Re: [gmx-users] Fatal error: In the chosen force field there is no residue type for 'GLN' as a starting terminus

2012-11-18 Thread David van der Spoel

On 2012-11-18 10:40, Atila Petrosian wrote:

Dear David

Thanks for your attention.

I have 2 problems/questions:

1) There are a specific orientation for GLN ligand with regard to protein
in my system. If I do what you said [you make a separate molecule Gln-Ala
using pymol or vmd], specific orientation for GLN ligand with regard to
protein are changed.

no since you only use the procedure for the topology creation.

2) topology obtained from NGLN-CALA is as follows:

[ moleculetype ]
; Namenrexcl
Protein 3

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
typeBchargeB  massB
; residue   1 GLN rtp NGLN q +1.0
  1 N3  1GLN  N  1 0.1493  14.01   ;
qtot 0.1493
  2  H  1GLN H1  2 0.1996  1.008   ;
qtot 0.3489
  3  H  1GLN H2  3 0.1996  1.008   ;
qtot 0.5485
  4  H  1GLN H3  4 0.1996  1.008   ;
qtot 0.7481
  5 CT  1GLN CA  5 0.0536  12.01   ;
qtot 0.8017
  6 HP  1GLN HA  6 0.1015  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9032
  7 CT  1GLN CB  7 0.0651  12.01   ;
qtot 0.9683
  8 HC  1GLNHB1  8  0.005  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9733
  9 HC  1GLNHB2  9  0.005  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9783
 10 CT  1GLN CG 10-0.0903  12.01   ;
qtot 0.888
 11 HC  1GLNHG1 11 0.0331  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9211
 12 HC  1GLNHG2 12 0.0331  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9542
 13  C  1GLN CD 13 0.7354  12.01   ;
qtot 1.69
 14  O  1GLNOE1 14-0.6133 16   ;
qtot 1.076
 15  N  1GLNNE2 15-1.0031  14.01   ;
qtot 0.0732
 16  H  1GLN   HE21 16 0.4429  1.008   ;
qtot 0.5161
 17  H  1GLN   HE22 17 0.4429  1.008   ;
qtot 0.959
 18  C  1GLN  C 18 0.6123  12.01   ;
qtot 1.571
 19  O  1GLN  O 19-0.5713 16   ;
qtot 1
; residue   2 ALA rtp CALA q -1.0
 20  N  2ALA  N 20-0.3821  14.01   ;
qtot 0.6179
 21  H  2ALA  H 21 0.2681  1.008   ;
qtot 0.886
 22 CT  2ALA CA 22-0.1747  12.01   ;
qtot 0.7113
 23 H1  2ALA HA 23 0.1067  1.008   ;
qtot 0.818
 24 CT  2ALA CB 24-0.2093  12.01   ;
qtot 0.6087
 25 HC  2ALAHB1 25 0.0764  1.008   ;
qtot 0.6851
 26 HC  2ALAHB2 26 0.0764  1.008   ;
qtot 0.7615
 27 HC  2ALAHB3 27 0.0764  1.008   ;
qtot 0.8379
 28  C  2ALA  C 28 0.7731  12.01   ;
qtot 1.611
 29 O2  2ALAOC1 29-0.8055 16   ;
qtot 0.8055
 30 O2  2ALAOC2 30-0.8055 16   ;
qtot 0

You said  Then you edit the top file (remove superfluous alanine atoms,
rename the N in ALA to O2 etc) with a text editor until it is correct
with help from the rtp file for CGLN. You may have to smooth the charges to
keep it neutral 

In ALA residue, all atoms except for N are redundant atoms. After removing
them and renaming N in ALA to O2, what remains in top file?
Both of NGLN and CALA or only NGLN?

If latter is true,

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr charge   mass
typeBchargeB  massB
; residue   1 GLN rtp GLN q  0.0
  1 N3  1GLN  N  1 0.1493  14.01   ;
qtot 0.1493
  2  H  1GLN H1  2 0.1996  1.008   ;
qtot 0.3489
  3  H  1GLN H2  3 0.1996  1.008   ;
qtot 0.5485
  4  H  1GLN H3  4 0.1996  1.008   ;
qtot 0.7481
  5 CT  1GLN CA  5 0.0536  12.01   ;
qtot 0.8017
  6 HP  1GLN HA  6 0.1015  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9032
  7 CT  1GLN CB  7 0.0651  12.01   ;
qtot 0.9683
  8 HC  1GLNHB1  8  0.005  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9733
  9 HC  1GLNHB2  9  0.005  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9783
 10 CT  1GLN CG 10-0.0903  12.01   ;
qtot 0.888
 11 HC  1GLNHG1 11 0.0331  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9211
 12 HC  1GLNHG2 12 0.0331  1.008   ;
qtot 0.9542
 13  C  1GLN CD 13 0.7354  12.01   ;
qtot 1.69
 14  O  1GLNOE1 14-0.6133 16   ;

Re: [gmx-users] Fatal error: In the chosen force field there is no residue type for 'GLN' as a starting terminus

2012-11-17 Thread David van der Spoel

On 2012-11-17 15:37, Atila Petrosian wrote:

Hi all.

After using amber03 force field for protein-ligand simulation (pdb2gmx), I
encountered with following error:

Fatal error:
In the chosen force field there is no residue type for 'GLN' as a starting

Ligand in my system is a single residue (GLN). There are [GLN], [NGLN] and
[CGLN] in rtp file of amber03 force field. Should this single residue be as
both of [NGLN] and [CGLN]?

How to fix this error?

Any help will highly appreciated.

Manually making a toplogy is your best best. Add an alanine after the 
gln then in the top file rename and remove atoms.
GAFF is an alternative but it will not give you exactly the same charges 
and LJ parameters.

David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205.
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Re: [gmx-users] Fatal error: In the chosen force field there is no residue type for 'GLN' as a starting terminus

2012-11-17 Thread David van der Spoel

On 2012-11-17 16:26, Atila Petrosian wrote:

Dear David

Thanks for your quick reply.

You said Add an alanine after the gln then in the top file rename and
remove atoms.

I confused. Why ALA? ALA (alanine) is a residue which is very simple than
GLN structurally.

I should add alanine after the gln. But in which file?

you make a separate molecule Gln-Ala using pymol or vmd and then run it 
through pdb2gmx, this will give you NGLN-CALA. Then you edit the top 
file (remove superfluous alanine atoms, rename the N in ALA to O2 etc) 
with a text editor until it is correct with help from the rtp file for 
CGLN. You may have to smooth the charges to keep it neutral.

David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Dept. of Cell  Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:  +46184714205.
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