl3 solvent
box equilibrated by PeiQuan Chen

I also saw mention of a box for the Amber forcefield, that is now
included in AmberTools (amber10/dat/solvents/cform/cform.pdb and
chcl3_equil.pdb.1). I took this one and I'm equilibrating it to use  


In the mean time, I wanted to know if I overlooked something, and  

is a CHCl3 box to use with the GROMOS forcefield?

Not one that is officially distributed.  If it was, it would be the
/share/gromacs/top subdirectory with other solvent topologies and  
Probably your best bet is to use the one in the User Contributions  

unless you feel the need to create your own and start from scratch.

Thanks for confirming this, Justin.

I decided not to use the user-contributed CHCl3 box because the  
topology is not consistent with the GROMOS atom types: the CH is  
united atom (although the mass is 12.01100, it should probably be  
13.01900?), while in G53a5 there are parameters for C, H and Cl. Has  
someone ever used this box successfully?

I was able to equilibrate the box in NVT (100-200ps gives a stable  
simulation), although it exploded at constant pressure. After looking  
at some references on the mailing lists (both GMX and AMBER), I tried  
increasing tau_p from 2.0 to 5.0 and that yielded a stable 100 ps  
simulation, although the system later (continuing for further ~150 ps)  
started to oscillate wildly in temperature and pressure.

What is the effect of increasing tau_p? Besides making the dynamics  
stable, would changing its value affect the outcome of the simulation  
in any other way?

Thanks again!
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