[gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-08 Thread Michel Cuendet


Thanks David, it helps when you know there is light at the end of the 

Using PME didn't have any effect, but using a full precision trajectory 
reproduced energies up to 5e-3 kJ/mol. So the imprecision of the xtc 
coordinates causes the inaccuracy of the energies, i.e. creates a 
systematic bias towards high energies. This can actually be explained by 
the fact that bonded potential energy functions have a positive second 
derivative, as well as the Lennard Jones potential in the region which 
contributes most to the total energy. It is easy to see that a random 
and symmetric noise epsilon on the position x (truncation error in the 
xtc file) gives values of U(x+epsilon) whose average is larger than U(x) 
if U''(x) > 0.

As far as I am concerned, I don't have the trr files anymore for my 
system. I can forget about accurate energies... But it's good to know 
that the effect exists, and can lead to biases of the order 2.5% on 
bonded energies with the xtc precision.


So I guess what I'm saying is that in principle you should be able to
get good energies with rerun. Maybe you should try and narrow down the
problem by doing some testing:
(a) Do some reprocessing with PME rather than RF to see if that helps.
(b) Do some reprocessing on full precision trajectories rather than
xtcs to rule out precision issues

Best wishes,

Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-07 Thread David Mobley

> By reactivating the barostat as mentioned below, I managed to recover LJ
> energies within 0.1% for my test system, which was a box of 1136 waters.
> So I applied the same thing to my system of interest (a 605 residue
> protein with around 25000 waters). The only difference is that the run
> was done with PME, and the rerun is done with RF, so I cannot compare
> electrostatics. For the other energies I get a systematic bias with
> respect to the original run, for example :
>- LJ :  70 +-50 kJ/mol higher than original  (0.05% of total)
>- g96 bonds : 160 +-60 kJ/mol higher than original (2.44% of total)
> These biases are very reproducible over many trajectories with this
> system. The LJ bias might be considered negligible as it is a small
> percentage of the total LJ energy. However, the g96 bond bias is
> surprising (bonds are present only in the protein). We expect that the
> inaccuracy of the xtc coordinates generates some random noise. But I
> don't understand how it could generate a systematic error of that
> magnitude (2.44%) ...
> I tried to change different parameters to trace the origin of this bias
> :  version of gmx, platform, huge compressibility, turning off the
> thermostats (for the g96 bond part), etc... Only turning the constraints
> off influenced the results, yielding an even higher bias towards higher
> g96 energies (210 +-60 kJ/mol).
> Have such inaccuracies been observed before with -rerun? Am I doing
> something wrong or is there no hope of recovering better energies with a
> rerun?

We routinely do reprocessing with the *same* settings we run with
(this is in the NVT ensemble, usually) and recover energies that are
very close (i.e. what one would expect from the trajectory precision).
Note this is using full precision trajectories, though. See for
example http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp0735987.

So I guess what I'm saying is that in principle you should be able to
get good energies with rerun. Maybe you should try and narrow down the
problem by doing some testing:
(a) Do some reprocessing with PME rather than RF to see if that helps.
(b) Do some reprocessing on full precision trajectories rather than
xtcs to rule out precision issues

Best wishes,

> Thanks,
> Michel
>  Original Message 
> Subject:Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
> Date:   Tue, 06 Nov 2007 14:12:29 +0100
> From:   Michel Cuendet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I think I got it :-) Using gmx 3.3.1 with the same thermostat and
> barostat settings as the original run, I get the right LJ energies
> within 0.1%. I used tcoupl and pcoupl = "no" because I somehow
> remembered that thermostats could do weird things when rerunning (see
> the old thread :
> http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-developers/2005-August/001290.html )
> But apparently the box is not reread form the trajectory if the pcoupl
> option is deactivated. It would be much safer for users if the
> appropriate options were automatically set when -rerun in invoked:
> nstlist = 1
> nstenergy = 1
> NO rescaling of velocities
> NO rescaling of box size
> Do read the box sizes from the trajectory
> Cheers,
> Michel
> ==
> Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
> Molecular Modeling Group
> Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
> CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
> www.isb-sib.ch/groups/Molecular_Modeling.htm
> ==
> --
> ==
> Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
> Molecular Modeling Group
> Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
> CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
> www.isb-sib.ch/groups/Molecular_Modeling.htm
> ==
> ___
> gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
> http://www.gromacs.org/mailman/listinfo/gmx-users
> Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
> Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use the
> www interface or send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-07 Thread Michel Cuendet

Dear all,

By reactivating the barostat as mentioned below, I managed to recover LJ 
energies within 0.1% for my test system, which was a box of 1136 waters. 
So I applied the same thing to my system of interest (a 605 residue 
protein with around 25000 waters). The only difference is that the run 
was done with PME, and the rerun is done with RF, so I cannot compare 
electrostatics. For the other energies I get a systematic bias with 
respect to the original run, for example :

  - LJ :  70 +-50 kJ/mol higher than original  (0.05% of total)
  - g96 bonds : 160 +-60 kJ/mol higher than original (2.44% of total)

These biases are very reproducible over many trajectories with this 
system. The LJ bias might be considered negligible as it is a small 
percentage of the total LJ energy. However, the g96 bond bias is 
surprising (bonds are present only in the protein). We expect that the 
inaccuracy of the xtc coordinates generates some random noise. But I 
don't understand how it could generate a systematic error of that 
magnitude (2.44%) ...

I tried to change different parameters to trace the origin of this bias 
:  version of gmx, platform, huge compressibility, turning off the 
thermostats (for the g96 bond part), etc... Only turning the constraints 
off influenced the results, yielding an even higher bias towards higher 
g96 energies (210 +-60 kJ/mol).

Have such inaccuracies been observed before with -rerun? Am I doing 
something wrong or is there no hope of recovering better energies with a 


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
Date:   Tue, 06 Nov 2007 14:12:29 +0100
From:   Michel Cuendet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I think I got it :-) Using gmx 3.3.1 with the same thermostat and 
barostat settings as the original run, I get the right LJ energies 
within 0.1%. I used tcoupl and pcoupl = "no" because I somehow 
remembered that thermostats could do weird things when rerunning (see 
the old thread : 
http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-developers/2005-August/001290.html )

But apparently the box is not reread form the trajectory if the pcoupl 
option is deactivated. It would be much safer for users if the 
appropriate options were automatically set when -rerun in invoked:

nstlist = 1
nstenergy = 1
NO rescaling of velocities
NO rescaling of box size
Do read the box sizes from the trajectory



Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

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RE: [gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-06 Thread Berk Hess

From: Michel Cuendet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Subject: [gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 15:26:54 +0100

Hi Berk,

Thanks for your reply.

The box is read, but in several parts of the code there are  optimizations
for fixed box dimensions (i.e. no pcoupl, no deform).
This is indeed a bit tricky, but I don't know if we would want to  change
for the rerun option.

Maybe the optimizations are not necessary for the rerun option, as  energy 
evaluations usually involve a limited number of frames. I  think that the 
box sizes should really be read from the traj. The  present behavior seems 
dangerous (I almost wasted a week of work  figuring it out, and some users 
might never double check...)

The optimizations are certainly not necessary, but currently the information
that we are doing a rerun is not passed on to any routine except for
the main loop. We would have to pass this information along.

We do want scaling of velocties, since this influences the kinetic  

also for reruns.

I never understood this one. The kinetic energy at step N should  depend 
only on the velocities at time step N. If a frame in the  trajectory 
contains the positions and velocities at time step N as it  should, no 
rescaling is necessary.

If on the other hand only velocities at step N-1/2 are saved,  velocities 
at step N+1/2 would have to be calculated in order to get  accurate kinetic 
energy at step N. In this case, rescaling indeed  needs to take place. But 
the rescaling will be nonsense if a Nosé- Hoover thermostat is used, since 
the thermostat momentum is not read  from the trajectory. If this is the 
case, there should be a large  warning sign when using -rerun with 
Nosé-Hoover. A solution would be  to output the kinetic energy at time step 
 N-1/2 during the rerun,  which is in any case more accurate than the one 
at step N, and is  just as good for statistics.

Ekin[t] = (Ekin[t-dt/2]+Ekin[t+dt/2])/2
This currently indeed goes wrong with Nose-Hoover, since the current
trajectory formats can not store the Nose-Hoover variables.
The kinetic energy at half steps does not match the potential energy
at the full step for calculating the total energy.

In general we do not want anything different to happen during an rerun
than would happen during a normal run, exactly to avoid discrepancies
between normal runs and reruns. Therefore we would like to avoid
passing along the rerun info deeping into the code.

See a paper coming soon in JCP:
M. M. A. Cuendet and W. F. van Gunsteren, On the calculation of  
velocity-dependent properties in molecular dynamics simulations using  the 
leap-frog integration algorithm, J. Chem. Phys. (in print) (2007).

We could consider using nstenergy=1 for rerun, but I think that  currently
you should already get the energy as often as for the original run,  

you use a trajectory without step numbers (e.g. pdb).

This is good, but without nstenergy=1 the averages are wrong in  md.log and 
at the end of the run.

This is a nasty issue that we still have not fixed. We should fix this,
but things are complicated due to the way the averages and fluctations
are stored.


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[gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-06 Thread Michel Cuendet

Hi Berk,

Thanks for your reply.

The box is read, but in several parts of the code there are  

for fixed box dimensions (i.e. no pcoupl, no deform).
This is indeed a bit tricky, but I don't know if we would want to  

for the rerun option.

Maybe the optimizations are not necessary for the rerun option, as  
energy evaluations usually involve a limited number of frames. I  
think that the box sizes should really be read from the traj. The  
present behavior seems dangerous (I almost wasted a week of work  
figuring it out, and some users might never double check...)

We do want scaling of velocties, since this influences the kinetic  

also for reruns.

I never understood this one. The kinetic energy at step N should  
depend only on the velocities at time step N. If a frame in the  
trajectory contains the positions and velocities at time step N as it  
should, no rescaling is necessary.

If on the other hand only velocities at step N-1/2 are saved,  
velocities at step N+1/2 would have to be calculated in order to get  
accurate kinetic energy at step N. In this case, rescaling indeed  
needs to take place. But the rescaling will be nonsense if a Nosé- 
Hoover thermostat is used, since the thermostat momentum is not read  
from the trajectory. If this is the case, there should be a large  
warning sign when using -rerun with Nosé-Hoover. A solution would be  
to output the kinetic energy at time step  N-1/2 during the rerun,  
which is in any case more accurate than the one at step N, and is  
just as good for statistics.

See a paper coming soon in JCP:
M. M. A. Cuendet and W. F. van Gunsteren, On the calculation of  
velocity-dependent properties in molecular dynamics simulations using  
the leap-frog integration algorithm, J. Chem. Phys. (in print) (2007).

We could consider using nstenergy=1 for rerun, but I think that  
you should already get the energy as often as for the original run,  

you use a trajectory without step numbers (e.g. pdb).

This is good, but without nstenergy=1 the averages are wrong in  
md.log and at the end of the run.


Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne

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RE: [gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-06 Thread Berk Hess

From: Michel Cuendet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
To: gmx-users@gromacs.org
Subject: [gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 14:12:29 +0100


I think I got it :-) Using gmx 3.3.1 with the same thermostat and barostat 
settings as the original run, I get the right LJ energies within 0.1%. I 
used tcoupl and pcoupl = "no" because I somehow remembered that thermostats 
could do weird things when rerunning (see the old thread : 
http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-developers/2005-August/001290.html )

But apparently the box is not reread form the trajectory if the pcoupl 
option is deactivated. It would be much safer for users if the appropriate 
options were automatically set when -rerun in invoked:

nstlist = 1
nstenergy = 1
NO rescaling of velocities
NO rescaling of box size
Do read the box sizes from the trajectory



The box is read, but in several parts of the code there are optimizations
for fixed box dimensions (i.e. no pcoupl, no deform).
This is indeed a bit tricky, but I don't know if we would want to change 

for the rerun option.

We do want scaling of velocties, since this influences the kinetic energy,
also for reruns.

Neighbor searching is already performed every step, independent of nstlist.
We could consider using nstenergy=1 for rerun, but I think that currently
you should already get the energy as often as for the original run, unless
you use a trajectory without step numbers (e.g. pdb).


Live Search, for accurate results! http://www.live.nl

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[gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-06 Thread Michel Cuendet


I think I got it :-) Using gmx 3.3.1 with the same thermostat and 
barostat settings as the original run, I get the right LJ energies 
within 0.1%. I used tcoupl and pcoupl = "no" because I somehow 
remembered that thermostats could do weird things when rerunning (see 
the old thread : 
http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-developers/2005-August/001290.html )

But apparently the box is not reread form the trajectory if the pcoupl 
option is deactivated. It would be much safer for users if the 
appropriate options were automatically set when -rerun in invoked:

nstlist = 1
nstenergy = 1
NO rescaling of velocities
NO rescaling of box size
Do read the box sizes from the trajectory



Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Description: PostScript document
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[gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-06 Thread Michel Cuendet

Dear David and Berk,

I have performed further tests on a box of 1136 waters with one sodium 
atom, to see if mdrun -rerun was able to reproduce the Lennard-Jones 
energies calculated during the run from frames stored in an xtc 
trajectory. I used three .gro files with grompp :

   - confin.gro, corresponds to step 0
   - smallbox.gro, smaller box size
   - bigbox.gro, very large box size
I checked the behavior of gromacs 3.3.0 with the bug fix provided in 
bugzilla (3.3.0_patch) and gromacs 3.3.1. Here are my observations:

1) Neither 3.3.0_patch nor 3.3.1 reproduce the LJ energies of the run.
2) 3.3.0_patch gives results that are independent of the .gro file.
3) 3.3.1 results depend on the .gro file. A small box makes energies 
4) 3.3.1 with a .gro corresponding to the initial condition gives the 
same results as 3.3.0_patch.
5) 3.3.1 with a very large box (no interaction between images ?) gives a 
good correlation with the run.

I attach an eps figure illustrating the points above. The deviations 
between 3.3.0_patch and the energies from the run are about 8% of the 
total value, which can not be explained by the imprecisions of the 
positions in the .xtc file.

Below is the .mdp file that I used for the run. For the rerun, I changed 
nstlist and nstenergy to 1. I also set tcoupl and pcoupl to "no".

Tell me what you think about this. I am puzzled, especially about the 
behavior of 3.3.1 with confin.gro . Also point (5) above hints to the 
fact that LJ interactions between images are handeled wrongly by both 
3.3.0_patch and 3.3.1.


title= Na
cpp  = /lib/cpp
include  = -I../top
integrator   = md
dt   = 0.001
nsteps   = 10
comm_mode   = Linear
nstcomm = 1
comm_grps   = System

nstxout  = 1
nstvout  = 0
nstlog   = 1000
nstenergy= 1000
nstxtcout= 1000
xtc-grps = System

nstlist  = 5
ns_type  = grid
rlist= 0.8
coulombtype  = reaction-field
rcoulomb = 1.4
epsilon_rf   = 80
vdw-type = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4

tcoupl   = nose-hoover
tc-grps  = System
tau_t= 0.15
ref_t= 300
Pcoupl   = parrinello-rahman
tau_p= 0.5
compressibility  = 4.5e-5
ref_p= 1.0

gen_vel  = no
gen_temp = 300
gen_seed = 173529

Dear David and Berk,

I am investigating further to understand why I don't get the same 
energies with -rerun. I will report next week.

Thanks for your replies,


I just checked the 3.3.1 source code in md.c and the box is copied

from the xtc file.

I don't know where your problems could come from.




From: "David Mobley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 06:12:56 -0700

Dear Michel,

Are you sure you're using 3.3.1? I have not checked this specific
issue -- but I have checked that if I run hydration free energy
calculations in patched 3.3.0, and again in patched 3.3.1, and do my
usual free energy analysis using mdrun -rerun, I get the same values.
That either tells me that (a) the patch is in 3.3.1 also, or possibly
(b) that the problem is small enough for hydration free energies that
I'm missing it.

Anyway, hopefully (a) is true, otherwise I'm going to need to repeat a
LOT of work (and be very grumpy). Keep me posted on this.



Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Description: PostScript document
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-02 Thread David van der Spoel

Michel Cuendet wrote:

Dear David and Berk,

I am investigating further to understand why I don't get the same 
energies with -rerun. I will report next week.

if you are using xtc files you will never get the same energies as in 
the original run because of the reduced precision in these files.

Thanks for your replies,

I just checked the 3.3.1 source code in md.c and the box is copied
from the xtc file.
I don't know where your problems could come from.



From: "David Mobley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 06:12:56 -0700

Dear Michel,

Are you sure you're using 3.3.1? I have not checked this specific
issue -- but I have checked that if I run hydration free energy
calculations in patched 3.3.0, and again in patched 3.3.1, and do my
usual free energy analysis using mdrun -rerun, I get the same values.
That either tells me that (a) the patch is in 3.3.1 also, or possibly
(b) that the problem is small enough for hydration free energies that
I'm missing it.

Anyway, hopefully (a) is true, otherwise I'm going to need to repeat a
LOT of work (and be very grumpy). Keep me posted on this.


Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


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David van der Spoel, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Molecular Biophysics group,
Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University.
Husargatan 3, Box 596,  75124 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:  46 18 471 4205  fax: 46 18 511 755
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://folding.bmc.uu.se

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Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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[gmx-users] Re: mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?

2007-11-02 Thread Michel Cuendet

Dear David and Berk,

I am investigating further to understand why I don't get the same 
energies with -rerun. I will report next week.

Thanks for your replies,

I just checked the 3.3.1 source code in md.c and the box is copied
from the xtc file.
I don't know where your problems could come from.



From: "David Mobley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] mdrun -rerun and box size bug not fixed?
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 06:12:56 -0700

Dear Michel,

Are you sure you're using 3.3.1? I have not checked this specific
issue -- but I have checked that if I run hydration free energy
calculations in patched 3.3.0, and again in patched 3.3.1, and do my
usual free energy analysis using mdrun -rerun, I get the same values.
That either tells me that (a) the patch is in 3.3.1 also, or possibly
(b) that the problem is small enough for hydration free energies that
I'm missing it.

Anyway, hopefully (a) is true, otherwise I'm going to need to repeat a
LOT of work (and be very grumpy). Keep me posted on this.


Michel Cuendet, Ph.D
Molecular Modeling Group
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/search before posting!
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